The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1026: Reasonable remuneration

Leo’s indifferent answer surprised Sean, because this answer was completely beyond his expectations. In the past contact with Leo, Leo gave him the feeling that he attached great importance to friends and cared about friends, otherwise I won't be willing to use my credit for a friend in exchange for identity and benefits, or even help a friend get a promotion and salary increase, gain strength, and so on.

Not long ago, he heard that Leo had an unusual relationship with the owner of the Black Castle, Sylvia Belmont, the new power of the United Kingdom of France. He could even say that apart from a wedding, the relationship between the two is the same as that of the husband and wife. , So he immediately thought of asking Leo, the man who recovered the scepter of Poseidon, to help himself get the maximum benefit in the sacrifice ceremony of Poseidon.

  Long ago, he felt that Leo and Poseidon had some kind of mysterious connection, otherwise it would not be possible for the Poseidon Church and the Inge royal family to search for the fruitless Poseidon scepter for so many years, but he easily found it.

Now this Poseidon sacrificial ritual is also an item closely related to some Poseidon items. He was not too sure about what he got from the ceremony, but learned that Leo was also in Randall and was still holding the ceremony The black castle where he is located gives him a sense of destiny arrangement, so he feels that as long as Leo can help him, then he must be able to find what he wants in the ceremony.

Before coming to the Black Castle, Sean repeatedly studied the character of Leo repeatedly, thinking that he had completely mastered Leo’s character and convinced Leo to help himself, but now he knew what his research was. It was completely wrong. Leo's character was obviously very different from the intelligence he had collected before.

He did not think that Leo was lying deliberately, because as the world changed, some mutations occurred in him, but this mutation did not make him a monster, but gained some kind of power, that kind of power It can help him discern whether others are lying.

Through this power, he easily found some traitors from his men, found some political enemies that had never been noticed before, and learned about his dangerous situation in the kingdom’s political arena, so this time he will take the initiative to invite Tassel to join Poseidon The sacrifice ceremony temporarily avoided the attention of the dangerous political opponents, and it was this ability that helped him determine whether Leo’s words contained a lie.

And when Leo spoke just now, under his ability perception, the indifference to the past companions in the other party's words was not a disguise, but a real indifference, like an ice field ice that has existed for thousands of years. Similar.

  The wrong estimation of Leo's character made Sean not know how to deal with it for a moment. He could only embarrassedly under Leo and Sylvia's attention and seriously considered Leo's conditions.

   Leo did not disturb Sean's thinking, turned his head and gestured to Sylvia, asking her what she needed from the Inge Kingdom to use later when discussing the conditions.

For Leo, in order to understand the hidden secrets in the lighthouse and the interpretation of the core Turing roots, he will definitely participate in the sacrifice ceremony of the Neptune Church. As for helping Shaun in the ceremony, he There is not much resistance, anyway, if things are beyond his ability, he will focus on self-protection, and will not put himself in danger because of some commitments.

  Under the circumstances of ensuring his own safety, he can help others easily and can also obtain some benefits from it. Leo will naturally not refuse such a thing.

After seeing Leo’s gesture, Sylvia just shook her head at first. She didn’t think of any benefit from Sean Donald, an upstart from the Kingdom of England, but soon she changed her mind. A line was drawn in the air.

Seeing this line of words, Leo nodded slightly, and said nothing more, quietly waiting for Sean to recover from his thoughts.

   After a while, Sean seemed to have thought of the conditions that Leo might be interested in, so he broke the dull atmosphere in the room and said, "I can help you find two high tower wizards..."

"It's not necessary." Leo interrupted Sean's words and said, "I have a lot of high tower wizard notes on hand, unless the two high tower wizard notes you mentioned are really powerful, or Create a towering wizard of unique and powerful witchcraft, otherwise the notes of other towering wizards will be useless to me."

When Sean heard the words he had originally said, he swallowed it again. Although he didn’t know to what extent the Tower Wizard needed to be considered as powerful as Leo’s mouth, he could be sure that he could find the two Tower Wizards The notes definitely don't belong to the kind of tower wizards that are famous in the world.

Since no reputation has been left in the past history of the world, it is naturally proved from one side that the masters of the two wizard notes are not powerful, and more importantly, he knows that the masters of the two notes The notes are not very concerned, there are not many people who have seen these two wizard notes, which is also a disguised proof that the content in these two notes will not involve any powerful force, maybe just the life of the tower wizard Some wind and snow.

Although the first condition that comes to mind has been denied by Leo without saying it, Sean is not frustrated because he has learned from Leo’s mouth that the basic requirements for each other’s conditions are strong and unique. There was another thing in his mind, but compared to the previous wizard notes, this thing made him a little bit reluctant to take it out as a reward for hiring Leo.

This thing is a relic of prehistoric civilization. He also got this relic because of a very accidental opportunity, and in the following years, this relic of prehistoric civilization brought him great help, allowing him to When you encounter a danger, predict in advance, so you will be lucky.

   It's just, I don't know what the reason is. This relic of prehistoric civilization expired more than two months ago. Although he wanted to repair things, he couldn't get started.

Right now, this relic of prehistoric civilization is not only not good for him, but a burden, because he has a relic of prehistoric civilization that can be used, and this relic can also predict the danger, which is enough to make a lot of Everyone was moved by this, and some of them were more powerful than him, such as the Duke of Buckingham.

   The question now is not whether he will hand over the relics of prehistoric civilization in his hands, and even if this relic of prehistoric civilization is handed over, no one may believe that this is the artifact he used to seek luck and avoid evil.

