The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1408: Port Sainte-Pelia

"Saint Perlia, the white wall city, the jewel of Papani Bay, my forever love, I am fascinated for you!" When the carriage over a hill, the port of St. Perlia appeared in front of everyone, Joan was like It was a madman standing on the roof of the car, yelling presumptuously, and his joy and excitement could be heard from the yelling.

The other carriages around to pick up passengers from the St. Pelía Lake Pier seem to have become accustomed to Joan’s lunatic behavior and ignored them, but each introduced their settled hotels to the passengers in their carriages so that they could get some commissions. .

As for the people in the same carriage as JoAnn, Leo, Sylvia, and Petunia all behaved very calmly. On the contrary, the young couple who joined in halfway hadn’t adapted yet, with a little embarrassment on their faces. Look.

However, the couple did not have any doubts about Qiao'an's performance, because when they were on the ship, they knew that Qiao'an was a church knight of the Church of False Heart, and the rank second only to the paladin among the church knights. , This is already considered a senior clergyman.

  The virtues of the clergy and believers of the False Heart Church are almost universally known, but this kind of lunatic behavior is a reasonable and reasonable performance.

However, they are a little confused about the relationship between Leo, the Sylvias and this vain-hearted senior priest, because from the performance on board, it is obvious that Joan is in awe of the two and will be in awe. In front of the two of them, he restrained his crazy energy as much as possible, so that he acted like an ordinary person as much as possible.

At first they suspected that Leo and Sylvia were also high-ranking priests of the False Heart, and they were at the bishop level, but in subsequent conversations, they found that their performance was completely different from those of the False Heart Church. They Only then did I realize that I had misunderstood.

But they are also more curious about the identities of Leo and Sylvia. They should know that the clergy of the False Heart Church, especially the senior clergy, although the code of conduct can be measured in accordance with the code of conduct of normal people, they all have one thing in common. The code of conduct is that they will not show respect to anyone except the vain heart, even the pope of other churches, so when they saw Joan showed respect to Leo and Sylvia At that time, wrong guesses will arise in the mind.

Although the young couple concealed their curiosity very well, both Leo and Sylvia could easily see their thoughts, and even knew them through some simple clichés during the conversation. Real thoughts.

Undoubtedly, the young couple had completely misunderstood. The biggest misunderstanding was that Qiao An was regarded as a senior clergyman of the False Heart Church. Perhaps on the surface, Qiao An was no different from the senior clergyman of the False Heart Church. , Are all madness, but in fact, the cause of Qiao'an's madness is the imitation of Ability God cells implanted in his brain and transformed from the real eye and body, rather than the vain heart. It was very clear, so he knew that he would never become a Paladin and solve his own troubles.

Another misunderstanding is Qiao'an's respect. Perhaps Leo's performance in the Rock Temple made Qiao'an feel powerful, but for a person with confused thinking, strong power is not enough for him to show any respect. , The real reason why Qiao Ann’s expression of respect for Leo from his heart, even ordinary people can see, is actually the imprint of the gods of the real eye on Leo’s formation of the imitation **** cells fused in Qiao Ann’s body. Level suppression.

If divided according to the hierarchy of the church, Qiao An is the dependent of True Eye, and he is also an inferior dependent member, while Leo is the envoy of True Eye, even the incarnation of the gods, such a huge level gap, even Leo If you don't do it, you can have a subtle influence on Qiao An.

   In fact, during the few days in the Liszt Marsh, when the power of Ability God cells in Qiao Ann was suppressed, he was not affected by Ability God cells, and his emotions were most in line with normal emotions.

   It's just that at that time, Qiao An's focus was on whether he would be blind all the time, whether his original intact eyes would be affected all the time, and he hadn't noticed any changes in his body's other state.

As the Sanctuary drove out of the Liszt Marsh, the legal power in the marsh disappeared, and Joan returned to normal. The church knight who spoke and acted with a little madness and vain heart returned again. The state is normal at least in his own view, but also in others such as the young couple.

   After driving on the Liszt River for about four days, the Sanctuary finally docked on the pier of San Peliahu.

Lake Sainte-Pelia is located at the end of the Liszt River. It was originally a small swamp without a name. Later, after the Liszt River was opened up, the Port of Sainte-Pelia was able to better moor the boats on the river. This small, unnamed swamp was dug up and turned into the current Saint Peliya Lake.

During the most prosperous period of the Liszt River, the pier of Lake Sainte-Pelia was able to dock thousands of flat-bottomed boats at the same time, and even more ships had to dock on the lake when they could not dock at the pier. There is a good thing. I have counted how many boats there are when the entire Saint-Pelia Lake is filled with ships. The final calculation is about five thousand four hundred to five hundred, so Saint-Pelia Lake also has a five-thousand boat lake. Alias.

At that time, because the area was so prosperous, Sainte-Pelia not only built a white-walled avenue that can connect ten carriages directly from here to the port of Sainte-Pelia, but also built a large number of storage facilities around the wharf. Warehouses, and then towns were built. When this town was at its most prosperous, it even surpassed the capitals of many small inland countries in the New World.

The several major chambers of commerce that once controlled most of the warehouses and shops in this town tried to get the town out of the control of the Port of Sainte-Pelia. Unfortunately, before they could achieve their goals, the New World Railway Network had already begun to be laid. When the Saint-Pelia Port Council was fighting for control of the town, the freight industry of the Liszt River gradually declined. When they reflected, this small town built on the Liszt River for freight could no longer prevent its decline.

There are no other young people in this small town except for some old people who are no longer able to break through. The houses in the town, like most of the docks and warehouses, are all left unused. The several chambers of commerce that the town regarded as treasures have also been withdrawn. The whole town is like a ghost town. Even if the tourists arrive at the pier late, they are not willing to stay in this town for the night. They will choose to go to Saint Rose. Yagang.

