The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1080: Old Duke's trouble

When      Chris saw the description of the shape of the metal body, something familiar to her quickly came to her mind, but that thing was not in the sea, but underground.

The excavation of the remains of prehistoric civilization has always been one of the most important tasks of the Royal Society of the Kingdom of England. Every year, the Royal Society uses the influence of the Kingdom of England to unearth those secret relics of prehistoric civilization around the world, looking for prehistoric civilizations that can be used there. Civilization tool.

Although Chrissy has never been formally exposed to these things, after all, she is the princess of the English Kingdom. With her identity, she can also read various records related to it, and she can even go to a secret excavation site that has never been made public. I also saw some magical objects, among them the metal bodies mentioned in this diary.

   Regarding what a metal body is, the Royal Society of the Kingdom of England has never had a unified answer. The only certainty is that the metal body is hollow, and it may be some kind of vehicle.

  After understanding the basic structure of this metal body, the Poseidon Church believed that it was a ship created by the Poseidon, which was specially provided for devout followers and dependents to go to the Poseidon kingdom.

  The reason for this judgment is mainly because the manufacturing process of this metal body is definitely not a manufacturing process that humans can master. Only gods can make such a great creation.

  Secondly, this metal body has an unimaginable airtightness, and no gaps can be seen on the surface of the closed state, which makes it also have a strong barrier to water.

   Finally, it is such a large metal body, even if it is hollow, its weight is immeasurable. Only the strong buoyancy of sea water can hold this metal body.

Therefore, the Poseidon Church would be so sure that this is the creation of the Poseidon, and the Royal Society of the Kingdom of England did not deny this statement, and even took the initiative to accept it. After all, they could not find any more credible statement than the creation of the Poseidon. Up.

There is no record of this kind of metal body in the world of Poseidon. This is the first time Chris has seen this metal body. She is also curious about this metal body, but her curiosity about the metal body is better than the desire to obtain a blood helmet. Obviously, the difference is not a star and a half, so in order to avoid extra branches, she doesn't want to agree to Leo's request.

   But I don't know why, Kris can clearly feel that Leo should know what this metal body is, which makes her even more curious about Leo's identity in the world of Velen.

   "Do you know what this is?" Chris asked bluntly without hiding her curiosity.

   Leo fell silent for a while, nodded, and said, "I do know what this is."

  Chrissy asked again: "What is it?"

   "A ship." Leo gave the answer, but its answer was too simple and very misleading.

   Sure enough, hearing the answer given by Leo, Chris frowned, because this answer reminded her of the Poseidon Church of the English Kingdom.

   Kris suddenly lost interest in this metal body, and said: "You can stay, but it can't be too long."

   Leo nodded, saying nothing.

   I don’t know how long it took. Old Duke found Chrissy, saying that the ships needed to enter the Maelstrom were ready, and asked Chrissy if he wanted to take a look.

  Chrissy knew exactly what the ship was like, so she wasn't interested, but Leo was a little interested in it, so she and Old Duke left the fort and walked towards the small pier on the side of the reef.

   On the road, old Duke secretly looked at Leo from time to time, and kept guessing Leo's identity in his heart.

According to old Duke’s common sense, people like Leo who don’t have any marine characteristics should be the lowest talents in the entire world, let alone get along with the real powerful seniors of the Poseidon Church like Chris, even if they are. The general clergy of the Poseidon Church are much noble than him.

   Ke Leo was an exception, and this exception appeared without warning.

Although the old Duke was placed under house arrest in the Taranque Trench in disguise by Chris and unable to leave a step, he was not ignorant of the outside world. On the contrary, he used the special resources obtained from the Taranque Trench over the years. An intelligence network was established.

Although the scale of this intelligence network is not very large, and it does not have any particularly powerful roles, it is even more impossible to collect the internal intelligence of those big forces, but it is not difficult for his intelligence network to collect some public information, especially All kinds of intelligence around Chris.

  If there is a person who is equal to her and who does not have marine characteristics next to Chris, then he will definitely know, after all, such a thing is absolutely impossible to hide.

But the latest news he got was the same as before. Chris was busy with the establishment of certain gods’ temples, so Leo’s appearance could only be after his latest information and before arriving at the Taranque Trench. period of time.

   "Have you been with Master Chris for a long time?" Old Duke asked tentatively.

   Leo replied directly: "I am not under Chrissy, I am just her collaborator,"

"Cooperator? Being able to cooperate with Lord Chris, your identity is not low." Old Duke continued to ask tentatively: "As far as I know, there is a group of Sea Clan who can make themselves perfect by taking special drugs. It hides all the characteristics of the sea people, just like ordinary people."

"I am not a sea clan." Leo gave another simple answer, and then before Duke continued to speak, he said: "You don't need to inquire about my identity, you can't find out, and you Instead of caring about my identity as a stranger who will not stay for too long, it is better to care more about yourself!"

   Leo's words made Old Duke's face a little gloomy, because these words reminded him whether the things he had secretly planned had been discovered, and whether Leo was giving him a warning.

"You don't have to think about other things, I'm talking about your body." Leo interrupted old Duke's meditation, and said: "Did you take some blood extraction to make your body more pure? medicine?"

Old Duke was stunned. He didn't expect Leo was going to say this. The heart he had just mentioned was relaxed a little, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I took it, but this should not be What's the big problem? I know that many people, including the Sea Clan, are using drugs to improve their blood."

"Yes, everyone is doing things that take drugs to improve bloodline, but the problem is that the drugs you use are different from those of everyone." Leo said with deep meaning to the old Duke: "Since you took that After the drug, your body has become completely marine, but do you often feel that you can't control your body sometimes?"

