The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 58: Naturally derived barbarians

At this time, Nan Zhao was in despair. He was originally a member of the Southern Tribe and was responsible for hunting.

Usually there are several people who come out together.

I got separated unexpectedly today. This kind of thing has happened before. Nothing happened in the past.

Today, he encountered a calamity tiger, a calamity tiger with incomparable power.

Only the most powerful beings in their tribe can deal with it.

If there are companions around at ordinary times, there is hope of killing this evil tiger with the strength of a few people.

Now he is desperate.

He still wanted to go back and see her.

Chen Yuan originally knew how to take care of one thing, but his mind was vast and could cover the entire world.

There is no place that is not within the scope of his observation. He is detached.

Such things follow the principles of heaven and earth. When he goes out to hunt wild beasts, he must be prepared to be killed by wild beasts.

It's just that something is different today.

Chen Yuan took a leisurely stroll.

Nan Zhao saw it. There is a strange existence, the reason why it is called strange.

Generally, barbarians have some characteristics of beasts. If one day, they see a person who has no characteristics.

It will feel very strange.

Even though it was a bit strange, according to his induction, Chen Yuan did not have the aura of a strong man.

It can be said that he is a little weak, which has something to do with Chen Yuan's realm.

In Chen Yuan's eyes, the existences that Nan Zhao usually saw were all extremely low-level existences.

I have never seen a truly strong person.

What's in front of you is just an appearance, the real size is extremely huge.

There is an extremely vast space within the body.

Layers upon layers, detailed and dense, it is already Chen Yuan in the late stage of the sixth turn of the Nine-turn Mysterious Gong.

There are 480 million spaces. If the true size is shown, it can only be described as boundless. Now it is just a humanoid appearance in front of him.

The reason why the human form is used has the influence of the previous life, and more importantly, this is the world opened by Pangu.

Pangu's final form that reached the sky was the human form. This form had a profound impact on the universe.

It's like using a knife to carve marks on the stone.

The stone is the universe, and the traces are the human form.

If you don't transform, the road to cultivation will be a little more bumpy.

Generally, those who have cultivated to a certain level will know the deepest truth inside.

For future cultivation, he will change his form into human form.

In particular, after experiencing the benefits of the human form, I became more able to use the human form.

This world only has partial human form.

Not really humanoid.

"Real people have not yet appeared in any time and space or exist in any world. Even if they exist, they only have partial forms."

Chen Yuan was not surprised that the other party was not a real person.

Chen Yuan was surprised when a real person appeared. This was something that was destined to affect countless worlds and countless heavens and earths.

How is it possible? There is no movement at all.

Chen Yuan walked up to Nan Zhao calmly and said, "Hello, I am an existence from the ancient world."

Today, Chen Yuan no longer needs to hide anything. In the entire prehistoric world, there are only a few people who can pose a threat to him.

Act more grandly.

Nan Zhao saw that a being without a strong aura appeared in front of him. He had obviously seen Chen Yuan in the distance, and suddenly, he came to him.

It was very strange. He still thought that he was just being blind, and that he too had some cultivation.

Vision is greatly enhanced.

The Nan Zhao in front of Chen Yuan is still a little short of becoming an Earth Immortal.

It has not even reached the worst state in the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, there is no realm below the earthly immortal. It is not that there is no such thing. For the prehistoric world at this time.

There is no need, as long as the creatures from the prehistoric world can easily reach the realm of earthly immortals.

The creature in front of him is a being without the realm of earthly immortal.

The world in front of you is related to thousands of worlds in one place.

A quasi-sage can open up the middle thousand worlds.

Such a world is naturally inferior to the prehistoric world and has transcended the vast world.

Compared to the vast world, I don’t know how much higher it is.

I have no interest in the realm of this world and how weak the lower limit is.

He came here to observe the real world here.

The prehistoric world cannot be used as a reference. It is too majestic. Even the endless void can be regarded as part of the prehistoric world.

Such a majestic and boundless world, Chen Yuan, who became the Great Luo Jinxian, could not see the whole picture.

Since he couldn't see the prehistoric world, Chen Yuan came to this endless void to observe the world in it.

In front of Nan Zhao, a wild beast suddenly pounced towards Chen Yuan.

In Nan Zhao's view, even if Chen Yuan had some special abilities, he would not be able to escape and would end up being killed by a wild beast.

But the result was beyond his expectation. Chen Yuan didn't make any move, and the beast turned into ashes little by little.

Chen Yuan, he is now an alter ego formed by his spiritual thoughts. The divine thoughts of Daluo Jinxian have powerful power, although they cannot be compared with the original body.

It's not a wild beast that can be hurt.

Nan Zhao looked extremely shocked. He had never seen such a scene before. In his opinion, Chen Yuan was really different.

If power or weapons were used, it wouldn't shock him too much.

But it was useless. Any power just stood there quietly, and the enemy was wiped out.

Nanzhao said in shock: "My lord, I don't know what you want to do, what do you want to do..."

Chen Yuan wanted to hear the voices of all living beings in this world: "What is your tribe like?"

Although he could use his divine thoughts to observe carefully, Chen Yuan at this time wanted to understand it through the eyes of a living being.

Although Nanzhao was very confused, although Chen Yuan did not have any momentum, he saw that Chen Yuan turned the evil tiger into ashes.

Know what to do.

Nanzhao said respectfully: "My lord, we are a subordinate tribe of the Fire Lord. There is a god here who is responsible for supervising our mining of spirit stones. I am responsible for providing food, and some are responsible for mining spirit stones."

Chen Yuan's heart moved, and when his divine thoughts filled the sky and the earth, he just took a rough look.

Some details of this world are not very clear.

Chen Yuan is not unfamiliar with spirit stones. They are a kind of crystals containing spiritual energy.

In the prehistoric world, there is an extremely rich innate spiritual energy, and there is no need for spiritual stones.

But in a world, it is different. It can improve the power of the living beings and make it easier to practice.

This is the information that Chen Yuan obtained from the world just now.

There is an entry point, the divine mind explores this aspect.

Next, Chen Yuan asked some questions and learned more about the situation in this world.

Mainly want to know more about the existence of the five people with the power of the Daluo Jinxian.

Coming here, Chen Yuan felt that there was a lot of malice spreading, and there would be a battle.

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