The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 487 Zhu Xian Sword Formation

Chen Yuan is in the endless chaos.

The chaotic energy lingers around him. The chaotic energy that can destroy and assimilate endless creatures loses its terrifying power in front of Chen Yuan.

He seems harmless to humans and animals.

It seems that he no longer has the power of destruction. This is just that Chen Yuan's power of order is extremely magnificent and vast.

Not only can he protect himself.

He can also open up a world in the chaos and create a sacred land.

Tongtian Patriarch stood not far from Chen Yuan...

It is not far, but it is actually quite far away, but there is nothing in the chaos.

Although there is a difference in distance.

But it is not easy to distinguish.

Four magic swords appeared around Tongtian Patriarch, and the amazing murderous aura burst out, shattering the void. There is a strong innate evil aura flowing on the sword body. A slight leak can destroy the endless territory.

Make Wanyu pale in comparison.

A formation diagram appeared under the feet of Tongtian Patriarch, flashing with mysterious energy. It can arrange the four swords of Zhuxian, allowing them to show the power that shakes the universe.

Tongtian Patriarch said nothing.

Directly set up the Zhuxian formation, and the four swords fell in four directions, connecting with each other.

Endless chaotic energy was pushed away, and in the prehistoric world, there were also extremely amazing changes.

Rolling evil spirits gathered towards the Zhuxian sword formation.

Evil spirits flowed like rivers in the sky, heading to the outer world.

Thus making the Zhuxian sword formation more powerful, it stirred the chaotic energy.

Making the outer world turbulent.

Chen Yuan's eyes opened and closed, his expression was calm, in sharp contrast to Tongtian Patriarch.

A lotus appeared faintly.

Supporting Chen Yuan's figure, there was a more blazing clear light blooming, lotus leaves withered, but new lotus leaves were generated.

Birth and extinction formed a cycle...

Interpreting the true meaning of creation.


The sword energy was generated in the void, and it was vast, like a world. The magnificent sword energy rushed towards Chen Yuan.

Ding Ding Ding...

The sword energy hit the lotus, and the power contained in the sword energy was extremely vast.

It could annihilate the world.

But at this moment, on the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus was an extremely pure defensive spiritual treasure, although it had a certain attack power.

But compared with defense.

It can only be said to be negligible and incomparable.

Chen Yuan did not fight back for the time being, but just sat cross-legged on the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, without any movement. Chen Yuan was observing the mystery of the Zhuxian Sword.

Such time passed for a while.

At that time, the World Taoist, Hongjun, Yangmei and others entered the Zhuxian formation. At that time, the Zhuxian formation was not as powerful as it is now. At that time, Luohou was only a quasi-saint.

But now it is the saint who sets up the formation.

Tongtian Jiaozhu stood in the center of the formation.

At this moment, Chen Yuan's innate treasure, the God-killing Spear, appeared in his hand. With one shot, he shattered time and space, severing the past and present.

The power was extremely strong.

Tongtian Patriarch secretly said: "The power of my Zhuxian Sword Formation is very strong. Even if there are creatures stronger than me, it is not easy to break this formation."

Tongtian Patriarch thought.

The battle between the two attracted too many people's attention.


Shouyang Mountain.

The Patriarch Laozi of the Human Sect watched this scene. He didn't expect that Tongtian Patriarch would fight with the God of Creation and even deployed the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

As for the great name of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Laozi has heard of it for a long time. In the past, Tongtian Patriarch did not arrange this great formation.

Laozi praised that the Zhuxian Sword Formation was well-deserved. It annihilated all the vitality of those who entered the formation. The four swords guarded the four directions, leaving the people in the formation with nowhere to escape.

Through time and space, Laozi saw the God of Creation in the formation.

He didn't know how the final victory would be. Although the sword formation was powerful, it was not against ordinary creatures, but the God of Creation, the great power of the seventh level of Hunyuan.

Tongtian was a saint of the third level, and even if he could guide the power of the Heavenly Dao, he was only a saint of the fourth level.

