The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1054: Blood Helmet

"This is the book he read in the library?" Chris looked at the book in front of her with some confusion, and confirmed to her men again.

When Leo was looking for some clues that he was interested in from the books of this world, every book he read was recorded by the administrator of the library, and then reported to Chris.

When Leo asked to look up the books, Chrissy felt that there must be some secrets she didn't know, so she sent someone to spy on Leo, not only recording every book Leo read, It also recorded Leo's reaction when he read those books.

Naturally, every move of these monitors did not escape the perception of the spiritual net, and Leo did not feel unhappy about this, nor did he prevent these people from monitoring, but completely ignored these people and did his own thing.

However, even if Leo let these people watch, these people couldn't monitor one of the reasons. What they finally reported to Chris was a list of Leo's reading books, and they felt a little weird after reading this list.

It’s not that the books Leo read are so precious and profound, but that these books are some of the most common Poseidon’s missionary classics. Almost everyone has a set of these books. Many people I grew up reading these books. Because the church publishes and publishes them uniformly, the content and layout of these missionary classics are all the same, without any difference.

Those who can serve as high-ranking clergy in the Goddess Church must be the most pious members of the Poseidon Church. Missionary books like these are one of the compulsory books. Not to mention they memorize the full text, but almost everyone can recite the full text. Every story and detail recorded in the classics is exactly the same. After seeing the book list, they can't remember any hidden things in the books in the book list.

This is the case with other priests, and Chrissy will also have no exceptions. For the sake of prudence, she also deliberately turned over one of the classics that Leo had read three times. She clearly remembered every detail in the classics. The only thing that deserves her attention in the whole book is that that world was the first world conquered by the sea god, and that world was also the origin world of the spirit race.

"Is his target the spirit race?" Chris would never think that Leo, the tower wizard, would be interested in such stories that praised the greatness of the gods, so he listened and proceeded to describe what Leo had read through those books. Emotional changes, while guessing Leo's hidden purpose in his heart.

However, after listening to the situation repeated by her subordinates several times, she also took out the books in the classics that Leo had read several times, but could not find any abnormalities, so her doubts were not only It didn't disappear, but it was bigger.

"My lord, why don't you ask him in person?" At this moment, a clergyman asked wisely.

However, Chrissy just gave the other party a blank look and ignored the proposal.

Still can’t guess what is hidden in the books that Leo read, Chris can only let her subordinates continue to monitor Leo’s every move, and she has another more important thing to deal with, that is Sean’s deal. Condition sea monster snail.

"Is the Spirit Race unwilling to sell a sea monster snail?" Kris asked with a gloomy expression after asking Rudick who was sent to the Spirit Race to buy the sea monster snail not long ago.

Rudick said truthfully: "The Long Spirit Festival is a very important festival for the Spirit Race. The number of sea monster snails purchased this time is much smaller than before. Naturally, I am unwilling to sell one to us." , He paused, and said: "The reason given by the spirit race is very good. Unless you force the spirit race to take out a sea monster snail, we can only start from the source of the sea monster snail."

"I remember that nearly 70% of the sea monster snails on the market are produced in Silent Sea?" Chrissy thought for a while and said.

Rudick corrected: "It is the best sea monster snails. More than 70% of them come from the quiet sea, but the ordinary sea monster snails..."

"No, I only want the best sea monster snails." Chris interrupted Rudick's suggestion, then pondered for a moment, and said: "You go to the warehouse and take out the box No. 37 and take it to Silent Sea. Exchange it for the best sea monster snail."

"Yes, my lord." Rudick frowned upon hearing Chris' order, and wanted to oppose the proposal, but in the end all he said was the voice of consent.

Rudick then turned around and left the temple, while Chris picked up the books Leo had read and read them again. She still did not give up looking for Leo to read these purposes.

The reason why Chris is so obsessed with the purpose of getting to Leo is not only because of her strong curiosity, why the tower wizard came to this world, but also because she has a premonition in her own life. If Leo can figure out what secrets Leo discovered in those books, her powerful nuclear power might have some kind of qualitative leap.

In fact, Chrissy’s feeling was not wrong. Leo did find something useful to Chrissy in the missionary books of those churches. This thing was the battle helmet of the original Sea King Leviathan.

The death of Leviathan of the first generation of sea kings in other worlds has been confirmed by the sea gods. It can be said to be a certain thing, but the first generation of sea kings still have some personal belongings left, and these items have all become the heritage items of the previous sea kings. , And most of the items have been destroyed under the erosion of the years, only two items are still intact, one is a cloak made by Leviathan from the skin of a world god, and the other is Leviathan A crown made from scales that faded after the evolution of his life.

These two Leviathan's relics are in the hands of the sea kings, and will only be taken out when the new sea king becomes the throne. In terms of importance, they can even be comparable to the sea god's artifact.

However, everyone did not realize that there was actually another relic left by Leviathan. This relic was the helmet worn by Leviathan in the last battle. The helmet was stained with the blood of the sea king and was Before he died with the enemy, he was brought back to the world of Poseidon by the sea generals under the sea king, but I don’t know why, the sea general did not hand over the battle helmet, but hid it, and will hide it. The location of the battle helmet was recorded in the form of a long poem.

This sea general is Bubeland, the greatest poet of the Sea Clan. The ten hymns she wrote are the ten hymns compulsory by the Poseidon Church. Five of these ten poems praise the Poseidon and five are in Acura. Wei Tan, and this sea poet is also the founder of Poseidon Church.

