The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1079: Trench situation

"The conqueror of the Five Seas of Gerlos, the owner of the Amethyst Crown, the chanter who awakened the original sea monster, the daughter of the sea..." When the group came to the only stone fortress in the center of the island town, one The one-eyed man who has become a sea tribe stood respectfully at the door, shouting out a series of names of Chrissy, until Chrissy walked up to the front, and then walked towards Chrissy who looked very The crappy upper-class noble etiquette said: "Your eternal servant Duke is waiting for your instructions."

   "Old Duke, you still have so much nonsense," Chris stopped, looked at this former subordinate coldly, and said, "Is everything I need ready?"

   Old Duke hurriedly replied: "You came much sooner than expected. I only received the news yesterday, and the things have not had time to prepare."

   Kriss frowned, knowing that the problem was with her, so she didn't say much, and asked directly: "How long will it take to prepare everything?"

   "It will take at least two days," Old Duke thought for a while and said.

   Chrissy muttered unsatisfactorily: "Two days? So long?"

Old Duke explained: "Other things are easy to collect, most of them are here, even if there are no islands in the nearby seas, they can be purchased, but the guide you require in the upper layer of the trench is a little hard to find. The sea is the most The good guide Andu is not here. He is still in the prison on Britton Island. It takes some hands and feet to get him..."

   Hearing old Duke mention his troubles, Chrissy turned her head and asked the attendant beside her: "Who is the Bishop of Britton Island?"

  The attendant quickly responded: "It's Linde."

Chrissy commanded: "Let him release Andu and send it over by the fastest ship." Then she turned her head and said to Old Duke: "You use me this time to rescue that Andu, this I don’t care about it, but I hope that Andu is really capable of being a guide, otherwise you should know the consequences of deceiving me."

   Old Duke knelt on the ground immediately, afraid to say anything.

   Chris didn't look at him too much, she walked directly past him and entered the interior of the fortress, and ordered her clergy to station and arrange housing, as if she was the owner of the fortress.

   Old Duke didn't dare to say anything about Chris's anti-guest approach. Following behind, the people who assisted Chris arranged the various personnel properly, acting hard and stubbornly.

Neither Leo nor Chris had any plans to rest. They went to the library of the fort and looked through the various materials related to the Taranque Trench collected by Old Duke over the years. At the order of Chris, The guards of the temple guarded the door.

   "That old Duke doesn't seem to be as loyal as you think." Leo pulled out a fish-skin paper scroll on the shelf and reminded him as he flipped through it.

Leo's remarks weren't casual. He could clearly feel that old Duke had hidden a force of hatred under the extremely respectful appearance. Obviously, the relationship between Chris and Duke was not simple. The upper and lower relations.

"I know this very well. He and I are enemies, the kind of enemies who can't resolve the hatred." Chris was not surprised, she didn't lift her head, and said in a calm tone: "He used to be a member of Jero's Yongning Sea. The pirate overlord sits on fifty ships, with more than 50,000 directly under his command. As a result, he clashed with my fleet and was wiped out by me. All the pirates were executed, the ships were destroyed, and he was also dug out by me. , But I saved his life and let him stay here."

   "Don't you worry about him rebelling?" Leo asked again.

Chrissy said disdainfully: "I hope he can rebel, and even take the initiative to help him contact the guys who oppose me. As a result, this guy always thinks that there is no opportunity, no action, and honestly shrinks here. "

   Leo was silent for a while, and said, "You came here on purpose."

   Chris did not answer, but smiled deeply.

   Seeing this, Leo didn't ask any more, and focused on the information in his hand.

Old Duke stayed in the Taranque Trench for a long time, and collected the relevant data here very comprehensively. It can be seen that he regarded the Taranque Trench as his own territory, and as a lord, he must be right. Know the situation in your own territory.

   In the outside world, the Taranque Trench is connected with words such as death, Jedi, and so on. Numerous sentences describe this as a sea area cursed by the sea god, no fish can survive here, etc.

   However, the actual situation is that the Taranque Trench is a big treasure house containing countless wealth. Any item found here may make people rich overnight.

   As the outside world rumors, the Taranque Trench is indeed not suitable for any fish to survive. Even if fish survive, they are difficult to be discovered, but such a harsh environment is very suitable for shellfish and sea worms.

   A large number of seashells are scattered on the seabed of the reef area. They just stick to the reef on the seabed, merge with the reef, resist the surrounding sea current, and get a lot of food from the surrounding turbulent sea current.

Due to environmental reasons, these seashells are stronger than other seashells in the outside world, their body is larger, and the meat is more delicious. Moreover, the pearls they produce also possess some extremely mysterious powers under the influence of the environment. These powers can be maintained through Some methods are attached to the holder. In short, many of the pearls produced here are natural wonders.

The more important thing is the sea worms here, which are very suitable for sea worm growth, and the sea worms grown here can be made into a kind of powder. This kind of powder is a very special aphrodisiac that can help the sea people to improve their fertility. Therefore, the price of this sea bug is very high in the sea.

Although there are sea worms that are very important to the sea clan, the sea clan does not control it here, because there seems to be a force that is extremely unfriendly to the sea clan. Any sea clan near here will feel the power in the body quickly pass away. , In the end, even the power to swim completely disappeared, only to follow the ocean current, be involved in the maelstrom, and torn into pieces.

Although the Sea Clan cannot control this place, they have ways to influence it. For example, they do not allow any forces to build direct strongholds here, including the Spirit Race and the Poseidon Church. They also publicize various Taranque Trenches that are extremely dangerous. The rumors made others dare not approach, and the people who gathered here were all pirates who were hunted down from various sea areas. Over time, it became an extra-legal place for pirates in this world.

