The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 926: Sacrificial ceremony

As the time for the sacrificial ceremony began to get closer and closer, there were more and more people on the altar square. Not only those clan members whose bodies were mutated, but also ordinary people were released by the castle guards and entered the castle to give people A feeling that the whole Lyon collar came here.

It’s just that it’s interesting that no matter how crowded the square is, there are always a few places on the square that will be vacated, only a few people stand there, and Leo’s stone platform It is also a vacated place.

Originally Leo and Sylvia did not want to be noticed by others, so they chose to stay close to the edge, but they didn’t expect to be noticed now, which made them unaware of their situation. Not only special people can stay here.

Before waiting for Leo, they wanted to understand what was going on. Those who paid attention to them turned to other places, because more important people had already come to the square.

I saw that in the distance, a group of special clan people slowly walked from outside the square into the square area deliberately vacated for them. The headed clan is a huge figure, covered with a layer of armor all over the body The giant, followed by a group of half-man monsters with scorpions in the lower body and knights in the upper body.

After this team of people entered the square, cheers immediately sounded on the square, and almost everyone shouted slogans such as the glory of the lord and the victory of the lord.

Undoubtedly, this giant should be Prodi, the lord of Lyon. Judging from the blood stains on the armor of him and his half-man knights, they should have just come off the battlefield.

Compared with the people in the square, they can only judge the strength of this team from their majestic appearance. Leo feels the inner power of these variant families more deeply, such as the majority of their energy fluctuations. It is almost equivalent to the second-level psionicist. A few half-man knights have reached the level of the third-level psionicist. The Lord Prodi is the most powerful. The energy fluctuation of the fifth-level psionicist indicates that he has evolved to another. A level of life.

This point can be easily judged from Prodi's lifeforms around the Lord Prodi's energy radiation, because those families are instinctively lowering their heads because of the high and low pressure of lifeforms, among which are Many are clergy.

"Armor!" At this time, Sylvia suddenly whispered to Leo.

Leo nodded and heard, "Yes, it's armor!"

The other people standing beside Leo heard the conversation between them, but they didn’t understand the meaning of the words. They both felt that the two mentioned the armor because the armor wrapped in the body of Lord Prodi was very Powerful, shocking.

But in fact they didn’t know that Leo and Sylvia would say that kind of dialogue, because they both saw that there was a problem with the armor of Lord Prodi, or more directly, Lord Prodi and Not the giant inside the armor, but the armor itself outside.

Both Leo and Sylvia have a lot of information about the abyss, and they also know a variety of magical species in the abyss, so when they saw the appearance of Lord Prodi, they recognized that the armor on Prodi was An abyss, an extremely special parasitic race, Blancuta.

Parasitic races are very special races in the abyss. Almost all parasitic races are very weak in their native state. Even an ordinary person can easily kill them, but when they combine with the host and assimilate the host, Their strength will change with the strength of the host.

Blancuta is the leader of this parasitic race, because after the parasitic host, relying on conventional means can not make him stronger at all. Only endless war can make him quickly become stronger in a short time. Because they feed on the cruel, violent, bloodthirsty and other negative emotions exuded by the creatures in the war, most of the ethnic groups in the abyss are not willing to call their real name Brankuta, but prefer to call him crazy. War Demon.

Although Brankuta is so dangerous, many abyss races are still willing to take Brankuta to parasitize, because the process of assimilating the host is relative, and the host assimilates Brankuta at this time, the two sides compete It is the will, who loses will be assimilated.

However, almost all of them are eventually assimilated, because parasitic races such as Brankuta always have some racial abilities that can weaken the host.

However, even if it is so dangerous, in order to survive in the harsh environment of the abyss, the weak races in the abyss will still use any means to enhance their power. Parasitic races that can enhance the power in a short time are obviously the best. s Choice.

What is interesting is that among the many abyss races willing to cooperate with the parasitic race of Brankuta, it is the survivors of the ruined world that has fallen down the abyss.

When Leo and Sylvia recognized that the armor on Lord Prodi was Brankuta, they all agreed that Lord Prodi was assimilated.

But when they saw Lord Prodi sitting down on the seat prepared for him, they lowered their posture and talked to the low-level clerics around them, they all understood that they were wrong. Lord Prodi’s current state and their position The situation referred to is different and cannot be judged according to the experience of the abyss in their memory.

The reason why they think so is because of the parasitic assimilation of Blancuta, whether it is active or passive, no matter who is eventually assimilated, the final beneficiary will be affected by some adverse effects in the process of assimilation, such as a This kind of character called arrogance will magnify infinitely.

This enlarged arrogance makes the host not only disdain any communication with the weaker than him, even when he encounters a stronger object, he will still use an extremely contemptuous attitude, only the life form is far beyond A strong presence can make him lower his arrogant head.

Therefore, when Lord Prodi lowered his posture and his strength was far weaker than that of the lower-level priests, he had proved that he did not assimilate Blancuta, or that he assimilated Blancuta, but the adverse effects It has been erased by a great presence, and here it is undoubtedly the mother of filth.

This again proves that the mother of filth has a strong restraint on the power of the abyss, even including the abyss race, and Leo and Sylvia also feel that it is not a good idea to use the power of the abyss to disguise.

