The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1261: Smiling Todd

People from all countries in the New World have always been curious about the decisive battle of the religious war, especially the unknown force that caused such great destruction, but those who participated in the decisive battle died on the battlefield and participated in the war. After the war, the churches were annexed by other churches. The materials in those churches were destroyed as heretical doctrines by the people of other churches. Later, when the Otter Federation was established, it paid more attention to the reconstruction work and the relationship between neighboring countries, so there was no The relevant documents are effectively protected, so that there is no uniform view of the churches that participated in the religious war that year.

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   The only place where clues related to religious wars can be found is the battlefield of the decisive battle that year, but the problem is that the battlefield was flooded, so what happened in the decisive battle of the year has always been a mystery.

  Because Lake Beluk is very deep and there are a large number of deadly undercurrents at the bottom, almost everyone who dives into the bottom has no return, so the exploration of Lake Beluk has not made much progress.

   Until a few decades ago, the development of diving equipment, the invention of the bell-shaped submersible and the air pump device, enabled people to carry out some effective exploration of Lake Beluk.

Because the area of ​​Lake Beiruk is too large, the Otter Federation is very clear that it is difficult to conduct effective exploration by relying on its own power alone, and it also costs a lot of money, so they also have a lot of money to explore Lake Beiruk. Conditions of opening to the outside world.

According to data records, exploring Beluk Lake was a trend at that time. Expedition teams from various countries all came to Beluk Lake to explore. Unfortunately, their final harvest was not ideal, but a large number of them were found at the bottom of the lake. The bones, and the clothes left over from the bones, analyzed which church the bones belonged to, and inferred which churches participated in the religious war that year.

   As for the unknown power in Lake Beluk that everyone is very concerned about in the battle, there is no clue, even if there is an underground river at the bottom of the lake.

With the bankruptcy of several companies specializing in the exploration of Lake Beiruk, the enthusiasm for exploring Lake Beiruk has also diminished. A large number of items related to Lake Beiruk have been auctioned off, and what is interesting is that they bought all of them that year. The people with the remains of church members salvaged from the bottom of the lake are members of the Monte family.

  In other words, the bones found in the Monte Manor were not made by the Monte family who killed the people at the time, but were the remains of armed church members who died in the religious war hundreds of years ago.

Because of this, the excavation of a large number of remains from the Monte Manor did not arouse the anger of the entire society, and the Monte Manor can be preserved to this day. Otherwise, the Monte Manor would have been completely destroyed by angry people. Up.

Leo guessed that the special energy contained in the Monte Manor is not only related to the special religious arrangement in the manor, but also related to the remains of the year. The Monte family should have discovered something from the remains, so they used this The special method guided the power in the remains, and the final result was that everyone in the Monte Manor was missing.

Now, Leo didn’t know exactly what this power was, where it came from, and what effect it had. If the remains are still there, he might be able to find some clues from it, but now he is no matter how deep his knowledge and ability is. , It is impossible to solve this mystery out of nothing.

   Although the mystery of the unknown power in the manor cannot be solved, it does not prevent him from using this power.

At the moment he entered the manor, he had already planned to mobilize the mysterious power shrouded in the manor with a rune array to create a barrier to isolate the energy practice inside and outside the manor, and to create a small world in the manor. Let Sylvia complete the bloodline promotion, and also prevent the power of the abyss dragon from triggering the backlash of the world when her bloodline is promoted.

When he was in the world of Vinylon, Leo already had a draft in his mind. Although the world is different and the environment is different, some places need to be revised, but fortunately, there are not many places to revise. It only took him two days to have rune law. The array is set up.

It’s just that it’s one thing to arrange it, and it’s another thing to make the rune circle work normally. Just like his witchcraft and psychic skills, the power of the rune circle will move towards The chaotic and disorderly development, even if Leo carefully controlled it, inevitably caused some small disturbances.

During this time, the manor was busy with banquets. Sylvia directed the hired butlers and servants to arrange the banquet space. Except for the basement, there were people everywhere in the manor, so the small movements caused by the rune circle were also natural. Was met by those who came in and out of the manor.

   For example, someone hangs some decorative paintings in a villa. Suddenly the people and objects in those paintings seem to be alive, saying hello to the people around them.

   For another example, a cloud of dense fog suddenly appeared in the woods in the manor. Anyone who entered the dense fog was lost in the woods and walked out only after the dense fog had dispersed.

After these unusual things happened, it caused a lot of commotion in the manor. Everyone thought that the Monte family, who had disappeared before, had become ghosts and entrenched in the manor. Now the manor has changed ownership. The former owner of the Monte family has changed hands. Not willing to give up the manor, so came out to make trouble.

For a while, the manor became panic. Many servants were afraid to continue staying in this haunted manor. They chose to resign, and it became very difficult to recruit new recruits because it was in Beluk City in just one day. It has spread from the inside that the haunting of the former Monte Manor and the present Belmont Manor has become the hottest topic in the city. People in the employment market are afraid to go to Belmont Manor.

   For this reason, Sylvia increased the price of employment by four times, which made some people forget their timidity, accepted employment, and the banquet arrangement was back on track, and the haunted things did not happen again.

   This is not because Leo has solved the problem of using the rune circle, but Sylvia told him not to fiddle with the rune circle for the time being, and wait until the banquet.

Although the small commotion created by Leo caused some adverse reactions, it also caused some unexpected effects. That is, he and Sylvia became famous in Beluk City and also entered the upper floors of Beluk City. In the eyes of society, these powerful people are also interested in the haunting of Belmont Manor. Some people even named Belmont Manor which is similar to the name of Monte Manor. They boldly speculate that Leo and his wife are actually members of the Monte family, Belmont. It's just a pseudonym.

