The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1268: True knowledge

As the current topical figures in Beiruk, Sylvia and Leo receive a large number of invitations every day, some of which invite Sylvia to go there with options, while Leo ignores them.

   The outside world was not too surprised by this, because in the eyes of outsiders, Leo is a scholar who studies knowledge and likes to do experiments. It is normal not to accept these invitations.

However, this gave those boring upper-class people a reason to bet. They decided to take Leo to bet. Every day they sent Leo invitations to various events or invitations to private banquets. Check out Leo Di Whose invitation letter will be selected at one time.

Ever since, all kinds of invitations were sent to the Belmont Manor. Only a dozen of the two daily invitations belonged to Sylvia, and the remaining tenths belonged to Leo, most of them. Most of them are invitations for private banquets, there are also invitations for public welfare undertakings, and there are also invitations for club activities.

   Leo refused all of this, but Sylvia would find out a few invitations for charitable causes to reply on his behalf, and by the way, when sending the response letter, he also included a check.

   However, this situation has changed with an invitation letter sent by Boj Hans. If Boj Hans is also one of those bets, he is clearly the winner of this bet.

The reason why Leo chose the invitation letter of Bojer Hans to participate in this private event is because this private event happened to be the event he was waiting for and related to the mystical knowledge of the world. In fact, Bojer Hans organized This event is not the only event Leo is waiting for. There are several similar events in Beluk City that are also his options. Unfortunately, the organizers of those events did not send invitations.

   When planning to infiltrate the upper class of the Otter Federation to find knowledge related to mysticism and mysterious powers, Leo and Sylvia collected relevant information through various methods.

   It’s just that, obviously, the official and churches of the Otter Federation are very strict on this kind of things. In addition, it is much more difficult for them to collect information from the newcomers. In the end, they only got a few vague and useful news.

These news all mentioned that some people in the upper class of Beluk were very obsessed with the occult, and even set up secret clubs for this purpose, and also mentioned that several dignitaries in Beluk had publicly stated that they belonged to some secret clubs. Members, among them is Bojie Hans.

The secret club that Bojie Hans joined is called Zhenzhihui, which is a semi-open secret club. The reason why it is said to be semi-open is mainly because there is an office in the municipal government building where the club is located. The name is Gu The Civilization Investigation and Research Committee is a public welfare organization jointly established by the government and the private sector. Its stated purpose is to investigate and collect all things related to ancient civilization. Bojie Hans is the initiator and president of this organization.

Leo was giving the shotgun to Borg Hans, not just to make friends with Borg Hans, and then to get in touch with the Hans family who should have in-depth contact with the mysterious power. His real purpose is to use it. The little thing left on the shotgun attracted Borg Hans and made Borg Hans his guide to the other side of the world.

   It's just that what he didn't expect was that Bojie Hans discovered what he had left on the shotgun so late, and sent himself this invitation letter, making him wait for a while.

   However, fortunately, the matter was still in his grasp, and the invitation letter was finally sent over.

After giving the reply, Leo began to prepare for the evening appointment. After all, he had to pretend to be a scholar who has some knowledge of ancient occultism. If he went to the club to communicate with people, he would not ask three questions, that would be embarrassing. .

After nightfall, the carriage dispatched by Boje Hans waited outside the manor door early. After Leo got on the carriage, the coachman drove the carriage half a circle around the Great North Point area and drove into a private lane. Then he crossed the trail, passed through the private estate one after another, and finally got on an intercity highway that left Beiruk and headed to the neighboring city.

Leo was not surprised by this. Instead, he thought this situation was normal. Although Zhenzhihui is a semi-public secret club, it is a secret club after all. If it is generous, it will be set up in the city or in the city. In someone's home, then it loses its mystery, otherwise, a mysterious organization loses its sense of mystery, then it also loses most of its attraction, and no one wants to join an unmysterious secret club.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   So, Zhenzhi will definitely have one or many secret meeting places, and I found several sets of hooded clothes and masks from the carriages Looking at it, he obviously needs to dress up later.

Not long after the carriage drove on the road, it gradually stopped, followed by a sound of footsteps outside the carriage, the door opened, and Boge Hans, wearing a hooded costume and a mask, got in from the carriage and patted it. The wooden board behind him signaled the carriage to continue driving.

"I know that Your Excellency Leo must be interested in my invitation letter. Does your Excellency know how much money your reply made to me?" Boge Hans took off the mask on his face, looking excited, as if waiting Leo asked.

   However, Leo obviously didn't cooperate with his plan, just smiled and looked at each other.

"You are such a boring person." Without waiting for the desired response, Bojie Hanston was bored, and had no interest in going on. He turned directly to the topic, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it. I saw a mysterious pattern painted on it that looked complicated and asked: "Your Excellency Leo, I saw this pattern on the shotgun you gave me. Where did you find this pattern?"

   Leo took the piece of paper and looked at it. He didn't answer, but instead asked, "Your Excellency Bojie, why are you interested in it? Do you know what it is?"

   Bojie Hans naturally didn’t tell the truth. He just found an excuse and replied: "I don’t know, but I just think it’s very beautiful, as if it has some mysterious meaning."

  Leo explained: "Like your Excellency, I also feel that this symbol seems to contain some mysterious knowledge, so I carved it on the shotgun, hoping that the shotgun can gain that mysterious power."

