The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1236: The Kingdom of Bodo

No matter how Sylvia Belmonte and Leo Dodd did all of this, it has become an indisputable fact that Odoline was controlled by them, and the Dodd Group’s talent pool for so many years, plus Odory Lin's own talents easily allowed the Dodd Group to annex O'Dorrain, an industrial city that is one of the best in the mainland of Mozambique.

Everyone thinks that the Dodd Group will completely digest O'Dorraine for a while, but what is surprising is that the Dodd Group has started to advance northward. The reorganized O'Dollen garrison will no longer just stand in Austria. Doreen guarded the city within the high wall, but left the high wall and entered the southern area of ​​O'Dorrain. He quickly captured and annexed some small cities in the south and parts of the Parnir Kingdom. It stopped until the Saket Plain. Come down, rectify the army and clean up the harvest.

Although Odoline City has expanded several times in a short period of time, it seems that it has some indigestion and takes a while to digest, but almost everyone who understands the situation knows that once Odoline has completely digested the harvest, then Odoline It is bound to begin to move north again and completely take down the Saket Plain, because O'Dorrain's intention is very obvious, that is, to completely connect the city of O'Dorrain and the new Bodo region in the south to form a whole.

All this situation changes too fast. It’s almost time for everyone to hear the news. The news is completely outdated. Odoline’s change of ownership was completed in just a dozen days, and it will take years for Odoline to expand several times and so on. It is something that can only be done in more than ten years, which makes many people who pay attention to this matter feel scared.

But for Klordesa, Odoline's strength is their luckiest thing, because only Odoline is strong enough to help them through the current crisis.

Although Claudesa’s parliamentarians and government officials don’t think that their move to take refuge in Odoline will be rejected by Odoline, but they will not pin all their hopes on others and continue to follow the original plan. Send a large number of spies to understand the situation of the mutant monster group, on the other hand, continue to make pre-war preparations in the city, and everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Almost as soon as these congressmen and officials began to return to their posts to do things, most of these congressmen and officials unanimously dispatched their capable men and left Crowdesa with a secret letter. , Entered the forest outside the city and left in different directions.

More than half of these people rushed toward the crevice of Odolinet Bath Mountain, a section of the newly built castle of Odoline, the other part marched towards the city where the Autonomous League headquarters is located, and some disappeared in the woods. , Missing.

Some of them should be prepared to take refuge in Odolin first, and intend to use this to obtain a good position and status in the city controlled by Odolin in the future. Although these people will not make any changes to the overall situation, they can at least help Odolin. Lynn or Dodd Group accepts Claudesa more easily.

As for the other people who are undoubtedly the pawns, eyes and ears of different forces in the city, they are now relaying the news of Claudesa. Although it does not help, at least the forces behind them can make preparations in advance.

However, even if this news reaches the hands of those forces, those forces will not care too much about this news. Because compared to the small town of Crowdesa, the small town in the Saket Plain, it has encountered a group of mutant monsters. It is planned to use Odoline as a bargaining chip to obtain the support of Odoline to resist the disaster brought by this wave of mutant monsters. Another event that happened almost simultaneously attracted the attention of everyone in the Mozambican continent, because this was the first country to perish because of humans after the foggy year, and the Kuishan Allies perished.

If Odolin's sudden change had given people the illusion that the situation was changing rapidly, then the demise of the Kuishan Allied Powers gave everyone the feeling of shock, nothing else.

Although everyone knows that the Dodd Group is powerful and it is not difficult to destroy the Kuishan Allies, it is shocking and incredible that the Kuishan Allies have perished so quickly, and this cut off the strength of the Dodd Group itself. In addition, the Kata tribe who fell in battle is also an extremely critical reason.

Perhaps it was to echo each other with O'Dorraine. Almost on the day O'Dorraine’s management changed hands, the new Bodo area and the Dodd Group headquarters, which had kept their fangs in secret, also began to make a series of move.