   Old Duke stopped in an instant when he heard the words, and looked at Leo with a shocked look, obviously his expression had given the answer.

   However, Leo seemed to have lost interest in conversation, and did not speak any more, but walked towards the small dock that was already in view.

Old Duke stood blankly for a while, quickly awoke, and hurried to catch up, wanting to ask Leo why he knew these things, but he swallowed when the words reached his mouth, not because he was embarrassed to ask. It's because there are already a lot of people gathered around, this is not the right place to ask about these private matters.

  In this small pier, the people of the Temple of Gods are taking over the work of the old Duke's people, preparing for the final inspection for Chris to go to the Taranque Trench.

This time, Leo was not the only person who went to the Taranque Trench with Chris. There are also three senior clergymen in the Sanctuary of Goddess. Judging from the energy fluctuations emanating from these three senior clergymen, each of them One has the strength of the bishop level of the Poseidon Church, and is the kind of civilian bishop who is actually promoted not because of seniority or other reasons.

   The weapons and potions prepared now are almost all prepared for these three people. When they reach the trench, if they encounter any problems, the three of them are the main attackers.

In addition to the weapons that are to be used in the water, the most noticeable thing in the entire small pier is the shuttle-shaped metal ship docked at the pier. If it is not certain that the vector engine is not seen, Leo almost regarded the shuttle-shaped metal ship as a rescue. The space capsule is out.

There is no doubt that this kind of fully enclosed fusiform hull is the most suitable in an environment like the Maelstrom. As long as it does not directly hit the rock from the front end, there is basically no danger of crashing the hull, at most only a little damage on the surface. Moreover, this ship is a one-off, after entering the trench, it will be abandoned, and when leaving the trench, it will leave through another channel of ocean currents that spew outward.

As for why we did not choose another ocean current channel to enter the trench, it is because once you enter that channel, any extraordinary power will be forbidden. The only reliance on is physical power, and in that high-speed ocean current, physical power alone wants It is almost impossible to go upstream, only downstream.

   Leo stayed at the small pier for a while, then turned around and walked back. Old Duke followed closely.

After leaving the crowd and entering the deserted road, Old Duke quickened his pace, caught up with Leo, and hurriedly asked: "You don't seem to have finished talking just now. Since you know my situation very well, you want to know. The reason, is there a problem with the medicine I am taking?"

Leo looked at Old Duke and said, "There is a taboo library in the main church of the Poseidon Church. There is a large number of taboo books in it. Among them is a book dedicated to recording various taboo medicines. This kind of medicine is called ancestral rejuvenation. The effect of this medicine is very direct, which is to promote the original blood in the user's body, and then return to the ancestral state."

When Old Duke heard that Leo was able to go to the Taboo Library to read the banned books there, the expression on his face became quite serious. In his understanding, only the core clergy of the Poseidon Church could read these books, so At this moment, he had regarded Leo as a disguised high-ranking Poseidon Church.

   Facing this situation, Old Duke would naturally not admit that he had taken a contraindication drug, so he said vaguely: "This drug sounds very good, why is it a contraindication drug?"

"For two reasons, the first reason is that the person who made this potion is a heresy, a very dangerous heresy, and the other reason is that there is too much uncertainty in this potion," Leo said calmly: "Because Before taking it, you didn't know what your original bloodline was, just like you want to make yourself marine, but after taking the medicine, the bloodline of awakening and promotion is not the marine clan at all."

   "You said I'm not a sea clan?" Old Duke's face fell gloomy, a trace of panic appeared in his eyes, and his body's spikes trembled slightly as his mood changed.

The reason why old Duke spent all his savings accumulated over so many years at any cost and found someone to buy a batch of this rejuvenating potion, and has been taking it, was entirely because he wanted to be completely marine, and thus used the marine pardon. , Escaped from the ghost place of Taranque Trench.

   However, now Leo actually told him that the mutation of his body was not a Sea Clan person, which was equivalent to breaking his hope, making it difficult for him to accept it no matter what.

Leo said: "Although the Sea Clan is now known as the three thousand races, in fact, the root race of the Sea Clan is only sixteen races, which is the sixteen great creations often referred to by the Poseidon Church. You can compare it for yourself. What are the similarities between the appearance characteristics and the abilities acquired after the bloodline is awakened with these sixteen tribes, and what are the similarities with the other three thousand sea tribes."

   Old Duke thought about it carefully when he heard the words, and found that just as Leo said, the mutations on his body were far from the real Sea Clan in terms of body and ability.

In fact, he has noticed this problem before. UU Reading is just that he also knows that the mutations of the sea people are all strange, and the situation of his own swollen body with spikes seems to be normal. Yes, so he didn't care. Now under Leo's reminder, he realized that all his body's mutation characteristics and ability characteristics were completely different from those of the Sea Clan.

   "Is my ancestor a vassal?" Old Duke quickly thought of the answer and asked tentatively.

When the Sea Clan Expeditionary Army conquered the world, some extremely weak worlds would take the initiative to submit to the Sea Clan. In order to stabilize the situation, the Sea Clan Expeditionary Army would arrange for some Sea Clan people to marry people from these worlds. In the end, there would be a small number of these people. The birth of a mixed-race child is called a survivor.

This may also be the case for the ancestors of the old Duke, so the old Duke's blood must also have the blood of the sea, but his bad luck is not the blood of the sea, but another one. This kind of bloodline, but this kind of bloodline looks like a sea clan in appearance.

   Leo nodded and said, "It should be."

   "Are those scenes in me caused by thinking that I stimulated the wrong bloodline?" Old Duke couldn't help asking.

   Leo gave a vague answer: "Not exactly."

  Old Duke was silent for a moment and asked: "Can I still save it?"



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