The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1188: Yin Guai Picture

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In the wasteland, although there is no belief in gods like the Church of True God, the animism of Shamanism can be regarded as another kind of belief in gods to a certain extent, but the ultimate goal of this belief is not to obtain the favor and gifts of gods. It is to be part of a certain wasteland spirit.

Among the countless wasteland spirits, the mother of plants can be said to be the most worshipped spirit among the various indigenous tribes of the wasteland. No matter which shamanism the tribe follows, they will not be stingy with one. Place to place a statue representing the mother of plants.

If a tribe can get a seed of the mother of plants, it means that the tribe no longer needs to worry about food, because as long as it is within the scope of the seed of the mother of plants, no matter what they plant, they can get a good harvest. We need to worry about the attacks of wild beasts in the middle of the night, because the power of the mother of plants can calm any beast's heart of killing.

Therefore, for any indigenous tribe, the seed of the mother of plants is the most important item, and even the shaman church counts every plant seed to ensure that the plant seed will not be lost to the outside world. Now the entire world of Vinylon, except for the wilderness In addition to the seeds of the Mother of Plants, there are only a few major events in the world, such as the founding of the Kingdom of America and the establishment of the city of Miria. The Shamanist Sacred Mountain will send out a seed of the Mother of Plants.

However, the seeds of these mothers of plants will become ordinary plant seeds in a short time after they leave the wasteland. Therefore, the sacred mountain of shamanism does not care about the plant seeds that are left outside. They only care about the plant seeds in the wasteland.

The plant seed under the altar that Leo saw right now was not an ordinary plant seed, nor was it a dead seed, but the true mother seed of plants, and what Rustave should do now is Using the power of these people to catalyze the growth of seeds, it seems that they want to germinate and grow, which is completely different from the method of planting the mother seed that Leo knew.

According to Leo’s understanding, as long as the seed of the Mother Plant is within the wasteland, after it is planted, it can stimulate the growth of the seed through a shaman sacrifice ritual, and the seed will grow into a tree in a very short time. Big tree and establish contact with the mother of plants, providing shelter for the tribe it belongs to.

However, the current method of catalyzing the seed through external force is completely superfluous, and may even damage the seed. Therefore, the abnormal situation in front of him makes Leo guess whether the seed is a defective and unable to germinate and grow. Will need to use this kind of external force to stimulate the seeds.

Leo briefly said his guess and suspicion. Sylvia was silent for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and said in shock: "I know! I know where this seed came from, Rusta Why did the husband use this method to give birth to seeds?"

After the alarm, before Leo asked, she took the initiative to tell Leo what she thought of.

When the city of Miria was founded, the sacred mountain of Shaman gave a seed of the mother of plants to Miria City as a gift, but the seed changed hands and was taken away by the French Empire and sent to the royal family. The castle in the Black Forest has been preserved, and I don’t know what method the French royal family used. In short, this seed has not germinated, but it has not metamorphosed into an ordinary seed, always maintaining the essence of the mother of plant seed.

Later Sylvia heard that some of the research funded by the Royal Family of France involving extraordinary powers involved this seed, and this seed was also taken out from the Black Forest several times and placed in the Royal Academy of France for research.

Rustave himself is an academician of the Royal Academy of France, and has received the highest royal degree medal three times. He is one of the most prestigious of the Royal Academy of France. He left the French Empire when it was captured by the monster tide. He also took away a large number of goods and books from the Royal French Academy, and most of them had been taken over by Sylvia and placed in the Podo School of Truth to be built later.

It is precisely because of these books and objects that Rustave was able to gain the attention and trust of Sylvia and become the dean of the Podo School of Truth. Otherwise, his membership of the Society of Dissent and Anomaly would not be enough to get such an important position. of.

Since Rustave can take away so many valuable books and objects from the Royal Academy of France, he can also take away the seeds of the mother plant that he has studied.

Now Rustave and their method of stimulating the seeds of the Mother of Plants can also be reasonably explained, because after so many years, the Royal Family of France’s research on the seeds of the Mother of Plants must have changed the nature of some of the seeds of the Mother of Plants. The royal family’s method of preserving the seeds of the Mother of Plants and the long-term storage of the seeds of the Mother of Plants in the Black Forest, which have been eroded by the power of the Black Forest, have already caused some changes to the seeds of the Mother of Plants, so now this seed is still not one. The seed of the mother of plants is hard to say.

"Are you interested in this seed?" Leo asked after listening to Sylvia's words.

Sylvia was stunned, shook her head and said: "Not interested! I have not planned to give up the power of the witch and become a shaman."

After hearing this, Leo didn't say much, he gestured to Sylvia, then took out a small box from the storage space, and then quickly sneaked into the house around the base of the altar, and then the house She concealed her figure completely, then took out a bird's egg-sized pill from the small box, lit it and threw it to the corner of the ruins of the surrounding houses.

After losing a circle around the ruins around the altar, Leo put away the box and returned to Sylvia, like two bystanders watching what might happen in a while .

"This is the veterinary drug you have researched?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"Yeah." Leo nodded.

The reason why Leo made this medicine specifically to attract mutant monsters was mainly for certain materials in the monsters that could be used to configure wizard potions, to attract these mutant monsters together, to concentrate on hunting and harvesting.

But after the medicine was made, Leo also discovered another effect of this medicine after using the effect on the walls of Odolin. This effect is to help people near the town regularly clean up mutant monsters to prevent monster tides, even It is also possible to arrange traps in advance to lead those mutant monsters into the trap, greatly reducing mutant monsters, facilitating hunting and so on.