After thinking about this, Leo and Sylvia exchanged secretly, and then withdrew their disguise, hiding their abyssal forces.

Because both of them wore robes and hoods, covering their faces, and the sight of the people around them all fell on Lord Prodi and the altar, so even if they restored human appearance, they did not cause people around them. Attention.

At this time, some commotion broke out outside the square again, and then saw another group of people enter the square along the avenue of sacrifice and stood next to Lord Prodi's team on the specially reserved space.

There is nothing special about this team of horses, and it can even be said to be very ordinary, because this team of horses are all ordinary people, and there does not seem to be any family-oriented variations on their bodies. The only thing worth noting is the clothes on them and the people around them. The clothing is completely different, it looks more modern, and this modernity is not to say the modernity of the Velon world, but the modernity of the cosmic civilization, because Leo sees the shadow of the Earth Federation clerk's clothing from the clothes of these people. Obviously, the clothes on these people were modified from clerical clothing.

Although this team of people are ordinary people, the local people around who worship the clan variations have done behaviors that are completely different from their mentality. They even actively saluted these ordinary people, and the people who salute also include Clergyman and Lord Prodi.

"Lanxi." Leo and Sylvia glanced at the scene and said a word.

Seeing these Lanxi people, both of them also understood why the old hunters mistakenly regarded them as Lanxi people after seeing them, because the costumes of the two were so different from the locals, plus they were It's not disguised, it's a normal human look, it's hard to think about it or not.

It's just that Leo and Sylvia are puzzled by why the locals respect the Lanxi people who violate their value perceptions, and the mother of filth is the only possibility they think of.

After the arrival of the Lanxi people's mission, the main objects of the ritual ceremony were all together, and the time was almost the same. Then I saw that in the doorway of the middle layer of the altar, the four clan families who had varying degrees of body variation came to the location. The four platforms on the middle floor stood in front of several huge horns on the platform, blowing hard.

A sound of a horn that resounded through the sky spread. When the sound of the horn fell, everyone on the altar square no longer spoke, all stood respectfully, and the surroundings suddenly became silent, even breathing. very low.

Then, a sound of prayer came from the entrance and exit at the bottom of the altar, and a team of four maggot priests holding the scepter of the holy emblem of the dirty mother came out of the altar.

Following the maggot priests are all the high-level priests of Lyon, who read the prayers of the Mother of Dirty while carrying a huge statue of the Mother of Dirty.

Afterwards, the altar guards escorted the offerings, and all the offerings seemed to be taken away from the soul, one by one like a corpse walking staggering forward.

A group of people walked to the small square in front of the altar. Then the maggot priest inserted the holy symbol scepter into the four slots around the square. The patterns on the ground of the square below are scattered around and spread gradually until they spread to the edge of the square, covering all the people in the square with the light.

At this time, the idol of the Mother of Pollution also seemed to resonate with the light, emitting a more dazzling light, rushing into the sky, forming a beam of light.

At the same time, the same thing was done on the altars of other territories of the Mother of Pollution, and a beam of light emerged from the ground, reflecting each other, and the dark sky was also changed under the injection of a beam of light. The goddess of filthlessness floats in the air, so that everyone in the field can see it.

When the statue of the Mother of Dirty appeared in the sky, everyone in the altar square fell into a state of enthusiasm. Under the leadership of all the clergy, the prayer of the Mother of Dirty was recited aloud, and the prayers were recited in them At the time of writing, the surrounding light also penetrated into them a little bit, stimulating some unknown powers of their bodies, and guiding their bodies to slowly become nationalized.

At the same time, Leo and Sylvia also felt that the power in the light was penetrating into them. Obviously this light would not distinguish between those who are believers and those who are not believers, or perhaps when the light comes into effect, non-believers Will also become believers.

However, in the face of the power of the light, the two of them had very different reactions.

Under the influence of the light power, the power of the Faceless and the Abyssal Dragon in Sylvia actually joined together, and the force of the light blocked the body outside, and her body was also produced under the influence of two forces. Some abnormal reactions, such as her face becoming blurred and scales looming.

Fortunately, no one noticed the abnormality in her because of the cover of the burqa and the immersion of everyone around in the baptism of light.

Compared to Sylvia’s Leo’s body's reaction is very different, just like other gods powers stationed in his body, the power of the mother of pollution has also penetrated unimpeded. In his body, and after turning around in his body, he poured into his arm, forming a mark of the holy symbol of the mother of filth next to the crystal snake.

And the moment the mark was formed, Leo could clearly feel that the power of the abyssal snake contained in the crystalline snake had been weakened to varying degrees, as if it had encountered a nemesis.

At this time, the black oil pond in front of the altar began to roll up and boil. Seeing this, the guards who escorted the sacrifices brought the walking sacrifices to the side of the black oil pond and pushed them into the pool.

Then I saw that the sacrifices that fell into the pool were distorted and distorted, and soon disappeared into the pool and merged with the black oil.

At this time, the sky suddenly heard a burst of singing, and then saw a golden light projected from the dirty mother goddess, fell into the black oil pool, and the black oil in the pool was gradually infected by the golden light , Turned into golden holy oil.

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