The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1050: Chris' attitude

"You reminded me of a very annoying person!" This was the first sentence that Archbishop Chrissy said after seeing Sean.

Xiao En didn't know how to respond for a moment, because it was completely different from any scene he had predicted.

Leo still kept his sense of existence to a minimum, and calmly looked at the archbishop of Goddess in front of him. He didn't use spiritual nets and other psychic skills. He only used his own perception to check the opponent's situation, because he After entering this palace-like room, you can feel the surrounding energy disturbing the force field. Obviously, the archbishop of the gods in front of you is not as unguarded as the priest of the sea clan scepter before, and using the spiritual net will only take it for himself. disgrace.

"Your surname is Donald, right!" When the hall was silent, Archbishop Chrissy suddenly asked Sean tentatively.

Sean was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly reacted, and thought of his and Leo's previous guesses, so he performed a noble courtesy of the English Kingdom toward Chris, saying in English: " Sean Donald has met Princess Chrissy."

Chris couldn't help being stunned when she heard that Sean had spoken out her past identity in English, and there was a look of memories in her eyes, and she had not spoken for a long time.

Her performance undoubtedly showed to Sean and Leo that their previous guess was correct, that she was the legendary princess of the English Kingdom.

Just when Chris was lost because of her memories, Leo also took the opportunity to look at the opponent carefully.

There are some differences between the Chrissy at this moment and the Chrissy whom I saw before. When in the desperate mountains, Chrissy’s lower body was in the shape of a fish or a sea snake, not the shape of human legs, and the body’s marine characteristics are also It's more obvious. Now she is more like a person. Apart from the eye-catching scales and fins and ears, there are not many variant organs related to the Sea Clan.

Although she is a clergyman, she is dressed more like a temple guard, wearing a leather armor, holding a trident in her hand, and a hand axe hung around her waist, which makes Leo couldn’t help thinking of her presence. Vinyl’s reputation,

Leo couldn’t estimate how powerful Chris was in front of him for a while, but he was certain of two things. One thing was that Chris, besides the trident artifact that he always held in his hand, was at least Three artifacts were also worn, one was the necklace on the neck, the other was the bracelet of the left wrist, and the last was the leather armor made of unknown animal skin.

Although the increase in strength brought by the artifact cannot be calculated by means of stacking, it is certain that if the four artifacts can be used freely, they are definitely more powerful than using one artifact.

This also shows how powerful Kriss’s strength is. After all, if she wants to use four artifacts, if her own strength is not enough, she will only be backlashed by the artifact’s power. Not only will she not increase her strength, but will weaken her strength. And the archbishop Chrissy in front of the goddess is obviously not the kind of self-defeating person. Since she wears four artifacts on her body, it means that she must have enough strength to use them. This can also be radiated from the opponent. The energy fluctuations can be inferred.

I don’t know if I want to give Sean a slap in the face, or for other reasons, Chris did not condense her strength, so the moment Leo entered the stone palace, Leo sensed the energy emanating from the opponent. , And these energies spread to the four directions, and were restricted by the invisible power around the temple, they could only reverberate in the temple, and were easily caught by Leo.

Undoubtedly, only from the intensity of energy fluctuations, Kris in front of her has at least the strength close to that of a sixth-level psionicist, but she is not a complete manifestation of her strength. As a pure-blooded half-mermaid, Klee Like the previous sea clan, Si can communicate with the energy of the surrounding world, and depending on the situation, she seems to have mastered the use of it, so that if she fights, her enemy will face more than just a quasi-6 psionic energy. The strong one is facing the power of a world.

"Sean Donald, I remember you, that kid who likes to peek at me in the bath!" Chris quickly recovered from her memories and said as she looked at Sean.

Xiao En's face instantly turned red when he heard this. Although he was known for his thick and dark face in the English Kingdom, facing his childhood goddess, the little greenness he buried in his heart still affected his psychology and physiology.

"When did the church open the Holy Arch of the Kingdom of England?" Chris ignored Sean's expression, changed her attitude slightly, and sneered at him: "Or the greedy hypocrites also began to become truly pious. A believer?"

Shaun showed a little embarrassment, and then bluntly said: "I came here after attending the sacrifice ceremony of the Randall Seagod Church."

"Randall's sacrifice ceremony?" Chris frowned when she heard the words, and said: "Impossible, if it were the sacrifice ceremony, the holy arch of Mount St. Trou would definitely be in operation. You all participate in the sacrifice ceremony. People from all appear directly on the top of Mount Saint-Truce," she said, suddenly thinking of something, and questioning: "Should you not be the only people participating in the sacrifice ceremony? What about the others?"

Xiao En smiled bitterly, and said, "I don't know the situation of other people. We appeared directly on the top of a desolate mountain."

"It seems to be right. The holy arch in Despair Mountain is operating because of you." Chris frowned and muttered to herself: "Are other people also sent to other holy arches?" As she said that, she turned her head and asked Xiao En seriously: "You should tell the story of the sacrifice ceremony carefully. You must be very careful to say everything you see. You can't miss a point, because it's related to Can you still go back."

When Chris said this, Sean immediately became a lot nervous. He turned to look at Leo, as if seeking Leo’s advice, but Leo did not give him any response at the moment. It was like letting him make his own decision, so he honestly told me about his participation in the ceremony. When talking about Leo, he only referred to Leo as the bodyguard he hired. Too careful.

Although Sean deliberately concealed the information about Leo and didn't want Leo to be exposed to Chris, he didn't know that Leo had already entered Chris's eyes when he looked at Leo questioningly. , Aroused her curiosity.

