The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 86 Yang Mei and Hong Jun

Another existence stood up. She was a woman, and her whole body was filled with aura of evil spirits, which made people feel intimidated. Houtu asked for advice: "I am Houtu, teacher, can my witch clan become a saint without the soul?"

Hongjun's expression was incomprehensible, and he said quietly without any discernible expression: "I will have a chance in the future."

The Witch Clan is the one who has gained the least, but some body-refining methods are mixed in, which is effective for them.

After saying this, Hongjun seemed to have lost interest and said, "The sermon is over."

After saying that, he suddenly disappeared just like when he came.

Hongjun disappeared so quickly because there was someone who wanted to leave, and he wanted to see him off.

Would have answered some more questions.

The great supernatural beings were a little confused. Hongjun was a saint, so naturally he would not act in a way that would offend the saint because of this matter.

It would be an injustice if Hongjun was displeased.

In the boundless chaos, two extremely majestic beings stood in the chaos, filled with endless energy of chaos.

They avoided the two of them one after another. The chaotic energy that could assimilate all things in the past no longer had any fierce power.

Yang Mei said: "I'm leaving. I want to become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I want to go into the chaos and see a different scenery."

Hongjun was a little sad. Yang Mei was one of his few Taoist friends. Now he is a saint of heaven. He has boundless power but also has responsibilities. Looking at the prehistoric world, it is no longer possible to be as free as Yang Mei.

Yang Mei is the freest being in the prehistoric world. He cultivates the avenue of space. In his eyes, endless distances are not distances.

I thought about trying to stay, but in the end I didn't say anything, and said: "You have to be careful that the outside world is not as good as the prehistoric world. I learned from the jade certificate of creation that there is a supreme existence that can suppress the chaos."

Yang Mei said leisurely: "I am a person who cultivates the great path of space. Even if I can't defeat you, I can still escape."

Hongjun turned his eyes, and suddenly there was boundless fighting spirit permeating the chaos, pushing the energy of chaos further away, and said: "I have never competed with you. Now that you are leaving, I want to follow you. , Discuss Tao through martial arts."

Yang Mei said with a smile: "I thought you were calm, but I didn't expect you were still competitive. I agree."

As a result, no one knew, as if there was no such thing.

Haotian and Yaochi feel that their master has been in a bad mood these days.

It was something they had never encountered before, and they thought they had done something wrong.

Zixiao Palace is a very good place for cultivation. Haotian and Yaochi have closed the Zixiao Palace, so there will be no one who can practice in it.

The realm of Haotian Yaochi is that of Taiyi Golden Immortal. In the eyes of those with great supernatural powers, they are like ants that can be crushed to death at any time.

Hongjun could also crush them to death at any time, and they would all leave Zixiao Palace honestly.

Chen Yuan listened to Hongjun's sermons for three thousand years.

The perfection of Daluo Jinxian was achieved, and the soul and body were rebalanced at this time.

Seeing Di Jun and Taiyi leaving in a hurry, Chen Yuan did not follow them, but it was even more embarrassing to follow them. Taiyi was now his current body. At this time, Taiyi's realm was at the peak of the late Daluo Jinxian. There was still some restraint, otherwise he would be like Chen Yuan. The source reaches the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

Reaching the extremely perfect level of Daluo Jinxian, you can become a quasi-sage.

Next time Taoist Hongjun gives a lecture and there is a way to break through, you can break through more quickly.

In front of Zixiao Palace.

When Sanqing saw Wangshu, he came over.

I stepped forward and said, "The last time I met fellow Taoist Wangshu, I thought he wouldn't come to hear the sermon this time. I didn't expect that he would be the last to arrive."

The last time Wangshu went out, he met Sanqing and got to know each other.

Wangshu returned the salute and said, "Someone is blocking the way. The other party has the Chaos Bell. This is an innate treasure. A battle delayed the time."

Last time, Wangshu was in front of them, and he was in a higher realm than them, which made Sanqing want to make friends. At this time, he left the Zixiao Palace and came forward to talk. Yuanshi saw Wangshu and Chen Yuan appear together.

Especially the two people looked like good friends, and they said: "This is."

Wangshu saw Yuanshi's confused look and introduced both parties: "This is Xuanyuan. The three Laozi over there, Yuanshi and Tongtian, are the existences transformed by Pangu Yuanshen."

Sanqing Chen Yuan knew it and would not show it, so he pretended not to know and said, "I am Xuanyuan."

Lao Tzu said: "I am Lao Tzu."

Yuanshi said: "I am Yuanshi."

Tongtian said: "I am Tongtian."

After each introduction, I found that the brightness of Zixiao Palace gradually dimmed, and I knew it was not a place to stay for a long time.

Wang Shu said: "We still have to leave here first and return to the ancient world."

Wangshu, Chen Yuan, Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian stepped into the chaos one after another.

The disappeared spiritual light resurfaced when he stepped out of Zixiao Palace.

Naturally, I feel extremely mysterious about Hongjun's methods.

After walking for a long time in the gray chaotic space, a brilliant color appeared in the gray chaotic space.

An extremely huge world membrane blocks the way, and even with the eyesight of Daluo Jinxian, it is impossible to see where the end is.

The inexhaustible avenue has formed the world's fetal membrane, vast and mighty.

The boundless energy of chaos hit the world membrane without splashing anything.

In front of Chen Yuan, the boundless and powerful energy of chaos was like a docile baby in the fetal membrane of the prehistoric world.

The Fusang Staff burst out with extremely powerful power, and cracks appeared on the fetal membrane of the world. Through these cracks.

Chen Yuan saw the boundless starry sky world, with countless stars running. The fetal membrane of the world that Chen Yuan broke was slowly closing.

They entered the starry sky one after another.

Talking all the way in the chaos, Chen Yuan and the Three Pure Ones became more familiar with each other, at least they had a preliminary understanding, which was very similar to the description in the legend.

Laozi was more inaction, Yuanshi paid more attention to respect and inferiority, and Tongtian was more sharp.

Among the five people, Wangshu and Chen Yuan had the highest realm, with the perfect realm of Daluo Jinxian, and the Three Pure Ones were all at the peak of the late Daluo Jinxian.

The gap was not very big. This time, Hongjun preached, and the content he talked about was mainly the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Chen Yuan did not dare to underestimate the native great supernatural powers of the prehistoric world. They all had great luck and perseverance.

The five of them descended all the way down the starry sky and arrived at the place where the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain was located. At this time, the Pangu power of Buzhou Mountain had been lost a lot, and the creatures on it could go to a higher place. The three pure ones looked a little unnatural when they saw this scene.

Later, Chen Yuan said something.

"Pangu's power has dissipated so much that even a low-level being can reach a very high place, which will become a place of right and wrong."

It made Wangshu a little strange, and the three pure ones were actually a little embarrassed, so she didn't understand what was going on.

Asked for recommendation votes in a low voice.

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