The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 581 The Finale!

That means that Chen Yuan is unlikely to achieve the Hunyuan Taiji realm faster than Mingyuan.

This is also the reason why Chen Yuan is in a more relaxed mood. After all, he has the help of a great existence at this moment. As long as his future body can achieve Hunyuan, he will have some confidence.

At the moment when Chen Yuan was thinking.

Suddenly, an extremely transcendent phenomenon appeared between heaven and earth.

That was the heavenly tribulation. After all, at this moment, the existence of Hunyuan between heaven and earth will be hit by the heavenly tribulation, but for Chen Yuan's future body.

The heavenly tribulation will not be an obstacle.

The great masters who were originally attracted by the Hunyuan battle in the starry sky found that the long river of time and fate was even darker. They immediately knew what happened, which shocked them.

Although the matter of the starry sky is more important...

But the eyes of these beings were involuntarily attracted. After all, achieving Hunyuan is more concerned about these beings. Among these great masters, there are many who are at the peak of Quasi-Sage, and they are naturally more eager for the Hunyuan realm.

Although their bodies cannot appear instantly at the place where the heavenly tribulation falls, they can see the situation there through the long river of time and fate. This is also the reason why the state of mind has a major sublimation after achieving the realm of Daluo Jinxian, just because the prehistoric world is too vast, and there are too many things happening between Xumi.

Seeing too many such things...

Perhaps at the beginning, some things will be unaccustomed to them, and some emotions will rise, but there are too many such things, and in the end, the state of mind will naturally sublimate.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked, not because of anything else, but just seeing the figure standing proudly under the heavenly tribulation, the person was shrouded in the boundless end of the avenue, and the power of this avenue was too destructive.

It seems to be able to end the world...

And when Zhen Yuanzi saw this person's face, his expression changed even more, just because this person's years of cultivation were not even a fraction of his, but he could actually trigger the heavenly tribulation, which made him feel that he was a waste, and he practiced like a dog.

You must know that it has been his desire for many years to achieve the state of Hunyuan. For Zhen Yuanzi, it is the state of great freedom. Only by achieving Hunyuan can you achieve it.

is the ultimate leap.

It’s a pity that the more powerful the realm, the more difficult it is to achieve.

At this moment, all the great masters in the world are as uneasy as Zhen Yuanzi. If the person who achieved the Tao at this moment was one of these old masters, they would not be so difficult to accept.

After all, these beings...

have practiced for countless years, and they can accept the sudden enlightenment one day. That is what they are happy to see. It represents their hope of achieving the Tao. For such beings, endless years have passed.

Achieving Hunyuan...

has become an obsession in their hearts. After all, the peak of Quasi-Sage is the closest to Hunyuan, and the farther away from Hunyuan, the less obsession they have for the realm of Hunyuan. That is too far away.

It is simply out of reach.

And the feeling of Nüba, who is closest to the future body, is the strongest. At this moment, she has been far away. After all, the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is indiscriminate. As long as you are within the range of the Heavenly Tribulation, you will be attacked.


The boundless white thunder fell, the power of this thunder was too strong, and the supreme power on it made Nüba feel suffocated. She felt that if she was to overcome the tribulation, there was no hope of success at all, and she would only become ashes.

At this moment, Chen Sheng had a pagoda on his head and a long sword in his hand... He did not have too many emotions in his heart. After all, for him, achieving Hunyuan was just an inevitable possibility, and it was just a little earlier at this moment.

I didn't feel anything...

The brilliance of the pagoda came into contact with the white thunder. Once in contact, it produced an extremely intense brilliance, making this place seem like the second sun in the world. This kind of power made those great supernatural powers feel ashamed.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart that the existence that could achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was not comparable to them. If such an existence appeared among them, they could have achieved Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian long ago.

The contempt that originally came from this person's years of cultivation in my heart turned into admiration.

After all, as long as this person survives the catastrophe, even if the world is experiencing unprecedented changes at this moment, his dignity will not be damaged. After all, even if he escapes, he has a greater possibility than them, and in front of that outsider.

Even if he is captured, he will be sealed at most. Unless this outsider can achieve the Hunyuan Taiji realm, he will fall. These great masters are thinking in their hearts, don’t look at how confident this outsider is that he can achieve the Hunyuan Taiji mirror.