First, the Merchant Fleet of the Dodd Group became a fully armed navy in half a day, equipped with various weapons and well-equipped New Bodo Defense Forces, directly attacking Torch Harbor from the sea, and it was completely complete in less than half a day. It took the Torch Harbor and completely controlled the northern coastline of the mainland of Mozambique.

At the same time, the defense department of the Dodd Group, which has formed a corps, also began to attack the towns controlled by the Kuishan Allied Power in the south from three different routes.

Because all the troops of the Dodd Group use a large number of the latest weapons and equipment, and there are also weapons specially used for siege, making it very easy for the army to fall into the target city, and the army is also extremely fast, less than ten days. He had already arrived outside the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers and successfully joined forces, while the northern areas of the Kuishan Allied Powers were all occupied.

Although the three armies of the Dodd Group moved extremely fast, they almost captured a town and disarmed the town before proceeding towards the next goal, but these captured towns were not left there just like that. The Dodd Group At this time, a large number of clerks were stationed in the towns to accept the government affairs of the towns, and then the reserve forces in the new Bodo region also arrived in these towns, leaving some people to disperse the original city defense forces to form a new one. The city defense forces quickly digested and annexed the town.

At this time, the Kuishan Allies that had already reacted also mobilized their garrisons from the areas controlled by the south. At the same time, the Kata tribe in the deep mountains also sent a large number of tribal warriors to support them, and the U.S. Kingdom was also the Kuishan Ally. This subject country sent an army to support it. Although that army was just a temporary recruiting corps and its combat power was somewhat problematic, it at least showed the attitude of the Kingdom of the United States of America and could form some deterrence against the Dodd Group.

At this moment, more than two hundred thousand troops have gathered inside and outside the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers. With the addition of the population of the Kuishan Allied Capital, the number of people in this area has exceeded one million. According to past observations of mutant monsters, this At that time, a large number of mutant monsters should appear nearby to form a wave of mutant monsters.

The emergence of the mutant monster tide is a good thing for the Kuishan allies, because are they in the city now, protected by high walls, and outside the city is the army of the Dodd Group. Once the mutant monster tide appears, then the city The troops outside the city will inevitably bear the brunt. Without the assistance of the high wall, the troops of the Dodd Group will definitely suffer heavy losses. At that time, they can take the opportunity to wipe out the troops outside the city. By then, not only the previously lost towns in the north will be restored. Returning to control, it is even possible to further eliminate the Dodd Group and plunder the Dodd Group's wealth.

At that time, the senior leaders of the Kuishan Allies all imagined this way, so they were full of hope for their future.

However, what puzzled everyone was that the mutated monster wave did not appear according to the previous practice, and when the combined Dodd army began to attack the city a few days later, the Kata tribe turned to the battle, not only All the high-level leaders of the Kuishan Allies were wiped out, and even the troops supported by the Kingdom of America were captured.

Afterwards, the army of the Dodd Group was greeted into the city, took over the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers, and at the same time sent envoys to other southern towns that had not yet been conquered to persuade them to surrender.

Two days later, all the towns in the southern part of the Kuishan Allied Powers also returned. Tolan Dodd, the CEO of the Dodd Group, announced the demise of the Kuishan Allied Power outside the Dodd Group headquarters, and replaced by the Dodd Group as the core. Kingdom of Bodo.

The sensational effect caused by this incident far exceeds that of O'Doryn’s change of control, because the Kuishan Allies were the first to exist before the foggy year, survived the tide of mutant monsters, and eventually perished in the hands of humans. A country in the continent of Mozambique.

After the foggy years, many countries have perished due to the wave of mutant monsters. Almost the weak city-states on the continent of Mozambique were almost flattened by the wave of mutant monsters. The locations of those countries were also swallowed up by the original forest again, like Several countries as large as the Kuishan Allies have also perished. According to some good deeds’ speculations, the next one to perish should be the declining Kingdom of Panir.

But no one thought that the first to perish was the Kuishan Allied Power, a veteran country that had existed for hundreds of years. While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but produce an illusion that the times had begun to change.