  This also caused these upper-level dignitaries to become interested in the banquet that will be held in the renovated Belmont Manor, so they contacted Sylvia through the senior management of the Commonwealth Bank, hoping to get an invitation to the banquet.

Originally, Sylvia hosted a banquet just to invite some neighbors around him to perform a routine etiquette. The preparation of the banquet was only a small banquet. Now because of this accident, the banquet has to be expanded tenfold, and the invitation letter has also increased from a dozen. The number of copies became hundreds of copies, so she had to hire two more banquet companies to participate in the management of the banquet.

  According to Leo’s meaning, what to do with the previous banquet, what to do now, there is no need to expand, and there is no need to care about the dignitaries of Beluk City, their main purpose here is to help Sylvia get promoted smoothly.

But Sylvia did not agree with Leo's idea, because after they came into this world, the book of the tower wizard has become almost like ordinary books. It is not clear whether the power in this book will be restored. , And it is not clear whether the space rift opened up after regaining power leads to the world of Vinylon, so they cannot be sure how long they will stay in this world.

  Since the time to stay in this world is uncertain, then during the stay, naturally, I can't just live without doing anything, I must find something to do, such as exploring the secrets of this world, etc.

However, from the perspective of this world, this world seems to have extremely strict control and ban on all kinds of knowledge. It is impossible for ordinary people at the bottom and middle class to have access to this knowledge. The only people who have the opportunity to contact this are. Those dignitaries of the upper class, so all the data collected by Leo and Sylvia during this period are some data that does not involve the core secrets of the world.

   Now that the upper-class dignitaries in Beluk take the initiative to make friends, Sylvia believes that this opportunity must not be missed, and it is precisely through this banquet to infiltrate the upper-class society of this world and prepare for the future.

Regarding this, Leo still felt unnecessary, because in his opinion, if he wanted to, he could use other methods to obtain various secrets from the upper-class dignitaries, but he did not argue with Sylvia, but let the hope. Elvia went to get it.

Because the scale of the banquet has expanded, the previous layout also needs to be changed, so that the banquet time has to be deduced later. While Leo was busy analyzing the mystery of the power of the world, Sylvia was in charge when he was busy arranging the banquet. The policewoman who was investigating the disappearance of the Mont family, explored Rand, once again came to the manor.

"I hope your Excellency allows me to excavate these places." After Solander was taken to Leo's study, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a design drawing of the manor and pointed to the several marks on the drawing. The place said.

   "Where did you get this drawing?" Leo picked up the design drawing and looked at it. He didn't comment on Solander's request, but asked a little serious.

Soland did not hide it, and said, "This drawing is stored in the archives of the Architects' Union. I only got it with some help." She said, she paused, and continued: "Monte Manor passed by. Six modifications, this drawing is the last modification, and the designer is that Rudolf Hans."

   Hearing Soland's words, Leo frowned and said, "Who is Rudolf Hans?"

"Don't you know him?" Soland couldn't help but stunned for a while, then showed a daze, and said: "I forgot that you are a foreigner. Your accent is so confusing that I think you are a local. People. Rudolf Hans is hailed as the greatest architect of the New World. The landmark buildings in 16 countries are all made by him. He is also the building and landmark of the Haute Federal Parliament Building, Supreme Court, Freedom Square, etc. The designer, in addition, he has an unknown name called Smiling Todd, which you should be familiar with."

"Smiling Todd? Is it him?" Leo was slightly surprised, because he had seen the name of Smiling Todd in some newspapers in the past, and almost every year in the same period of time after that, the Union of Haute Some newspapers, large and small, will mention this name, because this name represents terror in the Otter Federation.

Smiling Todd is a mask, one of the most common masks on carnivals in the New World. Its source is a folklore that has been passed down for a long time in the Old World. In that legend, Todd was a very great architect. He built Some of the greatest buildings in the world have been appreciated by kings of various countries, and they have also gained great fame and wealth.

   It’s just that Todd wasn’t happy because he had a disease since he was a child that made his face stiff like a stone. He hasn’t laughed since the day he was born.

   So he found the gods, hoping that the gods could help him and make him smile, but the gods agreed to his request, but he needed to give his most precious things.

He thought that his most precious thing was his wealth, so he gave his wealth, but the gods said that it was not, he gave his identity, but the result was not, he gave his wife and children, but still It's not.

   In the end, he gave up all his knowledge and talents. This time the **** accepted his offering and gave him a smile. From then on, Todd became an idiot who only knew how to smile.

However, the smiling Todd mentioned in the newspaper always wore a Todd mask and never showed his true face. What he did seemed to be influenced by the story behind the mask. UU看书www.uukanshu .com because he killed nearly two thousand people in a dozen years, and all of them were put on a smiling Taut mask, and everyone's brains were poached away.

   This incident caused great panic in the Otter Federal society at the time. The Otter Federal Government also set up a special task force for this purpose and provided all resources to investigate this case.

   In the end, the case was successfully solved. In order to avoid causing some unnecessary trouble, the official name of the criminal was only the code name, which is the smiling Todd, and the interrogation and verdict were subject to special procedures, and no details were announced.

This incident caused a lot of commotion at the time, and the people were extremely dissatisfied with it. Various demonstrations were also triggered across the Haute Federation, but in the end this incident was suppressed because not only the Haute Federal Government, but also The Parliament and the Supreme Court also supported the decision not to smile publicly about the true identity of Todd.

   Leo questioned: "How do you know that he is smiling Todd? This matter should still be an undisclosed secret?"

Solander gave an explanation, saying: "Because the victim of a case I handled before was the survivor of the smiling Todd case, the smiling Todd was able to be caught entirely because of her, only But because she is a lunatic, no one believes her except for the people who handled this case back then."


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