The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 59: The Lotus of Creation Seals the Heaven and Earth

In the endless void. Chen Yuan sat cross-legged in the void, although there was no support.

It was as if there was a piece of extremely flat land.

There was not only that divine thought in his body, but many.

He asked countless creatures, some were strong and some were weak.

The stronger ones gathered more divine thoughts, while the weaker ones did not need so many divine thoughts.

He knew a lot of information about a world.

One of them was that there were five venerables in this world.

Named after the five elements, it also fits the situation of this world, the Venerable of Gold, the Venerable of Wood, the Venerable of Fire, the Venerable of Earth, the Venerable of Water, and the Venerable of the Five Elements.

In this world, there is a supreme existence, even if the heaven and earth are silent.

There will be no existence that can stop it.

Other venerables will not stop it.

Such things often happen.

Suddenly, in the world in front of him, there was a different fluctuation, and an extremely powerful fluctuation was generated.

The fluctuation of the Five Elements Avenue was mighty and extremely powerful, as if the Five Elements Avenue was about to manifest outside.

The avenue became a tangible existence, with five-colored lotuses, which were derived and generated in the endless void.

Such a situation made Chen Yuan know that it was coming.

Only when the Five Elements Venerable appeared in this world would there be such a huge vision.

The avenue was revealed, which was the ability of the quasi-saints.

Although they could not achieve it.

But this world could achieve it.

The extremely profound Five Elements avenue maintained this world, in addition to the Five Elements avenue.

The lotus formed by the Five Elements avenue was vast and mighty, as if it had infinite power.

Chen Yuan wore the clothes of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and above the sky, there was the Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower, which dropped a trace of blue light.

Protecting his body, the powerful aura spread in the void, and the distance of thousands of miles around him.

Became empty.

With his eyebrows lowered, the power of the Daluo Jinxian was vast in time and space.

This world in the middle of thousands.

If Chen Yuan entered it like this, he would make the boundless sentient beings in this world suffer a catastrophe.

Although they were just some creatures as tiny as dust, Chen Yuan was not lost in the powerful force.

Waiting outside, time could not affect Chen Yuan.

Qingyun appeared above his head, and the five qi converged to the origin. Grasping the five elements of his own body, the human flower, the earth flower, and the sky flower, is to grasp his own spirit.

Cultivation is the process of controlling oneself, and the power obtained is just a by-product.

If one day, you can master the last one, it is Hunyuan.

This is just a little idea of ​​Chen Yuan. What it will be like will only be known after he proves Hunyuan in the future.

As for whether he can prove Hunyuan, Chen Yuan does not know, as long as he takes every step firmly, he will have no regrets.

From the thousands of worlds, five beings emitting boundless and majestic auras walked out of it.

As if the Five Elements Avenue was resonating, the mighty lotus of the Five Elements Avenue bloomed with brilliance, illuminating this piece of void.

The radiance of these five beings is very different. They are red, black, yellow, green, and gold.

The five-color radiance spreads over a wide area.

One of them, emitting red radiance, made a loud voice: "It seems that an uninvited guest has arrived. I'm afraid you have a powerful treasure on you. Why don't you leave it to us."

The heavy voice of Tu Zun sounded: "The treasure we got last time made us stronger and stronger. If another powerful being dies in our hands, with the treasure in his hand, our strength will be greatly improved. There is no need for five people to share a treasure."

Shui Zun said eagerly: "That is, if we have another breakthrough, we can get rid of this world and go to the outside world. , no need to stay in this world anymore. Only when bored, I destroy a region, not the world. "

Jin Zun said: "After all, most of our power comes from the world. If the world is greatly damaged, our power will be greatly weakened."

Finally, Mu Zun said: "Last time, the existence with powerful power was injured and killed by us. This time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with. Be careful."

Chen Yuan finally opened his eyes, and many strange visions appeared in his eyes, as if there were stars and heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon were running in it.

The breath of the avenue permeated his body, and he stood up. An infinite and majestic force affected all existence, even that side, the vast middle thousand world, was affected and pushed to a farther place.

A lotus slowly bloomed, wrapping the middle thousand world, the lotus petals were extremely beautiful, as if there was a beautiful avenue of creation, performing on it, seventeen lotus petals, like seventeen continents.

The power of the innate treasure is reverberating, isolating the influence of the Five Elements Avenue. The Five Elements Avenue lotus that was originally floating in the void is dissipating.

It means that the power of the Five Elements Avenue can no longer affect the outside world.

Such a change has changed the color of the five beings who were originally powerful and confident.

Their influence on the world has been weakened. The power of the innate treasure is incomparable to the middle thousand worlds.

A top-grade innate spiritual treasure may be able to isolate the power of the Five Elements Avenue. Now Chen Yuan cannot exert the power of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure to the limit. Only quasi-saints can fully refine the top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

There is a huge gap between the Daluo Jinxian and the quasi-saint.

Chen Yuan now is not afraid to take out the innate treasure. This place is still in the endless void, and there is no powerful existence.

"What's going on? Why is our strength reduced?"

"Where is our world power? Why can't we borrow it?"

"There is only some residual world power in the body, and I can no longer sense the world."

"How can this little world power be enough for us to use? It will be used up soon."

"No, I want to go back to the world, where there is boundless world power for me to use."

Originally, each of them had boundless and majestic power in front of Chen Yuan, as if Chen Yuan was already a grasshopper in their palms. No matter how much he jumped, he could not jump out of their palms.

The most powerful power was isolated, which was the disadvantage of relying on external power.

At this time, Chen Yuan became more and more majestic in their eyes, as if he could suppress the sun, moon and stars. The Nine Heavens Blue Sky Tower above Tianling was even taller, with a blue glow hanging down.

They wanted to return to the world, but they could not shake the Seventeenth Grade Creation Blue Lotus.

It was like an eternal sacred mountain, and they were just a tiny ant, with no hope at all.

The Five Elements Venerables who saw this scene felt that things had gone beyond their expectations.

Before, they thought that even if Chen Yuan was very powerful, they could return to the world, where they would have even more powerful power.

Now that they were closed by Chen Yuan, they could not return to the Middle Thousand Worlds, and the power of the world in their bodies was used up.

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