The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1409: Black and White City

Although it is not clear who built the Port of Sainte-Pelia, it does not prevent people from using this magnificent port city. The sovereignty of this city.

It’s just that the country’s maritime power is too weak. Before it could transport its population to the port of Saint-Pelia, the city was immediately robbed by other maritime powers that came after hearing the news, and even transported them from behind. Those populations also became slaves.

After that, the city changed hands several times between various maritime powers and pirates, and the ethnic groups and nationalities of urban residents became very chaotic. In the end, it was operated by five underground powers that controlled the city's five districts and three nobles who controlled the real power of the city. Next, the city was completely separated from the control of those maritime powers and powerful pirates, and became an independent city-state.

In the following decades, this city has experienced several wars caused by foreign forces. The residents of the city, who were originally like scattered sand, have also become united and become a whole under the temper of the war, and those who try to occupy The various external forces in this city have also stubbornly resisted again and again in the Port of Sainte-Pelia, agreeing with the city's system.

The people who rule the Port of Saint-Pelia are no longer the first powers and noble families that established the city. The first eight city families have long since disappeared in the subsequent power struggles. Now they are ruling Saint-Pelia. There are only two forces, one is the church and the other is the chamber of commerce.

Unlike the forbidden church of Nice City’s involvement in the city’s government affairs, Port Sainte-Pelia has had churches participating in city politics and military affairs from the very beginning. The three are also inextricably linked to the church.

Later, in the war between Port Saint-Pelia and other forces, the church also played a very important role. Whether it was encouraging people’s hearts or logistical supplies, it was the driving force to support Port-Saint-Pelia’s persistence. A ecclesiastical force that supports Port Saint-Pelia has personally sent church knights to participate in several battles, showing their attitude. In the end, the system and status of Port Saint-Pelia can be recognized, and it has nothing to do with this.

Later, during several power struggles within the Port of Sainte-Pelia, the first few church forces that entered the port gradually infiltrated the city council. Finally, after the heirs of the last city family left the port of Sainte-Pelia, they took control. Half of the city council seats dominate the city's government affairs and also control the city defense forces, so the city defense forces in Port Sainte-Pelia are almost all church soldiers and knights.

   As for the other half of the city council seats, the city chamber of commerce in the port of Sainte-Pelia took up.

The full name of this city chamber of commerce is the Saint-Pelia City Chamber of Commerce Alliance. It mainly consists of five large chambers of commerce and a dozen small chambers of commerce. They control the commercial activities of the entire city and most of the shipping routes related to the Port of Saint-Pelia. , So they also control all the navy in the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

   What is interesting is that all the franchised chambers of the city chamber of commerce are not the local chambers of commerce in Port Sainte-Pelia. They are all foreign chambers of commerce that have become so-called local chambers of commerce through the shell of certain local chambers of commerce.

   For example, the Rand Chamber of Commerce, which controls four trade routes and owns 20 freight ships, is a subsidiary of the New World shipping giant Rand Group.

It is precisely because of this that even after the prosperity and decline brought by the Liszt River, the Port of Saint-Pelia can still maintain a certain degree of prosperity, but it has not been completely abandoned. For people, these chambers of commerce love and hate in their hearts. Love is because of the prosperity of the city. Most of the citizens’ salaries and various commodities come from these chambers of commerce, and hate is because these chambers of commerce do not belong to them, nor do they belong to their cities. .

As the carriage carrying Leo and their carriage approached a little bit, the church emblem on the outer wall of the port of Saint-Pelia and the arch of the city gate also came into the eyes of everyone. This emblem is no stranger to Leo and Sylvia. , Is the emblem of the Temple of Spring Water.

Just like other places in the New World, the Spring Water Temple is also the most important church in the Port of Saint-Pelia, because both the daily water of the residents of the Port of Saint-Pelia and the supply of drinking water from the ships need to rely on the Saint-Pelia. The temple makes clean drinking water.

