The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1211: Rebirth ceremony

"Their situation is very similar to that of the abyssal creatures." Sylvia couldn't help but said in awe after seeing those knights fighting the abyssal creatures that emerged from the thick fog and swallowing the remaining essence of the abyssal creatures.

As she said, the abyssal creatures almost all grow up by killing other abyssal creatures and swallowing their essence. Plundering and swallowing are their nature. In the inheritance of the abyssal dragon, there are a large number of devouring and digesting various abyssal creatures. The essence of the method, so she can recognize the situation of these abyssal creatures at a glance.

"Where did these abyssal creatures come from?" It's just that Leo is more concerned about the origin of these abyssal creatures than how these knights hunted down abyssal creatures.

At first Leo did not feel any breath of abyssal power from the abyssal creatures, so he thought that these abyssal creatures might be just some kind of illusion, but only after the knights killed the abyssal creatures and swallowed its remaining essence There was a clear breath of abyssal power, which confirmed that these were not illusions.

Only in this way, the question came. Unless there is an abyss rift nearby, it is impossible for this number of abyss creatures to appear in the world of Velon.

And there is a more important doubt, that is, these abyssal creatures always give Leo a sense of illusion, which is why he still doubts whether these abyssal creatures really exist after confirming that these abyssal creatures are not illusions.

"No, there is absolutely no abyss rift here!" Sylvia, who has inspired the blood of the abyss dragon, has far greater perception of the abyss than Leo. She is very sure that at least within her range of perception, there is no abyss rift. , There was even no trace of the erosion of the abyss, so she said with some doubts: "These abyss creatures seem to be directly created by the surrounding rain and fog."

"Rain and mist?" Leo pondered for a moment. He watched the battle below. He looked at the knights who had prepared the ritual items in the center of the square and said, "Maybe it's not rain and mist, but the book?"

"That book?" Sylvia frowned and said, "But haven't we confirmed that the book is just an ordinary book?"

"Yes, it's an ordinary book in our hands," Leo said in some words: "But maybe it's not the same thing when it's on other people." With that, he pointed to the ground, and then again. Pointing to the center of the square, he said, "Look at the feet of the knights."

Sylvia heard the words, following the direction of Leo’s fingers, moved the realization to the feet of the knights on the square. I saw the knights who were fighting, although they had improved their strength by several levels with the help of potions. The ability to kill these creatures at the bottom of the abyss, but no matter how powerful they are, they are still ordinary people, and they will still be injured under monster siege.

After several rounds of fighting, almost every knight who was fighting was injured in different degrees. The severe one had an opening directly in the abdomen. The intestines and other internal organs flowed out, and the effect of the medicine not only increased the actual strength. , And made him forget the pain, the injury was so serious that he could still slash and slash like a normal soldier.

At the same time, the blood from the wounds of these knights did not spread in the rain, but gathered at their feet, and gathered along the slate patterns of the square under their feet toward the center of the square, and finally gathered on the simple reading shelf. I climbed up the reading shelf like a vine, and gathered together with the Terror Book of Metreus, which Leo and Sylvia regarded as ordinary books, and the color of the book gradually turned pale red. , And deepen the color continuously with the blood injection.

Although the book has undergone such obvious changes, Leo and Sylvia still did not feel any abnormal power from the book. Instead, they felt some power fluctuations in the blood-mixed veins under the square. Being able to feel this power fluctuation seems to have an unintelligible connection with the castle itself and the rain and fog outside the castle.

At this time, there were casualties among the knights who resisted the monsters in the abyss. A knight was bitten by several monsters and torn to pieces. What's strange is that the knight's body quickly melted after his death and turned into a knight. The blood of the pool blended into the pattern under the square.

When the first casualties appeared, the knights had to shrink the defensive circle, and the leaders in the center of the square seemed to have waited for the right time. One of them picked up the prepared incense burner to light it, lifted it, and hung it. I swayed on the book, and chanted a very vague-sounding prayer, and the language used in the prayer was not normal language, but more like the roar of some kind of beast.

Several other knights who did not chant the prayers stood in different places, each holding ritual objects from different churches in their hands, and pointed them at the book.

As the ceremony unfolded, Leo also felt that an abnormal energy fluctuation began to be produced out of thin air in the surrounding environment. This energy fluctuation did not belong to the world of Vinylon, but was related to the subspace energy fluctuation recorded in Leo's database. Very similar place.

However, before Leo had time to savor the details of this energy fluctuation, the knights of the abyss monsters seemed to have reached the limit, the speed of swinging their weapons had slowed down a lot, and the abyss monsters also seized the opportunity. They broke through the knight's spear one after another, causing a direct attack on the knight's body.

Although the knights were wearing heavy armor with excellent defensive power, they still couldn't resist the attacks of these monsters. One after another, they fell down and were submerged by the monsters of the abyss, and soon all died in the attacks of the monsters.

After these monsters killed the knights who were in charge of defense, they didn't stop for a moment, and rushed directly at the remaining knights who were performing the ceremony.

Seeing this situation, Sylvia wanted to take action to solve these abyss monsters, so as not to hinder the ritual. She wanted to know what these mixed-blood Acros knights wanted to do, and what the castle was all about.

But Leo stretched out his hand to organize Sylvia, and motioned to Sylvia to watch.

Afterwards, Sylvia saw that the abyss monsters easily drowned the knights who were performing the ritual. The sharp minions tore the knights’ armor and bodies, and soon all the knights died in the hands of the abyss monsters. .

