The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1237: The power of the demigod

Hearing the words of the middle-aged congressman, all the seats in the round table hall looked at the bishop in white sitting in the auditorium of the exclusive church in the middle.

The bishop in white did not talk nonsense, took out a palm-sized metal box from his arms, and then took out from the box a universal universal recorder with a little damaged surface but decorated with precious metals.

Afterwards, the bishop in white respectfully picked up the universal recorder and placed it on the table of the parliament chairperson in the middle of the round table hall. He then made a very solemn prayer, chanting the prayer of the Lord of the Sky. Almost half of them were members of the Church of the Lord of the Sky. They also prayed together when the bishop in white made a prayer gesture.

Just after a long prayer was read, the damaged universal recorder glowed with light, which was projected into the air, forming some recorded images in the air of the round table hall.

I don’t know if it’s because of the photographer or the damage of the universal recorder. The image looks a bit blurry, but it can still be recognized as a forest, and countless mutant monsters can be seen slowly moving in the forest. It looks like a group of mutant monsters that have formed.

Although it is impossible to analyze how many mutant monsters there are, people such as General Modesang who have dealt with mutant monsters all the year round can use experience to determine from the density, range and type of mutant monsters that this mutant monster group has at least There are more than eight thousand, and there should be a few large, extremely threatening destruction-level mutant monsters among them.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the number of mutant monsters exceeds three thousand, there will definitely be a destruction-level mutant monster bred in it. Ordinary city walls and conventional weapons cannot withstand the impact of such destruction-level mutant monsters, only special ones. Weapons and transcendents can cause damage to this mutant monster, and the most important thing is that this mutant monster is no longer like those low-level mutant monsters and only kills instinctively. It seems to have some wisdom and know how to avoid dangerous attacks. Attack the weak spots of the enemy.

Usually the appearance of destruction-level mutant monsters often indicates that there will be a battle with heavy casualties, and there may even be a well-defended lower-level town destroyed by the attack of the mutant monster group.

In the same way, if the number of mutant monster groups reaches more than 6,000, and the destruction-level mutant monsters that are bred will no longer be just one, then the risk factor of this mutant monster group will increase exponentially, and only the defense materials and fortifications will be complete. Only the big cities of China can resist such mutant monster groups, and the small towns basically have no hope.

Like the mutant monsters of this size in the image above the Round Table Hall, even General Modesang, who has been on the front line all year round, has only seen it three or four times, and they were all caused by the fog more than ten years ago. The year has just ended, the age when mutant monsters breed like wild grass. With the passage of time, the power that causes creatures to mutate is also weakening. Such a group of more than 8,000 mutant monsters has rarely been seen.

This is the voice of the middle-aged congressman sounded in the quiet round table hall, saying: "This is when the army of the Dodd Group, the army of the Kuishan Allied Powers and our reinforcements were in the Kuishan Allied Capital when they faced off in the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers. A group of mutant monsters produced in the forest near the capital of the Allied Powers."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged congressman, General Modesang was not too surprised. In fact, before returning to the capital of the Kingdom, he also exchanged views with his staff about the farce war in the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers, and studied it. How to prevent the infiltration of the spies and secret agents of the Dodd Group, how to make oneself retreat when allies rebelled, and also discussed a suspicious point. This suspicious point was why there was no mutant monster group appearing at that time.

There are a large number of scholars and experts engaged in the research of mutated monsters in the front-line army that specifically targets mutated monster groups. Although they have not been able to find out the reason for the appearance of mutated monsters, they have figured out some rules for the formation of mutant monster groups. According to their method analysis, it is basically possible to predict where and when more than 90% of the mutant monster groups will appear, so as to achieve early defense or early encirclement and suppression.

At the moment when the offensive and defensive battle for the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers appeared, the experts of the army had already determined through their methods that there would definitely be a group of mutant monsters of at least 5,000 in the vicinity of the capital, and it was this prediction that made the commander in charge The generals of the reserve support corps felt that he had a great chance of winning, and most of the time he was preparing fortifications against mutant monsters, and he did not guard against other things at all.

In the end, the mutant monster group did not appear. The defense of the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers was easily broken due to the betrayal of the Kata tribe, and all the troops fell.

This matter naturally requires accountability, and the expert group that predicts the mutant monster group is also one of the objects of accountability, and they have repeatedly stated that based on their experience and analysis, there is definitely a mutant monster group formed near the capital of the Kuishan Allied Power. As for why They didn't show up, and they didn't know what happened.

From the image above the round table hall, it can be seen that the experts who study mutant monsters have not appeared. The mutant monster group has really formed as they analyzed, and the scale is much larger than they predicted. If so A huge group of mutant monsters appeared outside the city wall of the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers, then the final battle will develop as they expected. The army of the Dodd Group will be annihilated outside the city, and the army in the city only needs to deal with it. The remaining mutant monster groups are fine.

"Why didn't these monsters appear?" General Modesang immediately asked one of the questions he asked the most these days.

"You will know if you keep reading." The middle-aged congressman replied.

After a video of the monster moving, the photographer of the image seemed to have discovered something and moved the shooting target to a hill, because the hills are made of schist, there are no trees growing, there are only some weeds, and they are bare. You can easily see the situation on the mountain.

At this moment, I saw a man wearing a short trench coat standing on the top of the hill. The image was a little fuzzy, and he couldn't see the man's appearance. It was only that he was much taller than ordinary people.

Standing on the top of the hill, this man looked at the slowly moving group of mutant monsters in the forest below, as if he was not afraid that the group of mutant monsters would attack him.

