The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 63 Fifty Thousand Years

On Zhongshen Mountain, Chen Yuan sat in meditation for 50,000 years.

He also has a deeper understanding of the operation of this world.

I also know more about the real world.

this day.

A figure came here.

When he came here, he saw a being sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain. He was very surprised that he had never heard of anyone here before.

This place is called Sin Mountain. The former Five Elements Venerable spent most of his time here.

Even if this is the case, there will still be powerful beings coming here. Zhongshen Mountain is the premier treasure land in this world.

There is an extremely powerful pressure on the top of the Zhongshen Mountain, and no being can get close to it.

Chen Yuan's whole body was filled with the mysterious aura of the great avenue, and Qingyun hung down like water, dripping onto the ground and turning invisible.

The vitality of this piece of land has become more intense, and the vegetation nearby has become a rare sacred object in this world.

For cultivation, it has extremely huge benefits.

What he saw here made him very excited.

"It's him."

Seeing this existence, long-lasting memories emerged in his heart. He once saw a mysterious existence that changed his destiny.

It was such a being who suddenly appeared and asked himself some questions, all very simple questions.

Finally, he disappeared in front of him, as if he had never been there before. Such a person made him even suspect that it was an illusion.

In his mind, some information appeared, a method of cultivation.

When Chen Yuan left, he gave him some reward. It was not very precious, it was a cultivation method.

It was not given to him alone, but to many people. Chen Yuan wanted to see if these existences would come to him in the future.

I want to see if people from these worlds can go to the prehistoric world in the future.

Kung Fu, for these beings, is a very important thing, more precious than any innate spiritual treasure, but for Chen Yuan.

What a precious thing this is, something that can be replicated.

He had nothing to lose. He saw him today and walked in front of him.

They were the barbarians who were hunting and were almost eaten by the tiger.

Fifty thousand years have passed. The creatures that did not even have the realm of earthly immortals have now become heavenly immortals in front of Chen Yuan.

At the beginning, Chen Yuan spent a Yuanhui time to cultivate into the Golden Immortal.

Chen Yuan is innately divine, and other beings certainly cannot compare to Chen Yuan.

At this time, Nan Zhao was shocked when he saw Chen Yuan. He was not even an earthly immortal at the time.

Chen Yuan looks very ordinary, but feels mysterious. He is now many times more powerful than before.

Looking at it now, I only feel that it is majestic, like a piece of sky and water droplets hanging down from the clouds.

In his induction, there is extremely powerful power.

I have practiced hard for 50,000 years, which is about the same as Fang Qingyun, hanging a drop of water.

His instinct told him that this was not an illusion.

"Sir, I am very grateful for your help, which allowed me to break away from the crowd of living beings and achieve the level of cultivation I have today."

Chen Yuan opened his eyes, and there were stars looming in them, and the aura of the avenue filled the air.

Nan Zhao saw a world moving in Chen Yuan's eyes, with different stars moving in the sky.

Under the starry sky, there is a vast continent surrounded by boundless sea water.

On Buzhou, there is the highest mountain peak, and there are two figures on it.

Nan Zhao was very shocked. He could not imagine what kind of state this was. The heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the mountains and the sea were all in his eyes, and the universe contained in his heart.

"This is actually me and the Supreme Being."

Chen Yuan's expression was gentle, without too much indifference. He looked at the young man in front of him and knew his whole life as clearly as looking at the lines on his palm.

It is not seen through the long river of time and destiny. During these years, he lived side by side with heaven and earth, and became one with all things.

It is as if the earth is him, carrying the movement of all things, and he is the sun and moon, shining on the boundless mountains and rivers.

He is a grass, life and death, there is no end.

He is the rain and dew, nourishing the world.

During this process, I felt the movement of the world.

The soul has been sublimated. The reason why Nanzhao can see the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, sun and moon in Chen Yuan's eyes is not because of Chen Yuan's intention.

He just saw the world presented in Chen Yuan's heart when the candle illuminated all time and space.

In this state, Chen Yuan felt it more clearly.

There is a huge will that wants to assimilate Chen Yuan, but the Seventeenth Grade Creation Qinglian from the outside world suppresses this powerful will.

Let it fail.

Instead, Chen Yuan gained a lot.

I have confidence in creating a small world.

Nan Zhao came just in time. If he had come earlier, Chen Yuan would not be seen, and there would only be boundless pressure here.

If you don't want others to see it, no one will be able to see Chen Yuan.

Will turn a blind eye.

If you arrive too late, you won't see Chen Yuan.

At that time, he had already left this world, and this world was just an object of observation.

Got the information I needed and won't stop here.

This is not a place for cultivation.

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "This requires your efforts. If you don't work hard, you will not achieve today's achievements."

Nan Zhao knew that no matter how hard a person worked, he would not achieve anything without practicing the exercises.

Chen Yuan started with the inheritance of the Heavenly Dao. If he wanted to create his own skills, he needed to have considerable accumulation before he could do it.

Without these, it would be just an empty dream.

Nanzhao said gratefully: "I don't know how to repay the great kindness of the Supreme Lord."

Chen Yuan said: "You don't have to think about repaying me. No matter how hard you practice, it's hard to have a chance. If there is any place where you can help me, you just need to keep your original heart and don't do things that harm sentient beings in the future."

Nanzhao bowed his head and replied: "I will follow the teachings of the Supreme Lord and will never forget it."

Chen Yuan stood with his hands behind his back. The space behind him broke open. He took a step back and came to the void.

The moment Nanzhao looked up, he saw Chen Yuan stepped into the space, and the power that could shatter him was surging there.

He took a glimpse and saw a sea of ​​​​green light, as if it was a green world.

This glance made him have different changes, the innate treasure.

It made him get some benefits and his realm improved a little.

Some joy and a sense of melancholy lingered in his heart.

After a quick meeting, they parted ways. The Supreme Lord was afraid that he had gone to a place that he could never go to in his lifetime.

He yearned for the unknown world and felt the extremely powerful power surging there. It was so powerful that he suppressed the desire in his heart and only retained a trace.

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