At this time, Sylvia also found several abnormalities. One was that although the knights who were presiding over the ceremony were dead, the ceremony did not seem to be over. The censer was just like this without being lifted. Floating in the air, rotating at a constant speed toward the books below, while the ritual objects of the surrounding churches are still suspended in the air, moving in the same manner as the holders just now, as if the knights eaten by the abyss monsters are still alive general.

Another anomaly is that no matter how fierce the battle between these abyss monsters and knights is, the various ritual items placed on the square are still intact, as if both were deliberately avoiding these ritual items during the battle.

As for the last anomaly, these abyss monsters will look for other targets immediately after solving the target according to their gluttonous habits. They will not stop hunting until they are fully fed, so these abyss monsters are normal. Will leave the castle without prey, go to the wilderness jungle outside, hunt prey, and may also kill other abyssal monsters around as prey.

But the actual situation is that these abyss monsters seem to be full, and they all lie on the ground to rest. If only those abyss monsters that swallowed the knight's body are so bad, even the abyss monsters that spawn later will be like this.

As if all the monsters of the abyss were affected by some unknown force, as long as they got close to the reading rack and the Mitreus Book of Fear, they could not bear the sleepiness and fell asleep. .

It's just that these monsters don't seem to be as simple as sleeping in the past, because after Leo used his spiritual vision and activated the power of the real eye, he discovered that a special force was being drawn away from the monsters who were sleeping. In this book.

Leo felt a little familiar with this situation, but he couldn't remember what it was. He just knew it should be related to the abyss, so he passed what he saw to Sylvia next to him, and looked at Hill. Will Via find some clues?

"This is? This is forging the code?" Sylvia said in surprise after seeing this scene, remembering something.

"Code? Code of Abyss?" Leo asked.

"Of course it can't be the Code of Abyss." Sylvia immediately shook his head and said, "It's the Code of Fear."

The doubt on Leo's face not only did not disappear, but it became even more obvious, and said, "What does this have to do with Mitreus' Book of Fear?"

"The Code of Fear is just a kind of strange thing created by the bottom races of the abyss. Its function is to enslave the slaves. It has nothing to do with Mitreus' Book of Fear. At least as far as I know in the past, there is no cooperative relationship." Elvia explained, and said with the same confusion: "But now I am a little confused."

Almost as soon as the conversation between the two of them fell, the book placed on the reading shelf suddenly exploded with extremely strong energy, and this force formed a ray of light. The energy is even stronger than Leo, a seventh-level psionicist, and it is almost as strong as the power of the gods. Faced with this sudden powerful force, Leo and Sylvia did not have time to react, and were flooded by light. , Both of them lost their eyesight instantly.

However, their vision lost quickly and recovered quickly. After almost one or two breaths, the two regained their vision, but the scene before them was no longer the ruined corner fort full of abyssal monsters they had seen before. , But the complete corner fort they first saw.

The previous damaged buildings were all restored to their original condition intact, and the rain and fog outside the corner fort also disappeared. As for the abyss monsters also disappeared, there is no blood on the ground, and there is no abyss power or other abnormal energy fluctuations around. As if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

But Leo and Sylvia are very clear that this is definitely not an illusion, because the knights who should have been torn to pieces by the abyss monsters and swallowed alive are all lying intact on the square at this moment, and the various objects used for the ceremony are also Disappeared, only the book suspected of Mitreus's Book of Fear was still lying in the center of the square, letting the rain fall on it.

In addition, what is different from the knights just now is that the armors on these knights have turned bright red, and the appearance of each knight seems to be much younger, especially the first few people, it can be said that they have appeared. They are entering old age, but now they all look like young people in their twenties.

"I didn't expect it to be true. The rebirth ceremony really exists." Seeing these knights in a coma on the square, Sylvia seemed to understand something, and some incredible expressions appeared on her face and muttered to herself. Language.

"You mean that what they had just performed was the rebirth ceremony?" Leo was also a little surprised.

Leo’s understanding of the rebirth ritual comes from the notes of the tower wizard. In the notes, there is mentioned a legend. It is said that there is a mysterious ritual in the world that can be performed by ordinary people. This ritual is called the rebirth ritual. To be reborn, to put it simply, is to rejuvenate a person and become younger.

No one knows the details of the rebirth ritual, not even the tower wizard, so when the notebook mentions the rebirth ritual, it is recorded as a legend, not a real secret ritual. UU看书Related content on also repeatedly mentioned that this legend is just a legend, without any basis for existence.

However, these knights who have rejuvenated and become young are undoubtedly living evidence that proves that the rebirth ritual is real, and even the creator of the ritual may be Arklos, the father of the Velen world ritual.

However, the question is coming again. How did these mixed-blood Acros knights know this kind of ritual that even the tower wizards and the church of the gods do not know, and whether the book at the core of the ritual is Mitreus' Book of Fear? .

At this time, these knights gradually awakened in the cold rain. They saw that each other was fine and regained their youth. They all looked excited and happy, and even a few of them were ready to take off their armor to check if their bodies were not. Regained youth just like appearance.

However, the actions of these knights were immediately stopped by the leading knights. After a few words to the other companions, the leading knight walked to the middle of the square, picked up the book on the ground again, and wiped it clean with his cloak. Then he walked into the chamber and came back empty-handed after a while. It seemed that he had put the book back to its original place.

After this incident last night, they put on the cloak again, covered their heads, walked out of the castle without stopping, and quickly disappeared into the rain outside.

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