Although Leo made an explanation, and the content of the explanation was in line with Bojer Hans’s ideas, he still did not say how this symbol was out of the ordinary, which made Bojer Hans feel a little displeased, but he did not Without showing emotion on his face, he thought for a while and said, “Actually, I have seen a similar symbol before, but I don’t understand the meaning of this symbol. Your symbol may be somewhat different from the symbol I saw. Contact, if you can know where the symbol comes from, go there and investigate it, maybe you will be able to decipher the meaning of the two symbols."

   Leo shook his head and said: "No need to investigate, you should not find anything related to this symbol, because I have already looked for it, and I don't know anything except this symbol."

   "Have you looked for it?" Bojie Hans was stunned, as if thinking of something, and asked: "Did you see it in Belmont Manor?"

   Leo didn't answer, but just nodded.

   Bojie Hans immediately fell into contemplation. Obviously Leo's answer provided him with a lot of clues and information.

As Leo acquiesced, this symbol was indeed discovered during the renovation of Belmont Manor. The construction team at that time just regarded it as a general decorative slab and didn’t care, but Leo could see the broken slab at a glance. The pattern is somewhat related to the wizard's magic circle of the high tower wizard. Later, he researched and found that this pattern symbol was indeed converted from the wizard's circle. This pattern symbol is a kind of wizard's circle specially modified to operate in this world.

Although this wizard's circle has been broken and completed, it has also made Leo's process of improving the rune circle much smoother. He quickly completed the transformation of the rune circle, although this transformation will still allow the rune circle Disorderly and chaotic mutations occurred during operation, causing different effects, but it also made Leo's understanding of the mysterious powers of the world a lot more advanced. This is also Leo's confidence that even if he did not find any knowledge related to the mysterious powers and Information, the reason why he was able to completely improve the rune array in a short time.

  Because this symbol is incomplete, when Leo engraved the symbol on the shotgun, he completed the incomplete part according to his rune system.

   "When you saw this symbol, did it look like this?" Bojie Hans asked in a moment of contemplation.

   "Yes, it is like this." Leo nodded and asked casually, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

   "No, no! This symbol..." Bojie Hans looked at the symbol drawn on the paper in his hand, without further explanation.

Even if Bojer Hans did not explain, Leo still sees from the opponent’s look and behavior that the opponent should have seen this symbol, and what he saw was the complete version, instead of filling in the modified version by himself. It also further proved that the Hans family had in-depth contact with the mysterious forces of this world.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   While Bojie Hans was unwilling to continue this topic, he took the piece of paper back into his pocket, and then asked Leo: "Your Excellency Leo , Do you like studying the occult?"

   "Researched for a while." Leo replied vaguely.

Bojer Hans said puzzledly: "It's really surprising. Those scholars I know who study industrial machinery and metallurgy are almost incompatible with people who study religion and occultism. They will make a lot of noise when they meet. I’ve never seen a scholar with a profound knowledge of smelting like yours who would be interested in occultism."

   Leo answered vaguely as always: "I'm just interested in all secrets."

  Although this answer is still the kind of panacea answer, Bojer Hans seems to understand, as if he can understand what Leo wants to express.

   "How much do you know about true knowledge?" Bojie Hans asked again.

   Leo thought for a while and wanted to answer: "I don't know much, but I have heard some news recently. I know that this is a secret club established by your Excellency. It is said that only people interested in occultism are recruited."

Boj Hans shook his head and said: "You are right and some are wrong. We are indeed a secret club, but I did not establish it. I just established a branch in Beluk City. The general meeting is elsewhere. In addition, we are not only recruiting people who are interested in occultism, but people who have been exposed to real occult knowledge."

   "Real occult knowledge?" Leo pretended to be puzzled.

"Yes, the real occult knowledge." Boj Hans became serious and said: "Although there are various organizations that study occult knowledge in this world, most of these organizations have contact with The occult knowledge obtained is nothing but forged knowledge and false knowledge thrown out by the church. There are not many people who have really come into contact with correct occult knowledge, and there are even fewer organizations, and our true knowledge society is one of them."

   Leo looked at the boasting Boge Hans, and said calmly: "Couldn't the true occult knowledge you talk about be the complicated mystery symbol, right?"

"Yes, that's the symbol." Boje Hans was a bit dissatisfied with Leo's calm attitude, but after thinking about it, he felt that it seemed to be a matter of course. UU reading because of him and Sylvie. Ya's identity may mean that they have seen more mysterious things, and that's why they behave so calmly.

Leo questioned: "It would be too rash to determine whether a person is eligible to join a secret club just by touching a truly mysterious symbol. I must know that I was not the only person who saw and had contact with the symbol at the time. People, are those people eligible to join?"

   Leo’s reaction seemed very normal to Bojie Hans. After all, he was invited to join in a secret party that had never been seen before, and any normal person would question this.

Bojer Hans explained: “Of course not. Access to real occult knowledge is only one of the prerequisites. In addition, there are many pre-factors that will filter out those inappropriate. Even so, you can’t join right away. You must pass some Only through assessments and trials can we truly join us."

"The rigorous review of its own members is a key factor for the continuity of an organization." Leo nodded in agreement, seeming to approve of this review method, and then he asked: "If I join, what are the benefits? ?"

"Of course there are benefits. Being able to gain access to the true mystical knowledge is one of the benefits," Boje Hans smiled confidently: "As for the other benefits, wait for you to officially join in, slowly realize! I! Now that you say it all, it will affect your experience, and you must know that exploring is also part of the fun."

Seeing this, Leo didn’t ask any more. After that, Boge Hans asked Leo to put on the prepared hoodie, pick a mask to wear, and then asked him to give himself a code name, and Leo gave himself a code name. It's a wizard.

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