Regarding the whereabouts of Leviathan’s blood helmet, Bubeland hides it in ten hymns. She uses a lot of metaphors, and uses sentence interleaving, serial ciphers, etc. to hide the information, and read Most people read these verses with awe, and they don't even think about whether other information is hidden in the verses, so the secrets hidden in these verses have not been discovered.

Leo felt that there seemed to be something hidden in these hymns, so he tried to use his method to analyze it, and finally found that there was something hidden in these hymns, and he repeatedly derived a message Leviathan The blood helmet is in Taranque.

Afterwards, Leo checked the information of other books based on this information and confirmed that Bubeland did indeed bring back Leviathan’s helmet, but she used her power to erase all insiders and hide them. After the whereabouts of the battle helmet, he hid it.

As for Taranque, Leo has also found out the name of a trench, and that trench is also one of the few forbidden places in the world, and there is another alias called Taranque Abyss.

In the legend of this world, when Poseidon created life, he did not create a perfect life at the beginning. Instead, he created some powerful and evil monsters. These monsters not only did not respect their creators, but used the world instead. The most filthy language on the world cursed the Poseidon, and the Poseidon was extremely angry, throwing them all into the depths of the Taranque Trench, and the restrictions set up around the trench prevented the monsters in the trench from running out to make trouble.

There is not much content related to Taranque. As for the legends of grievances between creators and creatures, Leo did not fully believe in them. After all, such myths and legends do not say how credible they are, even if they are credible. Gao, after years of dissemination, I am afraid it has already become completely unrecognizable.

But the nickname of Taranke made Leo interested. After all, he was named after the abyss, and he was the only one in this world.

Leo doesn’t know how much people in this world know about the abyss, but it’s not difficult to tell from Chris’s words and deeds that she at least knows the abyss well, and from the trilateral forces of the Sea Clan, the Spirit Clan, and the Poseidon Church against Taranque, the abyss It can be seen from the prohibition rules that they should also know some of the characteristics of the abyss, such as extremely aggressive infection.

Therefore, their prohibition rule is that when anyone who enters the Abyss Taranque leaves, he must be imprisoned in the deepest trench prison, and the tides will rise and fall for at least three times, until it is confirmed that there are no problems before they can leave.

Even so, Leo doesn’t think there is an abyssal rift in the Taranque Trench, because if there is an abyssal rift, the sea people in this world will not be so relaxed, at least they will deploy heavy soldiers around the trench. It will build fortifications and so on, instead of just sending a team of three forces to guard the trench like this.

Therefore, in Leo's opinion, the reason why the Taranque Trench has the name of the abyss is probably related to the monsters originally created by the sea god, and those monsters may come from the abyss.

Regarding the situation of the Taranque Trench specifically, Leo could not find more information to support his guess, nor could he find more information to further infer what is in the trench, but he can be certain, that The original Leviathan did not know that he came from the holy city of Bron as in the legend, but from the Taranque Trench. Bubeland, who secretly holds the Leviathan’s blood helmet, also knows, so she will be here. The Taranque Trench was thought of as a collection place for the helmet.

Although Leviathan’s blood helmet has extraordinary significance, for the vast majority of sea races, this helmet does not have much value. After so many years of evolution, the blood of the original royal family Leviathan has long been It is already muddy, only Chris, who is not born in this world, has successfully inspired the blood that belongs to the original sea king Leviathan, so even if the outside world knows that the Leviathan blood helmet is such a thing, I am afraid it will not have much interest. Venture into the Taranque Trench to find.

But for Chrissy, this helmet with the blood of Leviathan, the sea king, has extraordinary significance. With long-term contact with this helmet, she can further purify the Leviathan bloodline on her body. , And she can also extract the blood of these Leviathans and make them into blood medicaments. By taking these medicaments, she can obtain more pure Leviathan blood.

From these books that Leo has seen now, he can clearly feel that this world hides some secrets related to cosmic civilization, the Supreme Council, and the Omega-class higher life forms. It is a pity that all the information he sees now They are all public book materials. These materials have undoubtedly been deleted and changed, hiding all the deeper secrets. Therefore, as an outsider, if he wants to obtain more core materials, he must cooperate with Chris , Obviously Leviathan's blood helmet is a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, Leo went directly to the administrator's office at the entrance of the library. UU Reading turned to the administrator whose head was almost completely murloc, and said: "I want to see your Kli Archbishop Silk Goddess, please go and inquire."

The murloc manager looked at Leo, and was about to deny him on behalf of Chris, but suddenly he thought of Chris' order to monitor Leo. He thought it was best not to make his own claim, so he Let Leo wait in the library for a while, and then ordered his subordinates to take his place, and he quickly left the library and went to look for Chris.

It didn't take long before he hurried over and let Leo follow him.

Under the guidance of this murloc, Leo did not go to the discussion temple that he had visited before, but came to the back garden here. It is not correct to say that it was a garden, because there are no flowers and plants here, but all weird-shaped trees. However, each tree bears a fruit-like water ball on it, and some young marine creatures swim in the water ball.

Leo knew that this was Tulikali. Translated in English, it was the guardian mother tree. As the name suggests, these trees are the mothers of the temple guards of the Poseidon Church. The young marine creatures swimming in the fruits like water **** are the larvae of the temple guards. After they have grown to a certain level, they will fall off the mother tree, then grow rapidly in a short time, and eventually grow into a temple guard.

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