The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1210: Ancient knight

"Someone is coming?" Although the heavy rain caused a lot of noise, Leo could still hear some movement outside the Horn.

Sylvia thought quickly, ran to the ruins of the chamber, placed the Book of Fear of Mitreus on the pile of ruins, then ran back to Leo, and said: "First Hide and see what those people want to do."

Leo heard the words, stretched out his hand to hold Sylvia's hand, and retreated to a shadow in the corner, using the shadow to completely hide the two of them.

Not long after, I heard heavy and neat footsteps, and the sound of metal percussion was mixed in these footsteps.

"Soldier." Sylvia immediately guessed after hearing the footsteps.

Leo also nodded, agreeing.

It didn't take long to see a team of men and horses with cloaks covering their heads quickly entering the corner fort.

Although the bodies of these people are very tightly covered, it can be seen from the unevenness on the top of the cloak that more than a dozen people in this group are wearing armor and weapons. It is just that they are puzzled. The weapons they carried seemed to be cold weapons, not to mention guns with special bullets, it was a bit weird not to carry even the powerful steam engine crossbow.

In the past, the steam engine crossbow was a munition and was not allowed to be owned by the private. In addition, the price was expensive, the small steam engine was bulky, inconvenient to use, and required a period of preparation time, unable to cope with emergencies and other reasons, entering the wasteland and other dangerous areas. The adventurers rarely use the steam engine crossbow.

But now the situation is different. After more than 20 years of development, the Dodd Group has made the main parts of the steam engine crossbow leap-forward and miniaturized through the notes left by Leo, and strengthened the power of the crossbow. To cope with an endless stream of mutant monsters, countries around the world have also opened up weapon restrictions, and ordinary people can also purchase weapons such as steam engine crossbows that were considered contraband in the past.

So now almost the vast majority of people entering the wasteland, whether it is a large number of caravans and expeditions, or a single explorer and smuggler, as long as conditions permit, will wear a set of steam engine crossbow, after all, this can save their lives at critical moments.

But now this pair of men and horses would rather wear armor that is not suitable for activities in the jungle, and they are not equipped with such a set of standard equipment. Either these people are strong enough to save their lives without the use of a steam engine crossbow, or their armor actually has special armor. power.

Of course, there is another possibility that they do not have the money to buy an expensive weapon such as a steam engine crossbow, but they can wear a rare and precious full body armor for everyone, and it does not look like the kind of person who lacks money.

As for the strength of these people, judging from the fact that they can walk fast while wearing heavy armor and carrying a lot of luggage on their bodies, their bodies are indeed very good. They are considered the top fighters in any country, but that's all. That's it, because these people are not transcendents, there is no energy fluctuations in their bodies that are unique to transcendents.

And the armors on their bodies were covered by the cloak, and it was hard to see what kind of armor they were, but even the best armors were not strange objects with special powers, just ordinary armors.

After these people entered the corner fort, they seemed to be very familiar with it. Some of them came to the open space on the side of the central square of the corner fort, and began to silently make some preparations, taking out the contents of their backpacks one by one. Several others entered the chamber, seeming to be looking for something.

It didn’t take long for them to take out the Mitreus’ Book of Fear that Sylvia had left in the ruins of the Chamber, and set up a suggested reading shelf, put it in the middle of the square, and held it. The man in the book of fear put the books in his hands on the shelf.

At this time, these people also took off the cloaks that were in the way of their bodies, revealing the appearance under the cloaks.

I saw that these people were all wearing armor as Leo expected, and the armor was of the same standard. Judging from the appearance, it seemed to be some kind of early Knight armor of the French Empire with some modifications.

Although the armor of the knights in the early French Empire also attached importance to defense, they paid more attention to the magnificence and dignity of the armor, because they felt that it could make those facing the attack of the knight feel fear and panic, so they not only inlaid some in the armor. The extra patterns added some monsters, extraordinary creatures and other shapes to eye-catching places such as helmets, shoulder armors, and breastplates.

Now these people’s armor is this kind of knight armor. The gaps in the armor have intricate decorative patterns. The helmet is shaped like a bird’s head, and the shoulders are the head of a vicious night leopard. This night leopard only lives in Velen. , And has been almost extinct for hundreds of years. As for the breastplate, it is a three-headed evil beast that only appears in the legend. The shape of the entire armor looks exaggerated and heavy.

What's also interesting is that the people wearing these armors are not Flanges, but are natives of mixed tribes.

During the colonial period, a large number of mixed races appeared on the mainland of Mozambique. Regardless of the reason for their emergence, these mixed races were of the same status. They were all at the bottom. The colonists would not treat them as human beings, nor would the wasteland tribes. Think of them as their own, so in the end they either die in a corner of a plantation or die in the jungle of the wilderness.

These mixed-race children are very easy to identify. It is not known whether it is due to blood or other reasons. Almost all the mixed-race children from the wasteland tribes and other continent countries have a clear yellow curly hair and a tall nose that is in a straight line with the forehead.

Therefore, it was almost difficult for the mixed-race slaves in the plantations of the colony to escape from the plantations, because their appearance was so obvious that they could be recognized by people at a glance.

However, there are exceptions to everything. During the most prosperous period of the colonial independence movement, many mixed races fell into wars everywhere, successfully escaped from the colonists’ plantations, and united with each other to form a strong force. Before the war subsided, he entered some unowned lands on the edge of the wasteland and established a tribe of mixed races.