But they feel that there are many doubts. They know that the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to achieve. It is not something that people can achieve with confidence.

At this moment, Mingyuan saw someone below achieve the Hunyuan realm.

There are doubts in his heart.

Just because this realm is not so easy to achieve.

Mingyuan is also a knowledgeable person. He has seen many worlds in the chaos. From birth to destruction, no Hunyuan existence was born. A world where a Hunyuan was born is considered a very good world.

The realm of Chaos...

It can be regarded as the essence of Chaos. No one in Chaos is an unknown person.

After all, such beings can refine the energy of chaos into magic power. This is a kind of supreme freedom. They don't have to be restricted to a certain weak world and can see the vast chaos. However, he is in the prehistoric world. Seeing these Hunyuan beings, there is no thought of leaving the world at all.

Of course Mingyuan also understands...

If he was born in such a powerful world, he would not think of walking into chaos. After all, although Hunyuan is extremely powerful, it is not without the possibility of falling. There are also some extremely dangerous areas in chaos.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be trapped in it.

Or fall.

This can also be seen as the person no longer exists.

Although Ming Yuan had doubts in his heart, it was impossible for him to interfere with the Tribulation. He knew in his heart that he was a foreigner after all, and he did not want to be found wrong by Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace. He felt that he was just a newly born Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is unlikely to cause any trouble to him.

Just one more Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal was sealed...

The strangeness in the hearts of the saints is even stronger. After all, they are saints. They have authority over the prehistoric world and can use the power of heaven to join them. They can be said to be managers. For existences like them, it is not always possible. Practice every moment.

I also observe the heaven and earth in my daily life.

For a saint, there is no need to observe ordinary creatures. For low-level creatures, it is life and death for him. Maybe what he saw last time will not be the next time. He has seen too many such things.

It may feel fresh at first.

But as time goes by, I get tired of it...

Therefore, they usually look at the creatures above Daluo Jinxian. Such creatures can generally exist for a long time and can be said to be immortal species.

The saints all know about the existence above Daluo Jinxian, and for this existence who has only a short cultivation time and has created martial arts, they will naturally pay more attention to it.

Look at this person often...

After all, they are people who can create their own path of cultivation. Such people can be said to have been blessed by the destiny of heaven, and will naturally attract more attention from the saints. It is precisely for this reason that the saints understand Chen Sheng very well.

It can be said that they saw Chen Sheng's growth along the way.

Although this process is intermittent.

After all, they also have to practice, and when they see other beings at the same level reaching a higher level, they will also feel pressure in their hearts.

Now seeing Chen Sheng’s enlightenment...

The strangeness in his heart was naturally stronger than that of others.

After the saint blocked the way, he saw boundless visions rising in the heaven and earth. The sun, moon and stars all shone brightly. Too many lives were suppressed by a supreme majesty and could not get up.

The future body's eyes were leisurely, and he only felt that there was a supreme power accompanying every move and gesture, which could destroy the sun, moon and stars, and bring everything to an end. The soul was even integrated with the avenue of ending, but the soul relied on the avenue, as long as there was no The higher power is eternal life.

Because Chen Sheng survived the catastrophe...

The female demon not far away also walked over with a somewhat reserved expression. After all, Chen Sheng was different at this moment. He had become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Such beings must be given equal status even if they are saints.

"Congratulations to my fellow Taoist for attaining enlightenment..."

The female slave's mood is hard to describe.

Chen Sheng smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist, there will be a day like this in the future, no need to be envious."

The female slave knew that the other party was comforting her. She felt that Chen Sheng's attitude towards her had not changed at all. It seemed that becoming Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was just a very common thing and there was nothing worth paying attention to. This made her even more worried. I was speechless.

"Then let me borrow auspicious words from my Taoist friend..."

Chen Sheng's eyes were deep, looking up at the boundless starry sky, the area where boundless earth, wind, water and fire stirred.

The female demon next to her suddenly asked: "Are you going to the endless starry sky next?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes"

He immediately went into the starry sky.

Chen Yuan had huge confidence at this time. He only felt that he had boundless power to use. He knew that this was because the future body had realized the Tao. The three bodies of the past, present and future had an extremely mysterious connection. Previously, there were only two bodies of the past and the present. Proving the Dao, although it will increase the speed of cultivation.