The White Wall Avenue is the only road connecting this town and Saint-Pelia Port. In order to build this spacious road in the swamp, both the city of Nice and Saint-Pelia Port invested a lot, even at high prices, but extremely The durable white wall stone was constructed. I originally thought that this avenue could be used for hundreds of years. I didn’t expect that this avenue would be gradually abandoned as the volume of trade decreased in less than 100 years.

Now both sides of the road are covered with all kinds of marsh weeds, vines and shrubs. Because they were not repaired in time, some weeds and shrubs have spread to the road, and even the root system has split the road, which also makes the road look like It looks very broken.

The length of this road is not very long. It only takes about an hour to drive the carriage at a normal speed. However, due to the recent resurgence period and the inflow of seawater, the marshes on both sides of the road have increased a lot, and a part of the road that was originally low is removed. It was submerged, making Leo and the others' carriages had to go around a temporary road and climb over a small hill.

   However, this also has an advantage, that is, when the carriage reaches the hillside, it can take advantage of the height of the hillside to overlook the whole view of the port of Sainte-Pelia.

The Port of Saint-Pelia was built very early, even before the Great Migration. Before the Great Migration, during the exploration of the New World, the Port of Saint-Pelia had already been built, but it is strange that there are no documents. Record who built the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

It is important to know that the entire Saint-Pelia port was built with white rock. Although there is a mining site for white rock nearby, it is very difficult to mine white rock. Until now, it is expensive. Use white rock to build a street. Or some houses are not uncommon, but building an entire city, even now, is an extremely expensive and manpower-consuming task that even the richest countries cannot do.

However, the Port of Sainte-Pelia is such a white wall stone city. This city not only has urban buildings made of white wall stone, but also has regular streets made of white wall stone. Even the sewer system is built with white wall stone. Into.

We must know that the sewer system had just become popular in the capitals and important cities of the Old Continent at that time, and there was no perfect plan. Everyone was in the groping stage, but the port of Sainte-Pelia had a perfect sewer system. This news spread. In the Old Continent, it also caused quite a stir, and even people from various countries have sent people to investigate the sewer system of the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

   From a certain point of view, the sewer systems of all cities in the Old World and the New World trace their source to the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

   The earliest record of the ship in the Port of Sainte-Pelia is not the expedition ship of the maritime countries of the old continent at that time, but a pirate ship that often looted the waters between the new and old continents.

At that time, the pirate ship was sunk by another expedition's **** ship. When the expedition fleet salvaged the trophies floating in the sea, it salvaged a captain's diary. When the captain of the expedition fleet looked through the diary, he found this The captain of a pirate ship recorded in his diary a city that had not been recorded on any nautical charts.

In the diary, it was recorded that the main and secondary masts of the pirate ship were blown off during a certain storm, which forced the pirate ship to drift south along the ocean currents to find suitable docking points with materials for repairing the ship. Finally, they came to a slave ship. A mysterious city that has not been recorded on the chart.

This city is the most majestic and magnificent city that the pirates have ever seen. To use the original words recorded in the diary of the captain, when the city appeared in front of them, the morning sun shone on the city and let the whole city radiate. The milky white light is like a huge gem set on the surface.

The city is built so magnificently, then there must be a lot of wealth in the city. Originally, the pirates planned to ransack the city, but when their ship docked and the pirates rushed down from the ship, they found that there was no one on the dock, and they explored later. In the whole city, it was found that there was no one person in the whole city, not only there was no one person, but there were no traces of human life. There were no tables, chairs and other daily necessities used by humans in the whole city, and some were just empty white walls. Buildings are as if the entire city was abandoned after it was built.

It was precisely because the entire city revealed a strange atmosphere, and there was nothing to grab in the city, which made the pirates immediately lose interest in the city. They fled without repairing the ship that day. He set sail again and continued southward along the ocean currents to find a suitable place for rest and recuperation.

   After reading this captain's diary, the captain of the expedition team at that time became interested in the empty city recorded in the diary, so he followed the record in the diary and followed the ocean current all the way south.

At that time, the main direction of the expedition of the Old World expedition was in the northern area, and the southern area was filled with reefs, which was very dangerous, so no formal expedition had been carried out. Only some individual explorers were driving south with small sails. Most of these personal explorers were killed when they hit the reef ship, and the rest returned halfway and did not continue their exploration.

Driven by the ocean currents, the expedition fleet perfectly avoided the reef waters and entered the southern coastline that had not been explored at that time. It didn't take long for them to see the pirate captain after UU read The recorded city.

   When they saw the soft glow of the city, everyone was stunned. Only one young crew member couldn't help but say, "Santa Peliya."

Roselia is actually a girl next door that the crew has a crush on. He always said that the girl was pure as a saint, so he often referred to her as Saint Rose in his poems. As a result This name later became the name of this Baibishi city.

  In the beginning, the people on the expedition thought that the city was built by a certain god, but some clergymen who accompanied the ship made it clear that the city did not have any gods, and it was absolutely impossible for a **** to build it.

   Later, some people speculated that this may be a masterpiece of the local civilization of the New World. After all, the local civilization of the New World had just risen at that time. Although no signs of local civilization in the New World were found elsewhere, it did not hinder the imagination of others.

This speculation was quickly rejected, because the entire Port of Sainte-Pelia’s buildings are based on the architectural style of the Old World. Although the buildings here include more than a dozen countries with different characteristics, their source is always pointing to the old mainland.

   So, who built the Port of Sainte-Pelia has become the most mysterious mystery in the New World, and it has not been solved yet.



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