The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1053: Secrets in the book

"If I were you, I won't be walking around at this time, but stay here honestly." Leo was going to the library of this temple to look at the books here, and Sean seemed to feel that his transaction had already It was done, the whole person relaxed a lot, and he lost his vigilance. He wanted to walk around, but his actions were stopped by Leo.

Xiao En said in a puzzled way: "Why? The golden scales are no longer in my hands, I..."

Leo interrupted Sean's words, and coldly explained: "Yes, the golden scales are no longer in your hands, but the problem is that the golden scales still belong to you. Only Chrissy's deal with you is completed. The scales are completely irrelevant to you. If Chris’ enemies assassinate you at this time, then your deal will fail. The golden scales may no longer have their original utility, so you are now the most dangerous. time."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sean’s already relaxed vigilance rose again, and the original idea of ​​going out was immediately dispelled, and seeing Leo preparing to leave, he couldn’t help asking: “You won’t stay to protect me. ?"

"Don't worry, there are people here to protect you. They may not be able to withstand the assassins, but they can give me enough time to come back." Leo relieved Sean and said, "And I left a little bit on you. Something, it can save your life when you encounter fatal danger."

After speaking, Leo didn't give any further explanations, he stepped out of the room, and under the gaze of various bright and dark whistles, he came to the temple library not far away.

Because it is only a temporary temple, the various books of the Goddess Church are stored in another place. The library that Leo is now arriving is actually built before the Poseidon Temple. Most of the books here are for church members. Open books, so the books in the collection here are some ordinary Poseidon church missionary books, not those precious books that contain certain secrets.

However, for Leo, these Poseidon’s missionary books are more to his taste, because he can always find some useful things in these books, because even the people who wrote these books may not be aware. Some secrets about this world and the gods of this world are hidden in what they wrote.

For example, after Leo entered the library, he took the first book Hymn of Water, which looked like a kind of prayer poem, but the content pointed directly to the essence of the sea god.

As mentioned in this book, this world was created by Poseidon. What happened to Poseidon’s original world was not mentioned, but it was mentioned that there was no water in the original world. When Poseidon appeared, there would be water. After the sea, the Poseidon felt that the world is incomplete if there is no other life in the sea, so he captured many stars and let them sink to the bottom of the sea, creating the world’s first island, and the sea based on the creatures on the island, Created various creatures and monsters in the sea, and with the accumulation of experience in creating life, Poseidon finally created the sea clan.

After the sea **** created the sea clan, he selected the most powerful sea clan from among the sea clan and gave him blood. This sea clan is the original sea king Leviathan.

After that, Leviathan represented the **** of the sea, conquering the four directions, and constantly conquering worlds. Every time a world was conquered, that world would fall into the sky and the sea until it was completely assimilated by the sky and the sea, and then fell down from the sky and the sea. islands.

In these similar mythological and historical records, Leo discovered that the original name of the sea **** was Brittalika. This word is not the sea language used in this world, but the universal language created by the Supreme Council of the universe. Just to correctly read this word requires the use of a vocal organ of an aquatic race in the universe. When fully immersed in water, using that vocal organ to recite the word will become the true pronunciation of the universal lingua franca. , This pronunciation means mother of water, and that aquatic race takes mother of water as its belief.

In addition, when mentioning the origin of Poseidon, I mentioned a word many times, called Likali. This word is a sea clan vocabulary, and its meaning is council, which means that Poseidon came from a place called council.

Although there is no mention in the book why Poseidon came to this world, from the subsequent content, Poseidon did not seem to be forced to come into this world. Instead, he took the initiative to come to this empty world. In the beginning, everything in this world was created. Although the description of Poseidon's power is a bit exaggerated, there is no problem with the main core content.

The core content is that after Poseidon came to this world, he transformed the world, created creatures, and then drove the created creatures to conquer other worlds and annex other worlds.

This makes Leo naturally think of the beginning of the savage period of the universe, because the core content of the two is surprisingly similar.

Although the various civilizations and races of the universe have different definitions of the time of the savage period of the universe, the largest time gap is as high as hundreds of millions of years, but there is a nearly universally accepted answer to the end of the savage period, that is, the establishment of the highest council of the universe.

There is no consensus on the establishment time of the Supreme Council of the Universe. It seems that the Omega-level higher life forms of the Supreme Council of the Universe are not interested in this, and have not thought of giving an answer. However, the Supreme Council of the Universe also recognizes that the establishment of the Council heralds the universal civilization. After the barbaric period, it entered a period of relative peace.

Although there are not many cosmic civilizations that have survived the barbaric period, there are thousands of them, and most of these civilizations are advanced cosmic civilizations. They more or less left some records of when the universe was still barbaric, but In order to prove the advanced and civilized nature of one’s own civilization, some deeds of one’s own civilization at that time will be beautified.

However, no matter how beautified the record is, after stripping those unreliable ingredients, it all points directly to a core idea, that is, Omega-level higher life forms are nurtured, and then create the world, create life, and drive The civilization created by life conquered other cosmic civilizations, and the history of civilization in the wild period of the universe is a naked history of conquest.

There is a claim that hasn’t been confirmed or circulated from there. The claim mentions civilizations that disappeared during the savage period of the universe and the death of Omega-class higher life forms. It is the recorded total number of cosmic civilizations since the establishment of the Supreme Council. The number of dead Omega-level higher life forms is a hundred times the total number of Omega-level higher life forms in the highest council of the universe.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it can also show the cruelty of the savage period of the universe from one side.