But it hasn't shown anything too magical yet.

But at this moment, because the enlightenment of the future body has been fully reflected, Chen Yuan only feels that the mystery within the Great Way of Creation can be seen more clearly, which he could not feel before.

Within ten Yuanhui, one can realize the realm of the 12th Heaven of Hunyuan.

At that time, you can go to seek Tai Chi realm.

"Start the method..."

At this moment, in all directions of Ming Yuan, there were four extremely majestic beings standing there. Above him, there was an incomparably clear divine bead hanging down, and the incomparable majestic power settled towards Ming Yuan.

At this moment, Ming Yuan had bad thoughts in his mind.

But I don’t know why. The situation is obviously very good at the moment. Although there are many strong Hunyuan warriors on the opposite side, he is the existence at the peak of Hunyuan. As long as he seals the existences of the Hunyuan realm on the opposite side one by one, he can gradually Reduce the opponent's strength.

If this continues, he will be the final winner.

He saw countless runes coming towards him. These runes were all extremely superb. They were connected to each other. Originating from the Chaos Spiritual Treasure above, an incomparable power enveloped him.

The power of the magic mirror went to the weakest future body. The power of the Chaos Spirit Treasure was extremely terrifying, but in front of the chaotic light curtain, although it aroused extremely huge ripples, it did not break a passage.

Seeing such a scene, Ming Yuan was extremely shocked.

I don’t know what’s going on.

He carefully sensed this light curtain... It seemed that there was an extremely majestic power contained in it, but this power was looming and unclear, which made Ming Yuan feel that it might be his illusion, but it didn’t seem like it.

This made him even more suspicious.

Chen Yuan didn’t have much waves in his heart, and he didn’t feel amazed by the power of this secret method. After all, this was the secret method passed down to him by the ancestor god. Chen Yuan knew that the ancestor god Pangu was powerful and could open up a world containing three thousand avenues.

Chen Yuan listened to the exclamation from his ear.

“Impossible, this is impossible. My realm is as high as the twelfth level of the Hunyuan Heaven. How could it be sealed.”

Ming Yuan was not the only one who was shocked.

Wangshu, who was not far away, opened her fairy lips slightly, and the hazy fairy light around her body was fluctuating. This was because her heart was not calm. She was very familiar with Chen Yuan. They had practiced together for a very long time. Today, Chen Yuan gave her a lot of surprises. The Chaos Pearl, which was also a legend in the prehistoric world, gave her a lot of surprises.

Suddenly, he and the other three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian sealed the outsiders.

Wangshu's fairy eyes turned, and he looked at the other three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian thoughtfully. He felt that the three of them were too tacit, as if there was some unknown connection.

At this moment, it was not only Wangshu who thought so.

The Three Pure Ones, the Two Saints of the West, and Nuwa also had thousands of thoughts turning. What kind of existence are saints? Wisdom is like the sea. They also know a thing or two about the difficulty of achieving Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But there are so many in the prehistoric world.

I thought it was normal...

But now I feel that this number is too coincidental. After all, there are three corpses in the method of beheading the three corpses, plus the original body is also four. Although the three corpses cannot achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they can only have the power of the perfect quasi-saint.

But the saints also know that the chaos is vast and there is an indescribable distance. How many strange and wonderful methods will be born in it is unknown.

The six saints are communicating with each other through voice transmission.

Tongtian transmitted the message: "Perhaps in this world, Taiyi and the Wuzu are all clones of the Creation Heavenly Venerable."

Yuanshi transmitted the message in shock: "I don't know how exquisite this method is, it can actually allow the clone to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. You must know that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian needs to be extremely perfect, and there can't be any omissions, otherwise it can't bear the power of the Great Dao."

Taishen transmitted the message: "Yes, perhaps this method is related to the ancestor god."

Nuwa felt mixed emotions. She listened to the transmission of the Three Pure Ones. She didn't expect that Taiyi could be someone else's clone. Although the matter was not confirmed, Nuwa knew that this matter was almost certain. As for why Taiyi became someone else's clone, it would naturally be killed by the Creation Heavenly Venerable.

Nuwa looked at the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians who were showing their divine power, and saw that the person from outside the domain was sucked into the Chaos Pearl.