  The people who live on the islands and reefs here cannot get food directly from the Taranque Trench. They can only catch sea bugs and seashells to trade food with the sea people outside.

The reason why Chrissy was able to arrange old Duke here was mainly because Chrissy was still a pirate in this world at the time. Her arrangement did not violate the rules of the sea clan, until Chrissy became the Poseidon Church. The clergy of, and then became the holder of the artifact. When the Godborn Temple was established, she had already become the actual controller of the Taranque Trench through indirect control.

   It may be due to blood connections. Chrissy said that the reason she arranged for Old Duke to stay here was also because she had a peculiar feeling after coming here. There seemed to be something very important here.

The reason why Chris has never explored here, apart from the obstruction of the Sea Clan, is also because the Taranque Trench is extremely dangerous. She is not sure to retreat from here until she has fully mastered the methods and abilities of the Sea God artifact. .

   According to known exploration data, the Taranque Trench is divided into upper and lower layers. The two layers are separated by the Maelstrom and the Bottomless Trench.

   The large vortex on the sea is formed by a huge deep seabed hole. To enter the upper layer of the trench, you need to pass through the deep seabed hole from the siphon in the middle of the large vortex to reach the underground sea area, which is the first layer of the trench.

This level alone is enough to discourage most people in this world. The huge pulling force of the maelstrom and the pressure caused by the huge water currents in the deep seabed are enough to destroy the vast majority of intruders. Only a few people who have mastered the deep sea ability Being able to resist this force and enter the upper trench, here is also the body of the Taranque Trench, a deep sea trench that cannot be explored at the two ends.

   There are countless dangers hidden in this trench. There are a large number of sea monsters that have perished in ancient times, and there are also various undercurrents that suddenly erupt and disappear. In these dangers, sea monsters can still be avoided by various methods, or killed, but if the undersea currents are encountered, they can only resist.

  Although the same name is used, the undercurrents in normal seas and the undercurrents in the Taranque Trench are not the same thing at all. The tearing force generated by the undercurrents alone is different by a hundred or a thousand times.

However, even if the Taranque Upper Trench is so dangerous, there are still many people who will use various methods and methods to enter it, because the ancient sea monsters there can sell for a large price in the outside world. Neither the seashells nor the sea worms of the year can be compared.

   Because of this, the profession of trench guide has also emerged here.

  The role of the trench guide is to lead the hirers to the upper trench where the most valuable ancient sea monsters are most likely to exist, and to avoid some dangerous places in the trench. They will not participate in any battles, and they will evade as soon as they encounter danger.

   But even so, their employment prices are very high. A good guide who can bring benefits to the employer from time to time is usually enough for one hire to live luxuriously in a city like Lingdu for half a year.

Among these trench guides, Linde, who was mentioned by the old Duke, was the best one among them. According to the information Leo now sees, this Linde not only leads the team every time It can be rewarding for the employer, and it can also bring the employer back to the sea safely.

However, his asking price is also very expensive, and usually requires half of the employer’s profit this time. But even so, people who want to hire him are still rushing, because hiring other people is absolutely impossible in terms of safety and yield. ratio.

   Chriss intends to hire Linde just to not waste too much power when passing through the upper trench, so that there is enough power to find the blood helmet in the lower trench.

   The lower trench has not been explored so far, because all the people who entered the lower trench have never come up again without exception.

  The position of the lower trench is not fixed. Usually when you feel a force pulling from below when you dive, you should enter the edge of the lower trench.

The reason why those explorers who have entered the lower trench have not survived so far, mainly because of the downward pulling force in the lower trench, and the pulling force will increase exponentially every time they dive for a certain distance, and the sea surface vortex is formed. Compared with the pulling force, it is simply the strength of babies and adults. Once it enters the lower trench, the intruder will be pulled down by the pulling force and will never be able to rise.

   "Can you survive in the deep sea?" Kris asked suddenly.

   "Yes." Leo answered briefly.

   Although Chris was curious about how Leo could do it, she didn't ask much and chose to trust Leo's abilities.

In fact, if Chrissy asks Leo before Leo gets the complete psionic system, she may get a different answer, and now Leo has acquired the same psionics as those trained in the universe. The complete psionic knowledge also enabled him to master various low-level but very practical psionic skills, including the psionic skills of how to survive and multiply in various environments in the universe.

   With these psionic skills, Leo, who has the strength of a sixth-level psionicist, let alone in the depths of the ocean, he can survive even in the vacuum universe where the living environment is even worse.

   "After we get down, go here first." After reading a diary of a certain guide, Leo pointed to the location described on one of the pages, and said to Chris.

Chris took a look at the diary and saw that it mentioned that he saw a huge metal body on the rock wall somewhere in the trench. The volume of that metal body is so large that even the trench guide is so skilled. It takes a long time for a snorkeler to swim from one end to the other.

At the time, those who wrote the diary were taking a team of employers to capture a sea monster of great value. After seeing this metal body, they lamented the magnificent appearance of the metal body, and they were even more curious about what the metal body was. They wanted to explore, but their actions were eventually stopped by a sane guide.

As a trench guide, he knew how dangerous it would be to temporarily change the route and target. In the end, he did not agree to the requirements of these employers, and did not even take the employer to continue capturing the ancient sea monster. Instead, he returned to the surface and ended this time Hire.

   Obviously, the trench guide made a very correct choice, because other trench guides also saw this huge metal body, and also found that there was a sea monster called a stinging jellyfish around the huge metal body.

This kind of sea monsters are extremely territorial and live in groups. Once they are disturbed, they will be attacked by a group of stingers. It is difficult to survive such an attack. Moreover, the value of stingers is very low, even if they are all Killing is not worth the loss.


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