The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1051: Relationship change

"You may be mistaken, the lord of the black castle is Sylvia, not the witch group." Leo corrected Chrissy's statement.

Chris was a little surprised when she heard this, and said to herself: "Has the witches group become so loose now? However, this is also good, if the witches group is dragged down, this Sylvia cannot be obtained. Black Castle.” After speaking, she looked at Leo again and said deeply, “This Sylvia’s status in the French Empire should be unusual? You know that Black Castle is reserved by the French royal family. If you don’t have any identity, you can’t get this castle."

"The French Empire has been divided. Now Randall is under the control of the United Kingdom of France, and Sylvia is the hereditary earl of the United Kingdom." Leo simply corrected the error in Kris's words. And added: "But Sylvia's identity is not simple, her last name is Belmont."

Although the division of the French Empire was already shocking news for Chris, compared to the shock that another news brought to her, the division of the French Empire seemed less important.

I saw, she said in a gloomy startled voice: "Belmont? It is the descendant of Belmont who became the lord of the black castle."

There are not only the three of them in this temple, but also the temple attendants and temple guards who serve and protect Chris. It's just that since just now, the language of the three of them is English, and everyone in the temple Can't understand their conversation. However, when Chrissy exclaimed in shock, even if the people around could not understand them, he could still feel Chrissy's abnormal emotions at the moment, so she worried about what happened and began to gather.

"You all go out, I have something to discuss with the two of them!" Seeing her men gathered together, Chrissy immediately ordered them.

Hearing Chris’ order, it was also seen that Chris was indeed nothing unusual. The people in the temple obeyed the instructions and left the temple, but they did not go far and still stood at the door of the temple, watching inside warily. Whatever abnormal situation, we can come to support the first time.

After her subordinates left, Chrissy's expression became extremely serious. She turned to Leo and said: "When you go back, you should let your partner leave the Black Castle. The Belmont family’s approach to the Black Castle will definitely cause a scene. Disaster, even the world may be destroyed because of this incident."

Leo didn't show any special expression to Chris's words, but still appeared very calm, as if the words just now were not to himself.

On the other hand, Sean showed a shocked expression and his eyes were full of worry. He didn't think Chris was joking to say such words so seriously. There must be a secret that he didn't know. Chris, who had left Vinylon, also panicked.

At this time, Sean couldn't help but recall all the information about the Black Castle.

Because of the ancient times to participate in the sacrifice ceremony, Sean carefully investigated all the materials related to the sacrifice ceremony. The black castle and lighthouse where the sacrifice ceremony was held were naturally under his investigation.

Among the information he collected, the Black Castle and the lighthouse are full of various legends and horror stories just like the ancient castles in other places, and he has always been scornful of these information, and he did not even look at it. .

Now Chris's attitude towards the Black Castle made him suddenly realize that in the legendary stories that he didn't care about before, there may be some truth hidden, and it is a terrifying truth.

Just when Sean wanted to ask Chris about why a member of the Belmont family stayed in the Black Castle, Leo said in a very calm tone: "If you are worried that the abyssal bloodline on Sylvia will cause If the passage under Wanghai Cliff points to the abyss, it is not necessary. The passage under Wanghai Cliff is not controllable by ordinary forces. Even the sacrifice ceremony of the Poseidon Church can only communicate the space of this world by borrowing. Coordinates, relying on the power of this world to open the space channel. Even if the abyss bloodline on Sylvia can influence the channel to point to the abyss, if there is no stable space channel on the abyss, he will break into this kind of temporary opening and constantly changing The space channel will only get lost in the space of the channel and be torn apart by the turbulence in the space."

After Leo’s voice fell, Chris watched Leo unable to speak for a long time. She didn’t know what to say or what to react, because from what I said earlier, Leo already knew what was in Wanghai Cliff. Things, they also know the biggest secret of the Belmont family, and even know things related to the abyss.

This made Chrissy instinctively vigilant, and the magical wristband on her wrist also radiated light from Leo's body along with her mind. At the same time, she tightly held the trident scepter in her hand, ready to go. Launch an attack when you find something wrong with Leo on the artifact bracer.

It’s no wonder that Chris has become so nervous, because she has actually seen people and objects contaminated by the abyss, and the world swallowed by the abyss, she also knows that abyss pollution is inevitable, although this The world was protected by the seagod's divine power, and the power of the abyss could not be approached, but she still did not dare to let go of this, after all, the current state of the seagod was not good.

Chris’ behavior naturally attracted Sean’s attention. His face changed suddenly, and he didn’t know what to do. The scene of Leo and Chris at war appeared in his mind, and he didn’t know how he should behave. Place.

The guards at the gate of the temple also naturally felt that Chris was using the artifact. They suddenly felt that something abnormal might have happened in their hearts. They wanted to enter the temple and protect Chris, but Chris raised his hand to stop it. Up.

Chris, who stopped the temple guard from approaching, turned her head and looked at Leo. Her tight expression just relaxed a little bit, and even her initially hostile eyes softened a lot. She looked at Leo. Looks like a friend.

The reason why Chris has such a change in attitude is that after her inspection, she did not find anything contaminated by the abyss on Leo. Instead, she found the gods of White Deer and Lady in the Lake on Leo. Imprint.

Whether it is Bailu or Ms. Huzhong, both have extraordinary significance to Chris, and even some aspects are more important to her than the sea **** she currently believes in.

