The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 486: Tongtian to Xuanhua Mountain

Tongtian Patriarch's eyes were solemn.

He and Yuanshi Tianzun were from the same source, and the two sides had a relationship for many years. Although the relationship between the two sides has faded a lot after becoming a saint.

But there is still some.

Tongtian Patriarch illuminated billions of time and space, and saw everything that happened on Fuyuan Immortal Mountain in the human race. He expected Zhao Gongming's defeat.

At the beginning, Luohou.

A distance of billions of trillions of miles.

Attacking Chen Sheng on the earth, although Chen Sheng was within the Jiuzhou barrier, it made no difference to a strong man like Luohou.

Luohou's power was too strong...

Dayu didn't even have a half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Naturally, he couldn't create a formation to restrict Luohou, but with Chen Yuan's help, Chen Sheng had no problems.

Tongtian Patriarch's eyebrows were drooping.

He also heard what Qingyou said, asking him to go to Xuanhua Mountain to argue. He looked at his fist from the corner of his eyes, wondering if it was hard enough, big enough...

Arguing with the Creation Lord...

Tongtian Patriarch knew that it was impossible for the two of them to have a discussion to see who was right.

Instead, he had to convince others with force.

Whose power was stronger? Chen Yuan's cultivation was too fast, even though Tongtian Patriarch held the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, which was said to be unbreakable by the Four Saints.

Tongtian Patriarch also wanted to compete with the God of Creation...


Tongtian Patriarch stopped preaching, and Mingyuan stood up and said, "Master, this person from the Chan Sect is too bullying and killed nine of my brothers. Please, Master, be fair."

Tongtian Patriarch thought for a long time... and said, "Master, I know. I told you not to go out during the catastrophe. During the catastrophe, the creatures are impulsive and cannot control their hearts. They are more bloodthirsty and violent."

Mingyuan's eyes were red, and he said, "Master, it's not that we can't recite the Huangting quietly, but the Chan Sect is too bullying. The brothers of the Mo family died in their hands. Now they have killed nine fellow disciples. They don't take the Jie Sect seriously at all. I hope Master will make the decision..."

Mingyuan's words...

aroused the Jie Sect disciples' hatred of the enemy, and they all looked at Tongtian Patriarch with burning eyes.

Tongtian Patriarch was in a dilemma and said, "Bai Li, now that you have reached the Great Perfection of Taiyi Golden Immortal, you can become a Daluo Golden Immortal. It is better to practice well first and then play other roles in the future."

After Tongtian Patriarch finished speaking, he waved away everyone...

Then he stood up and went to Xuanhua Mountain.

He wanted to see if he, who had the Four Swords of Zhuxian, could find the God of Creation to argue with him. Tongtian Patriarch not only wanted to find the God of Creation to argue with him.

He also wanted to feel the power of the God of Creation.

Now the God of Creation has the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan.

And he, Tongtian Patriarch, is the Third Heaven of Saints, which is a big gap from the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan. Although he has the power of the Heavenly Dao, which has increased the power of Tongtian Patriarch.

But there is still a gap of three Heavens from the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan.

Tongtian Patriarch crossed endless time and space. Before arriving at Xuanhua Mountain, he looked at Xuanhua Mountain. At this moment, Xuanhua Mountain has not changed much, and Qingyou has not returned yet.

The light film guarding Xuanhua Mountain.

At this moment, it cracked silently. Tongtian Sect Master did not stop, but walked in. He looked around and saw a young man in feather clothes and star crown standing in front of him. He was too handsome.

His five elements were beyond time and space.

Kong Xuan stepped forward and said, "Saint, Master is waiting for you inside..."

Although there was some meaning of looking for trouble.

But he still did his best. He looked at Kong Xuan. It was not uncommon to practice the five elements together. There were only three thousand avenues in the prehistoric world.

There were countless immortals.

I don't know how many creatures practiced the same avenue. Even if it was very difficult to practice the five elements together, there were still many creatures. The Phoenix Clan was best at the flame avenue.

If Kong Xuan practiced the flame avenue.

Then Kong Xuan would have a difficult hurdle.

For ordinary creatures, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was out of reach, but not for Kong Xuan. Although it was very slim, there was still a glimmer of hope.

But if he practiced the flame avenue.

He would have to compete with his mother and Shennong for the Dao, and the Dao could only go alone. This would be a very difficult choice.

Perhaps Feng Zu thought of this problem,

to avoid the Dao dispute, although she did not achieve the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but after endless time, there is always hope.

The weak will become strong.

It is always good to prepare for a rainy day.

Tongtian Sect Master stepped inside and saw the Creation Heavenly Venerable.

Kong Xuan did not follow in, he stood outside the Xuanyuan Dao Palace

Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Chen Yuan's eyes were clear, and he was very surprised by the arrival of Tongtian Sect Master, but when he thought of Tongtian Sect Master's temperament,

he also figured it out.

Chen Yuan stood up, his sleeves fluttering, his demeanor was outstanding, and he was extremely outstanding.

Chen Yuan walked up to Master Tongtian and said, "I never thought... the Master would come to visit me personally."

Master Tongtian looked deep and said, "The Master of the Source Sect killed two of my disciples. Originally, this person only had the power of a golden immortal. Facing Zhao Gongming, he would not have any chance of survival."

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "The Master of the Source Sect and I have a history, so he helped me. Could it be that the Master came here for this matter?"

Master Tongtian said, "Yes, Luo Xuan and Chen Sheng were fighting for treasures, but they were not as strong as each other and were killed. This is also the norm in the prehistoric world, and no one can be blamed, but Shi Ji is different."

Chen Yuan said leisurely, "This is how the prehistoric world is. I don't know what the Master wants."

Master Tongtian said seriously, "Nothing, I just want to fight with the Creation Lord. Regardless of victory or defeat, the hatred between the two sides will be wiped out. After that, I will restrain my disciples."

Chen Yuan said: "You are so confident in the Four Swords of Zhu Xian..."

Tongtian said: "Daozu once said that this formation can only be broken by the Four Saints, but I have never really set it up, so I can't understand the mystery and the strength of the formation."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, I also want to see what is so outstanding about the Zhu Xian formation. Is it just a false reputation or a real ability that can make Daozu say that it can only be broken by the Four Saints?"

Tongtian looked deep.

Containing a powerful sword intent, the space in Xuanyuan Dao Palace was rippled, and he said: "Go to Chaos... Otherwise, it will destroy the endless mountains, rivers and land."

Chen Yuan followed suit.

Tianwai Tiantian is the stage for the great power of Hunyuan to perform, and although the prehistoric world is vast, there are too many lives in it, which can easily affect innocent people.

Chen Yuan waved his hand.

A passage leading directly to Tianwai Tian was forming, and Chen Yuan walked into it first.

Tongtian followed closely.

It is not so easy for Tongtian to cross space in Xuanyuan Dao Palace. This is the space of the acquired treasure, and there is an extremely powerful space barrier here.

Chen Yuan knows how the Hunyuan Great Power crosses space.

When refining Xuanyuan Dao Palace, it has the ability to prevent non-treasure owners from crossing space, although it can only block it for a while.

Heaven beyond Heaven.

Endless chaotic turbulence rages everywhere, and from time to time, earth, wind, water, and fire are generated, and then destroyed, over and over again.

There is no time to stop.

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