"Mysterious World under Steampunk ( Find the latest chapter!

The Citizen is just a small newspaper published in the Langte area of ​​the United States of America. Most of the people who subscribe to this newspaper are residents of Langte Town. Most of them learn about the situation in the United Kingdom and surrounding countries through newspapers. Especially the detailed information of the mutant monster group.

Compared with other towns, the town of Langte is obviously much safer in terms of safety, because it was originally a strategic location. At that time, both sides of the warring colonies built castles and fortresses here. Now these castles and fortresses have been renewed. It was used by the locals to hide in the castle fortress when the monsters attacked and saved his life.

Old Bailey is a member of the town’s defense army. His daily task is to lead his team to patrol back and forth along the road connecting several castles and fortresses. If necessary, he will lead people to clean up some monsters on the edge of the road.

It's just that, because the Rhône area is on one side of Odoline, on the other is the border town of Paniel, Taloa, and both sides are populated cities, so most of the nearby mutant monsters will be attracted by people from these two places. , On the contrary, the Langte area in the middle seemed very peaceful, even if you walked on the road, you would not encounter too terrifying monsters.

The daily patrol missions of Old Bailey’s patrol team are more like routine patrols. Because the road is too boring, Old Bailey will select a literate, loud-sounding one from his own hands and sit on the patrol carriage. Read newspapers for everyone.

All the time, most of the content in the Citizen News is some lace star news, such as the wife of a certain nobleman who has an affair, etc. All in all, these contents are just fun.

However, today the old Bailey also took a copy of the latest citizen's newspaper and handed it to the selected booklet to read.

However, people didn't want to hit the subordinate and immediately took the newspaper and sat there, watching the content of the newspaper motionlessly, as if it recorded some shocking things.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Old Bailey was illiterate, but he could understand the expressions of his men. He felt a little bit of despair in his heart, and immediately asked: "Is O'Doryn City being breached? Up?"

"No, no!" The city defense army also awoke from the abbreviated content in the newspaper and shook his head quickly.

"I should be fine if I think about it. If something happens, I'm afraid this road is already crowded with refugees." Old Bailey sighed a little, and then slapped his hand with some irritation, cursing, "Since it's fine. , Then why did you look like that just now, just like your father died?"

"Head, my father is dead early." The city defense army rubbed the place where he was beaten, and replied, but when he saw that Old Bailey was about to slap himself again, he immediately diverted his attention and pointed to the newspaper. The headline said: "The news on this is much more serious than the death of my father. This is big news!"

The words of this city defense army attracted not only Old Bailey, but also other city defense forces walking around. They simply stopped and leaned over to read the newspaper.

Most of these city defense forces are illiterate, but they can understand the pictures. Apart from the eye-catching headline, there are three eye-catching pictures on the front page of the newspaper. These three pictures are extremely real and clear. Everyone who arrived can clearly recognize that the content in the picture is a group of people wearing shaman costumes blocking the front of a large number of huge mutant monsters, and the strange thing is that the monsters did not seem to attack them, and one of the pictures even showed The monster turned and left, while the walls of the shaman were intact.

There is almost no need to read any text, but from the content displayed on the three pictures, it can be seen that something like a monster group attack occurred somewhere. However, there are a large number of shamans, and those shamans seem to have mastered something. Power can control those mutant monsters, not only prevent the mutant monsters from attacking the city, but also let the monsters retreat by themselves.

At this time, the city defense army also read aloud the content in the newspaper, and the content was similar to what everyone had guessed after seeing the three pictures. The content was mainly that a shaman named Gu Ling Xunli was in Led by a scholar named Rustave, he has mastered the ability to control mutant monsters and even activate the intelligence of mutant monsters, and Rustave has transformed Panir into his laboratory. And the wisdom of some mutant monsters has been turned on. The article finally mentioned that this ability may lead the mutant monsters to gain wisdom, and it will be more difficult for humans to survive in this world.

After listening to the content, everyone was silent, because they all thought that if the above content is true, then this is definitely a disaster for humans.

Nowadays, human civilization and society are already struggling to cope with mutant monsters that rely on instinct to act without any wisdom. If mutant monsters can really have the same wisdom as humans, then how can humans survive in front of such monsters? Going down, in the end, I am afraid that only the gods can save mankind.

"God! Gods will not save us stupid guys. My lord will only watch the world quietly because our stupidity sinks. Don’t forget that our lord doesn’t need us, but we need our lord. "Just when the patrolling city defense forces in the marginal town were panicked by a report in the newspaper, in the main church of the Lord of the Sky Church in the capital of the United States, 15 churches including the Pope of the Sky The highest-level clergy gathered in the Holy Prayer Hall, and now the person who uttered the angry reprimand was the Archbishop of the Tribunal, and the official headline of a newspaper that triggered his anger.

This front-page headline originated from the popular newspaper with the largest circulation in the Kingdom of the United States, and the content in the newspaper is the same as that in the Citizens of the Langte area, but it is more detailed, and the pictures are more and clearer. In addition, in the back pages of the newspaper, many American celebrities and dignitaries have expressed their views on this matter in detail. Although some people think that it is a good thing to have a method to control mutant monsters, more people are showing this. There was strong concern that Rustave and Shamanism were playing with fire.

There is no doubt that all the senior leaders of the Church of the Lord of the Sky sitting in the Hall of Holy Prayer now think this is a dangerous thing, but most of them are not about mastering and controlling mutant monsters and unlocking monster wisdom. Worry about the ability itself, but worry about who this ability belongs to.

In the eyes of many of them, if this ability is truly mastered by Shamanism, then all the Churches of True God will be over. Shamanism may be able to control the entire world with this ability.