Even more shocking...

Nuwa came closer, bowed to Chen Yuan, and said: "Daoyou has shown great power today and sealed this beast, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable. If this person had not transformed into a primitive root, he would have definitely received boundless merits."

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "Don't even think about merits. If he hadn't transformed his root, he would have been wiped out into ashes by the boundless power of the Heavenly Dao."

Nuwa knew that Chen Yuan was not exaggerating. Don't think that the saints who borrowed the power of the Heavenly Dao are so powerful. That is just the insignificant power of the Heavenly Dao. You must know that the primitive world has three thousand great rivers, and such a majestic creation is the source of the power of the primitive world.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Dao has all its power, as long as it slightly activates a small part, Mingyuan can be wiped out.

Not far away, the Three Pure Ones and the Two Saints of the West also complimented each other, and then there was a sound of conversation. No one asked about the connection between Chen Yuan and the three bodies. After all, the strong are respected in the prehistoric world. Although they can't wipe each other out at this moment, Chen Yuan, who is closer to a higher realm, will undoubtedly make them more careful.


Creation Heaven

Chen Yuan, standing in the Creation Heaven, saw all kinds of noise in the prehistoric world, which was very different from the tranquility in the Creation Heaven.

Wangshu suddenly asked: "Yuan...are those three your clones?"

She obviously didn't have too many scruples, unlike others.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Yes..."

Wangshu said with some admiration, "Yuan, you have the Chaos Pearl, plus three powerful clones, you are already the first person under Daozu in the prehistoric world. In addition, Daozu will not come out unless there is a great catastrophe, so you can be regarded as the first Hunyuan sacred."

Chen Yuan listened and looked back at the past. When he first traveled to the prehistoric world, he did not expect that he would be so powerful now. It's just that the road of cultivation is endless, and he doesn't know when it will end.

He suddenly stared at Wangshu and said, "Wangshu, can you and I become Taoist partners?"

Wangshu was a little stunned. She didn't expect Chen Yuan to suddenly tell her that he wanted to become a Taoist partner. Her crystal face was a little red.

After a while.

Wangshu came back to his senses, and there was an indescribable happiness in his heart. At this moment, there were bright red petals falling in the Creation Heaven, covering all areas. I don't know where these petals came from.

Maybe the heart of heaven senses...



Time passed by, an extremely long time passed by, and the Heavenly Lord of Creation was elusive and hard to see in the prehistoric world.

And Chen Yuan has also practiced above the Hunyuan Tai Chi realm.

Above Chaos.

There is a mysterious space here. Unless you understand the sacredness of the 2999 avenues, you will not be able to discover this place at all. But standing in this space, you can overlook the entire chaotic world.

any place...

It was like looking at patterns on the palm of a hand. At this moment, Chen Yuan looked at the center of chaos. Originally, there was no center in the chaotic world. The first transcendent person was born in the chaotic world. The moment he transcended and left the chaotic world, Display its boundless power.

An extremely vast continent was created in the chaos.

The name of the Transcendent is Taichu, and that continent was named Taichu Continent. Chen Yuan looked at that continent, with inexplicable thoughts flowing in his heart. When he left the prehistoric world, he also went to Taichu Continent to explore.

At that time... he had just reached the Hunyuan Taiji realm, and he didn't understand many great avenues. However, he relied on the integration of his past body, present body, and future body to form a three-yuan Dao foundation, which could carry three thousand great avenues.

Otherwise, even if you become the Hunyuan Taiji realm...

It is also impossible to understand the Three Thousand Avenues. Only if the foundation of the road is stable, can a sky-reaching building be built on it instead of building a few floors in a hurry. It is precisely for this reason.

Chen Yuan practiced at an extremely fast speed, and finally rivaled Pangu's level, only missing the last avenue he had not yet comprehended.

In Chen Yuan's induction, it seemed that he could sense that avenue, but it didn't exist. Chen Yuan was speechless, and he finally understood the difficulty of becoming a transcendent person.

"Ancestral God..."

Next to Chen Yuan is the Great God Pangu. He is carrying a huge axe, which is the Chaos Treasure Opening Sky Axe. It is only a derivative of Pangu Avenue, but it is more powerful than any other treasure.

They have reached the realm of Pangu and Chen Yuan.

