The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 64 Creation of the World

Standing in the endless void, the huge 17th-grade Creation Green Lotus became smaller and smaller, and finally rotated under his feet.

The beautiful lotus had a green light flowing.

Observing the void.

This void is not suitable for building a world. The energy here is pushed away by the huge power.

In addition, there is a world nearby.

The vast divine thoughts illuminated the void, and saw that the energy in a place was very strong.

Go there.

The space was shattered, and Chen Yuan, who was on his way, seemed to temporarily jump out of the world.

After falling back into the void, he could travel an extremely long distance.

If there is no such method, relying on flying.

To reach a distant place, the time consumed will be extremely long.

Chen Yuan stopped, there is an extremely huge energy torrent here.

Building a world is not out of nothing, it requires energy to build everything in this world.

Pangu, the great god, built the primitive world and used the energy of chaos.

Sitting cross-legged on the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, his figure was very tall, a full three thousand feet high.

The vast power was flowing, and the power that could destroy the world was contained in it.

There was a great breath of the avenue permeating his body, as if he was not a person, but more like a piece of heaven and earth.


Chen Yuan, who had made all preparations, had a broad mind, pulling endless energy.

Energy of different brilliances flowed in the void, and at this time there was a vortex, attracting them to go there.

This vortex was not very big at the beginning, just spreading thousands of miles, and then it became bigger and bigger.

Gradually turned into a cloud, and Chen Yuan's figure was wrapped in the cloud.

The cloud had a brilliant light flowing in it, and the cloud became bigger and bigger, and more and more void torrents were attracted.

Even if it was a void behemoth, it would be ground into powder and turned into pure energy and merged into the cloud if it was attracted by such a vortex.

The last group of void torrents was a million miles wide.

It stretched across this void.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged in it, was like a god, with a stupendous body. When he opened his eyes that day, his eyes seemed to contain the sun and the moon.

"It's the limit. In the void, my strength is even stronger than in the prehistoric world. Such a huge energy is my limit."

Stepping on the lotus, he was like a god who created the world. The Fusang stick in his hand was now extremely large.

The vast power burst out, and the originally round void energy was cut open.

There was clear and turbid.

A world was born in it, without heaven and earth, but a world with boundless energy floating, lighter energy rising, heavier energy falling.

Endless light was blooming around Chen Yuan, so gorgeous that it seemed to have all the colors in the world.

Continue to separate the clear and turbid, and more and more space was opened up, until the energy of millions of miles was opened up.

There was a brilliant light all over the body that filled the world. This was the light of the Great Dao of Creation, which was restraining the clear and turbid air.

If these two energies meet again, they will be transformed into void energy again.

Void energy is a secondary chaotic energy, much milder than the real chaotic energy.

In this brilliance, the world was truly born, and there was only one great way of heaven and earth.

The Great Way of Creation separated the clear and turbid, making the two gases farther and farther away.

Other great ways of heaven and earth are illusions.

Separated by a piece of extremely blurry glass, it is impossible to perceive the truth in it.

One way forms a world, and ten thousand ways retreat.

Chen Yuan pushed the Great Way of Creation to run. Although he did not move, his soul, mana, great way, divine thoughts, and physical strength were all mobilized.

If there is a powerful existence, there will be no resistance to a sudden sneak attack.

Fortunately, there is a seventeen-grade Creation Green Lotus under him, which can protect Chen Yuan.

There is an extremely huge pressure on his physical body and soul.

To crush him into powder and open up a world, Chen Yuan has to withstand the backlash of the world. If he can't withstand this force.

The small world that began to take shape... will be transformed into endless void energy again.

The vast mana was being consumed, and the mana required to drive the operation of the Great Dao of Creation was a little difficult for him to bear. He had never worried about the problem of mana in the past.

The Great Dao of Creation drove the birth of the world. At first, it was just a void, without even land.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, land was born. Chen Yuan had not comprehended the Great Dao of the Five Elements, the five qi formed by the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It can drive the birth of the five elements in the world, and any kind of great Dao can build the world.

The world is continuing to improve, and gold is born in the soil.

The world is more perfect.

The Great Dao of Creation continues to drive the operation of the world. At a certain moment, water was born, fire was born, and finally wood was born.

This is a tree, the first tree in this world.

An innate spiritual root.

This innate spiritual root is very weak, and it has barely reached the level of a low-grade innate spiritual root.

This low-grade innate spiritual root is related to the world tree.

The structure of this spiritual root refers to the world tree.

The world tree has a great effect on the stability of the world.

In the past, he borrowed the form of the world tree, and he had an incomparable understanding of the world tree.

Chen Yuan imitated a world tree.

It doesn't have to be the same as the original, as long as it has some magical effects.

As long as it is born before heaven and earth, it is an innate spiritual root. This tree was born before this small world.

After it was born, there was a small world.

The five elements were complete, and the great way of creation, which promoted the operation of the world, became easier.

Not as awkward as at the beginning.

The pressure Chen Yuan had to face was reduced a little.

In the sky, stars were born, and there was a blue star. Unlike the stars in the outside world, this star was emitting a blue glow.

The world was getting bigger and bigger. Next to this blue star, there were two stars.

The blue star was specially created by Chen Yuan. The two stars that came later were projected from the prehistoric world, with projections of the sun and the moon on them.

Chen Yuan guessed that any time and space had projections of two stars.

In the center of the world, there was a spiritual root that was ten thousand feet long, emitting endless vitality, making this world appear with a hint of green.

In this world, Chen Yuan had the highest authority and could mobilize the power of this world.

Unlike the world inside the spiritual treasure, in the world inside the spiritual treasure, he did not have the highest authority, he was just a user.

But it is different in this world. He is the master. Everything here is created by him. He stands on the blue star.

There is an extremely clear road of creation here.

This blue star is the core of this world. In the future, it will occupy an extremely important position in this world.

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