When all the oil in the black oil pond became golden, the four maggot priests let go of their scepters, moved towards the black oil pond, and then walked into the golden oil, and their bodies merged Instead of being swallowed and assimilated like an offering, the golden oil underneath began to spread upward along the surface of their bodies, looking like they were to be wrapped up.

However, when the gold oil on the three maggot priests was about to completely wrap them, they stopped and retreated, and the three maggot priests all showed regrets and turned in unison. Head enviously looked at another colleague who was completely wrapped in gold oil and was gradually cocooning.

   In the square, others saw a maggot priest successfully cocooned, and could not help but cheer, and then the sound of chanting prayers became louder.

   At this time, Leo did not pay attention to the cocooning of the maggots in front of him, but looked up slightly to the filthy statue of the mother who was casting a golden light down the sky.

He found that although the golden light was radiated by the image of the mother of pollution in the air, the golden light itself was not the power of the mother of pollution, because he did not feel any resonance in the imprint of the mother of pollution in the body, and this The golden light felt more like the power of the golden giant deer.

Leo had seen the sight of a golden deer patrolling the Black Forest at a very close distance, but at that time he had just turned on spiritual vision. It was not much better than ordinary people, and he could not feel the details of the golden deer power. The only thing The only thing that can be kept in his mind is the impression that can't be described by words, and the feeling of the golden light projected right now coincides with the impression in his memory.

  In the oil pond, when the cocoons transformed by maggots appear keratinized on the surface, the body begins to shrink slowly at a rate visible to the naked eye, and there is also a rhizome similar to the umbilical cord.

  As the cocoon shrunk to the size of a fist, the rhizome was as thin as a strand of hair, and the light on the surface of the cocoon became more and more intense, even reaching the dazzling bottom.

Everyone around    has been the crucial moment until now. Their voices for reading prayers have become louder and louder, and some people have even fallen into a fanatical state of screaming.

The light emitted by the golden cocoon seems to have reached the limit of the light. At this time, the rhizome suddenly broke under the impact of a force, and the golden cocoon also suspended in the air, and then the epidermis shattered into countless At the same time, a golden goblin with transparent wings was suspended in the air, and then quickly rushed into the sky, disappearing in the light of the goddess of filth.

When he saw the golden goblin, Leo’s astonishment in his heart was far beyond all the people present, because he had seen such goblins, they were flying around the golden giant deer, and entered the Black Forest from time to time to collect nectar Those little goblins.

To be honest, if Leo did not see the complete process of a maggot gradually transforming into a golden goblin, I am afraid it is difficult to believe that such a beautiful golden goblin turned out to be such a disgusting maggot, and this The discovery also made Leo more curious about the relationship between this mother of filth and the golden giant deer? If the relationship is not very close, the golden goblin transformed by the maggots will definitely not become the servant of the golden giant deer.

While Leo was thinking about the problem, all the people in the square couldn't hide their excitement, shouting various slogans praising the mother of filth. At the same time, many people with normal appearance suddenly looked like Like some kind of stimulus, some parts of the body began to show family-oriented variations.

Beside Leo and Sylvia, there was also a person who was mutated by external stimuli. His body began to swell, and his back began to swell up with a bubble-like pustule. The pustule was filled with black oily substance, and it was also able to Through the outer skin of the pustule I saw something swimming inside.

  Because this person's mutation happened around him, Leo immediately tried to close the spiritual net to the first line, try not to touch other forces around him, and only explore the mutation process in this person's body.

Soon he discovered that this person's mutation was different from the mutation made by the power of the mother of filth he thought. He found that this person's body was actually producing abyssal force, and this abyssal force was also his mutation. The reason is that the power of the mother of filth in his body has eroded this man in the extreme and the power of the abyss, which makes the mutation in him always maintain a degree that does not harm him.

Since understanding the situation of the mother of filth here, Leo has been a little suspicious of the mother of filth's claim to clean up the abyss. After all, the people he has seen here are mutated due to the power of the abyss, and many people have obvious abyss. The energy of the power fluctuates, although one force is chaos and the other is order.

  But now he has believed that the mother of filth can clean up the power of the abyss. Just in front of him, he saw that the power of the abyss was transformed into the power of the abyss.

As the maggots turned into golden goblins and flew away, the ceremony on the square was over. The people on the square began to leave in an orderly manner. Only some clergymen kept praying around the edge of the black oil pool. , It seems that he hopes to get the golden power of those remaining in the black oil pool.

Leo and Sylvia also left the square with the crowd, but they did not return to the hotel, but left the castle directly, and then asked the caravan from the outpost of the city to know the location and walk of Lanxi City. After the Fa, I went straight to Lanxi.

Although after the ritual ceremony, there will be some celebrations due to the evolution of the maggot priest, but for Leo and Sylvia these activities are meaningless. It is better to go to Lanxi to see what this Lanxi has. Special place.

  Rather than walking on two legs, they spent a Jinsa to buy a carriage, and bought some goods from the merchant, changed the clothes of the local merchant, and pretended to be a merchant.

   Perhaps because the surrounding territories are performing sacrificial ceremonies, there are no people on the road connecting all the territories and the castle, so the carriage driven by Leo is driving on the road.

   "Is that golden goblin the kind of goblin you saw?" Perhaps it felt that the surroundings were too quiet. Sylvia suddenly found a topic and asked.

"Well!" Leo Yang raised the reins in his hand, making the carriage move a little slower, and then thought about it, said: "If it is not seen with my own eyes, I am afraid it is difficult to believe that those golden goblins turned out to be maggots. Made."

