The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1267: Exchange information

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  Perhaps, all the people in the Hunting Association thought that the shotgun Leo took out was just a gorgeous and exquisite decoration, but when they encountered the first prey, everyone knew that they had missed it.

At that time, they encountered a big horned deer. Everyone was still using gestures to beckon the servants to take out their shotguns and set up the gun stand, while Leo raised the shotgun under the eyes of the people in puzzlement. Pull the trigger towards the big horned deer.

Everyone only heard a squeak, a pungent smoke from the shotgun in Leo's hand, and then an ammunition shot out from the muzzle and fell on a small tree not far from the big horned deer. The ammunition burst open instantly. Not only the small tree was blown up, but the debris also covered a certain area around it. The big horned deer that was in the area covered by shrapnel was also beaten upright and killed on the spot.

Everyone on the scene was dumbfounded, their sights were focused on the shotgun in Leo's hand. Some people's sights were even between the shotgun in Leo's hand and the shotgun that he hadn't set up a stand. It took a long time for them to move back and forth. The shock came back to his senses.

   Everyone was inexplicably embarrassed for a while, because they found that their thoughts just now seemed like a clown.

However, in the embarrassment, their attention also fell on the shotgun in Leo's hands. At this moment, they no longer regarded this shotgun as a decorative object, but regarded it as a decoration. A product of the perfect combination of art and power.

In the subsequent hunting trip, Leo or Leo’s shotgun became the center of the entire hunting activity. Anyone who has used this shotgun loves it, and those who have not used it also lost hunting. Their interest, the precious shotgun that they had cherished so much before, became especially ugly in their eyes, so they simply let the servant put the shotgun into the holster without seeing it or worrying about it.

   In the subsequent conversation, everyone learned that this exquisite shotgun was made by Leo himself, and they were all amazed by it.

Although the people of the Hunting Association claim to be masters of guns, their knowledge of guns far exceeds that of others. Most of them can even analyze from the rivets on a shotgun who made the shotgun and what kind of model it is. Even so, their knowledge of firearms is limited to playing. Let them build a shotgun by themselves. I am afraid that no one in the entire hunting association can do it.

   At this time, everyone recalled that Leo was a metallurgical expert with strong hands-on ability. Now the metal that has alarmed the entire upper level of the Otter Federation came from his hands.

   At this moment, these people from the Hunting Association couldn't help but come up with an idea, that is, let Leo help them build a tailor-made shotgun.

   It's just that this idea just stays in everyone's mind, no one dared to say it like that, because they were worried that their request would be regarded as an insult to Leo.

Although there is no substantive evidence to prove that Sylvia is the real queen, the upper class in Beiruk has already identified Sylvia as the queen. In this way, whether Leo is as rumored or not In the story, he was born from a humble background, but he is the queen’s husband at the moment, that is, the prince. No matter how bold the liberals are, they dare not instruct a prince to do some craftsmanship. Enmity.

   However, after all, some people could not help but try to ask questions, and what made them happy is that Leo was not unhappy, but said that this kind of gun is very troublesome to make and cannot be made in a short time.

   Seeing this situation, other people couldn't help their expectations and asked Leo if they could customize a shotgun for them.

For a time, Leo, who had just joined the Hunting Association, became the new darling of the Association. Under the influence of Leo through some psychological hints and other techniques, at the end of the hunting event, he had become an alternate member of the Hunting Association’s management. , Its influence is expanding fast, not even slower than his wife Sylvia.

You know, although the hunting association is not a big organization among the large and small associations in Beluk City, the total number of members is 20 or 30, but the influence of this association is all the clubs and clubs. The largest among other organizations, because the hunting association is a national association. All cities in the entire Haute Federation have hunting associations, and the people who join the association are big figures with real power, status, and wealth in each city.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Someone once jokingly said that all the policies of the Haute Federation are not formulated in Congress, in the government, or in the courts, but in the hunting association. Party activities.

   Although this statement is a bit of an exaggeration, it also shows a bit of truth. There is evidence that some policies that have far-reaching influence on the Haute Federation were formulated and passed during hunting activities.

Now, Sylvia’s performance has won a ticket to join the Hunting Association, and Leo’s performance has allowed him to gain a foothold in the Hunting Association in just one day, and he has also entered the center of the Association. .

Although, after the event, those who agreed to make Leo an alternate member of the management felt a little puzzled as to why they had so hastily let a person who had not been in the association for a long time into the center of power of the association, but they did They couldn't find any abnormalities from themselves, and at the same time they thought that they would be able to get the exquisite shotgun in their hands in the future, the doubt and anxiety in their hearts quickly dissipated.

Perhaps because of the world environment, Leo is temporarily unable to perform most of the witchcraft, psionic skills, and magical skills he has mastered, but skills such as psychological hints and behavior manipulation that do not require the use of any extraordinary power can still be very good. It has been used, and it has exerted a very good effect.

   "Have you been in contact with that Bojie Hans?" Sylvia returned to the manor from the club, went to the study, put what she had harvested today on Leo's table, and then asked.

   "No." Leo shook his head, and then told Sylvia the process of the hunt and the final harvest.

   Sylvia was also very surprised after hearing this, but at the same time took it for granted.

Although she heard all kinds of rumors, the hunting association is not only very difficult to enter, even if you enter it, it is also very difficult to make a difference in it. After all, those who can join the association are veterans who have been in the world for many years. , How could they give a newcomer any chance to climb up.