Chrissy was not a believer in the Poseidon Church at first. Like most women in the English Kingdom, she believes in the Lady of the Lake. Unlike other women in the English Kingdom, she has seen the Lady of the Lake in person, and even I have talked with Ms. Huzhong more than once, but it’s a pity that those things happened when she was a child, and the memories related to it became blurred as she grew older. The only thing she could clearly feel was the lake. The lady is like a mother to her, and this feeling has not disappeared so far.

As for Bai Lu, it’s even simpler. She used to live in the Black Forest for a while. That experience was not known to outsiders. During that period, Bai Lu was her spiritual mentor and helped her get rid of the wild wizard's The impact caused by this is the current Chrissy, so for Bai Lu, she is more grateful,

Now, she found the imprint of the gods of White Deer and Lady in the Lake on Leo, and she naturally transferred the special feelings for those two gods to Leo, and Leo became especially pleasing to her eyes.

The change in Chris’ attitude was not concealed at all. Leo, as the person involved, felt it naturally. He didn’t know why Chris had such a change in attitude, but he knew one thing, that was, Chris didn’t notice. The abyssal power in him, otherwise, judging from the level of vigilance and hostility Chrissy had just been towards the abyss, maybe he had already started it now.

"Since you know about the abyss, you should also know how terrible the abyss is," Chrissy said with a hint of admonishment at this time: "The Gate of the Ten Thousand Worlds below Wanghai Cliff is incomplete and has no control. Power is used to limit where the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds goes. It will only be affected by the surrounding forces and find the world corresponding to it. The Belmont family comes from the abyss, even if their blood is blocked and not stimulated, but It will still exude various powers similar to the abyss, and this power will definitely affect the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds below Wanghai Cliff, just like the sacrifice ceremony of the Poseidon Church will open a passage between the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds and this world. Affected by the power of the abyss, the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms will also open a passage in the abyss."

Leo calmly responded: "Your Excellency Chris don’t worry. Chris and I know the abyss better than you think, and we have fought the monsters of the abyss more than once. We know exactly what the abyss is all about. There is no need to worry about it. I can tell you with certainty that there is no channel for the abyss below Wanghai Cliff."

Chris frowned. She didn't know why Leo was so confident. If she was based on her personality, she would definitely slap him and make him sober, but the problem is that the other person is not an ordinary person, and no Said that the two imprints of the gods on his body show that he has a great relationship with Bailu and Lady Huzhong, and the identity of the other tower wizard also determines his identity and strength. Since the other party has shown such confidence, then Naturally, it means that the other party must be very sure.

Thinking of this, Chrissy's frowning brows also relaxed a little, and she also suddenly thought that she was no longer a member of the world of Vinylon. The relationship between her and the world of Vinylon was only the memories of the past, and there was no need for the world of Vinylon in the future Worry about what might happen.

This change of thinking also made Chrissy’s no longer entangled in matters related to the abyss, just to persuade before the end, said: "I don’t know how much you know about the abyss, but I know very well. Anyone who despises the abyss will eventually be swallowed by the abyss." After speaking, she turned to look at Sean, and said: "Let’s talk about your business! The golden scales are in your hands. Value, I hope you can trade it to me."

Sean naturally won't have any refusal to this, nodded and said: "I agree to the transaction."

"Let's talk! I can agree to whatever you want, as long as it's not particularly outrageous." Chris nodded in satisfaction and said.

"I want to..." Just when Sean was about to say his request, Leo reached out and stopped him.

Seeing Leo stopping Sean’s actions, Chrissy’s expression of dissatisfaction appeared on her face, but soon her dissatisfaction disappeared. Instead, she was vigilant. She raised the trident in her hand and her body began to change into To become a half-mermaid, it is not appropriate to say that it is a fish, because her lower body is not a fish, but the tail of a sea snake.

The reason why Chris suddenly became vigilant was completely because Leo was preventing Sean from speaking while protecting Sean behind her, and watched vigilantly at other empty places in the temple, as if there were some in those places. Some transparent existence.

If Leo were an ordinary person, Chris would not have much thoughts, but Leo has the identity of a tower wizard, and the endless eerie methods of the tower wizard have been seen by Chris, and even experienced it. Yes, so in her opinion, since Leo showed a state of alert, there must be something worthy of Leo's alert in the temple.

However, after the two entered the alert state, after a long time, there was no movement around, which made Chrissy wonder if Leo had an illusion, and subconsciously looked towards Leo.

At the moment when Chris' guard was relaxed, Leo suddenly appeared a dozen prismatic crystals in his hand, and shot towards the place Leo wanted in his heart like a sharp arrow. UU reading

Leo shot quickly, and the crystal flew faster, almost in a flash, disappeared from Leo's hand and appeared at the target locked by Leo's mental network.

Immediately after hearing a scream in the temple, I remembered that a few blue blood flowers splashed out of the empty sky. The crystals were all stuck in the air at the moment, and drops of blue blood flowed along the crystals. After coming down, it quickly covered the surrounding space, gradually drawing out a fuzzy half-mermaid shape.

"The hermit of the sea clan?" Seeing those voyeurs whose bodies were fixed by the crystals and the blue blood revealed their whereabouts, Chrissy immediately recognized the identities of these half-mermaids, and at the same time looked at Leo with a little surprise. .

The sea clan’s recluses are the strongest ears and eyes spies of the sea clan. It is said that even the sea god’s sleeping temple has recluses. Although the recluses are so famous, few people have seen them with their own eyes. They have never been caught, so some people think that the so-called recluse is just a rumor made by the sea clan, just to make people think that they know all the secrets of this world.

However, as one of the most powerful people in the world, Kris knew the existence of a special sea tribe like the hermit, and had also seen the real hermit, so she was able to recognize it at a glance.

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