Therefore, this relic of prehistoric civilization has become a hot potato for him. Instead of leaving it in his hands as a scourge, it is better to find an open place to give things to Leo as a reward, as Leo can not Use is not within his consideration.

  Thinking of this, Sean directly told the new price code he had made.

Leo is not interested in the relics of prehistoric civilization in Sean’s mouth. His thing is just a product of cosmic civilization in his mind. There are countless such things he has seen in the past, not to mention that he wants to get it. It is not difficult, there are several wreckages of space warships in the Black Forest. If necessary, he can go back to the Black Forest and explore those wreckages.

  However, when Leo was just about to say no to this condition, Sylvia spoke, and she said with some curiosity: "Is the thing now on you? Lord Sean."

   "Yes, just take it with me." Sean nodded immediately.

   "Can you show us?" Sylvia asked again.

   Sean will not refuse, and under Leo's gaze, he took out a pale blue disc from a secret metal pocket on the inside of his coat and handed it to Sylvia.

Sylvia took the light blue disk, looked at it, and turned it over to Leo for identification, and she seemed to restrain Sean’s attention, seemingly casually said: "Your The relics of prehistoric civilization are an artifact-like treasure. I heard that someone once wanted to exchange your 3,000-acre manor castle for your artifact, but it was rejected by you. Now how do you think of it as a reward for hiring Leo? ?"

Faced with doubts, Sean spoke casually, almost without credibility, and said: "Because in my opinion, the glory of Poseidon is reproduced, and Poseidon returns to the world, compared to me. An artifact is more meaningful and valuable."

  Sylvia smiled and said nothing more, then turned to look at Leo, waiting for Leo to make the inspection result.

   Leo took the light blue disk in his hands and looked at it repeatedly, and soon judged that this thing seemed to be a Bricuri brain control device.

Among the various technological products in the universe, there are also a lot of light blue disk devices, but there are not many light blue disk devices like this human palm size, and the decorative patterns on the disk Also explains the origin of the disc.

The Bulikuri is a semi-technological cosmic civilization with a technological civilization similar to that of human beings. The development of science and technology accounts for only half of the development of their civilization, while the other half is a unique spiritual civilization with the Bulikuri. .

Spiritual power is another supernatural power in the universe. Some people think that the potential of spiritual power is not much worse than that of psionic power, but in fact, spiritual power is only popular among a few people in the cosmic civilization race, and some even use spiritual power. The famous cosmic races, after obtaining a complete psionic skill system and some psionicists within the race, they also began to turn towards psionics.

The reason for this is that besides the psionicists' psionic skills are some skills with extremely strong actual combat functions, and can exert their strong power in various states of the universe, the more important thing is the psionicists' lifespan. Too much more than spiritual powers.

It is already very good for a mental power to live for a thousand years, but for a psionic person who has completed a metamorphosis of level 4 or above, a thousand years is just a sleep, Therefore, most of the spiritual powers in the universe will become psionics after generating psionic energy.

And a cosmic civilization race like the Blikuri who is dedicated to the development of spiritual abilities and has no interest in psionicism can be said to be the only one, and it is precisely because of this the image of the octopus head of the Bulikuris It can be said in the universe that everyone knows it.

The Blikuri people have secret and powerful mental powers, and their bodies look very tall and strong, but in fact their body structure is very unreasonable, and the weight of the head occupies more than 90% of the entire body. , And the rest of the body is extremely weak. After leaving the special marine environment of the planet to which they belong, they will be greatly restricted, so they need to enslave to control other alien races with strong bodies before they can adapt them to the universe. Various harsh environments.

A true Bulikulian spiritual power can easily control ten alien intelligent creatures with human status similar to humans, and the maximum number of people controlled at the same time is more than one hundred. If the controlled object is a psionic person, it can also be controlled at the same time. Two, three low-level psionicists who have completed a transformation.

These numbers seem to be many, but in fact, for the development of the entire Buricus civilization, it is still very small. For this reason, the Buriculians specially invented a brain control device that can assist mental abilities. .

  Through this brain control device, a Blikuri power can easily control one hundred times more intelligent biological puppets than in the past, which perfectly solves the key problems in the development of Burikuri civilization.

Leo’s own experience in dealing with the Blikuri people is Because the planetary domain where the Earth Federation is located is very far away from the Bulicurians’ star domain, if there is no accident, unless both civilizations develop In the advanced cosmic civilization, the chances of meeting each other are minimal.

Another reason is that the Bricules are very smart and know how to do things, so the intelligent creatures they enslave are from low-level cosmic civilizations. These civilizations are still trapped in the planet and cannot be carried out in the galaxy. Free flight, this kind of civilization will basically not cause any harm to the Bulikuri, and no one will come forward for some of these lower civilizations and offend the Bulikuri such a spiritual power race.

  However, Leo is very familiar with the Bulikuri technology products, because the control chip used by the Earth Federation to control biochemical people comes from a complete set of Bulikuli brain control devices.

Although Leo had never seen what the Bricuri’s brain control device looked like, he knew very well the various characteristics of the brain control device, so when the pale blue disc fell in his hand, he immediately There is a sense of familiarity, and related materials in the database are found through the familiarity.

  Although there is already a clear answer, Leo did not draw a conclusion on this, but asked the Sean cautiously, "What's the use of this thing?"

Sean was just about to answer, and Sylvia answered it for him, saying: "I heard that this thing can perceive the maliciousness of other people. As long as someone is malicious to the wearer of this thing, the color of the surface of this thing will be Change, am I right? Lord Sean."

   "Yes, you are right." Sean replied immediately.

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