The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 97 Chen Yuan asks questions

Chen Yuan, who was in the back, stood up. Originally, he was not very noticeable here, which had something to do with his low profile, but as soon as he stood up.

It attracted everyone's attention and felt the mysterious aura on his body. They looked up at him. It was so dark and mysterious that people couldn't see it clearly, and everyone was shocked.

In this case, only the other party has become a quasi-sage and entrusted the Dao Fruit in the long river of the Dao. Some of them have observed the gate of the Dao in the dark.

But those who want to push it open do not have such power, and it is difficult to push the door of the avenue in their hearts.

Someone had already entered at this time.

Hongyun sighed in his heart: "He has actually entered the quasi-sage realm. It's really amazing."

However, no one knows about my past life practice, and today the world is shocked when I ask the Dharma.

Chen Yuan bowed and asked, "Can you improve your level without killing the three corpses?"

Hongjun said: "The three corpses are just a means. Without killing the three corpses, you can still improve your realm and attain enlightenment."

Chen Yuan asked again: "Are there any requirements for the spiritual treasure that kills three corpses? If the attributes are different, can they be combined into one in the end?"

Hongjun said: "There are no requirements, it's just that good and evil are easy to kill, and obsession is hard to get rid of."

Chen Yuan has no intention of killing the three corpses. In his Taoist Scriptures of Time, there is a way to achieve enlightenment. As long as the future body is cut out, the road to enlightenment can be paved. At this time, Chen Yuan did not cut off the future body. Before, At that time, Chen Yuan was a little hesitant, worried that he would encounter huge dangers. It would be very difficult for the three corpses to prove their way, so Chen Yuan could not see much hope.

And there is great hope in cutting off the future body.

Even if he fails, he will not fail, but his future body will become Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan will borrow his form and become a clone. How can there be no danger in preaching? Let Chen Yuan plan that after Hongjun preaches three times, he will go to the future. body.

As for asking about the corpse beheading requirement, it was for Wang Shu's sake.

Di Jun stood up and asked: "Tao Ancestor, my disciple has something to ask for."

Hongjun looked calmly and said, "What's the matter?"

Di Jun said: "Nowadays, the order of the ancient world is chaotic and there is no supervision, which makes all spirits suffer. The disciples established the Heavenly Court, hoping to manage the ancient world on behalf of heaven, let all spirits find their place, calm disputes, and clarify cause and effect."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Zixiao Palace looked over. They did not expect that Emperor Jun actually established the Demon Clan and gathered boundless luck. He was not satisfied and wanted to be the emperor of all living beings in the prehistoric world.

The Emperor of the Demon Clan and the Emperor of Heaven are completely different. The former is the emperor of a race and can only manage one race. Although the Demon Clan is vast and covers all acquired beings, it does not include the innate divinity, allowing them to transcend it. .

But the Heavenly Court is different. It is the manager of the prehistoric world. It has boundless power and controls all time and space. Tens of thousands of immortals, gods, demons and spirits are all under the Heavenly Court. It is really majestic and immeasurable.

This actually belongs to Emperor Jun of the Taiyi Sect. Hongjun is the teacher of the great supernatural power. He is an extremely supreme existence in the ancient world. If he is recognized by him, he will have the title of great righteousness.

This is important.

Hongjun did not rush to answer. The impact of this incident was too great. The boundless time and space are under the rule of heaven. He thought carefully, and his eyes seemed to be filled with light, looking at the long river of time and destiny.

Countless pictures flashed through his eyes, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely heavy. The great supernatural powers did not want Di Jun and Taiyi to establish a heavenly court, but their opinions were useless. If Hongjun agreed, there would be no great supernatural powers here. No.

They are all waiting for Hongjun to make a decision.

Hongjun finally said: "Under the way of heaven, in the ancient world, there is indeed a need for someone to manage the ancient world and restrain all living beings and spirits. Emperor Jun... The old way is correct, but he cannot rely on his status as the emperor of heaven to act recklessly, otherwise his fate will be determined." The day will come."

Di Jun was stunned. Originally he just wanted to give it a try, but Taiyi told him that even if he failed, there would be no loss. Once he succeeded, the gains would be huge.

Hongjun's words came out.

There was a change in the way of heaven, and boundless luck gathered and flowed into Di Jun. Taiyi also felt that his luck had changed tremendously, which made him sigh that Hongjun's influence could affect the changes in the way of heaven. This was the right step. .

After his luck became greater, Di Jun felt that he had a deeper understanding of Zhiyang Avenue. He didn't understand the knowledge in the past, but now he understood it, which made his Taoism grow.

The great supernatural powers present all valued the position of the Emperor of Heaven more and more. However, with the approval of Taoist Hongjun at the beginning, such changes occurred and their realms increased. If they can truly rule the universe in the future, Controlling the heaven and earth, Wei Jiayu Nei.

What a great achievement that can accomplish.

Suddenly Hongjun said again: "Prince of the East, Queen Mother of the West."

As soon as these words came out, Di Jun had bad thoughts. Taiyi had a flash of inspiration and understood what Daozu was thinking. He was not worried about them and wanted to support the other two.

The Prince of the East and the Queen Mother of the West stood up and bowed.

Dao Ancestor said: "Heaven covers too much and contains too many things. It is not good after all. I will appoint you as the head of the male immortals and the head of the female immortals. Those who become immortals in the future will worship you two first."

As soon as these words came out, the great supernatural powers present looked at Di Jun as if they were watching a show. Unexpectedly, Hongjun had such a hand to divide the power of the heaven.

Although Di Jun was unhappy, he didn't show it, as long as he could get Hongjun's approval today.

Even if the East Prince is the head of the male immortals and the Queen Mother of the West, the head of the female immortals, after taking a look at Tai Yi who has no fluctuation in his expression next to him, his heart is at ease. In the prehistoric world, strength speaks for itself after all.

Taiyi has already achieved quasi-sainthood.

He observed that Dong Wanggong and Xi Wangmu were powerful, but they were still at the level of Daluo Jinxian, even though they were about to achieve quasi-sainthood.

Dong Wanggong didn't want to agree. He saw Taiyi's eyes staring at him with great power. If he agreed, he would offend this person, but he had to refuse Hongjun...

When Hongjun said that he would make him the leader of the male immortals, boundless luck fell on him, making him feel that he was closer to the quasi-sainthood. This made him reluctant to say no to being the leader of the male immortals, and he said, "My disciple has no spiritual treasure, how can he be the leader of the male immortals."

Hongjun thought about it and said, "You don't have to worry, look at what this is."

Only in front of Hongjun, two objects appeared, a wooden stick and a bowl, emitting boundless power, making the great supernatural powers below drool. It's not that the great supernatural powers can't stand it, but these two treasures are really extraordinary.

This person really didn't expect that the leader of the male and female immortals could obtain this top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

How could such a good thing not be his turn?

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