After so many years, some of these mixed-race tribes have died out, and some have survived, and even gradually grown. However, no matter how strong their tribes are, they will not be accepted by the tribes of the wasteland, because these mixed-race tribes have no shaman or any Shaman is willing to go to such a tribe, even if it is a shaman apprentice.

Therefore, in order to enable them to survive in the wilderness, these mixed-race tribes will do everything possible to enhance their strength. From the early knights to the later mechanical weapons, they are all ways to increase their strength, even some The tribe has also developed its own system.

Judging from the attire of the members of this team of mixed-blood tribes, this tribe should have been inherited from a certain ancient French knight family and developed into its own system, so their equipment can be so unified.

"Aclos." Sylvia seemed to have discovered something, and after using power to isolate the sound, she whispered to Leo.

Hearing this, Leo quickly found relevant information, and couldn't help muttering: "Is that the Arklos family?"

"Yeah." Sylvia nodded, then pointed to the decorations of the monsters and beasts on the knight's armor and said: "The ritual bird, the night leopard, and the three-headed Mikasha are the guardian beasts of the Arklos family."

Although Leo has no relevant information in his memory, he still trusts Sylvia's discovery, and Arklos can also be connected with the name Fabius, and the connection is very close.

Arklos is also the most famous family of knights in the early French knight dynasty, but this family is not known for having brave knights in the family, but because the family’s deep research on rituals has made them an extraordinary reputation. , So many people prefer to call Arklos a ritual family rather than a knight family.

The Arklos family, from the patriarch to the general family members, have a very obsessive love for various rituals. They believe that any kind of ritual contains mysterious powers that they cannot understand. As long as they understand the laws of these rituals, Be able to grasp the power hidden in it.

That is to say, this kind of family philosophy from top to bottom enabled their family to use all means to collect various ceremonies at that time, including normal religious ceremonies, ceremonial ceremonies and honorary ceremonies. And they compiled these ritual methods into books, and improved them to create various new rituals.

It is no exaggeration to say that the various ceremonies performed by the French Empire, such as the coronation ceremony of the emperor's accession to the throne, the triumphal ceremony after the victory of the army, etc., were all created by this family, even the sermons and mass ceremonies of various churches. They were all improved from the ceremonial encyclopedia created by this family, and for this reason the Aklos family had a very special status at the time.

The founder of the Fabius family and the founder of the Acros family are a pair of cousins. They founded two families, and also because of their blood, the relationship between the two families is extremely close, and the number of marriages between the two parties is long. Far more than other families, even many people think that two families can be regarded as one family.

This idea is not unfounded, because in the process of inheritance of the two families, there have been cases where the direct bloodline of the family has no heirs once or twice, and there is no suitable heir to the collateral bloodline, so it is simply from the other family A member of the noble bloodline was selected to inherit the position of the head of the family, which shows that the two families have been completely merged at least in blood.

So when the Fabius family died, the Arklos family was naturally not immune, and it was almost the same time.

Now the hybrid knight wearing the traditional armor of the Arklos family appeared in the abandoned corner fort of the Fabius family, which was enough to attract the attention of Leo and Sylvia.

Just when Leo recalled the information and guessed what these people were going to do, these knights suddenly became vigilant and seemed to have discovered something unusual. Some of them drew out knight swords to protect the square, and each from their waists. He took out a bottle of medicine, opened the cork, and was ready to take this bottle of medicine at any time.

The few people in the lead did not pay attention to the surrounding movement, and still methodically took out the contents of their backpacks and placed them in different places, looking like they were going to perform some ritual.

These rituals are all specially processed mutated monster heads, and there are also some religious items, and there are many churches involved, including the holy emblem of the Lord of the Sky, and the priest of the Church of the King of the Hill. The robe, judging from the untreated blood stains, the process of obtaining these things must be uneven.

Although Leo also knew very well about the various mysterious rituals in the world of Velen, he couldn't tell from the things that will be used for rituals what rituals these people want to perform.

However, Leo and Sylvia soon shifted their attention from the ceremony they were preparing to other places, because the knights who were preparing to fight had already walked out of the fog.

I saw that all the things that came out of the rain and fog outside the corner fort were all weird monsters, and there were even some transparent things that looked like ghosts.

"Rotten Horn? Mita? The grudge?" Seeing these monsters coming out of the rain and fog, Sylvia and Leo quickly recognized that these monsters were all the lower-level races at the bottom of the abyss, and some even It can't be called a race, it can only be regarded as a beast of the abyss.

It’s just strange that although these monsters are products of the abyss, they have no fluctuations in the power of the abyss.

At the same time, the half-breed knights around the square saw the monster appear, and they took the potion in their hands without hesitation. Almost at the same time they took the potion, they immediately emitted a strong energy fluctuation. The energy fluctuations originated not only from the bodies of these knights, but also from the armors worn by the knights, and the knights' eyes became blood red at this moment.

Without waiting for the monsters to attack, the knights taking drugs seemed to be in a frenzied state, each uttering various roars, raising the knight sword in their hands and rushing towards the monsters that continuously emerged from the rain and mist.

If no medicine is taken, these knights are just ordinary warriors, but now that these knights take that special medicine, they seem to stimulate the extraordinary power hidden in their bodies, and even the extraordinary power contained in the armor, which makes the knights Our combat effectiveness has doubled,

When the knights rushed into the monster group, the monsters who were the first to bear the brunt even had no time to attack, and died under the fierce swords of these knights, and every monster killed would turn into a black mist. Incorporated into knight swords, armors and knights, as if these knights swallowed the essence of these monsters after death by killing.

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