The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 98 Establishing Heaven

There are lucid beings out there who don't think this is a good thing.

Seeing that Emperor Jun was looking at him with eager eyes, if it was just him, he could have pretended that he couldn't see it, but there was another person.

Boundless Qi permeates the air, vast and boundless, as if seeing a sun.

That person has already attained the status of quasi-sage.

It was rumored that the Chaos Bell was in his hands, and they were even more frightened. The Heavenly Opening Sacred Artifact was recorded in the Heavenly Dao inheritance.

The power is immeasurable and cannot be compared with ordinary spiritual treasures.

Hongjun said, "Prince Dong, I will give you a dragon-headed crutch so that you can manage the male immortals. Queen Mother of the West, I will give you a water purifying bowl so that you can manage the female immortals."

Two top-quality innate spiritual treasures were given to them, and all those with great supernatural powers just looked at them with greed.

Seeing that Wuyou was no longer doubtful, he looked at the great supernatural powers on the field again.

Hongjun finally said: "This sermon is over."

Then it disappeared, just as it came.

Chen Yuan, who had become a quasi-sage, could not clearly see the mystery inside, and only felt that it was extremely magical.

Sure enough, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is completely different from the realm below. No wonder there are people who say that all saints are ants.

After cultivating for countless years, Chen Yuan was not willing to be an ant. He was conceived during the great calamity of the ferocious beast, and it took such a long time.

When you practice diligently and don't slack off at all, even if you are not destined to become a saint, you still have the way of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

If you don’t see the way forward.

Even if one's heart is extremely powerful, it will gradually become unbearable. There is a saint above him covering the world, and he can only retreat.

Maybe he could live for a long time. Chen Yuan didn't want to accept this kind of life.

Mixed in the crowd of people leaving, I remembered my own path.

He Wangshu crossed the long chaos and walked into the starry sky, becoming a quasi-sage with boundless divine power, and the Taoist fruit rested on the great road.

It will take a Yuanhui time until the next Zixiao Palace lecture.

In the starry sky, there is a sacred road ahead, and the boundless energy fills the sky. It is so vast that people notice the sacredness here and leave here one after another, not daring to participate.

Especially when they saw Chen Yuan appear, they stayed far away. Both sides were quasi-sages, with the power to crush the stars in the nine heavens and the ability to extinguish boundless mountains and rivers. They were not on the same level as them, and transcended the Great Luo Jinxian.

But I didn't leave too far, I wanted to see how unpredictable the Quasi-Sage's power was.

The loud sound filled the sky and the earth, and Taiyi shook the starry sky. The stars not far away turned into powder and dispersed in the starry sky.

"I came here this time to resolve a grudge. Last time I bumped into the goddess recklessly. I apologize. This is the Nine Wonderful Mitian Ling that I found, which is suitable for the goddess. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

When Da Luo Jinxian saw this scene, the sound alone turned the stars into powder, and there were even great avenues lingering around his body. His heart was chilled, and he murmured: "It is so powerful that it is no longer on the same level as Da Luo Jinxian."

After saying that, he stayed further away from here, for fear of suffering the disaster of Chiyu.

What's more, Daluo Jinxian felt the cruelty of the world. Others brought high-grade innate spiritual treasures as gifts. He only had one spiritual treasure, and he really wanted to say, give it to me.

The goddess Wangshu is dressed in white clothes and is extremely beautiful.

What caught the attention of those with great supernatural powers was not her beauty, but the Qi in her body, which was as vast as a starry sky and made them tremble when they saw the incomparable majesty of the man next to her.

Let them look away one after another, not daring to offend these two people.

Wang Shu didn't want to pay attention to this person. After thinking about it, he glanced at Chen Yuan again and saw that he didn't speak. He said, "I can forgive you. I hope you sincerely apologize."

Taiyi thought to himself, if I hadn’t insisted on this trip, I wouldn’t have come.

He also understood what Chen Yuan was thinking. He was Chen Yuan's current incarnation. If this matter was not resolved between the two parties, a state of hostility would result.

He was the only one to apologize and gain Wangshu's forgiveness.

Chen Yuan also needs to be by his side, so Wang Shu's chance of forgiving him will be even greater. The Nine Wonderful Mi Tian Ling flutters into Wang Shu's hands.

Wangshu liked it very much, and it became more pleasing to the eye to see Taiyi.

Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief. This Jiu Miao Mi Tian Ling was Taiyi's stock in the past. For Taiyi with the Chaos Clock, it did not have much effect and was inconsistent with his character.

Now that Shen Taiyi found it, she thought it would be a good idea to give it to Wang Shu, as it would definitely make Wang Shu more beautiful.

Taiyi continued: "In addition to resolving the grudges this time, I also invite you two to come to heaven to watch the establishment of heaven."

When the heaven is established, it must first establish its majesty. If there are many people with great supernatural powers coming to watch the ceremony.

In addition, it was Taozu who nodded, and the meaning contained in it instantly changed.

Taiyi is his current body, so he will naturally go. Chen Yuan said: "Okay."

Chen Yuan agreed and Wang Shu would not say anything else. Taiyi continued: "You two will go first, and there are some people with great supernatural powers who want to invite. The location of the heaven is on Buzhou Mountain, and it is easy to find it now."

Chen Yuan and Taiyi went to the place where the heaven is. Taiyi went to invite other great supernatural beings. He would not invite ordinary beings, but only those who were extremely powerful.

The heaven is made of innate pure air, infinitely vast, and was found by Taiyi.

At this time, the heaven is different from before. It shows a shape and is boundless and vast. Buzhou Mountain is the pillar supporting the heaven, so the heaven will be on Buzhou Mountain.

The Nether Heaven Realm is vast and boundless, like a sky curtain.

Tian Ming, who occupies most of the ancient world, seems to exist, but does not exist.

There are four portals standing there. If you don't enter from the four heavenly gates.

The heaven does not exist. You can cross it smoothly and enter the starry sky, and you can also enter the prehistoric world from the starry sky.

Between existence and non-existence, there is boundless mystery in it.

As expected, the time and space that can overwhelm the heavens has surpassed the Great Thousand Worlds opened by Hongjun, and is of a higher level than the Great Thousand Worlds.

Chen Yuan was amazed by such magnificent time and space.

Looking for the door, I saw the Dongtianmen closest to Chen Yuan, in front of the Dongtianmen.

There are countless creatures, and their auras are extremely mixed. Some of them still have some horns or scales left on their bodies because they have not completely transformed.

Wang Shu looked at it for a long time and said: "The reason why I agree to Taiyi's request is that the demon clan is getting stronger and stronger. More importantly, I feel that Taiyi sincerely begs for my forgiveness, so I agree to his request."

Chen Yuan said seriously: "I have been a Taoist friend with you for so many years. No matter what decision you make, I will stand by your side."

Wang Shuzhan smiled and said, "I know, let's go and see this demon clan's grand ceremony."

The East Heaven Gate is extremely tall and can allow many sentient beings to enter and exit at the same time.

There are strong men from the demon clan guarding this place, for Chen Yuan.

It's almost like nothing. If Taiyi hadn't been his past, Chen Yuan wouldn't have come here. Who knows if the other party was trying to trick him.

Someone greeted me at the door.

They knew about the great supernatural beings who came to heaven, and they saw Chen Yuan coming.

They are all extremely respectful. Although they are members of the demon clan, in the prehistoric world, the strong are respected.

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