But conversely, if this ability is mastered by the Church of the Lord of the Sky, the Church of the Lord of the Sky will definitely get rid of the situation of being on an equal footing with other true God churches, and may be able to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the church in the past, that is, let the Lord of the Sky Become the sole **** of Vinylon.

So when discussing this matter just now, many people thought that it was necessary to capture Rustave and those shamans alive at all costs to gain the ability to control mutant monsters, but the Archbishop of the Tribunal was obviously them Among the few sober people in the middle, he knew very well that this approach was playing with fire, and it would definitely cause the Lord of the Sky to hate them, and eventually return to the entire Church of the Lord of the Sky, so he didn’t care about being among these people. Slightly lower status, he slapped the table hard and scolded everyone unceremoniously.

The expressions of everyone present here became gloomy, and even those who opposed the alive capture of Rustave were displeased. The reason why the Tribunal’s status within the church is low is mainly because the archbishop of the Tribunal and its subordinates almost have double They are not only the archbishops of the trial courts of their respective churches, but also the adjudicators of the Orthodox courts. Not only the Church of the Lord of the Sky, but also the Church of True God such as the Huzhong Ladies Church, they are not completely standing in the church. Thinking about issues from a standpoint makes it difficult for the top leaders of the various churches to say that each other is their own.

Although they don’t like being so bluntly questioned by the Archbishop of the Trial Chamber, everyone has no way to refute his words, because they also know that there is nothing wrong with those words. If they really try to expand the power of the church by controlling mutant monsters, then Their behavior is no different from blasphemy.

At this time, everyone’s eyes turned to the pope who was on the main seat. From the moment the meeting began, the pope said nothing, did not seem to listen to their conversation, but closed his eyes and fell into When he arrived at some kind of meditative death, and the god-given eye on his forehead was constantly flashing, as if he was communicating with the gods.

Although everyone wanted the Pope to make a decision at this time, they did not bother the Pope in a hurry, but waited quietly.

After a while, the pope slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were dim as if he was only waking up, and then he heard him say: "Those mutant monsters are heretics, and they are also the main targets of the church's miracles in the future. Controlling mutant monsters is naturally heretical and must be completely banned.” He turned his head to look at the Archbishop of the Tribunal, and said: “The excommunication order to the Orthodox Chamber is related to the safety of the entire world of Velen. Only our church family contributes."

"Excommunication order?" Everyone here was stunned, because the last excommunication order issued by the Orthodox Court was aimed at the mothers of the nests, and the excommunication order lasted for more than a hundred years, as long as it is the True God Church of the Orthodox Court. The execution of this order without compromise, it flourished for a while, and the mother of the people who almost became one of the Church of the True God was also hit by this excommunication order, completely silent, and has not recovered yet.

However, now the Pope has proposed to impose an excommunication order on a small group of less than fifty members of a subordinate sect of Shamanism, which makes people feel a bit too strong.

One of the bishops who specializes in foreign affairs cautiously said: "Men, if we issue an excommunication order to the Guling Parade, will we then go to full-scale war with the shamanism..."

"Don't worry." The pope shook his head, and said very confidently: "They will make the same decision as us."

"This is your decision?" Just after the Church of the Lord of the Sky has made a decision on Rustave, the shamanism headquarters in the United States also convened the same high-level shamanism for a meeting, and they quickly discussed it. Some decisions were made, but this decision made some factions angry, because this decision was to destroy the method of controlling mutant monsters and turning on the wisdom of mutant monsters as taboo knowledge, and Rustave and those shaman apprentices also sent it They return to nature.

Obviously, this decision is completely a betrayal in the eyes of some people, especially since the results have been made on Rustave's side, and this result can change the current situation of shamanism, these shamanistic colleagues will not give it. Even with the help, I am still preparing to stab the knife in the back. This makes those small sects who are in the same state as the Gulin Parade feel extremely dissatisfied, and even put themselves into the situation of the Gulin Parade, thinking that they will one day The sect you belong to may also be eliminated by other shaman sects for some reason.

Facing the ultramarine inspiring the crowd, the big shaman who presided over the meeting did not say anything. UU reading www.uukanshu.com just sat quietly, as if waiting for everyone to finish speaking, and the high-level shamans of other big factions also He didn't say the same thing, just sat there, watching everyone.

After a while, the sound in the room gradually weakened, and everyone felt something was wrong in the atmosphere. No matter how irritated people were, they swallowed it back at the mouth and looked at the big shaman headed by it.

At this time, the big shaman said without hesitation: "This decision was made by the sacred mountain. If you have any opinions, go to the sacred mountain to express it. It is of no use to me. I can only send people according to the decision of the sacred mountain. Solve this trouble."

"Why did the holy mountain make such an absurd decision?" Still some shaman asked, unconvinced.

The great shaman was silent for a while, and said: "It is the mother of plants. Rustave and his apprentices of the Guling parade sent shaman to desecrate the mother of plants."

The people around immediately fell silent. If it were other wild gods and natural spirits, it would be fine, but the object of the blasphemy turned out to be the mother of plants, which is regarded as the mother by almost all life in the wasteland, so how can I question whether Rustave should The **** people couldn't explain it.

As a result, a similar report was published in the newspapers of various countries on the mainland of Mozambique. The follow-up impact caused by this report was like a wave, from the extraordinary world to the secular world. Many of them could see this. It’s harmful, but there are more people coveting this ability, hoping to hold it in their hands. In any case, Panier’s old capital has become a place for everyone to stare at, and Ruth as the party involved Taf seemed to have foreseen the danger at this moment, and was about to take his people out of here, looking for another place to continue his research.

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