Regardless of the Liszt Marsh, there is water everywhere, but those are saline-alkali water, which is not edible. Even if filtered by other methods, the filtered water will still contain some toxins that cannot be eliminated. Drink this water once or twice. It’s not a problem, but if you drink it for a long time, you will get a kind of water rust, your skin will be dry, your muscles will atrophy, and you will be extremely thirsty, you need to drink water constantly, as long as you don’t drink water for an hour, you will be thirsty And death is extremely painful at death.

Therefore, the church that was stationed in Port Saint-Pelia at that time was the Spring Water Temple, and the Spring Water Temple also occupies 20 seats in the city council of Saint-Pelia Port. Although it is not the most in terms of the number of seats, These twenty seats are all very important, such as the speaker of the parliament, the supervisor of the parliament, and so on. The influence on the entire port city is definitely the largest church.

It is precisely because of this that, in recognition of the contribution of the Spring Water Temple to the entire Port of Sainte-Pelia, all the city gates have been engraved with the Spring Water Temple badge, and there is even a spring water similar to a landscape fountain built inside the city wall. Small altar.

   I don’t know when the habit was formed. Everyone who enters the port of Sainte-Pelia will stay beside this small spring water altar, wash their hands with the spring water sprayed from the stone carving of the water bottle, and wipe down the face.

   In this regard, Leo, Sylvia, and Petunia also went to the countryside to do what they were doing. After entering the city, they also came to the pool to clean their hands.

   However, Qiao An didn't get close to the pool, because he would feel uncomfortable when he was close to the pool. Obviously, this water purification fountain made by magical arts had some inhibitory effect on the Imitation Ability God cells on Qiao An's body.

The moment Leo entered the city, he had already scanned the entire Port of Saint-Pelia through the Spirit Web, and after receiving the feedback, he instantly figured out one thing, that is, the entire Port of Saint-Pelia is definitely not like this. What the people of the world built is not necessarily built by the gods, but it is very likely the product of the Earth Federation's technology.

The reason why he had this judgment is because the original main building of the entire Saint-Pelia Port was carved from a whole white stone mountain, which means that the main building is a whole, not as it seems on the surface. What got up was just a single building.

This construction model comes from a medium alien civilization race. This race invented an energy beam weapon that can soften most of the solid materials in the universe. They used this technology to transform a whole piece of metal into An unassembled spacecraft.

  The Earth Federation later acquired part of the technology of this energy beam weapon, and then improved it into a special construction tool that the army can quickly build an operational base on the front line.

   A team of fifty people with this construction tool can transform a mountain or a plain underground into a complete base with enough space in half a day.

Although Leo has never been in contact with this tool because it is defined as a highly classified tool by the Earth Federation, Leo has been in a base built with this tool for a long time, and it is not just a base, so he is right The buildings built with this tool are very familiar. When he scanned the Port of Sainte-Pelia from the Spiritual Web, he instantly thought of the bases he had stayed in.

Because he has seen the space capsule in the Otter Federation, even if he now sees a city that may be built with the technology of the Earth Federation, he will not feel too surprised. The only thing he is curious about is who built it. This city, why can he use which tools, and what is his purpose for building this city?

After all kinds of questions flashed in Leo’s mind, he was buried in his heart. He did not intend to speak out, and he did not intend to conduct more in-depth exploration. He just regarded this as a result of this journey. Xiao Bolan, unless a clue came to him, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​actively looking for things.

After cleaning their hands in the pool, the young couple enthusiastically led Leo to the hotel opened by their family chamber of commerce, and when they heard that Leo and the others came to the port of Sainte-Pelia for the first time, they also kindly ordered the coachman. Walk along the most famous scenic routes in the city, so that Leo and the others can see all the famous landscapes of the Port of Sainte-Pelia at one time.

   The Port of Sainte-Pelia is divided into the old city and the new city according to the different buildings, but the locals prefer to call it the white city and the black city.

As the name suggests, Baicheng District is the main body of the city built along the coastline, and it is also the most primitive Baibi Shicheng District. Although the architectural style of this district is too old and outdated by now, it will destroy the main style of the entire city. Therefore, long ago, the city council stipulated that this area was not allowed to undergo any transformation, even if the church was stationed here, it could only adjust the style of its own church according to the architectural style here.