   But this kind of rule only applies to ordinary people. Unusual people like Leo are not bound by the rules at all. It is quite normal to be able to enter the core circle on the first day of joining the association.

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   "What are you going to do next?" Sylvia asked again.

   "Give them some sweetness." Leo responded briefly, and then quickly looked through what Sylvia had put on the table.

   Sylvia did not ask any further, but walked to the desk and picked up the shotgun Leo had left on the ground casually. This shotgun, which was regarded as a treasure by members of the hunting association not long ago, is now randomly discarded by Leo at the desk, like throwing a walking stick. If the hunting association sees it, they will shout you no, I want Things like that.

   Sylvia played with it, smiled and said, "It's a weird gun. If the master of Velen saw it, he might cry."

   Leo looked up at the flashy shotgun, and said, "This thing may be very ugly in the eyes of you and me, but in the eyes of people who like it, the value of this thing is amazing. At that time, someone offered a price of four million."

   "Such a large number?" Sylvia couldn't help but be surprised at the price, and asked: "Who is offering the price?"

   "Boger Hans," Leo said.

"The Hans family? Did he get such a large sum of money?" Sylvia frowned and said in doubt: "According to the information I have collected, the Hans family has not been doing well over the years. There are problems with large investments, and even some private estates and buildings have been sold. It can be said that every day, four million is not a small amount. A local director of the Hans family like Boge Hans can get this. Is it a large sum of money?"

   Leo thought for a while, and said, "It should be obtained, because when he quoted this price, no one else showed anything unusual."

"This is a little weird." Sylvia questioned: "The entire Hans family has financial problems, but Boj Hans was able to buy a shotgun for four million, or it was implied that the family’s financial problems were just An illusion, or that Bojie Hans has another source of income."

   "I prefer the second one." Leo gave his opinion, then closed the documents in his hand and asked, "What organization is the secret treasure mentioned here?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "A very mysterious organization, I heard that it is mainly dealing with mysterious treasures." Sylvia knew that Leo would definitely ask this question, immediately He replied: "However, the clubs and clubs I joined are very difficult to get detailed information about the secret treasure club. Those people have only heard of the secret treasure club organization, and they know that only members of the secret treasure club can invite new members. Compared to the clubs and clubs I joined, the hunting association you joined has a better chance of getting in touch with the Secret Treasure Club."

   Leo asked, "Why do you say that? Is it because the hunting associations are all the top dignitaries?"

"Of course not." Sylvia shook her head and said: "I don't know the specifics. Only members of the hunting association can understand it, but I heard that the hunting association does not only exist in the Otter Federation, the New World and the Old World. Many countries on the mainland have hunting associations. This association seems to be very old, and it is said that when the association was first established, the hunting target was not wild animals.

   Leo said: "Do you mean that this association was established to hunt for some special existence, just like the arbiter of the Orthodox Court of Velen?"

   "Maybe! You need to investigate this yourself," Sylvia said with a slight dissatisfaction: "Who makes me just a woman, and the hunting association will not let any woman join."

   Leo smiled, then thought for a while, picked up the shotgun, shook the bell on the table, and after a while the butler opened the door and walked in.

   Leo ordered: "Find a better gift box for this shotgun and send it to the residence of Your Excellency Boge Hans, saying that this is a meeting gift I gave him, and I hope to have more intimate cooperation in the future."

   "Yes, sir." The butler took the shotgun and exited the room.

   Sylvia said meaningfully: "Four million is given as a gift like this, you are really generous."

   Leo smiled and said: "The handwriting is not big enough to be the focus, and it is not enough to be a ticket." He said, he suddenly asked: "How is that female detective now? Is there any news about her?"

   Sylvia thought for a while, and said: "She seems to have gone to the capital of the Haute Federation, on the day we had a banquet."

   "We need to go to the capital to investigate. It seems that the water under the Monte family disappearance case is deep enough." Leo was not surprised by the news.

   "Do you want to intervene in this matter?" Sylvia asked.

Leo shook his head. From the beginning, he didn't intend to intervene in this matter, but because this case is related to this manor and the mysterious power of this world is involved, so he is interested in this case and wants to See what the female police detective can find out. If the things found out are useful to him, he doesn’t mind doing But there is nothing like this, he is totally uninterested in intervening. What's more, he now has other more important things to do.

"I'm already a little bit eye-catching about the debugging and improvement of the rune circle. Even if I don't find anything related to the mysterious power of this world, it doesn't matter. I believe it won't take long for me to find the right method." Leo pulled the rune method from the drawer. The layout of the formation took out the house table, then looked at Sylvia, and asked with concern: "How is your situation now? Can you still control it?"

   Sylvia smiled relaxedly and said, "Don't worry about me. Since I came into this world, the agitation caused by the blood of the abyssal dragon has calmed down a lot, and it will not affect me."

Leo didn't think that Sylvia was comforting himself, because he could also feel the power of the abyssal serpent in his body that the world had a strong comforting power to this abyssal force, but he himself Can perfectly control the power of the Abyssal Serpent, so this feeling is not strong.

Although Sylvia said that she didn't have to worry about her situation and that she could still control her bloodline power and not promote, but Leo couldn't just think that things could take its time. He knew very well that when Sylvia's life form began to be promoted. , What kind of serious consequences would the backlash of the world power cause, so he stayed in the manor for a period of time and became a half-reclusive weird again, intensively studying the methods to make the rune circle work normally in this world. .

   This state of intensive research did not last too long. An invitation letter pulled Leo back from the research state. He was not annoyed by this, but was very happy that the invitation appeared.

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