For them, any treasure in the chaos has no increase. As long as they exert their own strength, they can shake the world of chaos.

"Xuanyuan, you are not from this chaotic world. When I created the world for the first time, the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues burst out with endless power, breaking down the barriers of the chaotic world. In this process, Among them, a soul flew in, and it was you. You were protected by a treasure at the beginning, but after reaching this chaos, all the power was exhausted, and then I collected your soul. "

"At the beginning, I was full of confidence, thinking that I could rely on the opened world to deduce the last hidden avenue, but I still failed. At that time, I couldn't help but think of your soul."

Chen Yuan stood in this supreme space and listened quietly to what the Great God Pangu said. He did not expect that he did not exist in this world, which made him very shocked. "Then what the future body said Things."

Pangu smiled and said: "It's just a piece of information I instilled in him, so that you can practice with peace of mind and don't think too much."

Chen Yuan said: "Is the ancestor god still Pangu..."

Pangu said leisurely: "I am Pangu, just the Pangu of the parallel chaos. Maybe you are... sent here by the Pangu of the chaos where you are."

Chen Yuan said: "Is there another Pangu..."

Pangu continued: "This piece of chaos has covered the last avenue, but your soul has an inexplicable connection with another chaos. This avenue of chaos has been covered, even if other chaos has also been covered, it is the same road. The possibility of a great avenue is very low. As long as your soul is majestic and majestic, we can sense another piece of chaos while standing in this space."

Chen Yuan continued: "When we feel another piece of chaos, we can open an extremely tiny passage. Such a passage cannot allow us to pass, but as long as the passage exists, we can feel the fluctuations of the other avenue and understand that A road where the chaos is covered up can transcend the chaos."

Pangu laughed loudly and said: "That's right... When I first implemented this plan, I didn't expect that Xuanyuan would grow up so quickly, comprehend 2999 avenues, and have unlimited power."

Chen Yuan said: "Thanks to the ancestral gods for this. Without the Time Dao Scripture, it would be impossible to achieve the state we are in now."

Pangu said with a smile: "Your qualifications are still very high. Although I put you in the Chaos Pearl and cultivated it for a long time, your qualifications themselves are not bad."

Chen Yuan smiled.

Then the two people's bodies bloomed with endless light, and two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues could be seen looming in their bodies. With their current state, dominating the chaotic world... that was just a casual matter, not a big deal. Difficulty.

But the cultivator’s desire for higher things is engraved in his bones.

Two huge waves of infinite power bloomed. The power was dominated by Chen Yuan. He had to rely on his ability to sense another piece of chaos. This process was very long, and a full Yuanhui time had passed.

Only then did Chen Yuan penetrate into another piece of chaos.

This made Chen Yuan breathe a sigh of relief,

“There is only one final avenue left, but the gap is really too big.”

Pangu smiled and said: "After understanding the three thousand avenues, and the avenues become a circle, you will be extremely perfect, and there will no longer be any loopholes. Although it will be higher in size at that time, it cannot compare with the chaotic world, but it is already at the same level. "It's alive, I've sensed the avenue on the opposite side. Just like ours, there's also a blocked avenue."

Chen Yuan also sensed that his soul had a deep connection with the other world. In terms of understanding the great road, he would be more clear than Pangu. His eyes looked through the world above the chaos and saw the boundless chaos. .

And there is a world containing two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues, which is the prehistoric world. Looking around, in the world of creation, I saw Wang Shu, "I also want to bring Wang Shu and Qing You with them." "After comprehending the Three Thousand Great Dao, it will be the same as the world of chaos. At that time, it will be impossible to enter the world of chaos. With Wangshu's qualifications, it is impossible to transcend chaos, so we can only take them away from chaos together."

As for interfering in the chaotic world from the outside, Chen Yuan thinks it is unlikely. The last transcendent person has not had any news since his transcendence. Chen Yuan probably either had an accident, or someone from outside the chaos wants to interfere within the chaos. Too likely.

Chen Yuan was certain in his heart that an infinite force appeared and brought the disciples in the prehistoric world into the world of creation, and then disappeared from the entire world of creation into the prehistoric world.

The saints in the prehistoric world were all horrified. In their perception, a supreme power appeared just now. This power contained power beyond their cognition.

