The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 476 Ming Yuan passed on the Dharma to Emperor Xin

Let the uneasy Emperor Xin gradually calm down, and said: "Who are you? Why did you appear in my sea of ​​consciousness? You should know that I am the king of the Great Shang, not an unknown junior."

"The king of the Great Shang, hahaha..."

Ming Yuan laughed wildly.

The laughter was mixed with an inexplicable rhythm, which made Emperor Xin feel a little sad, a kind of helplessness, the helplessness of not being able to practice, in the prehistoric world, a world where living beings can be eternal.

The King of the Great Shang has no possibility of eternity.

How could Emperor Xin accept it? Usually, Emperor Xin didn't think about this problem.

He knew it was not something he could solve.

Emperor Xin said: "You can enter my sea of ​​consciousness, so you must not be an ordinary creature. You are not here just to laugh at me."

Mingyuan's clone looked at Emperor Xin and said: "Of course not. Now your chance has come. I can let you practice, but I don't know if you are willing."

Emperor Xin said seriously: "If you can practice, of course you should practice."

Mingyuan said: "If the lord of the Shang Dynasty, who is very difficult to practice, can suddenly practice, there will be a big storm."

Emperor Xin laughed and said: "What I am least afraid of is storm. I am said to be the last King of Shang. What else am I afraid of."

Mingyuan laughed and said: "If there is no me, there will be no next King of Shang after you. At this moment, the calamity of heaven and earth is rising, and the Shang Dynasty is the center of the calamity."

"The great calamity... is it so terrible that it will destroy the Shang Dynasty." Emperor Xin did not believe in the great calamity.

Mingyuan said: "Well, let you see the real strong, the real great calamity."


Emperor Xin's soul was trembling.

In a trance, the sun, moon and stars appeared in his heart, and the endless prehistoric continent stretched under the starry sky and above the dark sky.

Such a magnificent scene flashed quickly.


Then a battlefield appeared, where endless creatures formed two supreme gods. When they took a step, the galaxy was destroyed and the earth became empty. Such a terrifying scene made Emperor Xin speechless.

Finally, the two supreme gods entered a vast world.

That vast and boundless world was broken. At this time, a voice came into Emperor Xin's ears, saying: "This broken world is the heaven."

Emperor Xin said in disbelief: "This is the heaven... Legend has it that the heaven has endless scenery, Yaocao smoke, and endless auspicious light. How could it be broken?"

Mingyuan said: "The heaven you know is a reshaped world, now divided into thirty-three layers."

The last two giants disintegrated, and then countless creatures fought.

Although the power of these creatures is not as strong as the gods, it is beyond Emperor Xin's imagination. After seeing the space broken, the earth turned to ashes, and these creatures almost fell.

Suddenly, endless lightning filled the sky and the earth.

It was the creatures who were going through the tribulation.

Some people blocked the road, and some protected the road. Emperor Xin suddenly found that the aftermath of these fighting creatures was more powerful than the gods just now.

Emperor Xin could see the endless mountains and rivers turned to ash.

A large hole appeared on the earth, and this scene made Emperor Xin thoroughly see the power of the strong.

Emperor Xin asked: "Who are they, so powerful."

Ming Yuan said: "You must have heard of their names, or maybe you have never paid attention to them. These people are the Heavenly Lord of Creation, the Heavenly Lord of Yuanshi, the Quasi-Sage Saint, the Saint of Jieyin, the Goddess of Nuwa, the Heavenly Lord of the World, and under the lightning is Donghuang Taiyi, and there are also the Supreme Heavenly Lord, the Master of Tongtian, the Demon Lord of Luohou, the Saint of Houtu, and the most unfathomable Hongjun Daozu who did not appear at this time. They are the real masters of this world."

"I have seen the statues of the Heavenly Lord of Creation and the Goddess of Nuwa." Emperor Xin said.

Ming Yuan said: "Do you know that you have offended Nuwa now?"

If the previous Emperor Xin...

He would not care. As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. He has not seen the power of Nuwa with his own eyes, so he always thinks that it is not so powerful and will not be afraid. But Emperor Xin suddenly found that it is beyond imagination. Powerful and terrifying.

Emperor Xin wants to travel through time.

Erase the poem of Nuwa Palace, but how is it possible.

Emperor Xin suddenly said: "I want an extremely powerful force that can crush the earth and evaporate the galaxy."

Ming Yuan's face was not clear, very blurry, and said: "I will give you a method and a ghost seed, you can practice it, and the practice speed of this method is amazingly fast."

Emperor Xin asked: "Are there any disadvantages..."

Ming Yuan was vague and said: "There are some disadvantages, but they can be overcome."

Emperor Xin subconsciously ignored the past.

Didn't feel anything wrong, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Emperor Xin could hardly resist Ming Yuan's power, and said: "Where is the technique..."

"I'll give it to you now..."

A black heavenly book appeared in front of Emperor Xin, with mysterious runes constantly appearing and disappearing, mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

Emperor Xin subconsciously read: "Wanyou Sutra."

Ming Yuan said seriously: "Yes, this Wanyou Sutra has unfathomable power, which can make you practice incredibly fast, and there is also a ghost seed."

A ghost seed appeared next to the Wanyou Sutra.

Emperor Xin looked at it and couldn't see what was going on, and said: "What should I do."

Ming Yuan said: "Just swallow it."

Emperor Xin hesitated in his heart, and he didn't know how many thoughts he had, and finally made up his mind to swallow the ghost seed. Emperor Xin felt a strong force swimming in his soul.

After a while.

Emperor Xin returned to normal, he felt different, his soul was stronger, and his senses were sharper.

Emperor Xin said: "Can I practice now?"

Ming Yuan said, "Of course, I'm leaving."

Ming Yuan disappeared after he finished speaking, without waiting for Emperor Xin to speak.

Emperor Xin ignored Ming Yuan. At this moment, his attention was attracted by the "Wanyou Sutra". Emperor Xin began to study the method. After studying, he found that this method did not need to absorb innate spiritual energy.

It requires the power deep in the heart of the living being.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be difficult to obtain this kind of power. There would not be much such power gathered around them, but Emperor Xin was different. He was the lord of the Shang Dynasty.

He was a person that the people could not get around.

You can imagine how much such power would be entangled around Emperor Xin.

I don't know how many living beings would often think of Emperor Xin in their hearts.

Emperor Xin immediately understood...why it was said that the speed of cultivation would be very fast.

Emperor Xin hoped that the speed of cultivation would be as fast as possible. He was looking forward to having the power to crush everything in the future. Suddenly, a voice came to his ear.

It was very nice.

Emperor Xin's attention returned to the outside world. He turned his head and saw that Su Daji had returned, and there was a beautiful woman beside Su Daji.

The women walked lightly with lotus steps and their eyes sparkled, which was too tempting. Emperor Xin stared at the two women.

The women were the nine-headed chicken spirit.

When Emperor Xin was feeling proud, he saw the two most favorite beauties coming, and he was even happier.

He imagined being an emperor forever.

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