And now, from the Poseidon Church’s missionary books, Leo saw that the trajectory of the Poseidon was exactly the same as the trajectory of the Omega-class advanced life forms during the barbaric period. This made him feel that in the period after his death, the universe It seems that the state of peace created by the Supreme Council has returned to the original barbaric period. Conquest and annexation have become the only theme of cosmic civilization and higher life forms.

Leo then went over a lot of related books. Without exception, these books described how the Sea Clan conquered each world under the leadership of the original Sea King Leviathan, and how they annexed and assimilated the conquered world. A creature that was conquered in the world.

In that world conquest, Leviathan encountered a variety of enemies, some of which were even gods, and Leviathan relied on the bloodline bestowed by Poseidon to continuously improve his strength and eventually became a peace Exist like a sea god.

However, the end of the original Sea King Leviathan was not very good. When he was conquering a world, he was caught by the gods of that world, and he was humiliated. Leviathan chose to die with the gods of that world and destroyed it. world.

However, Leviathan's bloodline remained and became the original sea clan royal family.

In those books, a large amount of space was used to describe the process of Leviathan's conquest of various worlds. In order to bring out the power of Leviathan, the writer also specifically described a lot of power to the gods.

From these descriptions, it is not difficult to infer that the hostile gods are real Omega-class higher life forms, and they seem to be doing the same things as the current Poseidon world, transforming the world, creating life, and letting the created life conquer. Other worlds and so on.

But what is different from Poseidon is that even if these gods are Omega-level high-level life forms, their power seems to be only equivalent to the level of ninth-level psionicists, that is, demigods. I don’t know if this is because they created life. It took a lot of power to transform the world, or because of other reasons, their power declined, which was highly incompatible with the evolution of life forms.

Leo made this judgment because the worlds conquered by Leviathan were all transformed by the gods in the world, and the races of those worlds were also created by gods. This kind of transformation of the world and creation of life The ability can be said to be the unique skill of Omega-level higher life forms.

And this kind of Omega-level advanced life forms all began to transform the world and create life at the same time period, which undoubtedly shows that the Omega-level advanced life forms at that time had to do this kind of thing for some unknown reason, even just Even such a powerful existence as the Mother of Water is inevitable.

This also made Leo even more curious about what happened in the universe at that time, so that the Omega-class higher life forms simultaneously appeared in a behavior pattern.

In the worlds annexed by Leviathan, there are still many civilized races. Among these civilized races, the races that are not suitable for this world have disappeared, and the ones that are left have been transformed from physical to psychological. The new sea clan, and the spirit clan is one of them.

The spirit race originated from the world that died with Leviathan. Although the world was destroyed and the **** who created them was dead, they survived well and merged into the sea race and were conquered by others. Like the world, it turned into a member of the sea clan in this world.

Seeing Leo here, he couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical. The reason why the Spirit Race will leave the Sea Race and live on land is probably due to the origin of the Spirit Race. No matter how it is assimilated, the root hatred is probably very high. Difficult to be completely resolved.

Most of these books about the world of Poseidon conquering different worlds are similar in content. They discovered a world, and then Leviathan led the sea people into the world and conquered the world. But in these books, there is a conquest war which is somewhat special. This conquest war is the sea god. The first world conquered by the world. After the fragments of this world merged into the world of Poseidon, it formed the current desperate mountain.

The reason why the war of conquest is a bit special is mainly because it was the world that the Seagod himself conquered, and at that time the Seagod had not yet created the Sea Clan. In other words, the Sea Clan was created after the world was integrated into the Seagod World. .

Although this little detail does not seem to be special, it is not difficult to find some tricks after thinking about it, which makes people can't help but imagine. One of the possible guesses may be that the Sea Clan was not created out of thin air, but has the first The surviving people in this world are transformed into.

In addition to the origins of the sea clan in this conquest war, there is another thing that makes Leo very concerned, that is, the **** of the conquered world has a name, which is the only **** of all the conquered worlds. The **** who recorded the name, and the name Leo was very familiar with, it was Yannorrond.

At that time, Leo was a little surprised when he saw the name, and even felt that he had read it wrong, but he read it several times and found that he had not read the name wrong, and the name was not in another language. , But the Sea Clan’s own language, but the name is completely transliterated, so it sounds a bit strange, but Leo can be sure that the name refers to Yanor In addition to the name, in the conqueror During the process, a detail was recorded so that Leo could confirm his inference. This detail is that the Poseidon encountered strong resistance after entering that world. The resistance method used by the life of that world is also Leo's very familiar method. .

Although, in the record of that book, Poseidon effortlessly destroyed that world and absorbed it into the world of Poseidon, it is not difficult to see from subsequent books that Poseidon only started after the conquest. Created life, and completed those acts of conquering the world for him, and after Leviathan died, he would no longer create a second Leviathan, and at the same time fell into a deep sleep, only creating it with divine power when necessary The avatar appeared in the sea clan and other worlds with the belief of the sea god, guiding the way for believers.

This made Leo couldn't help wondering whether Poseidon's injury was the injury he suffered when he first conquered the world.

Another interesting thing is from Janor Lund. In the book about the city that Leo read at the Shattered Temple in the Lower City at the time, he mentioned the scene of the end of the world, in addition to falling into the abyss, It also mentioned another kind of apocalypse, that kind of apocalypse is called the Deep Sea Age, which seems to coincide with the process of the Poseidon world annexing other worlds.

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