It seems that it can easily destroy the prehistoric world.

But seeing that the world of creation had disappeared, and their holy thoughts enveloped the world, they instantly knew what had happened. At this moment, the saints of heaven and earth had changed hands.

Those strong men of the same generation as Chen Yuan have become Tai Chi realm one after another. This is also a special feature of the prehistoric world. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to achieve Tai Chi realm.

The saints of heaven and earth are held by strong men from the prehistoric world. At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi is a saint. There are not many saint disciples competing for the position of saint. It is difficult to become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

But for the existence of Hunyuan Taiji realm.

It is not too difficult. The freedom of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is what they value. Today's prehistoric world has been integrated with chaos. On Taichu Continent, there is one of the strongest orthodoxy.

The prehistoric world is also a place that many monks long for.

The cultivation environment here is almost the same as that of Taichu Continent, otherwise it would be impossible to have so many Hunyuan Taiji realms. On Taichu Continent, although there is the third thousand avenue, it is covered up.

Unable to use true abilities.

Wangshu, who was in the world of creation, saw that outside the world of creation, time and space had changed. At this moment, there was only nothingness outside the world of creation. With the power of her Hunyuan Taiji realm, she could feel the avenue of heaven and earth with incomparable clarity.

"Source...where is this..."

At this moment, Chen Yuan was holding the world of creation in his hands, but it did not prevent him from having a body outside his body. A figure appeared in the world of creation, and appeared in front of Wang Shu, "This is the highest place of chaos. Only those who have understood the two thousand nine hundred and ninety Only creatures with nine great avenues can appear here. Although you have not understood so many great avenues, you can still appear under my protection."

Wangshu was stunned. She didn't understand that Chen Yuan wanted to bring her here. "Yuan... I heard you say before that the last avenue in chaos is covered. If you bring me here now, is it possible?" It’s about being detached.”

Chen Yuan was not surprised to see that she was so smart, and said: "That's it... Now I am sure to understand the last avenue that was covered up. Only when you understand the last avenue, you will transcend. I'm afraid that process is... If I can't stop you, I will pick you up in advance so that you can transcend with me. Otherwise, with your qualifications, it is impossible to cultivate three thousand avenues to transcend chaos. You can only hope that it will be easier to cultivate outside of chaos. "

Wangshu naturally knew her qualifications... She was not the top among the gods in the prehistoric times. However, after meeting Chen Yuan, her destiny changed. She practiced the Yin-Yang Dao and was able to carry... There are many more avenues, but they are far away from the number of three thousand. She understands that based on the foundation of achieving the Hunyuan Taiji realm, she wants to transcend chaos.

It's something with infinitesimal probability.

Now that he can follow Chen Yuan to transcend chaos, of course he will not refuse. When the time comes, he may be able to find a way to make up for his foundation outside of chaos, or resume cultivation.

Time passes...

A large part of Chen Yuan's energy... was devoted to comprehending that hidden avenue. No matter how difficult it was to comprehend, Chen Yuan was still the first to comprehend it.


Chen Yuan only felt that he was undergoing endless changes, and a feeling of complete perfection came to his heart. It was as if he could step out of the chaotic world in one step, and the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues in his body were completely transformed. Disappeared, and the avenue finally realized fit together perfectly.

Energy that cannot be described in words poured into Chen Yuan's body.

The energy Chen Yuan has occupied from the beginning of his cultivation to now is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the energy he has absorbed at this moment. It is too vast. "Perhaps this is the reason why the will of chaos obscures that avenue. I I just interacted with the will of chaos. After I transcended, even if Pangu understood the third thousand avenues, it would still take a long time to transcend. When the energy of the chaotic world is restored, the energy of the chaotic world cannot be consumed too much and needs to be maintained. At a certain level, the chaotic world does not resist the birth of transcendent beings, but not too many. Too many transcendent beings will consume too much energy. "

Only by understanding the three thousand avenues and replenishing the missing energy can we truly transcend chaos, otherwise the chaotic world can still accommodate it.

Chen Yuan's body floated naturally, repelled by an extremely huge force. His body size has reached a certain level, and he can no longer survive in the chaotic world.

"Finally transcended, it's time to go back to the chaos of my previous life. I don't know who sent me to this chaotic world."


The finale.

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