At first Chrissy did just as Sean had hoped, only using Leo as a bodyguard for Sean. This was mainly because Leo's performance was so inconspicuous. This inconspicuousness was not Leo's. Appearance and other appearance issues, but the overall senses, as if he is covered with a layer of inconspicuous force field, people will subconsciously ignore his existence when they see him.

But this kind of weird situation disappeared as Chris began to pay attention to the other party. It was like a certain spell being cracked, allowing Chris to see the truth under the other party's hidden mask, even if the truth was still compromised.

After the special state of Leo disappeared, Chris saw Leo’s real side clearly, but when she saw Leo, she thought of another person in her mind. It can be said that the person who changed her life is This person taught her how to inspire her own bloodline power, and this person also told her how big the world outside is. If this person hadn't appeared, she might only have to stay in the Kingdom of England for the rest of her life, marry a certain nobleman, and give birth. A lot of children died in the luxurious bed.

Although the other party has changed her life and made herself feel freedom that she has never had before, she is not grateful to the other party at all, except because the other party did it for a purpose, and more importantly, the suffering she has suffered afterwards. It should be counted on that person's head, even if she knows that this is wrong, she still can't suppress the hatred in her heart.

Right now Leo gave her the feeling very much like the person in her memory. Although the appearances of the two were completely different, the temperaments of the two were very similar, which made her think of the identity of the person in the memory.

At this time, Sean also carefully said the process of his participation in the sacrifice ceremony. Although Chrissy’s attention was mostly on Leo, she still remembered every word that Sean said. Every detail of the description.

As soon as Shaun’s voice fell, Chrissy immediately came to a conclusion, saying: “The Bishop of Poseidon Church who presided over the ceremony has a problem. He must have done something during the ceremony.”

Chrissy's judgment made Leo's eyes light up, and he looked at each other curiously. He wanted to ask how Chrissy found out. If you know that he was at the scene, it was because of capturing those who participated in the sacrifice ceremony. After jumping into the passage, it was confirmed that the bishop had a problem, and Chrissy just listened to Sean’s retelling to determine the object of the problem. This was obviously the bishop who performed some kind of ceremonies while presiding over the ceremony. Change, and this change can only be noticed by someone familiar with rituals like Chris.

Although Leo was inconvenient to ask, Sean didn't have so many worries. He asked directly: "Why is the bishop having the problem?"

"There is no problem with his ritual process, but there is a problem with the sacred objects used in the ceremony. Otherwise, you should appear on St. Trou Mountain instead of Despair Mountain." Chris did not intend to answer carefully, but simply responded. After a while, he walked in front of Leo and said, "You remind me of a very annoying person."

Although this sentence is exactly the same as the first sentence she said to Sean just now, the tone of the two is completely different. What she said to Sean is more of a nostalgia, and her mouth is also annoying. It wasn't really annoying, it was just that she didn't like it, but now what she said to Leo annoying was really annoying, and there was an obvious hatred in her tone.

"It should be the first time we met." Leo also felt a little inexplicable, not understanding why Chris had such a special attitude towards herself.

"Yes, it's the first time we met, but it doesn't prevent me from hating you guys." Chris did not hide her emotions, looked at Leo coldly, and said: "Tower wizard, what about you This stench can be smelled even at the edge of the world."

Seeing that Chris had such a hostile attitude towards herself because of the tower wizard, Leo also felt a little inexplicable, and quickly recalled the information related to Chris in his mind, and found that in those materials Did not mention anything related to the tower wizard.

At this time, I heard Chris continue to say: "I thought the Wild Wizard was the last tower wizard. I didn't expect there will be a new Tower Wizard. Are you a student of the Wild Wizard?"

Leo was stunned when he heard Chris mentioning the wizard of the wilderness. He also realized that the tower wizard who caused Chris' hatred was the wizard of the wilderness.

In response, Leo shook his head and said: "Speaking of which I am not a tower wizard. I know a lot about tower wizards. Even some tower wizards cannot compare with me. I learned by myself from the notes of the tower wizard, and I don’t have any teacher, so I am not a pure tower wizard, not even a wizard, because the power I am good at is not the power of the wizard, just Like Your Excellency, the power you are good at is not the power of a witch."

"Witch?" After hearing the long-lost word of Witch, Chrissy's expression eased a bit. Although it seems to the outside world that Kris and the witches have a very bad relationship, she even fought against members of the witches several times. What they didn't know was that Chrissy was able to escape from that ghost place completely because of the rescue of the, so her feelings for the Witches were especially complicated.

Seeing Chrissy's expression after hearing the word witch, Leo's heart moved, and then he made a special gesture in front of Chrissy and said a sentence in a unique language. This gesture and The corresponding sentence is the secret code of the Witch Order, only known by the Witch and those who have a good relationship with the Witch Order.

Sure enough, when she saw Leo's gesture and heard Leo's corresponding code language, Chris' face showed a look of surprise, and there was also a hint of surprise in her eyes, and then asked in confirmation: "You What is the relationship with the Witch Group?"

"My partner is a witch, and Sean can prove it." Leo explained.

Seeing the atmosphere ease, Sean also immediately testified: "Yes, Mr. Leo and the Witch Order are indeed very close. His other half, Ms. Sylvia, the lord of the Black Castle, is a member of the Witch Order."

"The Witch Order actually controlled the Black Castle?" Chris had already believed Leo's words, but now she was attracted by another thing and exclaimed for it. No wonder she had such a reaction, because She knew better than anyone in Velen's world what the Wanghai Cliff where the Black Castle was located possessed, and she couldn't believe that it would one day fall into the hands of the Witch Group.

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