The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 491: Zhu Xian Sword Formation Traps Luo Hou

Jie Yin said calmly: "We two brothers, if we don't have an innate treasure, no one will covet it."

Zhunti said enviously: "I hope someone will covet us, which means we have an innate treasure."

Jieyin said: "Junior brother, you can only think about the innate treasure in your dreams."

Zhunti smiled and said: "Senior brother is still very powerful. He created the method to expand the world in the dream. In the dream, even I have the sky-opening axe."

The method to expand the world in dreams.

It is in the sea of ​​consciousness that an infinite world is formed, from which powerful treasures can be derived. Among the ancient legends, the most powerful treasure of chaos is the sky-opening axe.

I don’t know how many creatures want to have it.

Zhunti is no exception. Although he cannot have it in reality, in Zhunti's dream, he has an infinite body.

The vast and infinite Pangu is gone.

Not only is he holding the sky-opening ax in his hand, he is stepping on the green lotus of chaos, he has the jade ultimatum of creation on his head, and he is surrounded by chaos beads.

It is really a giant god who opens the sky.

Give birth to all realms and heavens, all time and space, and be the ancestor of all realms, all spirits, gods and immortals.

What Zhunti did in the dream was more than that.

He punched Sanqing and kicked Hongjun, and was even more cruel to Chen Yuan who had suppressed him for several Yuanhui.

Jie Yin looked at Zhunti amusedly.

He once had a trace of spiritual thought enter Zhunti's sea of ​​consciousness and saw an infinite world. Everything in it was the evolution of Zhunti, and there were countless sentient beings in it.

He could see the quasi-improvement enthroned in the ninth heaven.

Preaching scene.

He knew a lot about what happened in Zhunti's dream.

Jie Yin smiled and said: "The method of creating a dream world for my brother is not yours."

Zhunti said: "I know this. Senior brother, you have evolved endless time and space and countless sentient beings. Everything among them comes from you. You can understand the Dharma principles understood by these living beings."

"This is a way to practice faster."

Jie Yin sighed: "The existences that can prove Hunyuan are all divine beings with great talents. It is too difficult to stand out among these existences."

Zhunti smiled and said: "That's true... Senior brother, you have now achieved the fourth level of sainthood. Although your level is slightly lower than that of me, it is higher than Yuanshi and Tongtian."

"It's enough to show how extraordinary you are, senior brother."

Jieyin frowned and said: "The truly extraordinary creature is the Heavenly Lord of Creation. I don't know how he practices. Even if he surpasses Rahu in the future, it is possible."

Without saying a word...

He illuminated hundreds of millions of time and space, looking into the distant sky beyond the ancient wilderness. At this moment, the wind, water and fire were surging there, the power of the Immortal Execution Formation was suppressing everything, and the terrifying power of the sword was majestic.

Even if you set up a great formation to kill the immortals.

But there is still nothing that can be done to Luo Hu. The infinite demon tower above Luo Hu's head, the endless profound energy is falling down, like raindrops in front of the eaves, extremely fine.

There is a knife in Rahu's hand.

It contained an astonishing murderous aura. This was not an innate spiritual treasure, but an acquired treasure.

This was refined by Rahu himself.

It contains extremely powerful power. Rahu can use it extremely smoothly, and its power is comparable to half-step innate treasure.

Things needed to refine treasures.

It is very extraordinary. It is a divine object produced from chaos, so the power of the treasure is comparable to that of a half-step innate treasure.

But to refine it into an innate treasure.

It's not that easy.

The innate supreme treasure is comparable to the great power of Hunyuan.

You can't just refine it if you want to.

To achieve the realm of Hunyuan, there are countless difficulties. I don’t know how many disasters, how many difficulties, and how long it will take before I can hope to achieve it.

And to refine...a treasure that is as powerful as a half-step innate treasure.

It is extremely rare.

The black sword energy and the four-color sword energy were everywhere, Luo Hu just used... this treasure that he named the Demon Sword to bloom.

Because his power exceeds the Demonic Sword by an unknown amount.

Rahu’s divine consciousness fills the void.

Looking at the sword energy everywhere, I thought... The Heavenly Demon Tower above my head bloomed with billions of magic lights, turning the oncoming sword energy into nothingness.

He looked at the weak points of the formation.

Stepping into the void, there was a path of destruction formed under the feet, like a sky mark, emerging in the chaotic void, supporting Rahu's figure.

Not long after...

Luo Hu arrived at the place where the Juexian Sword was.

As for Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian who were in other positions, their eyes were fixed and their hearts sank, because that was the weakest point of the formation, in the eyes of Wanling.

Three corpses reaching the sky.

It is also extremely powerful and has immeasurable power. It can dominate the ups and downs of a region and control countless creatures.

But this is the Hunyuan battlefield.

The three corpses of the Quasi-Saint Perfection.

It seemed that he was stretched too thin and could not stop Rahu's pace.

The blazing sword energy of the Immortal is heading towards Luo Hu. It can easily kill the quasi-sage, challenge the half-step Hunyuan, and the powerful person who has just achieved Hunyuan can survive a few moves.

But that's all.

Luo Hu chuckled and said, "Go away. I lent the Tai Chi Diagram to Chan Jiao and made nine of the Ten Heavenly Lords die. I thought you wouldn't come."

"But I didn't expect that you would still come."

Tongtian said seriously: "In fact, you are too bold and want to seize the Tai Chi Diagram. After you succeed, won't you even want my Immortal Killing Sword Formation?"

Luo Huan frowned and said: "This Immortal Killing Sword Formation was originally my treasure. Now it is only temporarily kept in your hands. It will be taken back in the future."

Leader Tongtian said: "I can't let you take that Tai Chi diagram away. You are too dangerous."

Luo Hu laughed loudly and said: "You are a saint, but you have such childish ideas, no matter in the prehistoric world."

"Still in the world deep in chaos, strength is the most important thing."

"I am stronger than you, and I will take your treasure. You have to bear it..."

The three corpses of Tongtian held the Juexian Sword and asked: "So there is indeed a world in the depths of chaos. It seems that the prehistoric world is not the only one."

Luo Hou smiled and said: "Of course it is not the only one. There are countless worlds in the depths of chaos."

"It is too dangerous there. It is safer in the prehistoric world."

The three corpses of Tongtian said: "You must have encountered a powerful enemy in the chaos, an enemy that you cannot defeat, so you want to return to the prehistoric world for refuge. The prehistoric world has the supreme heavenly way."

"Even if your enemy is stronger than you, you can rely on the prehistoric world to save your life."

Luo Hou's face changed. He didn't expect to be guessed by Tongtian.

He did encounter a powerful opponent outside, so he ran back to the prehistoric world in disgrace. Luo Hou had left some secrets in the prehistoric world to let him know that Hongjun was in harmony with the heavenly way.

If Hongjun was not in harmony with the heavenly way.

Luohou dared not come back. Although Hongjun looked kind, he was not easy to mess with. When necessary, he could also show the power of thunder.

Kill Luohou completely.

Kill the biggest scourge of the prehistoric world, so that the prehistoric world would at least be much calmer.

Unfortunately... although Hongjun had invincible power in the universe, it was difficult for him to take action under the rules of heaven. This was why Luohou dared to come back in a swagger.

Otherwise... he would not dare to come back to die.

He would look for other opportunities, no matter how slim.

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