Many people attentively discovered that as the Kuishan Allied Power became the Kingdom of Bodo, there was only a small Saket plain between it and Odolin. However, facing the north-south attack, Saket's system was loose. The city-state autonomous alliance is basically impossible to resist, that is to say, without other powerful external interference, the realization of the north-south connection of the Bodo Kingdom is almost a fait accompli.

Many small countries in Mozambique dare not take any small actions in this matter. Most of them wait for the dust to settle before establishing diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Bodo. At this time, they are not only concerned about the surrounding areas of the Saket Plain. The situation is also concerned about the reaction of the United States of America.

The reaction of the U.S. Kingdom did not exceed everyone’s expectations. The reserve army and some of the main forces from all over the kingdom began to assemble towards the towns on the border of Odorin and the border of the former Kuishan Confederacy. It seemed that they wanted to move forward together. At the same time, they attacked Odolin and the Kingdom of Bodo.

However, what those onlookers didn't expect was that there was not only a voice against the start of the war among the senior leaders of the United States, but this voice was even more dominant.

"General Modesang, I will ask you again, and please give a simple answer. Don't say anything else, just answer yes or no." A middle-aged congressman stood on his seat and turned towards The general of the United Kingdom on the questioning table in the center of the conference hall asked: "Are we absolutely sure of victory?"

The face of General Modesang who was questioned was extremely gloomy. He originally thought that the memory of this council was just a discussion meeting about logistics materials, but he didn't expect it to become a questioning meeting about whether to fight against the newly established Kingdom of Bodo. When something went wrong, he tried to confuse the matter with some official language, but he didn't expect to be seen through by the other party, so he picked the topic so clearly that he didn't have any room for maneuver.

General Modesang is one of the few powerful generals in the U.S. Kingdom. He controls two standing legions. He has repeatedly made warfare in the power amplifiers against mutant monsters. He is the backbone of the military and the master of the kingdom. War leader.

From a long time ago, he has been working hard to push for the proposal to subdue O'Dorraine's control by force, but it has always been shelved for various reasons. Now O'Doryn’s situation and the collapse of the Kuishan Allies have been given to him. The best excuse is, in fact, as he thought, his proposal to increase troops was passed quickly, and now he is also implied that he will be the commander of this crusade, so before he came to the meeting, I have been preparing for the war all the time.

However, what he never thought was that it was only a few days. The members of Congress who had almost one-sided support for the war, the crusade against the pseudo-Bodo Kingdom, and the recovery of O'Dorrain, now the vast majority of them have shown their opposition to the war. Intent, even the colleagues and officials in the gallery remained silent at this time, which made him wonder what to do for a while.

"General Modsang, please answer my question." Seeing General Modsang's silence for a long time, the middle-aged congressman who asked the question urged again.

Although, UU Reading Modesang knows very well that once the war starts, the war will become a protracted battle, and the strength of the two sides is not as great as imagined, but he still needs to show incomparable confidence at this moment, so he does not Hesitated again, held up his chest, and said loudly: "Yes, we will be the final winner, there is no doubt about this!"

In his imagination, there should be applause around this time. The congressmen and officials from the main combatants in the rotunda would applaud his answer to show his support, but in fact, there was no sound around him. ,very quiet.

The middle-aged congressman initiated a follow-up question again: "Excuse me, General Modesang, did you just say casually, or is there any convincing evidence to prove it?"

After feeling the aggressive behavior of the middle-aged congressman, Modesang felt a flurry of irritation. He turned his head and stared at the opponent fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that the information in the annual military report of our kingdom is not enough to prove the strength of our army? Fighting power? How can such a strong fighting power be..."

"General Modsang, please tell us your true thoughts after watching this video first!" Before Modsang could finish speaking, the middle-aged congressman interrupted him, and then walked not far away. The bishop of the church in the gallery of the Lord of the Sky saluted and said: "My Excellency, please replay the content we saw just now with a divine tool."

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