The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1060: Vinylon water is very deep

In addition, Leo also found an interesting place, that is, the worlds that have been conquered by the Poseidon Church Expeditionary Army, or have been to the world without exception, are equivalent to the age of the Knight King in the world of Velon, even if they are The current world of Poseidon is relatively closely related to the world of Vinylon, but the civilization here is still derived from the civilization of the early aristocratic lords, and there is no shadow of the development of technological civilization.

In addition, from all the records, there is no mention of things like the so-called prehistoric civilization technology products like the world of Vinylon, and there is no such product in the world of Poseidon. This makes Leo feel the direction of the development of civilization in the world of Vinylon. Some are unique and different.

Leo carefully recalled the development process of Vinylon’s world civilization and compared it with the small-world civilizations recorded in banned books. He soon discovered that the civilization transition in Vinylon’s world should have occurred during the period of the Great Plague. After the plague ended, the civilization of the Vinylon world began to change in the direction of science. Countries began to unite with medical schools to establish medical schools. After that, other schools of disciplines such as architecture and machinery appeared, and then the national comprehensive The academy began to appear, and the form of civilization began to enter the steam civilization.

Although the major turning point in the development of civilization occurred during the great plague period, the time when the civilization process began to shift was not the great plague period, but the earlier period when the gods were hidden. During that period, a major event occurred, a complete one. The remnants of prehistoric civilization appeared in the Kingdom of Saville, when Saville scholars proposed the original concept of prehistoric civilization.

If we talk about the impact on the entire Vinylon world civilization, then the discovery of prehistoric civilization relics and technological items should far exceed the impact caused by the great plague, and that is the source of the turning point in Vinylon's world civilization.

However, comparing it now is not difficult to find that the civilizations of the worlds recorded in these banned books have not undergone any changes, perhaps because these worlds do not have a relic of prehistoric civilization, which is actually a cosmic civilization.

"Why are there so many warships of cosmic civilization in the world of Vinylon falling there?" Leo couldn't help but have a trace of association in his heart. He found that he originally thought he knew the world of Vinylon very well, but now it seems that he understands it well.

Leo suddenly thought of another thing. He took out some mechanical parts directly from his pocket under the watch of the attendant in the library, and then quickly assembled them on the table.

The attendant, who was curious about Leo's behavior, couldn't help but leaned forward a few steps, stretched out his head, and looked at Leo's hand.

I saw that the delicate parts were quickly assembled together under Leo’s skilled assembly action, and quickly assembled into a palm-sized mechanical trap. Unlike other traps made by Leo before, this trap is purely mechanical. Yes, there is no extraordinary force applied to any part inside, and the combination is just a pure mechanical device.

After making the mechanical trap, Leo immediately tried to activate it.

Judging by the mechanical devices in the world of Vinylon, after the mechanical trap Leo made now is triggered, the ejected blade should be able to easily penetrate into the stone pillar next to it.

However, when Leo was triggered, the blade did pop out, but its strength was much weaker, and it fell as hard as it could before flying out of the range of the desktop.

Leo can be sure that there is nothing wrong with the mechanical trap he made, so the only possibility is that this world has very strong restrictions on mechanical power. He also remembered that the ships in this world were not equipped with offensive weapons such as bed crossbows. They don't even have bows and arrows. Their long-range attack weapon is only to throw guns. Judging by the physical quality of the people in this place, their gun throwing power is not much worse than some powerful steam engine crossbows in the world of Velen.

From this point of view, this world will have a very strict prohibition effect on everything that is directly and indirectly related to mechanical force.

"My lord, do you like this kind of small mechanism too?" The attendant saw Leo's complete process of assembling the trap and saw the effect of Leo's triggering the trap. His face suddenly showed a close look and asked with a smile.

"You know it." Leo showed a slightly surprised look, looked at the attendant, and passed the trap in his hand.

Perhaps he saw what he liked, and the attendant was not polite. He took the trap, looked through it several times before his eyes, and then tried to disassemble the trap. Although he just watched Leo’s step-by-step assembly of the mechanism trap, the mechanism of this trap has many hidden buttons. As long as one of the hidden buttons is not opened correctly, the device cannot be disassembled, so he has been fiddling with it for a long time. The trap is broken down into parts.

Seeing this attendant indulging in and forgetting other things, Leo couldn't help feeling a little strange, because in his memory, it seemed that this world had some simple and imposing means besides large-scale transportation devices such as panniers and ships. There seems to be no other mechanical device besides some supernatural power pseudo mechanical devices, but judging from the performance of this attendant, this small pure mechanical device seems to exist in this world.

Time passed for a long time, but the attendant was still unable to untie the hidden button of the mechanical trap, and his intense thinking made his spirit tired. After feeling a little uncomfortable, he had to stop and study the extremely delicate machine in his hand. Trap, he took a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Ah! Oops." At this moment, he saw Leo sitting on the side, and suddenly thought of his current environment, and immediately couldn't help but yelled worriedly, and then panic put the mechanical trap in his hand on the table. , And then proactively pleaded guilty: "My lord, I just..."

"It's okay, you don't need to take it to heart." The attendant just said, Leo raised his hand to signal that he doesn't need to say anything, and then asked with interest: "I'm very curious about where you learned these small organs. Knowledge?"

As soon as these small institutions were mentioned, the attendants became bolder and a little excited: "I learned this type of mechanism art from Lord Dubert," he said, he paused and watched. After seeing Leo, he was confused when he saw Leo, and he immediately added: "The priest Dubert is the priest of the main church. He said that this small organ production method originated from a source world, but I don’t know why the powerful organs of the Source World were greatly reduced when they arrived in our world. In order to find out the reason, priests and bishops had learned the knowledge of these organs and tried to interpret the mysteries, but they all failed. Now the high priesthood People are no longer learning this knowledge. Only some people like me who find this kind of organization interesting will learn how to make this kind of organization, and we have built one for this."

