The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 477: Zixiao Palace

Time passes quietly.

Di Xin, who had a wonderful skill, was very different. He was no longer the same person as before.

He watched in disbelief as his strength grew.

This growth rate was beyond his understanding. When Emperor Xin was young, he admired the immortal way. At that time, he might not be able to become the King of Shang.

If you become a fairy.

It was very good, but later Di Xin became the King of Shang and gave up the idea of ​​becoming an immortal. However, he knew some knowledge of the immortal way, and his cultivation took a long time.

It cannot be achieved overnight.

Now he was practicing faster than expected, which made Di Xin feel a little uneasy, but he could go faster and it was impossible to slow down.

After all, if there is a faster cultivation speed, no one will give up.

Suddenly one day.

When Di Xin looked at Su Daji, he noticed Su Daji's demonic aura. He understood that Yun Zhongzi was right, but Di Xin did not do anything to Su Daji and the others.

Instead, he treated Su Daji and Ximei as usual.

There was no revelation that he had power. Di Xin felt that the power he had was not enough.

It still takes time.

Xuanhua Mountain.

Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

The space within the Chaos Bead.

Endless energy of chaos flows, and at the core of the Chaos Pearl, there is a unique place, where brilliant brilliance rises.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged.

The power of the great avenue of creation flows endlessly, eternally, and seems to have no end.

In front of Chen Yuan.

There is nothing left at this moment. Mingyuan's soul clone was banned again by Chen Yuan, but it was not destroyed because it might be used in the future.

Chen Yuan knew where Ming Yuan came from.

It was a very far away world called Yuanjie. From Ming Yuan's memory, we learned that it was opened by a supremely powerful man named Yuan.

This supremely powerful man has transcended the realm of Hunyuan.

In Mingyuan's memory.

Beyond the Hunyuan Daluo realm, it is called the Hunyuan Taiji realm. As for the power of this realm, there is no specific description in Mingyuan's memory.

After all, it is a higher realm...

There must be something mysterious about it.

Chen Yuan knew about the Hunyuan Taiji Realm. Perhaps the Great God Pangu was a person in this realm. The Abyss Realm was not as vast as the prehistoric world. He guessed that the strong man who opened up the Abyss Realm was the one who created it.

It should not be as powerful as Pangu.

"Where did Ming Yuan go to the land of silence in the last Pangu world."

Chen Yuan thought in his heart and understood why Ming Yuan was in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness. It was because Zhang Li's soul was taken away by Ming Yuan from the place of destruction in the Pangu world.

It's also because of Mingyuan.

Only then could Zhang Li appear in today's prehistoric world. Chen Yuan suddenly thought that maybe there was more than one soul in Ming Yuan's hand, but there was no memory of this part in the memory of Ming Yuan's soul clone.

The memory Chen Yuan received was incomplete.

Ming Yuan must have destroyed the most important memory.

Chen Yuan stood up.

After coming out of the Chaos Orb, the first thing I did was to observe the heavens and the world, illuminate the endless time and space with candles, and see what has happened in these years.

There is an invisible divine light that permeates the world.

All space and time are illuminated.

Endless dust, all kinds of things that happened in the past and present are presented in Chen Yuan's eyes. Unless there is a very strong force to block it, they will not escape Chen Yuan's eyes.

He scanned the heavens.

At this moment, many years have passed since the memory was stripped away. He saw that on the Fuyuan Immortal Mountain, Nezha had become a celestial phenomenon, comparable to the immortals.

After all, he is not a normal reincarnated creature, and is even more mysterious.

Practice will be quick.

It will not be until one day that he reaches the state of his previous life that he will resume his normal cultivation speed. He looked at Zhang Li again and saw that the power of the earth was surging in Zhang Li's body, but he had achieved the state of earth transformation.

And the power displayed by martial arts.

Zhang Li felt that he had a bright future, especially becoming the first generation disciple when martial arts was founded, and maybe becoming a senior master in the future.

The final look is to the future body.

These years, Fuyuan Immortal Mountain has been relatively calm. If it were outside the Jiuzhou barrier, with Chen Sheng's power, there would still be some obstacles.

But within the Kyushu barrier.

There is no big problem. As the calamity in the world becomes more and more powerful, perhaps the future body will be involved.

There is a deep cause and effect between the future body and Chao Ge.

And in the great tribulation, it is normal to be involved due to the involvement of cause and effect.

The greater the calamity, the more creatures that die, the better.

This is a way for Heaven to cleanse the world of all beings. For the universe, the number of living beings must be within a certain range...

Chen Yuan continued to observe the world.

Looking at the place where the calamity is strongest, there is Chaoge.

Ordinary living beings cannot feel the calamity aura. From Chen Yuan's perspective, there is a strong calamity aura that envelopes Chao Ge, making it dark and affecting the minds of all beings.

Make them more impulsive and easy to kill.

All bad shortcomings will be magnified, which can make the catastrophe of heaven and earth proceed more smoothly.

Chen Yuan saw Chao Gezhong.

There are some abnormalities, that is, the power emitted from the souls of living beings is decreasing. The power emitted from deep within the souls usually only dissipates normally. This is also because Ming Yuan knows a technique to absorb the power of the soul.

So it is inevitable to pay more attention.

Nowadays, these powers are decreasing little by little. If you don't have Mingyuan's memory, you will be surprised.

But I don’t pay much attention either.

This is the confidence of being a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There is enough power to deal with everything. Chen Yuan felt that someone was absorbing the power of the mind. He looked for the source of the power of the mind, and finally found that it was Emperor Xin.

Emperor Xin has a strong protective power.

If before.

Chen Yuan would not break this power, but now it is quietly opened and sees the hidden side of Emperor Xin.

Inside Emperor Xin.

There is a dark and deep power running, although it is constantly growing. According to Chen Yuan's judgment, Emperor Xin should have the power of a true immortal at this moment.

Chen Yuan knows who made the move.

It must be Ming Yuan. Why did Ming Yuan make the move? Maybe he wanted to make Hong cause greater chaos, or maybe he had other purposes.

There are many reasons.

If it was someone else.

Chen Yuan could solve it directly, but it would be a bit difficult to deal with if it was Emperor Xin. If he touched Emperor Xin, I don’t know what Hongjun would do.

Chen Yuan thought...

His figure disappeared in Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Appeared in the chaotic Tianwaitian.

At this moment, only Hongjun's world was floating in the outer world.

The other worlds were in the starry sky.

Chen Yuan walked to the world opened up by Hongjun, but could not see the figure of Zixiao Palace, and said: "Teacher, I want to see you."

"Come in..."

A voice sounded, and then the invisible Zixiao Palace appeared in front of Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan walked into it.

At this moment, Hongjun was sitting cross-legged on a high platform, with a mysterious aura fluctuating around him.

His eyes were slightly closed.

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