Then I saw the man suddenly raised his hand, and then a spear-like prismatic lightning appeared in his hand, and a large amount of lightning gushed from the thunder spear and scattered around, forming a power grid, enveloping the man. In it.

The appearance of thunder and lightning also alarmed the mutant monster group below. At this time, the four destruction-level mutant monsters in the mutant monster group seemed to feel some danger, and they roared and rushed toward the people at the top of the hill. Past.

At the same time, the thunder gun formed in that person's hand also changed from silvery white at the beginning to a golden color, and then turned black again. This black seems to have some unknown power, not only capable of transforming the surrounding light All are distorted and swallowed, and even those who see these images will have the illusion that their souls have been pulled over.

When the thunder gun turned black, the man immediately projected the thunder gun towards the destruction-level mutant monster that rushed forward.

The hidden church recorder couldn’t record the image projected by the thunder gun at all, because it was too fast, almost invisible, the only thing that can be seen is that the four destructive mutant monsters instantly turned into ashes, and then Countless golden lightning rushed out of their ashes, turned into countless chains of lightning, penetrating the group of mutant monsters behind, and more than 8,000 mutant monsters burned into charcoal in these chains of lightning without resistance. The forest it was in was also instantly destroyed.

When the lightning chain disappeared, the mutant monster group and the forest all disappeared, leaving only a thick layer of ashes on the ground covered with unburned coke.

The image is over here, the light projected in the air is collected, and the bishop in white silently re-receives the universal recorder into the box. At this time, there is no sound in the round table hall, although except for General Modesan, all present are present. It’s the second time that other people have watched this video. Some people have even watched it for the third and fourth time, but the shock they felt was still not much different from the first time they saw it. They felt that they were too small. The thought of being formed and growing in the mind.

After a long time, General Modesang suppressed the fear and shock in his heart, and then tried his best to make his voice appear stable, and asked in a deep voice: "What is that?"

General Modesang actually wanted to ask who it was, because he judged that the person should be an extraordinary person, and the thunder gun used by the other party should be some kind of extraordinary ability, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought of him In his memory, there has never been a transcendent capable of possessing such terrifying power. Obviously, everything just now shouldn't be something that humans can do, so he turned to ask what it was.

Although General Modesang tried his best to conceal his inner emotions, the members of the House of Representatives who were working could still hear a tremor in his voice, a tremor caused by fear.

None of the people would laugh at him, because their current situation is not much better than that of General Modesang.

Faced with General Modesang’s question, the middle-aged congressman did not answer. It was not that he did not want to answer, but that he was too immersed in the shock and did not recover. On the contrary, he was the white robe of the Church of the Lord of the Sky as an observer. The bishop replied: "His name is Leo Dodd. He is the partner of Sylvia Belmont, the leader of the Dodd Group, and the father of Toland Dodd, the president of the Dodd Group."

General Modesang quickly remembered Leo Dodd’s information. After the rise of Dodd Group, the United States had an intelligence data collection department specifically targeting important figures in Dodd Group. The source of the German group's name is naturally the focus of their attention, and the information collected is also very complete.

Not long ago, when Leo reappeared after disappearing for more than 20 years, General Modesang also participated in a related meeting to discuss what changes the Dodd Group would bring to the Dodd Group with Leo's appearance.

Although the attendees all know Leo’s identity as a wizard, they have already come into contact with a large number of transcendents and know how powerful they are, so they don’t think Leo’s transcendent power can increase the strength of the Dodd Group much, on the contrary. It was Leo's identity as another alchemist that became the focus of the discussion among the participants. Everyone believed that Leo's appearance would help the Dodd Group to improve one level or even multiple levels in both industrial and pharmaceutical aspects.

However, it now appears that the original participants obviously seriously underestimated the role of extraordinary power, which is simply subversive.

Now in this world, as people have more and more contact with the extraordinary and extraordinary powers, the mystery of the extraordinary has also been unveiled layer by layer. The vast majority of people, including many extraordinary people, believe that extraordinary powers. Some may be powerful, but not enough to change the situation of the world. In the past, the miraculous power descriptions in the past are actually just exaggerated descriptions by the author. In fact, those who can use extraordinary powers in ancient times used extraordinary powers. It's not much better than the current people, and even those so-called evil gods are just some evil supernatural beings.

Although the entire world is still a world where mutant monsters are rampant, most people believe that with the continuous development of industrial technology, the power of those weapons will become more and more powerful, and finally humans can regain them from mutant creatures with industrial power. This world, and those who can use extraordinary powers will also surrender to this industrial power.

This kind of industrial supremacy thought can be said to be in addition to the Kingdom of Ice and Snow. uukanshu. Com’s leading thought in the entire Vinylon world, the same is true for the Kingdom of America, a semi-religious country dominated by the Church of the Lord of the Sky, and the senior leaders of the United States have more or less accepted this idea, like Modesan. The general, a powerful military general, is a staunch supporter of this kind of thinking.

However, the things that showed up completely shattered this kind of thinking. They suddenly discovered that the powerful forces that ruined the world in the past are real. Under this kind of power, let alone ordinary humans, even those Mutated monsters with great self-healing ability and various weird powers are also like ants.

General Modesang immediately thought of himself, thought of the two armies under him, the army of nearly 50,000 people, and thought of what it would be like to play against Leo Dowd, and in his mind Only one scene was the scene after all the destruction he had just seen. He didn't think that his more than 50,000 people could have any chance of survival under such terrifying power.

Thinking of this, General Modesang couldn't help swallowing, and then asked in a low voice, "Is this still a human?"

Although this question seems to be asking myself, I heard that people around me are also asking them. No one can give the answer. In the end, the bishop in white, the Lord of the Sky, said: "No, he is already a demigod. Up."

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