The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 580 Chaos Level

Or it can be seen as the avenue of self-understanding sublimated to the level of chaos.

They can achieve the Hunyuan Tai Chi Mirror, and there are three thousand such avenues in the prehistoric world. Such power makes them not want to choose Mingyuan, who now seems to have a good chance of winning.

In this way, the Second Sage of the West rejected Ming Yuan.

This made this existence of the twelfth level of the Hunyuan world very angry. He felt that these Hunyuan saints in the prehistoric world were very ignorant. As for the extraordinary features of the prehistoric world, he naturally saw it, but he felt that as long as the way of heaven was like this The supreme rule cannot be taken.

He has nothing to worry about.

Then more intense fighting broke out.

Chen Yuan's heart was extremely solemn. He only felt that the pressure was getting bigger and bigger. The seventeenth-grade green lotus under his feet bloomed with more and more powerful green light. However, after all, the seventeenth-grade green lotus was just an innate treasure, although it was already very powerful. It is extraordinary, but after all, there is a huge gap between it and the Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

Although the Chaos Orb in Chen Yuan's hand is extraordinary, his magic power is still a bit lacking.

At this time, other beings did not watch the battle.

Sanqing also sacrificed his own treasure and took action.

Boundless fluctuations sweep everything...

Chen Yuan looked at the countless stars and celestial bodies in the endless starry sky, which were shattered into countless pieces. They were more broken than ever before.

Ming Yuan's stern eyes passed through all time and space, as if they had substantial power, making countless sentient beings feel an extremely intense sense of oppression, among which those with advanced realms were even more profound.

After all, there are more people who don’t know.

Although the battle in the starry sky is extremely fierce, many sentient beings are still of low level. These creatures only feel that the sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the battle in the starry sky has affected the ancient continent.

Chen Sheng, who was on the mainland, suddenly felt an extremely huge energy moving towards his body. At this moment, he suddenly fell into an extremely empty state. He intuitively felt that the end of the world in the world was incomparable to him. closeness.

It was as if he had become the master of this avenue.

He can mobilize the power of the end of the avenue, and the female demon next to him was originally attracted by the battle in the starry sky. After all, for a quasi-sage like her, what she desires most is naturally to achieve the realm of the Hunyuan Saint that transcends everything.

Especially feeling the supreme power of the Hunyuan Realm.

There was even more longing in her heart, but she also knew that such longing was very hazy. Perhaps only a long time would give her hope of crossing that line. If she had been to other worlds, she would sigh that living in a prehistoric world was... Fortunately for her, there is still a glimmer of hope to peek into the realm of Hunyuan.

And in other worlds...

Those worlds are incomparable to the prehistoric world, and most of the great avenues in them are incomplete. If you don't cultivate that complete great avenue at the beginning of your cultivation, don't think that you can achieve the realm of Hunyuan, although there are great avenues in chaos.

But the avenue in the chaos is even more hazy and illusory.

This kind of place is not a good place for enlightenment. Maybe there will be a good place for enlightenment in the chaos.

At this moment, the female master was extremely shocked, because in her feeling, Chen Sheng's aura was rapidly becoming stronger, and this powerful speed was very unusual. To know the existence of the quasi-sage realm, she wanted to know more about it. To be powerful, the time required is extremely long.

At this moment, the female slave suddenly remembered what Chen Sheng had said before, saying that even if he had the chance to become a saint, he would not become a saint. At that time, the female slave felt that Chen Sheng was just talking casually and did not take it seriously...

The female demon murmured to herself

"Can you still achieve Hunyuan in the next moment..."

She couldn't believe that there were still some Hunyuan in this world, not many... three, but these three were not ordinary existences. The God of Creation was born during the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, and he was destined to obtain the innate The existence of the ultimate treasure, and now the Chaos Spiritual Treasure is revealed on his hand, one can imagine this person.

The previous encounters were not simple.

Donghuang Taiyi...

Even when the Lich was measuring the calamity, he used the Chaos Bell to overwhelm the world.

The remaining World Heavenly Lord has transformed into the World Tree. Who doesn’t know the fame of the World Tree now? The majesty of the vast heaven that runs through the thirty-six layers of thunder and fire is engraved into the hearts of all living beings in the world. Female Demon No exception.

The changes here did not attract the attention of those with great supernatural powers. At this moment, all those with great supernatural powers were attracted by the battle in the starry sky.

Chen Yuan's feelings were even more profound.

In his induction, his future body was about to reach the Hunyuan state. Originally, the future body was bound to reach the Hunyuan state, but it would take a long time, but now it has surpassed this period of time.

Which changes are needed.

Chen Yuan's thoughts changed...

He already vaguely felt who had done it. Perhaps in this world, only the Ancestral God had such power. Chen Yuan asked himself, maybe he would never be able to reach the level of the Ancestral God.


Chen Yuan felt an extremely profound information appear in his mind. This information appeared very quickly, shining brightly in Chen Yuan's soul space, and its meaning became clear in the blink of an eye...

It is a method of sealing the Tao.

It is an extremely profound and mysterious method that can be completely sealed with the help of the realm of Hunyuan. Different from the previous methods created by Chen Yuan, this method can completely seal the powerful Hunyuan people. As long as it is sealed, the creatures in it will not I thought I could come out.

Unless someone outside lets you out.

However, it is necessary to use the power of the treasure to seal the Hunyuan strongman inside the treasure. One innate treasure can seal a Hunyuan strongman. The innate treasure that seals the Hunyuan strongman does not affect its use, but it can no longer be sealed in the future.

Unlike ordinary seals...

It can only be sealed in a fixed place. This is undoubtedly only a temporary seal. After all, as long as someone rescues it, there is a great chance of being rescued. However, it is different inside the innate treasure. The difficulty of unlocking the seal rises sharply.

The gap between these two methods can be said to be a world of difference...

Chen Yuan suddenly relaxed a little. In fact, he had some worries in his heart before. If he really lost this time, he might only take some people to escape from the chaos. After all, the chaos is vast and boundless. However, he had some concerns about such a choice in his heart. After all, there is a level of heaven in each realm.

Perhaps such a gap is not so strong in the early stage.

But in the later period...

The gap between realms is getting bigger and bigger. Chen Yuan has never seen the existence of the Hunyuan Taiji realm, and it is impossible for him to imagine what kind of power this realm has. He doesn't know if he will be found in the future if he escapes from the chaos.

If the power of the Taiji realm is too strong, then escaping from the chaos at this moment is just a slow fall. Although it will take a long time, the cultivation environment in the chaos cannot be compared with the prehistoric world.

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