The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 87 Seven Treasures on the Gourd Vine

A huge ray of light soared into the sky from Buzhou Mountain, as if a treasure had been born.

Such a sight alarmed the five people, and they looked at each other with great interest. Such a grand vision, at first glance, was not an ordinary thing.

Yuanshi took the lead and said: "I think this brilliance is so vast that it covers most of Buzhou Mountain. It is the birth of something extremely extraordinary."

Tongtian said: "Since it's not very far from here, even if you don't get the treasure in the end, let's see what treasure it is. With such a vision, it's worth the trip."

Feeling carefully, this incomparable brilliance, the aura within it is extremely powerful, Chen Yuan nodded and said: "That's fine, if it is an extremely powerful treasure, it will not be easy to separate."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present nodded secretly.

Wang Shu felt a bit stiff in the atmosphere, and said with a smile: "Go and see, let's talk about what kind of treasure it is."

The somewhat stiff atmosphere was broken, and then the space shattered.

The five people arrived at the location of the light, crossed the area filled with light, and stopped in the area where the light was strongest.

The treasure has not yet been born. During the waiting time, the same guest from Zixiao Palace arrived here.

When he saw the five people, he left silently, perhaps thinking that he had no share in the existence of such five powerful beings.

Might as well leave early.

On this day, a pair of brothers and sisters came here, Nuwa and Fuxi.

Nuwa said: "I am Nuwa, this is my brother Fuxi."

It is said that you should not hit someone with a smiling face, not to mention Nuwa and Fuxi, who are in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is not an easy existence to deal with and will not be hostile for no reason.

Chen Yuan stood up and said: "I'm Xuanyuan, this is Wangshu, this is my Yuanshi Tongtian."

After introducing them one by one, the atmosphere was relaxed.

When Nuwa saw Wangshu, perhaps because she was also a woman, she got closer and said, "Wangshu, I didn't expect that my Taoist friend has such a high level of cultivation."

Wang Shu said with a slight smile: "It's just that he was born a little early."

Slowly, the two of them walked to a small corner and started talking. Women in the prehistoric world were innately sacred, and they were even rarer than men.

This made Wangshu and Nuwa get closer. Usually, they would meet the innate divine beings of men, which made Fuxi, who was left hanging there, a little embarrassed.

My sister.

Not long after, there was a huge Yang Qi, coming towards the glorious center, like two suns.

Chen Yuan knew who was coming. Apart from Di Jun and Tai Yi, he was the one who informed Tai Yi that there were seven top-quality innate spiritual treasures here. There were not many such treasures in the prehistoric world.

What Chen Yuan saw through the light was a gourd vine, with seven innate spiritual treasures growing on it.

No wonder there was a powerful light that filled the vast place, and seven innate spiritual treasures were born together.

There are so many innate spiritual treasures. In fact, in the prehistoric world, the birth of innate spiritual treasures is at most once.

The arrival of Emperor Juntaiyi made the atmosphere at the scene a little tense again, with three people standing together inside.

Chen Yuan and Fuxi stood together, Nuwa and Wangshu stood together. Chen Yuan told Wangshu that it was not appropriate to fight at this time. After hearing Chen Yuan's message, he knew that she could not do anything to them, so she just looked at them with hatred. He glanced at Taiyi, leaving Taiyi speechless.

What is this and what, I am not really Taiyi, the real Taiyi is dead, but I can’t tell Wang Shu, I just think about it in my heart.

Another person wearing red clothes came here, but he didn't feel the same about the tense atmosphere here.

Seeing Chen Yuan coming over, he came out a little late when he was in Zixiao Palace and did not meet Chen Yuan. He said, "Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan, long time no see."

After all, Hong Yun and Chen Yuan had feelings for discussing Taoism. Hong Yun was not very familiar with the existence here, and he and Zhen Yuanzi.

Usually in the west, many of the people here were born in the Eastern Continent. Chen Yuan introduced them to him.

It seems that the people who are destined have arrived. The vast light gradually disappears, and a valley appears. There is a gourd vine in it. The vine is extremely huge.

It exudes seven-color radiance, making the place look like a fairyland, filled with the aura of the avenue.

There will be seven innate spiritual treasures inside, and they are all top-quality innate spiritual treasures, such a scene.

You look at me, I look at you, and finally I stand up.

It is not possible to waste time like this. Everyone present is a person with great supernatural powers. They have boundless lives, and they cannot waste time like this.

Lao Tzu said: "Fellow Taoists, we can't go on like this. There are ten beings present and there are only seven treasures. It's better for us to rely on fate."

Hongyun said: "Okay, how can I rely on the fate treasure?"

Hearing Hongyun's question, I said: "Of these seven innate spiritual treasures, whose hands they fly into will be their treasures. This can avoid disputes."

Everyone present had no objection to this method and nodded in agreement.

I would put it like this, Sanqing has the largest number of people here, but is not the most powerful. Seeing Chen Yuan and Wang Shu next to me, it seems to me.

The treasures on these two extremely powerful people are dazzling. They are strong in cultivation and have no shortage of treasures but very few weaknesses.

The truly powerful existence in the prehistoric world is the one who has both innate spiritual treasures and cultivation abilities. Only then is he truly powerful.

The power of the innate spiritual treasure is really too strong. Don't think that if you go to the prehistoric world with bare hands, the innate spiritual treasure will tell you whether there is an innate spiritual treasure or not.

It is completely different.

The great masters closed their eyes and focused all their attention to attract the best innate spiritual treasure on the gourd vine to surrender.

The best innate spiritual treasure is too powerful in the prehistoric world, only below the innate treasure, but the innate treasure is too rare in the prehistoric world.

The existence present is extremely focused.

Suddenly a dazzling red light spread across the world, and there was a gourd on the gourd vine, which broke away from the gourd vine at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, it came to Hongyun's hand. Hongyun opened his eyes, and a red gourd was quietly floating in his hand, with a powerful glow.

"I actually got a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. This is my first top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

Hongyun was so excited that he didn't expect that he got the first one. With the red gourd, he stopped attracting the gourd. He was not a fool.

If he got the second one, it would not be a good thing for him.

Not long after, there was a purple-gold light spreading across the world, pure and incomparable. In front of Laozi, there was a purple-gold gourd quietly placed. Like Hongyun, he did not continue to sense the gourd.

Seeing Yuanshi and Tongtian next to him, they were concentrating on sensing.

Another ray of light filled the world, and a green gourd was collected by Nuwa.

A ray of light filled the world, and a black gourd was collected by Chen Yuan.

A yellow gourd fell into Taiyi's hands.

At this time, there were only two gourds left, which made the remaining existences who did not get them extremely nervous. Since they decided to follow the method of sensing, there would be no chance to return.

The last two gourds fell into the hands of Yuanshi and Tongtian.

(Thanks to the reward from different_.)

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