   "Do you think the mother of filth and the lord of the Black Forest are the same..." Sylvia asked again.

Leo turned his head to look at Sylvia, a little silent, and said, "I don’t think it’s possible, because the Lord of the Black Forest doesn’t need to find an empty puppet in front of him. He can stand on his own. "Before that," he added: "However, their relationship is probably not ordinary, maybe it is a subordinate relationship like White Deer."

   "Subordination?" Sylvia froze for a moment.

  Leo followed up with his guess: "And I suspect that the process of Aixeri Forest from the Black Forest, he also participated in it."

  Sylvia did not understand Leo's words for a while, wondering: "He? Who? Mother of filth?"

"Well!" Leo nodded and said, "Don't forget that the Mother of Filth mentions that the Mother of Filth has an immortal garden in the Axel Forest. In addition, the Axel Forest would leave The Black Forest has something to do with the invasion of the abyss, and the power of the mother of filth has a strong effect on the power of restraining the abyss. I think this should not be a coincidence."

Sylvia thought for a while and nodded slightly. It seemed to agree with Leo’s guess, but she then asked in a puzzled way: "Even if this matter is determined, what does it have to do with us? It was a long time ago."

Leo Shensheng said: "It does not have a direct relationship, but it cannot be said that there is no indirect relationship. Have you ever thought that there is a place in the Black Forest connected to the abyss, and the power of the abyss is constantly invading through that place? Come to the Black Forest."

   "How is this possible?" Sylvia said incredulously.

   "How is it impossible?" Leo asked back, and then said the situation in the body of the family clan mutation process he observed during the sacrificial ceremony in detail.

"The mutations in them were caused by the power of the abyss?" Sylvia was stunned. Then she seemed to think of something and quickly fell into contemplation. Leo didn't open her mind to disturb her thinking, but steady. Driving a carriage.

   After a while, Sylvia recovered from her contemplation and nodded slightly, saying, "It is indeed possible that it was caused by the power of the abyss."

   "What did you think of?" Leo asked.

"No matter how the clan of the gods mutates, the direction of their mutations is regular and connected, and they can form a system themselves. For example, the clan of the sky’s clan will have bird-like mutations no matter what kind of clan. The mother's dependents will have mutations in oviparous animals such as snakes and lizards." Sylvia analyzed: "But the mutations of the believers and dependents of the dirty mother are disordered, and all kinds of strange mutations are Yes, it obviously does not conform to the law of the variation of the **** family, but it is very similar to the abyss after being eroded by the power of the abyss." Then, she suddenly turned to Leo and asked: "Do you want to go to the abyss... "

Leo shook his head and interrupted Sylvia’s words, saying, “I don’t have this plan for now, but maybe I will take a look at it in the future. I feel... if I can unlock the secret of the abyss, I might be able to solve it. Open the secret of this world."

   "The secret of the world?" Sylvia looked at Leo somewhat puzzled.

However, Leo didn’t have any idea to continue the conversation at this moment. He drove the carriage silently along the road to Lanzi, and Sylvia didn’t ask any more. When she thought Leo wanted to speak, she would naturally tell her.

The reason why Leo and Sylvia want to visit Lanxi in this place is not only because of the special costumes of the Lanxi people, but also because of their location and distance from them. The location to Luyuan is not very far, you only need to go around the road a little bit on the road.

Just like the Lyon lord, Lancy City is also located on the border of the Mother of Pollution. However, unlike the territory here, Lancy City is not subject to the supervision of the Church of Mother of Pollution, and there is no lord noble. It is said that the people living in the French city are descendants of the starry sky gods, and they are protected by the mothers of filth in the Black Forest.

It is precisely because of the special characteristics of the Lanxi people that Lanxi City has become a buffer zone for the Black Forest gods. If the Black Forest gods encounter anything that cannot be solved and needs to be discussed, they will send their church missions. Negotiations in Lancy City.

But it is strange that these churches of the Black Forest Gods have never established a convenient contact point in the city of Lanxi, such as temples and altars. It is said that this is because the Lanxi people do not want the Black Forest Church of Gods in Lanxi A resident was established in the city. The Lanxi people did not acknowledge this rumor, and the Black Forest Church did not deny it.

It is this kind of approximate default behavior that makes people in places like Lyon collars have to believe that the Lanxi people are descendants of gods. Otherwise, the church’s overbearing behavior will never ignore Lanxi. In the minds of people, only people with equal status can be respected by others, even God~www.ltnovel.com~ When Leo knew that the Lanxi people might be descendants of the star gods, the space fleet immediately came to mind, because only this way Only in line with the sayings of their descendants of the starry sky gods, and the team of the Lanxi envoys seen before just happened to be in line with the law of the fleet costume.

These things about Lanxi were told by several businessmen who met Leo and Sylvia on the road. When Leo and Sylvia met these businessmen, they kindly let them sit back Empty carriage.

On the road, through conversation, Leo knew that these merchants not only walked in these territories in the domain of the mother of pollution, they even went to other **** areas connected to the domain of the mother of pollution, in several areas Among the various special commodities.

When asked about Lanxi, these line-of-business merchants said that they were definitely the top group in the field of gods, but even they had to admit that Lanxi was the most special they had ever seen. A city.

It's just that when Sylvia asked Lansch what special place, so that they would have such a consistent view, they could not say a reason, only to say that when Leo and Sylvia met Lan After Xicheng, they knew why they could not describe Lanxi City's speciality.

As these merchants said, when their carriage was driving enough to see Lance City, Sylvia was still shocked by the scene of Lance City, even though she was mentally prepared, because the whole Lance The city is a search for a complete spaceship.



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