The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1415: Trace light marks

The colonial star’s anti-riot device is no stranger to Leo. After he came out of the manufacturing plant, the first task he received was to go to a remote colonial star of the Earth Federation to suppress the riot. This was the one that was used at the time to make people coma. , But it will not cause substantial harm to people.

This riot control device is not unique to the Earth Federation, but the shape of this bracelet is unique to the Earth Federation, and this device is almost standard for the Earth Federation ground police system. Almost all police officers are equipped with one. Such a bracelet, so it is not uncommon for people in this world to have such a bracelet. After all, the Otter Federation has discovered the space shuttle of the colonial fleet.

However, Leo was a little surprised that the people here can use this bracelet, because the anti-storm halo has been bound to the user's genetic sequence from the moment it leaves the factory, and only the bound person can use it normally. This kind of bracelet, otherwise others will only trigger the bracelet's defense mechanism.

Therefore, even if the user leaves the police system, the bracelet will still be taken away by the user and will not be left for others to use, but before taking it away, a special device must be used to completely scale the attack module of the bracelet. Leo completed the first During this mission, he also took away his riot control bracelet, and has been kept by him as a souvenir.

Now there are people here who can use this anti-violence halo. Then there are only two possibilities. One is that this kind of bracelet is newly made, and the user’s genetic sequence is bound to it after being made. All the modules of the bracelet are also Therefore, it can be used normally. The other is that the bracelet is a product of the previous Earth Federation and was discovered, and then found a way to crack the core program of the bracelet so that the bracelet can be used by anyone.

Compared with the first possibility, Leo thinks the second possibility is higher, and the person who hacks this device does not have to be a person from the current world, but may also be a person from the Earth Federation in the past. The broken bracelet has been preserved until now it is discovered by others and continues to be used.

"Is this a product from the stars?" Sylvia asked as Leo was thinking about the origin of the town's halo.

Leo nodded when he heard this.

"Is this something easy to deal with?" In her impression, this mysterious object from the starry sky has all kinds of magical abilities, but it is also weird and elusive. Without knowing the details, she met her. It may not be possible to avoid attacks by such things when it arrives.

Leo thought for a while and said, "This thing is easy to deal with, just close your eyes."

The principle of the anti-violence aura is very simple. It uses the special frequency of light to cause the nerves of humans or other humanoids to enter a vertigo state, and eventually pass out. The method to deal with it is also very simple. Just close your eyes and prevent light from entering. The eyes are fine.

Although the method is simple, it is not easy to put them among the people who launched the riots on the colonial star, because the moment they close their eyes, they are in a passive state of being beaten. Anti-riot weapon uniforms such as shock bombs.

However, for Leo, Sylvia and Petunia, closing their eyes will not have any effect on their actions. Whether it is their own perception or other extraordinary powers, it can make them open their eyes. .

After learning how to deal with Violence Halo, Sylvia didn't take the matter to heart anymore, and then asked Petunia: "Where is Joanne now? Are you not locked up together?"

"No, I don't know where he is now." Petistan shook his head quickly and said: "I was already here when I woke up, and my psychic energy was completely suppressed, and I couldn't use any techniques. ."

Leo said solemnly: "He should be still in the dungeon, he should be able to find it after a look."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the cell, and walked to the rest of the dungeon, where Sylvia and Petunia followed.

The dungeon is not very big. Soon the group of people searched for the last cell, but it was confusing that Qiao Ann was not in any of them.

Seeing this, Leo returned to the rest room of the original dungeon guards, directly controlled a guard leader, and asked him about Qiao'an's whereabouts.

As a result, Leo and the others were a little surprised, because Joan was not in the dungeon, or there was no one named Joan in the dungeon. The person who sent him with Petunia was another blasphemer, and Petunia was sent. The reason for coming to the dungeon was to attack the bishop.

"Have you attacked the bishop of Daru Church?" After receiving this message, Sylvia turned to ask Petunia.

Petunia shook her head blankly.

Leo thought for a while, then asked the guard leader in a deep voice, "Which bishop did she attack?"

"Yes..." Facing the question, the guard leader wanted to answer, but couldn't find the answer. He stood there blankly, as if his body was frozen.

"It seems that his memory has been tampered with." Leo said solemnly: "Not only him, but the people who have seen Petunia in the Dalu Church probably have their memories more or less tampered with."

In order to confirm his guess, Leo controlled the church knight who took them into the dungeon, and then asked the church knight who escorted Penny and the blasphemer into the dungeon.

And when the church knight wanted to answer the same as the guard leader, he couldn't find the answer and froze in place.

"It seems that our judgment just now was wrong. The other party was not for the rebirth of the abyss superiors at all, nor did they want to induce us to do anything. They came at Qiao'an." Sylvia's face was a little gloomy, and a little bit gloomy. Doubtfully said: "What is worthy of them in Qiao An?"

"Ability-like cell." Leo thought for a while, and said solemnly.

Sylvia nodded in agreement.

Leo continued: "No matter what, I'll find Qiao Ann before talking."

Sylvia asked: "How to find, our clues are all broken."

"No, the important clue just appeared." Leo said as he looked at Petunia who was blank.

Sylvia questioned: "She? Doesn't she know nothing?"

"She just didn't know that the other party left important clues on her." Leo spoke, then raised his hand to activate the universal recorder on the wrist, entered the spectral scanning module, and began to scan Penny's body, explaining at the same time: "The light used by the anti-exposure halo is very special. This kind of light will not disappear immediately. They will stay on the object illuminated by the light for a long time in the form of a special frequency of light particles, and this light particle can also When the object is moving, it will leave a light mark in the air, and this light mark will stay for at least ten days."

