The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

: For work reasons, take 1 day off and resume tomorrow, forgive me!

? The body wreckage cut off from the monster, the metal fragments of the outer armor of the war fortress fell like rain, and hit the ground heavily. Leo, who was almost under the two behemoths, calmly watched what was happening in front of him. Use the psychic field to block all the debris and wreckage that might hit him back.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the head of the behemoth made up of countless monster skeletons suddenly stopped biting. All the monster skeletons grew their mouths, and at the same time a dazzling light shined from their mouths, as if they were preparing to use some kind of powerful Energy attack is average.

However, the war fortress facing the monster's head was not to be outdone, and removed the outer armor. Dozens of barrels with countless unknown runes were stretched out. At the same time, those runes all shone dazzlingly, huge. Energy is rapidly gathering in the barrel.

Leo, who had witnessed this scene, suddenly no longer acted calmly and calmly. He clearly felt that the two behemoths were gathering energy comparable to the main guns of the Star Destroyer, and he could watch the excitement without hesitation. The speed moves towards the distance.

   Just after he ran a certain distance, a light shone behind him, and then there was a loud noise, followed by a powerful wave of air that grabbed him directly from the ground and threw him into the air.

Leo, who was thrown out, did not panic at all. He directly opened the psionic wings and glide through the air with the power of the air wave, even flying to a higher place, and in the high altitude, the gray fog also became It became thinner, allowing him to see more things that he couldn't see on the ground.

I saw him looking around. In the gray fog in the distance, there were more than a dozen battlefields where giant beasts and war fortresses like just now caught and fight, and there were more dead beasts and corpses in war fortresses. .

   This scene made Leo feel like he was in a cosmic battlefield, and it also made him feel extremely puzzled.

Because according to his knowledge, the war castle in Hushang Town requires at least more than 1,700 people to work together to operate normally, and based on the current number of war castles in his sight, the number of people here is the least. At around 40,000 people, there are obviously some inconsistencies with the population size of Hushang Town.

"Could it be that the town of Hushang no longer stays on the same ground, but develops outwards, and the population has also exploded?" Leo speculated a little in his heart, and felt that his speculation was somewhat reasonable, because if it weren't for the population. With explosive growth, it is impossible to build so many huge war fortresses. After all, this is not like a cosmic civilization with building modules. It only takes more than a dozen people to operate to build large-scale machinery. Everything here depends on manpower. , So if you want to build these war fortresses, the population is absolutely indispensable.

   Leo adjusted the psionic wings in the air to avoid the behemoths that were fighting, and quickly glide toward one of the damaged war fortresses.

  The panic on the battlefield are all attacking the opponent, and they didn't notice a mosquito breaking into their battlefield at all, but even if they noticed it, they might not have the energy to deal with it.

Soon Leo steadily landed in front of a damaged war fortress. Around this fortress there were five or six monsters of the same size or even larger. The bodies of these monsters were all covered by huge chainsaws without exception. Saw it.

   And the war fortress suffered a lot of damage. The limbs have been torn off, the chest was excavated, the huge steam-powered device on the back was completely torn to pieces, and the skull was thoroughly chewed.

   Leo ignored the corpses of the monsters, but fell directly beside the wreckage of the war fortress, and the spiritual net felt the past inside.

   It's just that his spiritual net just touched the outer shell of the war fortress, it was disturbed by a strong interference force, and he couldn't perceive anything.

   Seeing this, Leo turned to the huge torn gap in the chest of the war fortress to see if he could enter the behemoth from the gap.

But when he came to the gap and saw clearly the inside of the gap, he felt a little confused, because what he saw in his eyes was not the damaged cabins, but a large number of twisted and deformed gears and metal baffles. All gears and baffles were engraved with various runes containing mysterious powers, and more importantly, he did not see any corpses, or even blood stains.

It stands to reason that if there are a large number of people inside this war fortress, when the chest encounters such a near-penetration attack, there will definitely be the controllers affected. The corpses and bloodstains should be everywhere, but now it is The opposite happened, and Leo couldn't help but think of another possibility.

He thought of the steam mecha he had encountered before, and saw the driver of the steam mecha. Although this war fortress is huge, the basic structure is similar to that of the single-player steam mecha, and it can even be seen as a time-scaled version. Steam Mecha. Since that steam mech can be operated by one person, what about this war fortress? Can it also be operated by one person?

With doubts, Leo jumped into the gap, quickly searched for the damage, and quickly determined the position of the control core on the head by checking the movement of the runes on the wall, so he moved to the crushed one. Head position.

Unlike just now, when he came to the head of the war fortress, he could easily feel a faint **** aura permeating the surroundings. Following Leo, he walked along the source of the **** aura towards a huge fragment. When he came to the shard, he also saw some stumps in the shard.

After a rough comparison, it can be determined that these residual limbs should come from the bodies of four people. Almost all the wounds are caused by metal fragments when the skull is shattered. In addition, there are a large number of runes on the surface of these residual limbs. It is much more than the steam armored driver that I saw before.

   Seeing this scene, Leo immediately understood that these four people should be the drivers of this war fortress. He was extremely surprised by this, and even sincerely admired the maker of this war fortress.

In the Earth Federation, there are also things like single-pilot warships, but those warship pilots without exception need the assistance of brains to control such complicated warships, even if the designer has modularized the control method of the warship, the program It’s simplification, but it’s still very complicated for ordinary people and even psionicists.

  The war fortress in front of me is so complicated that I am afraid that it will still be on a modular personal battleship, but such a complicated machine can fight freely with the cooperation of four people. This is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

Just as Leo was about to take a closer look at this war fortress, and later to see the monster’s situation, a huge wave of air flow rushed out of the gray fog again, and this time the air flow was stronger than before. To be bigger, Leo was swept into the air along with the remains of the war castle on the ground.