For example, the Spring Water Temple generally digs a pool at the entrance of the temple, and then fills it with water. However, the Spring Water Temple in the Port of Sainte-Pelia did not follow this regulation, just set up a pool at the entrance that can be moved at any time. Small altarpiece of water bottles.

   Spring Water Temple is still the case, other churches naturally will not use the destruction of buildings to transform their own churches and temples, which makes all their transformation items detachable, including those gods.

If you are an architect or scholar who is very obsessed with the study of ancient architecture in the Old Continent, if you come to the Port of Sainte-Pelia, it is definitely like a mouse falling into the rice warehouse. A large number of ancient buildings that have disappeared in the Old Continent can be found here. Especially in recent years, both the New World and the Old World have begun to advocate anti-ancientism, so the old and old-fashioned ancient buildings that were considered old and old in the past have also become popular again, and Saint Pelía is the best ancient architectural style learning point.

It is precisely for this reason that architects from the old and new continents can be seen everywhere in the streets of Baicheng District. The city council of St. Rose Ya has become a holy place for learning ancient architecture.

Compared to the Baicheng District, which foreigners are keen to visit, the Heicheng District is obviously not so popular. This is not to say that the public security in the Heicheng District is so bad. Although the public security there is indeed worse than the Baicheng District, it is also worse. It is limited. After all, church knights and church armed forces patrol there every day, and no one dares to provoke people from the church.

   The main reason why outsiders are reluctant to go to the Heicheng District is mainly because the Heicheng District is too messy.

   Dirty is because Heicheng District does not have a complete sewer system like Baicheng District. Even if a sea storm hits, the sewer system in Baicheng District can still function well, ensuring that Baicheng District will not have water accumulation problems.

But the Heicheng District is different. When the Heicheng District was built, planning was not considered at all. Only two drainage ditches were built on both sides of the narrow streets. Not only were the ditches not very large, but the terrain was high. Can't play any role, and the water in the ditch will spread out and flood the entire black city.

The city council of the Port of Sainte-Pelia did not think about it, imitating the sewer system of the Baicheng District and also building a sewer system for the Heicheng District, but not to mention the huge amount of money spent on the construction, it is just the mode of operation of the sewer system. No one has been able to figure it out completely so far, and naturally there is no imitation.

   What’s more important is that the underground of the Heicheng District is composed of huge rocks instead of soft soil. It is more difficult to dig a sewer in the rocks than to reopen a Liszt River.

It is also for these reasons that the Heicheng District has not had a sewer so far. All of them are drains that do not play any role. Once it rains, the Heicheng District will be flooded. Although the rain stops, the water is very heavy. It will soon retreat, but a large number of low-lying areas in the Heicheng District will accumulate water, and even some domestic sewage will accumulate, making the entire Heicheng District always filled with a rancid smell.

Because Baicheng District is on the coast, the wind on the sea always blows through Baicheng District and then enters Heicheng District, so the stench of Heicheng District will not be transmitted to Baicheng District, which makes those who live in Baicheng District rich and entitled The people in Heicheng did not feel the same pain, and turned a blind eye to the plight of Heicheng District.

   As for the chaos in the Heicheng District, it is not the chaos of public security, but the chaos of construction.

Because the Heicheng District has not carried out any architectural planning, all foreigners who want to settle in the Port of Saint-Pelia but have no money will plot a plot of land in the Heicheng District and build their own residences at will, which directly leads to the entire black city. The streets in the city are not only narrow and chaotic, but even the buildings are strange. Some good people even claim that the Port of Sainte-Pelia is the most magnificent and ugly building in the world.

But in a messy and poor place like Heicheng District, the people who live here are very devout believers. The church knights and church armed forces recruited by the several churches in Sainte-Pelia Port are all recruited from the Heicheng District, and even There have also been several great figures such as paladins and bishops in the black city, which makes the whole black city permeated with a kind of weird thought that suffering is a blessing, and even with this kind of thinking, a kind of religious organization, named Suffering Can.


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