The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 490: Zhu Xian Sword Formation Traps Luo Hou (Part 1)

Rahu stands in the void of chaos.

The power of the infinite avenue of destruction is surging. He has successfully achieved the eight realms of Hunyuan. There is a considerable gap between each realm.

Lao Tzu's realm is the fourth heaven of a saint.

But I borrowed the unpredictable power of heaven to increase his power greatly, which is comparable to the fifth level of Hunyuan, but between the eighth level of Hunyuan.

There is still a huge gap.

It cannot be easily compensated, and Yuanshi and Tongtian have the third heaven of saints, which is worse than Laozi. With the blessing of the power of heaven, they have the power of the fourth heaven of Hunyuan.

It is also extremely powerful.

They are existences respected by all heavens...

Normally, no living beings would be disadvantageous to them. As long as they thought a little in their hearts, they could make living beings hundreds of millions of miles away die naturally without any difficulty.

So supreme.

At this moment, they are reduced to a common enemy. It can only be said that their opponent is too powerful. He is the Demon Ancestor who is the same generation as Dao Ancestor, although the Demon Ancestor is not as good as Dao Ancestor.

But it is no small matter.

He has extremely brilliant achievements and has been to the unpredictable depths of chaos. In terms of knowledge, he is profound.

A shocking battle unfolds in the sky.

Attracting the attention of all the heavens and worlds, the Great Supernatural Powers and the Great Luo Jinxian looked at each other in different ways. The saint who used to be in the ninth heaven was now facing the ancestor of the devil.

It was full of dangers.

From time to time, there are powerful attacks that shake the earth, wind, water, and fire, breaking through the boundless energy of chaos, creating countless dust particles in the world, and then being destroyed by the vast aftermath.

Everything returned to chaos.

Such a terrifying battlefield.

If the quasi-sage steps into it, even if the quasi-sage is extremely powerful and is the pinnacle among them, he will only be attacked by the powerful attack and turned into the energy of chaos.

So far no trace.

The tower of immeasurable heavenly demons stands above Rahu's head, and the power of the innate treasure is fully displayed.

The endless power and chaos turn a large area of ​​time and space into a realm of great law.

Everything must follow the will of the Demon Ancestor.

Luo Hu said: "You guys give up, I am the eighth heaven of Hunyuan. Even if the three of you fight me together, the gap between the fourth heaven and the fourth heaven cannot be made up by you..."

The demonic power of Rahu shocked the past and present.

Looking at the sanctity of this scene, I couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in my heart. This is the power of the Demon Ancestor, which is extremely terrifying.

I had a look of indifference in my eyes.

Without any emotion, he marveled at Luo Hu's face. If the saints were not immortal, then Luo Hu would definitely want to kill them instead of letting them retreat.

It is precisely because saints are immortal.

This gave me great confidence.

Even if you face the more powerful Rahu, you still have the courage to go against the path. Otherwise, you only have one life, and you can't throw away your life for nothing because of a treasure.

This is not a good deal.

I said coldly: "Rahu, even if your realm is higher and more powerful, there is still some power in the world that we can borrow for you to see."

After I finished speaking.

He saw the Four Immortal Killing Swords appearing around him, scattering in all directions.

suspended in four directions.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Tong Tian each hold a divine sword. There is also a position in which there is a vague creature holding a sword. Upon closer inspection, it looks somewhat similar to the leader of Tong Tian.

This person is the three corpses of the leader of Tongtian.

The three corpses of Lord Tongtian have the power of a quasi-sage. At this moment, he holds the Immortal Sword in his hand, exuding a vast sword energy, with the intention of annihilating all things.

The leader of Tongtian Cult holds the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand.

I hold the Immortal Killing Sword in my hand.

Yuanshi Tianzun fell into the fairy sword.

The addition of two saints made the Zhuxian formation even more powerful, much more powerful than when Tongtian and Chen Yuan faced off.

After all, there was only one leader, Tongtian Cult.

Luo Hu's eyes flashed. He was expecting to face the Zhuxian Formation. He smiled and said: "If there are four Hunyuan Powers, there is still something to behold, but now there are only three, and there will be fatal flaws."

Leader Tongtian’s eyes darkened.

He is the master of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, so he naturally understands that what Luo Hu said is true. If four people of the same level set up a large formation, there will be amazing changes.

Although at this moment Lao Tzu Huan Yuanshi joins.

Let the power of the Zhuxian Formation increase, but the distance is still perfect.

There is still some distance to go.

Leader Tongtian was not willing to let Luo Hu be proud and shouted: "Although what you said is reasonable, the power of this formation to subjugate demons is enough, and it can drive him into the realm of destruction."

Luo Hu laughed and said: "I practice the path of destruction, how can you push me into the realm of destruction..."

"If I can step into destruction, maybe my realm can grow again, so that the God of Creation, who wants to catch up with me, can only watch from behind."

"And it makes me happy just thinking about not being able to really catch up."

What Rahu said...

It expresses the worries in his heart. He acts a little unscrupulously and is worried that the Creation Heavenly Lord will surpass him, and if the Creation Heavenly Lord will achieve the Hunyuan Taiji realm faster.

There will be an astonishing leap in the big realm.

Luo Hu felt that he had caused a lot of trouble to the God of Creation.

He was worried that if the Heavenly Lord of Creation reached the Hunyuan Taiji realm, he would be slapped to death.

Although this is only a possible future.

But for Hunyuan Power, which has infinite life, the future is not far away, and it is necessary to prepare for a rainy day, otherwise everything will become a foregone conclusion.

There was no way around it.

I said: "Yuanshi, let's go to Tongtian together. Don't be polite to this devil. Let them know that we, Sanqing, are not made of clay."

"Even if he is a clay figurine, he still has a certain amount of anger."

Hear what the elder brother said.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu did not hesitate, and turned the immortal swords in their hands upside down. The endless sword energy turned into rivers of the sky, and they rushed towards Luohou without hesitation.

They wanted to turn Luohou into powder.


Sumeru Mountain.

Zhunti said: "Brother, Luohou is in trouble this time. He has to face the sword formation of Zhuxian that can only be broken by the Four Saints."

Jie Yin shook his head and said: "Although the sword formation of Zhuxian is powerful, Luohou is not an ordinary person. He has the cultivation of the Eight Realms of Hunyuan, and he has an innate treasure in his hand."

"He has also cultivated the great way of destruction with powerful attack power. I am afraid he is not easy to deal with."

Zunti sighed: "Yes, I should be happy that Laozi has lost his innate treasure, but I can't be happy."

Jie Yin said: "The death of the rabbit makes the fox mourn... Even if Laozi has an innate treasure in his hand, we still have the power to fight back and will not be suppressed . "

"But Luohou is different, he is too powerful."

"Only the Creation Lord, who is one realm lower than him, can fight him."

"I don't know how the Creation Lord cultivated."

"Zunti said: "He just became enlightened a while earlier than us, and it hasn't been that long, but he has such a high level of cultivation, which is unbelievable."

"Jie Yin said: "Yes, the Three Pure Ones are facing Luohou, do I have to give up an innate treasure?"

"Zunti continued: "That is not an ordinary innate treasure, it is one of the three treasures of the Creation, even a saint would find it difficult to give it up."

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