"The source world? Is it the world of Vinylon?" Leo heard a familiar vocabulary. He remembered that in a book dedicated to the history of the conquest of the church expeditionary army, the conquered worlds were fragmented worlds, and the world of Poseidon was the source. The world, those worlds can only escape world destruction if they are merged into the world of Poseidon. Therefore, the conquest of the world of Poseidon is not only not a bad thing for those conquered worlds, but it is a good thing.

However, in Leo’s view, the world of Poseidon is like a broken world. It’s just that this broken world is more powerful, but it still needs to constantly annex other worlds to make up for its shortcomings. As for whether the world of Velon is a source world, Leo remains doubtful Attitude, after all, the world of Vinylon is not a complete world, it is just one of the worlds attached to the Black Forest.

"Are there many people who like this kind of mechanism?" Leo asked again.

The attendant immediately replied: "There are very few people who like this kind of pure mechanism like adults. Most of them like to add some extra power, so that the effect of the mechanism can be greater."

"Has no one thought about making it into a weapon?" Leo asked again. Since the mechanical devices installed on the panniers and ships can perform relatively normal functions through extraordinary power, how about making them into weapons? Will it have the same effect?

However, after asking, Leo felt that he had asked a stupid question, because if the mechanical device could be used normally, then there should be a large number of mechanical weapons equipped to the armed personnel of the church.

Sure enough, the attendant shook his head and said: "Someone tried it, and the result was terrible. It almost triggered a divine punishment, so this aspect has become taboo knowledge," he said, pointing to the edge of the second layer. A small cabinet in said: "There are some relevant taboo knowledge there, you can go and take a look, so as not to accidentally violate any taboos when making such a small mechanism."

"Thank you." Leo thanked him, then handed the trap in his hand to the attendant and said, "I will give this to you!"

The attendant opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, but in the end he didn't say anything and reached out to take the trap.

Because he also likes the organ trap made by Leo very much. In terms of exquisiteness, it is more exquisite than any mechanical device he has seen before. In his eyes, it can almost be compared with those great works of art.

The contents of the banned books remembered by Leo have been sorted out. Leo also found some information he wanted to know, so he got up and walked towards the second-level banned book area, intending to see those from different worlds. Mysterious knowledge.

At this time, he suddenly felt a slight tremor of the smaller ground, which seemed to be a precursor to the arrival of the earthquake, but the attendant on the side did not show any nervous expressions. Instead, he seemed calm and accustomed. Instead, he saw Leo. He showed a look of surprise, feeling a little surprised.

"My lord, this should be the first time you have come here to participate in the Longling Festival of the Spirit Race, right?" the attendant asked Chao Leo with some guesswork.

Leo didn't deny it and nodded.

The attendant explained: "At the beginning of the Longling Festival, the spirit race will go to the temple of our lord to present the spirit race's unique long spirit prayer dance to our lord. During the dance, the entire St. Trushan will follow the dancers. The foot vibrates, just like it is now."

"Has the Long Spirit Festival already started?" Leo asked in a daze.

The attendant nodded and said, "When the Changling Prayer Dance begins, the Changling Festival will begin." With that, he looked at Leo and said, "If you want to participate in Changling Festival, go now. Some are early. The first three days of the Long Spirit Festival are held within the Spirit Race, mainly in the Holy Hall of the Spirit Race Temple opposite. Only the Spirit Race people can participate, and even the Sea Race people are not allowed to enter. Three days later The Changling Festival is only open to everyone. At that time, there will be all kinds of fun and beautiful things in the Lingdu, but the most worthy of participation is the holy conversion ceremony hosted by the Sea Clan on the top of the mountain on the last day, in order to commemorate the spirits. Assimilated into the Sea Clan, the ceremony may resonate with our lord at that time, and those who believe in our lord may gain some enlightenment and even blessings from the resonance."

After listening to the attendant's introduction, Leo didn't comment. Instead of turning around and leaving the taboo library, he continued to ask the attendant to unblock a bookshelf, picking up a book and flipping through it.

Although Leo looked at the books that recorded extraordinary powers, his reading speed was much slower than when he read those banned books, but it still seemed very fast in the eyes of the attendants, which made him wonder if Leo was still there. Looking for something.

But this time he didn't go to the manager to inform about this, but retreated not far away and waited quietly for Leo's instructions as usual, and at the same time continued to study the traps in his hands. U U Reading

I don’t know how much time has passed. Four or five groups of senior clergy have appeared in the Taboo Library. After they came here, they didn’t mean to talk to Leo. They each found the book they wanted to read and went there. Reading in the reading area, and the distance between each other's seats is widened, as if there is something disgusting on each other.

Among these people who read banned books, there are senior clergymen in the Church Expeditionary Army, people from the General Sanctuary, and people from the Spirit Race and the Sea Race. There is also a person whose dress does not seem to be that of the Poseidon Church, or even The dress is common in this world, and like Leo, there is no sign of sea clan mutation, giving Leo a feeling that he is incompatible with this world.

"He is from other worlds." Leo quickly inferred.

From the banned books I saw before, Leo knew that besides the world of Velen, there were several worlds that had not been annexed, leaving only the church of Poseidon as a connection, but the way people from these worlds came to the world of Poseidon It’s completely different from the way in the world of Velen. Instead of connecting with the Holy Arch through a sacrificial ritual, they enter the world of Tao Poseidon directly from the Holy Arch. The way they come to this world is the same as the Church Expeditionary Army goes to other worlds, also through the Maelstrom. .

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