Although he thought of some practical methods of this pill, Leo felt that the scope of influence of this pill after use could not be controlled, and it might accidentally injure the user when using it, so he just mentioned this matter to Sylvia. There was no specific content, and it was planned to wait until the pill was improved to better control the scope of use before it was officially handed over to Sylvia.

It's just that this time seems to be right to experiment with the effects of these pills. By the way, look at the abilities of people like Rustave and find the opportunity to record these people's abilities before spreading it out.

Not long after lighting the pill, there was a movement on the hillside outside the old capital. Leo and Sylvia looked over there. Sylvia could only see some weird figures in a blur, but Leo I can clearly see that a large number of monsters are coming over here.

Seeing this, Leo took out some powder and sprinkled it on himself and Sylvia separately, and then took out three metal plates engraved with rune magic circles and threw them around. The runes on the metal plates The power was instantly stimulated, forming an isolation force field, which enveloped Leo and Sylvia. From the outside, they seemed to have disappeared from this world.

When the two disappeared, Rustave, who presided over the ceremony at the top of the altar, seemed to sense something. He looked at the place where Sylvia and Leo were before, and then heard the hillside outside the old capital. There was a huge noise from the upload, and he also vaguely saw the figure of the mutant monster in the dark, his face turned gloomy immediately.

I saw that Rustave quickly walked to the bonfire in the middle of the altar, took down a few items baked on the bonfire, then took out a basin of water, and splashed a little on the faces of the surrounding shaman apprentices.

The shaman apprentices who were still in that psychedelic state have awakened one after another, and the radiated power has also been recovered. If Leo uses psychic observation at this time, he will find that while they are recovering their power, the similar seed in the altar The object also derives a force that is injected into each Shaman apprentice.

"Mutated monsters are here, they all act, and they can't be allowed to enter the old capital and destroy the altar!" Rustave commanded the apprentices after the shaman apprentices were sober.

Upon hearing this, the shaman apprentices all looked outside the old capital. After seeing the situation outside, they stood up, divided into four teams with good training, and ran towards the dilapidated city wall of the old capital.

Rustave did not leave the altar, but took out a few pieces of ancient monsters that looked like animals and plants from the package, hung them on the campfire, and then chanted.

At this time, his body emits an energy wave, and the energy wave is also connected with the seeds in the altar, and resonates with all the other shaman apprentices together. This resonance makes them become a whole, just like It is the same as the life community in Leo's memory.

Leo, who was concealed by the rune magic circle, naturally felt such obvious energy fluctuations. He is now more and more sure that the objects in the altar are the seeds of the mother of plants, because in his memory, the world of Velen seems to have only The mother of plants has a great chance of being a community of life.

At this time, the shaman apprentices have also rushed to the side of the city wall, and quickly formed a line, and the mutant monsters also climbed up the hillside, and the distance to the city wall is very close, as long as they attack, they should be It can directly destroy this low city wall that has long been dilapidated.

However, Rustave and all the shaman apprentices suddenly chanted a very strange-sounding melody, and this melody-containing sound wave contained very powerful penetrating power and spreading power, and it was easily spread throughout. The mutant monster group outside the city also penetrated Leo's rune magic circle and passed into Leo and Sylvia's ears.

All the monsters that heard this melody stopped moving, and their bodies swayed slowly in accordance with the melody. If you observe with spiritual vision, you will find that some parts of the monsters’ bodies will produce a net-like light, which is in the melody. Flashing constantly in the change.

At the same time, Sylvia and Leo also heard this melody, and felt that there was a very strange energy that appeared along with this melody, which was like a living thing. , Trying to get into the two of them.

However, before this energy approached, Leo had already activated a rune trap in his hand to capture this energy, and used this energy as a bait to attract more energy to approach it.

"It seems that he is really controlling the mutant monster and turning on the wisdom of the monster." Looking at the rune trap in Leo's hand, Sylvia looked at the situation near the wall in the distance and said to herself.

Leo did not speak, but raised his hand to activate the recording function of the universal recorder, and recorded the scene of the shaman apprentice controlling the mutant monsters, and watched the shaman apprentice driving the mutant monsters out of the impression of veterinary drugs~ Retreat from the old capital.

Afterwards, Leo picked out some suitable images from the recorded images and sent them to Su who was in O'Dorrain, and asked Su to remake it again through the imaging technology developed by the group and use these images. To increase the persuasiveness of the article on Rustave in the newspaper.

For anyone who cares about mutated monsters, after seeing the content of that article, whether they believe in Rustave’s ability or not, they will send someone to investigate the matter. Stav’s blow is bound to be no small, even if there are some ill-intentioned people who hope to get this ability from Rustave, but on the whole it hits and destroys Rustave, and completely cuts off the mutant monsters to gain wisdom. The root cause should be mainstream thinking.

After doing these things, Leo and Sylvia felt that there was no need to stay here anymore, so Leo stopped stimulating the rune magic circle, closed the force field, and Sylvia went from the other side of the old capital. The road left, bypassing the shaman apprentices, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Just when Leo and Sylvia left, Rustave also felt a little bit, and involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension and body eased slightly.

Through the past arrangements in the city, he knew very well what Leo and the others were doing. He originally thought that Leo and Sylvia were going to use those mutant monsters to lead away their shaman apprentice helpers, and then come to deal with him, so he He also made some defensive measures just now, but Leo and Sylvia left suddenly, which made him feel a little blessed at the same time, and he couldn’t help but feel puzzled, and felt that this place is no longer a place to stay for a while. After the first stage of incubation is completed, the seeds are transferred to the place.

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