The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

: For work reasons, take 1 day off and resume tomorrow, forgive me!

Severe brain pain is accompanied by a strong vertigo similar to a concussion. This is the first sensation of 74328 after waking up. The vomiting reaction produced by the vertigo begins to work in his body after waiting for him to make other reactions. He spit out everything in his belly.

   Even worse is that at the moment, his body was weak and weak, and he didn't even have the strength to sit up, so he could only deflect his head a little and vomit all the vomit on the side of his head.

  After the vomiting reaction was relieved, the vertigo of the head of 74328 was slightly relieved, but the headache still existed, and because of the lack of balance of vertigo, it became more intense.

   "First brain, check for abnormalities in the brain." The strong physical discomfort gave 74328 a trace of worry in his heart, prompting him to immediately order the first brain responsible for controlling body organs to check the physical condition.

  However, things did not seem to develop as he thought. After he gave the order, his first brain did not respond, as if the first brain had disappeared.

74328, who had a bad hunch in his heart, immediately ordered the second vice-brain responsible for logical deduction and the third vice-brain responsible for learning and finishing, but the results were the same as before, and there was no response.

   Just when he was at a loss, a lot of chaotic memory fragments immediately poured into his brain, which caused a strong impact on his spirit, making the already painful brain even more painful.

   This kind of pain can't be described by words. If it wasn't for his weak body, he might have succumbed to the wall because of this strong pain.

   This pain appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, just like a wave of waves. After this peak, it quickly weakened and returned to normal levels.

"Damn it!" 74328, who was slowing down, felt that his brain was filled with all kinds of messy memory fragments, he had to use only a little thinking ability to analyze the current situation, and soon he had an answer, and This answer is very bad for him, and even made him break through the rules of behavior that he has developed for many years.

  Because he found the severe pain in the brain, the disappearance of the three auxiliary brains, and the appearance of so many chaotic memory fragments in the brain, it clearly pointed to a bad possibility that the auxiliary brain collapsed.

Since the emergence of schizophrenia 345 years ago, there have been hundreds of billions of people who use schizophrenia to make the paracephalon, and there are many phenomena of paracephalic collapse. The Earth Federation has set up a special archive for this purpose. To collect and organize the data of the person with a breakdown of the secondary brain.

There is no public opinion about the cause of the breakdown of the paracephalus. Some say that the paracephalus is overused, while others think that the brain splitting technique has inherent defects and is not suitable for certain types of people, but the only certainty is that The phenomenon of para-brain collapse is irreversible.

   The only way to solve the side effects caused by the breakdown of the accessory brain is to re-use the brain splitting technique to create a new accessory brain.

However, the difficulty of an ordinary person using schizophrenia to create a vice brain and the difficulty of a vice-brain collapser using a schizophrenia to create a vice brain are completely two levels. There are only two successful examples so far, and these two examples can not be regarded as Success, because they created the auxiliary brain without any function of the auxiliary brain.

   Although there is no successful case, for the 74328 now, he has no second way to go, because even if he is called a robot, he is not confident that he can withstand the next wave of side effects.

   So, after making a decision, the decisive 74328 began to use the brain division skillfully to divide the brain neurons.

Cleavage is a magical evolutionary method created by a mysterious scientist in the old age of the earth more than three hundred years ago. This method includes both mystics, psychiatry, encephalology and other human sciences. It can be said This technology made humans leap forward a big step in evolution, from a single earth creature to a real cosmic race.

  According to the records of the Earth Federation, the basic theory of schizophrenia should have originated from a graduation thesis of a neuroscience student at Harvard Medical School.

  In this thesis, the student conducted a holistic analysis of the utilization of the brain domain of the human brain.

He thinks that human utilization of the brain is very low, even the most intelligent people have no more than 20% utilization of the brain domain, and that the reason for this is not to say that humans use 80% of the brain. Unavailable, but because of the inert genes in all living things, humans cannot effectively use 80% of the other brains.

Inert genes were a new concept at the time. Some genetic scientists discovered that there is a common gene in the genomes of all organisms, including humans. This gene can make organisms lazy and inert, so scientists named it inert genes. .

   Prior to this, most scientists believed that lazy inertia was caused by personality, but after discovering the inert gene, humans realized that this gene was in effect.

And this gene also directly affects the utilization rate of the organism to its own organs. For example, as long as the mouth is opened, a certain organism can meet all the needs for survival and desire, then this organism will no longer affect the body other than the mouth. Organs are used effectively.

The human brain is also affected by inert genes. If humans can already meet the needs of life with only 20% of the brain domain utilization rate, then the remaining 80% will not be To use.

Some scientists on earth discovered that human inert genes make it impossible for humans to effectively use their bodies, and they began to think of ways to solve this problem. Among them, there are many bold ideas to strip inert genes from the body genome, but they all fail in the end. end.

   This issue related to human evolution had a breakthrough more than three hundred years ago, that is, fifty years before the establishment of the Earth Federation.

A mysterious scientist did not study inert genes like other people. Instead, he bypassed the genetic problem and directly targeted the core part of the human brain. He created the brain splitting technique, which makes the most inefficient use in the human body. The brain resources are split up and become the biological para-brain that assists the main brain and controls the body.

In this way, the additional side brains not only allow humans to obtain calculation capabilities similar to super quantum computers, but also enable humans to manage the organs of their bodies in a nearly perfect manner like computer management hardware. In a short period of time, it has evolved to a point where it was previously unimaginable.

   After the scientist created and perfected schizophrenia, he directly disclosed it to all countries on the earth, so that anyone with Internet access can get a complete method of schizophrenia.

