The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1059: Banned book concerns

The entire taboo library is divided into three floors and five areas, the largest of which is the bottom library, which mainly stores books of all kinds of taboo thoughts.

The world of Poseidon has existed for such a long time, and its continuous expansion has absorbed other worlds and absorbed a lot of knowledge and ideas from other worlds. Although the belief in Poseidon has always been the only belief in this world, there will always be some deviant ideas. They will continue to grow like weeds. These thoughts will often be extinguished by the Poseidon Church, the Sea Clan, and the Spirit Clan when they first appear, but their works have not been destroyed, but will be stored in the Taboo Library.

As for why these books full of deviant and even blasphemous thoughts were not destroyed, but were collected and allowed to be viewed by senior clergymen. This is not even clear to the inside of Poseidon Church, only that the original rules were formulated in this way.

With the accumulation of time and time, a huge number of such books has formed. According to the introduction of the attendant assigned to Leo, the books on this level are as many as 4 million. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the entire Poseidon World. Heresy core.

Compared with the books at the bottom level that contain taboo ideas, the books on the top two levels appear to be much less. The two levels are divided into four areas, corresponding to the four maelstroms.

Poseidon’s conquest of other worlds is not like the protoss of Yanorrond, opening up a temporary space channel to conquer other worlds, but there are four fixed maelstroms. Poseidon’s army can pass through the four maelstroms. Enter other worlds to start the conquest.

It’s just that the world that the Maelstrom goes to is not fixed, but the world to which it leads to is randomly selected, so unless there are existences such as Poseidon and the first generation of sea king Leviathan, otherwise those expeditionary forces will enter other worlds through the Maelstrom. Will end in failure.

However, there are also some expeditionary forces that can successfully conquer the world they go to, and eventually all the civilization knowledge and resources of that world will be swallowed by the Poseidon world.

The remaining civilization knowledge from the annexed world will be screened out. Some of the knowledge related to extraordinary powers will be stored in the corresponding area of ​​the taboo library according to the world that the Maelstrom leads to.

Although these books are considered taboo knowledge and involve a lot of extraordinary powers, people in the world of Poseidon rarely read the books here, because for people in the world of Poseidon, their core of power is completely different, making these extraordinary powers Mystery knowledge cannot be used at all. Even if it is learned well, it is useless. The only function is to increase experience. Knowing what kind of strange powers other worlds have, you can beware of it in advance, so only the senior clergy who join the expeditionary army will choose to come. Read it here.

However, compared with the heretics below, these mystical knowledge from other worlds need to be read by more people, and managers are not even willing to go to the heretical doctrines to sweep away the dust, as if only touching those Heresy, they will be contaminated by heresy.

The library attendant in charge of Leo thought Leo would look at the mysterious knowledge from different worlds just like the people who came here to read the books, but Leo gave a different answer, what he wanted to read. Books turned out to be the heretical doctrines that are numerous but nobody cares about.

"Did you make a mistake?" Although he knew something was inappropriate, the attendant couldn't help but confirm again.

"I know what I want to see." Leo answered in the affirmative.

Seeing Leo’s attitude, the attendant didn’t say much, leading Leo to a bookshelf full of heretics, and put his hand on a stone platform under the bookshelf. A burst of light came from the stone platform and followed The bookshelf fixed on the ground slowly moved out, completely displayed in front of Leo.

After removing the bookcase, the attendant quickly removed his hand from the stone platform, and then quickly stepped back two steps away from the bookcase, as if the bookcase was some kind of terrifying scourge.

The attendant quickly said: "You can read the books here. If you need to copy, there are paper and pens over there. If you have other instructions, you can go ahead and call me."

After speaking, without waiting for Leo to answer, he quickly ran out of the banned area, and ran to the small reception room where he usually stayed before he breathed a sigh of relief, but then he seemed to think of something and hesitated a little. , Turned around and walked towards the office where the manager of the library was located. It seemed that he was planning to tell the manager about Leo's search for heresy.

Leo ignored the thoughts of the attendant. After the bookshelf was released, his attention fell on the bookshelf, and he took out the most recent book, and did not go to the reading area not far away, so he stood there. Look quickly in front of the bookshelf.

The reason why Leo chose to read these heretical doctrines first, instead of looking at the mysterious knowledge that contains extraordinary power, is not to say that he, like people in the world of Poseidon, cannot use the mysterious knowledge to gain extraordinary power, but because of comparison. Starting to master some extraordinary power methods, he is more willing to explore some mysteries about this seagod world and other worlds, which can help him understand more things.

In fact, Leo also read a lot of books related to other worlds in the library of the Temple of Gods, but because of religious reasons, most of the contents related to other worlds are tasted and written vaguely. There is no detailed content, so Leo can't get anything really useful from it. Most things about other worlds are guesses.

But now these renegade banned books are different. Although these banned books are written around religious ideas, most of them are related to the Poseidon Church, but besides these books will also record some mysteries of other worlds. As well as the secrets of the Poseidon world that cannot be known by others, these secrets must hide some things Leo wants to know.

Although these books are big tomes, in fact there are not many useful contents. Most of the contents are some religious thoughts, philosophical thoughts and one of the churches of Poseidon. Leo’s eyes only need to scan the pages of the book. He was able to clearly understand the general content of the page, so he flipped through the book very fast, almost in a few minutes.