After speaking, I saw a very obvious light trace on the scanning spectrum of the universal recorder. This light trace was suspended in the air, showing a vague figure, which could be vaguely seen as Petunia.

After the light marks were formed, Leo walked out of the dungeon along the light marks, and then walked out of the Daru Temple from the same road where Petunia was brought, Sylvia and Petunia followed closely behind.

Just like when they came in, under the help of Leo and Sylvia, the church knights, church armed and other high-level clergy in the temple all turned a blind eye to the three. They also left the temple smoothly and walked down. The stairs came back to the small square under the stairs.

Here, the light traces of scanning reality are transferred to the carriage that Leo tracked before, and the traces of the carriage on the road can be clearly seen, but because of the obstruction of the carriage, the light traces are blurred a lot, but they are still eye-catching. .

When Leo was about to continue tracking, he suddenly sensed that the Daru divine power contained in the Daru Temple behind him had changed, from blurring and distracting to staring and sturdy, and Sylvia on the side was also concerned about this change. In response, the two stopped at the same time, and looked at the Dalu Temple behind them.

I saw that in the eyes of Leo and Sylvia, the incarnation of Daru that enveloped the entire temple quickly condensed from a vague and constantly changing shape into the fishtail shape of the human body previously seen in the temple, and its head was not The brazier is a silver-blue flame. Although it is a flame, people who see it feel an extremely deep cold that seems to freeze the soul.

In Daru’s teachings, Daru is not only the redeemer of shipwrecked people, but also the extradition of all those who died at sea. It is He who extradited those souls trapped in the depths of the ocean after death to the final soul. The land, so in Daru’s divine power, there is a strong force that is aimed at the soul or the level of spiritual consciousness.

Both Leo and Sylvia knew that at this moment Daru's consciousness had descended into his temple. Although Daru's power had not reached the level of true gods, it still brought a certain amount of pressure to Leo and Sylvia.

Although Daru does not have a head, Leo and Sylvia can still clearly feel that their gaze is falling on them, and they can also find that Daru’s focus is not on Leo, but on Sylvia. Lu also drove the avatar to stretch out a tentacle towards Sylvia, as if he wanted to write something to Sylvia.

However, I don’t know whether it was the reaction caused by this action, or the stress effect caused by the trace of the abyssal breath in Dalu’s divine power. In short, the bloodline of the abyssal dragon on Sylvia was instantly stimulated and exploded, and the power of the dragon was condensed in On top of her head, her body turned into an abyssal dragon phantom. The dragon phantom bit off the stretched tentacles and swallowed it. Then, like a dissatisfaction and a demonstration, it directed towards the incarnation of Daru. Silent roar.

Although the roar of the abyssal dragon is silent, its power is indeed real. Daru himself may be stronger than Sylvia, but his incarnation attached to the temple and relied on the power of the faith of the believers is not the power of the abyssal dragon at all. At the moment when the Devil Dragon roared, the avatar that had just been condensed and formed seemed to have encountered the light smoke of a storm, and was blown away without a trace.

At the same time, the aftermath of the power of the abyssal dragon also broke out centered on Sylvia, instantly making everyone around the Daru Temple comatose, including the knights and clergy in the temple.

Only Sylvia, Leo, and Petunia, who were protected by Leo's power, stood alone in the square, surrounded by unconscious people, which looked particularly eye-catching.

"It looks like you are being stared at by that guy." Leo didn't appear too worried, but there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"It doesn't matter who is looking at who." The match just now seemed to give Sylvia a lot of confidence. She chuckled, and then also with a hint of joking, said: "Are you interested in hunting? Gods?"

Although the tone sounds like a joke, Leo could feel that Sylvia really had such an idea. He did not object to this, but nodded slightly, then looked around, indicating that he was not saying now. These times.

At this time, Petunia still looked at her surroundings blankly. She didn’t know what happened just now. She just knew that everyone around her was lying on the ground in the blink of an eye. Breathing up and down, maybe she mistakenly thought that everyone around was dead.

Before Petunia recovered from the surrounding anomalies, she was held by Sylvia, followed behind Leo, and walked along the road to the city.

There was such a big movement in the Dalu Temple, which was naturally noticed by other people. Sylvia’s magic dragon's power range did not spread to the side of the fork road square, and the people over there found people not far away. Suddenly all of them fainted and panicked, but no one dared to come forward to check the situation. Some calm people immediately went to the mission church of the nearby Daru Church, or other church sites, and places where public security is managed throughout the city. Report the situation here.

Just when these people were panicked because of the abnormal conditions of the Dalu Temple, they did not notice that three people were walking along the road leading to the Dalu Temple. In the bustling crowd in the square, only a few people seemed to perceive something, and looked at the place that felt wrong, but found nothing worthy of attention.

Although Sylvia’s Abyssal Spell is a bit dynamic, anyone with a slightly sensitive perception can feel the aura of the abyssal power, but it produces very good effects, and it can easily conceal the movements of the three of them from memory. , Even if someone notices the abnormality, it cannot prevent this shielding effect.

The group of people came to the fork in the road, and the light traces in front of them were still obvious, but Leo was slightly surprised that the light traces did not lead to the black city, but still led the way to the dock area.

Seeing this, Leo didn't think too much, and continued to walk along Porter Avenue towards the dock area, and finally came to the place where Petunia and Joan were involved.

After arriving outside the alley, Petunia was trying to say something, but Leo reached out her hand to stop it, and Leo turned around after looking at the scan and analysis of the universal recorder on her wrist, and continued along the other side. A light trace walked toward the depths of the dock area, and quickly passed through the dock area, transferred to Shengbai Avenue, and entered Baicheng District.

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