  For all humans, schizophrenia is naturally a good thing, but for those in power, schizophrenia is definitely a poison.

After all, in an era where everyone is like a dragon, there is no difference between those in power and others, and it is almost impossible to control others, so when the brain splitting technique is announced and confirmed by many people, the situation on the whole earth Then he began to turmoil.

   There is a protracted war between the countries of the earth and within the country because of schizophrenia, and no country can be spared.

  Until the earth was devastated by war, all talents realized that if they continue to do so, all people will be finished. Eventually, all countries on the earth will abandon their previous suspicions, and humanity will also abandon hatred and establish the only national earth federation on earth.

After the establishment of the Earth Federation, people only discovered at this time that they did not even know who created the brain splitting technique. This person did not leave any name and identity information, and this matter has become one of the largest in the Earth Federation. There are a lot of speculations surrounding this mystery, including many conspiracy theorists.

For 74328, what kind of purpose did the creator of schizophrenia make public, what does schizophrenia mean to mankind, etc. All issues are not what he needs to consider. In fact, as a federal creature of the earth Weapons, most of the things that need to be considered are how to effectively hunt down and kill the enemy.

It is precisely because of the extraordinary endurance of biological weapons that he can withstand that extreme pain, and under the influence of various adverse reactions, he can still successfully use schizophrenia to treat 20% of the idle brain nerves. The elements are separated and combined into a new accessory brain.

   "Function setting!"

   "Body control!"

   "Check your body!"

   "Organize body data!"

"build database!"

   "Adjust the brain structure!"

   "Adjust memory cells!"


  The moment when the accessory brain was formed, 74328 issued a command proficiently. According to the previous usage habits, the first accessory brain was classified into a body-controlled accessory brain, and began to check the physical condition.

  At the same time, with the generation of the para-brain, the severe pain and dizziness in the head weakened like the low tide, because the other senses of the body weakened by the pain and dizziness also began to recover, and he also began to perceive the outside world.

   "War!" First of all, the sense of smell and hearing recovered, and 74328 instantly understood the environment in which he was now, and also had a strong doubt in his heart.

  Smoke smoke, gunfire, various messy shouts around, and all the information that comes from the sense of smell and hearing, all indicate that they are now on the battlefield.

   However, the problem is that since the Earth Federation entered the interstellar age, gunpowder weapons have disappeared, and the weapons used by the army and individuals are all more convenient and powerful Gaussian weapons, ion weapons, and so on.

  Gunpowder weapons have already become private hobby collectibles like some other objects in the earth age. They will never be equipped on a large scale and used on the battlefield.

Just as 74328 was about to open his eyes to see what was happening around him, a shell hit just a short distance away from where he was, and the air waves generated by the shell explosion spread to all sides, lifting him entirely off the ground. Going out, and then fell **** the ground, a sudden pain in the abdomen came instantly.

The pain in    not only made 74328 feel scared, but also awakened his combat instinct as a biological weapon, let him skillfully adjust his body posture, weaken the squeeze of the wounded place just before the explosion, and avoid causing secondary damage.

It’s just that obviously his luck wasn’t very good, and when he was about to try to open his eyes to check the injuries on his body, a man suddenly appeared beside him, grabbed his arm, and ignored the injuries on his body. He dragged vigorously, dragged him down for a distance, and then slapped his cheek violently, peeling off his eyelids and checking his condition.

   The eyelids were forcibly peeled off, which caused a pain in the eyeballs that had not yet fully adapted to the situation. The tears of the 74328 stimulated tears could not help flowing out.

   And when he felt the tears flowing out, 74328 was very shocking deep in his heart, because he was definitely a biological weapon. After his eyeballs were transformed, the tear glands had been peeled off and it was impossible to shed tears.

  After the tears wet the eyeballs and take away the adverse reactions caused by forcible peeling of the eyelids, the blurred image reflected in the eyeballs also became clear.

   First imprinted on his eyes was a bearded man with obvious Celtic characteristics.

   I saw that this man was wearing a worn military uniform. From the perspective of military uniform style, some of them looked like the British military uniforms of the First World War.

The messy head carries a military cap that is completely disproportionate to the size of the head. There is also a badge that should represent the army or the 7474 has never seen such a weird one The badge, because the symbol on the badge turned out to be an octopus.


After seeing 74328 with normal intelligence, the soldier laughed a few times, then slapped him on the shoulder like an acquaintance, and said a few words that seemed like encouragement in a language he had never heard. Then he picked up a very old breech gun on the ground and ran out of the bunker.

  Since the line of sight is no longer blocked by others, 74328 can also clearly see the surroundings.

I saw that he was in a bunker built by a trench at the moment. This trench was like a deep trench trench during World War I. The bunker was built with a log on both sides of the deep trench and laid on it. A layer of dirt was added.

   The role of this bunker can only be used to cover a little bit of dust falling in the air. It has no defensive force itself, and it can be easily destroyed by a single shell. At best, it can provide psychological comfort to the people who are in the bunker.

   At this moment, the bunker seems to have turned into a frontline hospital. A large number of injuries similar to 74328 lie in the bunker. Some people wearing weird masks and looking like doctors looked at the injuries.

   glanced through the bunker, and after learning about the surroundings, 74328 returned his gaze to himself and looked down slightly at his hands and body. When he found that the shape of his hands and skin color had completely changed, and he also wore a military uniform he had never seen before, he began to realize that he might have encountered a kind of near-legendary thing and passed through rebirth.

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