The gap between each level of Hunyuan was huge.

And the God of Creation had two innate treasures, the God-killing Spear of Destruction for attack, and the Lotus of Creation for defense.

He was not worried about defeat.


Mount Xumi.

There was a brilliant light rising from this mountain. Although the spiritual energy in the Western Continent was not rich, Mount Xumi was a special case. The spiritual energy here was extremely abundant.

After all, it was the place where the Hunyuan Saint practiced.

The constant of Hunyuan against the sky could turn a poor mountain and bad water into a place with abundant spiritual energy. This was not too difficult for a saint.

In a place with the richest spiritual energy.

Two of the creatures were cultivating here. They were filled with powerful holy power, but this power was hidden and not shown, which made them look very ordinary.

Rather than being a saint who was the best in the three realms.

Jie Yin looked at Zhunti next to him and said, "This Zhuxian Sword Formation is extraordinary, and the three Sanqing are all saints. They are loved by heaven and earth, and each of them has extremely powerful treasures."

"Especially Laozi, there is the exquisite and mysterious pagoda of heaven and earth, which can be compared with the innate treasure, and the Tai Chi diagram is the treasure of the creation of heaven, which makes people envious."

Zhunti said angrily, "It's not that the Taoist is partial. If you give us one or two innate treasures, we will have enough confidence to face other great powers of Hunyuan, instead of the current situation."

Although Jie Yin's state of mind was very high.

But he also agreed with Zhunti's words. The treasures in the prehistoric world are very important. If there are extremely powerful treasures, the same realm will have stronger strength.

This is an advantage.


The war of chaos continues.

It stirred up the chaotic energy, causing the heaven and earth to be created, but was then destroyed by the horrific aftermath.

In such an aftermath.

No world can survive, even if there is a world next to it, if there is no Hunyuan Mighty to protect it.

It will also return to chaos.

And there is no other possibility. The power displayed by both sides is too extraordinary. One side has the existence of the Seven Realms of Hunyuan, and the other side has the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which is the three great formations in the prehistoric world.

There is a constant flow of evil spirits out of the prehistoric world and into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Let the power of the Zhuxian formation become stronger and stronger.

Facing such a vast power, Chen Yuan looked leisurely, just waving the God-killing Spear to offset the powerful sword energy.

Tongtian Sect Master saw that the Zhuxian Sword Formation could not do anything to Chen Yuan.

He was not discouraged...

I saw the four swords merge into one, and a gray sword energy was generated. This sword energy contained the power of destroying the world, which was not comparable to those overwhelming sword energies.

This is how the Qiankun Patriarch died.

It was because the ancestor of Qiankun died that the Taoists of the world got the Qiankun Ding. Otherwise, the Taoists of the world today would definitely not have any innate treasures.

Chen Yuan thrust out a spear, black light burst out, and the spear light was too blazing.

Chen Yuan had to admit that the chaotic sword energy was very powerful and fought against the spear light.

Let the chaotic space break.

Derived the roaring earth, wind, water and fire, as if at the beginning of the world, countless worlds were born and destroyed, and finally everything stopped.

Tongtian Patriarch looked at this scene with shock.

He knew that the power of the chaotic sword energy was not as powerful as the spear light. Tongtian Patriarch was very confident in the power of the chaotic sword energy and believed that even if Chen Yuan was more powerful than him, with the chaotic sword energy.

Maybe it could be a draw.

Tongtian Patriarch sighed and dispersed the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

He had already understood the power of the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan, and said, "As expected, there is a new heaven for each realm."

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "If you set up a formation in the prehistoric world, the power can be even stronger. This is the Heaven Beyond Heaven, and it is separated from the prehistoric world by a heaven after all."

The formation needs the power of heaven and earth.

And the evil spirit can be a booster for the formation. Although some of the evil spirit flows into the Heaven Beyond Heaven, it is not all.

That's why Chen Yuan said this.

Then Tongtian Sect Master returned to Jin'ao Island with a lonely look.

Chen Yuan returned to Xuanhua Mountain in one step.

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