Just when Leo was about to use his psionic wings to stabilize his figure in the air, a huge voice suddenly sounded above his head, followed by a beam of light, and all the monsters on the battlefield were turned into ashes, and Leo’s psychic energy also Being disturbed by the light and unable to move, he fell straight out of the air, then bounced up, rolled a few times, and slipped for a long distance before stopping.

Although Leo’s body has evolved so strong that he is not afraid of falling from a high altitude, and the blood power also protects his internal organs from injury, he is still thrown so that his skeleton seems to be scattered. Stand up from the ground.

   At this time, a black shadow like a rope appeared and dragged him quickly on the ground for a certain distance, and then Sylvia's anxious interrogation was heard.

   At this time, Leo realized that he had escaped from the gray fog and returned to the ice bridge, but from the surrounding light, it seemed that a long time had passed at this moment.

   "I'm fine!" Leo motioned to Sylvia not to worry, and feeling better, he sat up from the ground and asked, "What happened to you just now?"

   Sylvia explained: "I saw you fell in front and wanted to pull you, but I felt it was inappropriate to break in, so I asked Tessa to pull you out."

Leo froze for a while, turned his head and looked at Tessa Mocha, and then at the gray fog. He found that the gray fog was much thinner than when he entered, and he could see a long distance away. , But when he was in the gray mist, the surrounding gray mist didn't seem to be as thin as it is now.

   "You are right to deal with this." Leo agreed and asked again. "How long have I been in?"

   "Half a day," Sylvia replied.

   "Has it been so long?" Leo knew very well that there would be a time deviation after entering the fog, so this is not surprising.

   "What happened to you inside? Why are you so embarrassed?" Sylvia asked curiously.

Tessa Moka next to    also showed a curious expression.

   Leo thought for a while, did not do too much to conceal, and carefully told them what he saw in the gray fog, except for the huge sound and the light that appeared at the end.

But even so, the content of what he said still heard the two people completely stunned. If the person who said this was not Leo, they might think that the person who was talking was completely a lunatic, what? The steel machinery and monsters like hills, the living people whose limbs were cut off and stuffed into the steam mech, etc. were all imaginary.

   The person who said such crazy words turned out to be an extraordinary powerhouse like Leo, so the credibility of this matter is not comparable to that of an ordinary person.

   However, even so, even Sylvia, who trusted Leo the most, felt too ridiculous about what Leo said. She couldn't imagine two giant hills fighting in front of her.

   "What should I do now?" Tessa Moka asked.

"Wait, wait for the gray fog to completely disappear." Leo didn't intend to enter the gray fog again, because he could clearly feel it. The sound and light that appeared in the end were all from the Omega-class higher life forms, and from him Judging by the pressure it feels, the evolution of the opponent's life is definitely not weaker than the level of the Lord of All Things in this world.

Facing a battlefield where Omega-class high-level lifeforms are already on the battlefield, even if Leo was extremely curious about the situation there, he did not dare to go there anymore, because if he really wanted to do that, he would not be brave. Is stupid.

   In this way, the three set up a bonfire on the edge of the gray mist, rested, and waited for the gray mist to weaken and disappear.

   Leo originally estimated that it would take more than half a day for the gray fog to disappear completely, but they didn't expect that the speed of the gray fog disappeared far more than they expected, and the gray fog in front of them had completely disappeared in less than an hour.

At this time, the situation in front of the ice bridge passage was also revealed in front of Leo and the others. A huge pothole appeared on the ice bridge in front. This pothole started from the top to the bottom, and almost the entire ice bridge was penetrated. In general, the ice layer at the top of the pit originally had a huge hole, which has now been re-buried and condensed by ice and snow. At the bottom of the pit is a huge metal object. It seems that this metal object should be the culprit causing all of this. .

"Ah!" When the three of them went down a few floors of the ice bridge and saw clearly what the huge object at the bottom of the pothole was, Leo could still maintain his normal look, while Sylvia and Tessa Moka showed shock on their faces. And looked at Leo from time to time.

  Because this made a hole in the ice bridge, the metal object that almost smashed through the ice bridge was half the head of a war fortress. UU reading

Until this moment, Sylvia and Tessa Mocha completely believed what Leo had said before. They had a strong curiosity and they didn't care about the way. They quickly jumped to the metal head at the bottom of the pothole, carefully Looking at everything in front of me, I couldn't speak for a long time.

   Leo didn't bother them either, but walked to the side to check the condition of the half of the metal head through the spiritual net.

Perhaps it was because it left the gray fog area, or perhaps the metal head was seriously damaged and could not support the psionic interference device inside. In short, Leo’s spiritual net easily penetrated into the metal head and removed everything inside. The details are recorded.

   "Can we make this thing?" After a while, Sylvia recovered from the shock of the metal head and asked Leo very seriously.

   Leo heard the words, thought about it, shook his head, and said: "No! This world and the gods of the world don't allow it."

   Sylvia didn't understand the meaning of Leo's words, and Tessa Moka on the side did not interrupt, watching Leo waiting for his answer.

Leo walked to a gap in the metal head and pointed to the complex runes above and said: "The power that supports the war fortress comes from these runes, and these runes will be greatly weakened if they leave the gray fog. , The weakened rune cannot support the huge volume of the war fortress. This is caused by the difference between the gray fog and the laws of the world of Velen." After speaking, he paused and asked: "And, you are sure that the gods will be willing Ordinary people have such a powerful weapon?"

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