While Leo was flipping through the books, the manager of the library led the attendants to the lobby of the library, where he could see Leo, staring at Leo with a serious expression.

Just now when the attendant came and told him that the books Leo intended to transcribed were actually heretics, he was really taken aback, because he had heard some things before and knew that some curious senior clergy had read it. After reading these books, the final situation of those clergymen was very bad. Either the gods fell or they simply became heretics, so since he became the administrator, there has never been a senior clergyman in the church. Through these books.

Now Leo actually wanted to look up these heretics, which made him think of the senior clergy who became heretics, so he came to check whether the situation was true. If it was true, he had to report the matter to the main church.

He knows very well that the power struggle between the Gods and Gods in the church is already undercurrent, and it will turn into a tsunami sweeping the entire church at any time. He is not willing to be involved in this tsunami. Once he reports this upward The matter, in the eyes of others, must belong to the sidelines. It will be difficult for him to remain neutral at that time, but he has to do so, because if the heretical doctrine here spreads in the Goddess Church, it will be to the Poseidon Church. It is the most serious damage.

However, when he stood there and watched Leo flipping through the banned books for a while, his previous decision to report the matter was dispelled, and he also became curious.

The reason why he changed his mind was mainly because Leo flipped through the banned books too fast. It was just a glance at the content of a full page. Even a person with such a fast reading speed would be able to read it. It is impossible to remember any of the above.

In his opinion, Leo is more like looking for something in those banned books, which is why he is curious.

As for why something is hidden in the banned book, this is not suspicious in his opinion, because he often has the idea of ​​hiding some of his secret items in the banned book. After all, these banned books that record heretics are even advanced. The clergy may not look through it once for hundreds of thousands of years. It is absolutely safe to hide things inside.

It was this thought that made him guess that Leo might have seen in the private collection of a certain ancestor of the church that he had hidden a valuable thing in a certain banned book, and he hoped to get that thing. , So I came here to look through the banned books that these normal clergy would not take a second look.

After watching Leo quickly flip through the entire list of books on the bookshelf, the library manager felt that there was no need to watch here anymore. He turned around and ordered the waiter to wait for Leo to serve Leo carefully. Turned around and went back to his office, leaving the matter behind.

At Leo’s call, the attendant ran to open a new bookshelf for Leo. This time he did not return to his reception room, but waited quietly not far away, looking at Leo as if Flipping the banned books as quickly as playing.

Although Leo flipped through the books quickly, it was difficult for him to read all the banned books in the library in a short time.

However, for him, he does not need to read all the books above, he only needs to read the books that are useful to him. When reading these books, he also discovered some rules of the storage of these books, most of which are Some books related to religious philosophy, thought, and worship of new gods were grouped together, while those related to other world cultures were grouped into another area.

Compared with the large number of heretics, the number of books related to other world cultures is obviously much less, so in less than half a day, this part of the books has been read by Leo, and Leo came here. The main purpose was also achieved.

After reading this part of the banned books, Leo did not continue to read the mysterious knowledge from different worlds stored on the upper two floors. He found a place to sit in the reading area and quietly sorted out the banned books he had written down. .

The attendant saw that Leo did not continue to read those heretics, and he was relieved. Although he also analyzed from Leo's reading actions, Leo was not looking for those books, but looking for something, but he was concerned about those heretics. It was so nervous that he was nervous since Leo picked up the first heresy banned book.

Although the servant’s small movements are hidden, he cannot escape Leo’s perception. He doesn’t have too many thoughts. He doesn’t think there will be any problems even if he reads these banned books and is known to others. He is more concerned about his ability to learn from these books. What to get in.

I have to say that although Leo knew from other books that the world of Poseidon had conquered many worlds, he never thought that there would be so many worlds conquered. There were as many as three hundred heretical thoughts involving gods in different worlds. There are even more worlds without gods, and the total number adds up to a thousand.

Many of these worlds have not been completely conquered by the world of Poseidon, only a church has been established, such as the world of Velen.

In those books, there are the church books of several major gods in the world of Velen. It can be seen that the expeditionary army of the world of Poseidon has been to the world of Velen, but ultimately ended in failure.

However, why didn’t the gods of the world of Velen completely eliminate the outsider from the world of and even included the church of Poseidon as the church of true gods. I am afraid that the gods of the world of Velen are foreign gods or foreign gods transformed into land. The ancient gods are related. In one aspect, the sea **** should be similar to the sky lord, but it did not abandon everything else like the sky lord and transformed into the local ancient **** sky lord in the world of Velen.

This also made Leo couldn't help but have a hint of association. Will the true gods in Lenovo's Vinylon world be the escape gods whose own world is conquered by other worlds? If it is true, then the water in Vinylon's world is better than Leo's previous guess. It is more profound, after all, it can accommodate the existence of so many true gods with different beliefs at the same time, such a world is not comparable to an ordinary small world.

At least Leo has not discovered from the banned books he has read that the small world conquered by the Poseidon world has two true gods at the same time. All worlds with gods are without exception one god, and that **** teaches from the classics. From a ideological point of view, it definitely did not reach the height of an Omega-level higher life form, and it should be a false god.

The world of Velen has at least three true gods with life forms reaching Omega-level higher life forms. In the past, there were more such true gods, no matter how they looked at it, it was unusual.

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