The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 465 The Seventh Innate Divine Prohibition

Chen Sheng walked to the prototype of Shiji.

Shiji's true form was born outside the universe, and experienced the earth, wind, water and fire.

Then she was born with spiritual wisdom.

Although Shiji has not completely died, she will no longer be free after being reborn.

But she will be bound by the rules of heaven in the future.

No longer a free and easy golden fairy, this is why immortals don't want to be immortal officials.

Isn't it good to be free and easy?

Nezha worshipped: "Master, you are so powerful."

"It's a pity that her thousands of years of Taoism have been scattered like this. I advised her kindly, but she didn't listen."

Chen Sheng said faintly: "Don't be so reckless in the future, although this time it's not your fault."

"Remember the master's teachings."

Nezha said seriously.

At this time, Li Jing arrived. He looked anxious and worried that Nezha would have something wrong. In Li Jing's opinion, the woman was very powerful, and her aura was as vast as the sea.

It was not something Nezha could deal with.

After Li Jing arrived, he said, "Nezha, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry to have worried you, father. I'm fine. The woman was killed by my master."

Nezha saw Li Jing's anxious look and was a little angry because he thought Li Jing told the woman that he was the one who pulled the bow.

But now he was relieved.

Li Jing said, "It's good that you're okay."

After Shiji's body was killed, a magnificent aura of the end suddenly appeared and was absorbed by the innate spiritual treasure, the sword of the end. The innate divine prohibition in the sword of the end was derived again.

The seventh innate divine prohibition was derived.

Luo Xuan made the sword of the end derive the fourth innate divine prohibition. Later, Chen Sheng also killed a powerful existence and made the innate divine prohibition derive to the sixth. Now Shiji's body was killed.

Only then did the seventh innate divine prohibition derive.

The lower-grade innate spiritual treasure has twelve innate divine prohibitions. There are still five innate divine prohibitions to reach the peak of the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure.

The innate supreme treasure has forty-nine innate divine prohibitions. As long as the sword of the end can derive forty-nine innate divine prohibitions.

It can achieve the innate supreme treasure.

Chen Sheng said leisurely: "I want to go back to Chaoge. Will you come with me or stay in Chentangguan?"

Nezha was stunned...

He didn't expect his master to leave. This was beyond his expectation.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Li Jing next to him said: "Nezha, follow your master."

Chen Sheng looked at Nezha.

Nezha said: "Okay."

The two did not leave immediately.

Nezha said goodbye to his family first, and then followed Chen Sheng to Chaoge.

Although Nezha was reluctant.

But he had no choice. He didn't want to leave Chen Sheng. Although he had achieved a change of realm, it was difficult to leave Chen Sheng's teachings. If he practiced alone.

Maybe he would go astray.

This is a drawback of practicing martial arts. There are too few people practicing martial arts in the world.

There are only Chen Sheng and Nezha.

If one day Chen Yuan spreads the method of martial arts practice, there will be changes, and more and more people will practice martial arts.

In the end, there will be as many as the stars in the sky.

The two did not enter the virtual world.

Instead, he was flying in the normal world. Although the virtual world has a faster speed, it is very different from the outside world. The virtual world is a mirror image of the prehistoric world.

It reflects everything in the world.

But it is different from the real prehistoric world after all.

Fifty years later.

Kunlun Mountain.

A corner of the fairy mountain... Jiang Ziya woke up from his practice. He looked at everything. When he just went up the mountain, he was full of energy and could become a disciple of a saint.

What a good fortune.

But the reality made Jiang Ziya very helpless. Jiang Ziya felt that practice was very difficult. Shen Gongbao, who entered the mountain gate at the same time as him, was different and made rapid progress.

If there was no Shen Gongbao.

Jiang Ziya might be able to accept his situation, but he was most afraid of comparison. Once compared, there would be a difference, and it would not be completely equal.

Although Jiang Ziya was a god.

But his qualifications were very poor, not just ordinary poor, which made it difficult for Jiang Ziya to accept that others introduced more innate spiritual energy, while he introduced very little innate spiritual energy.

There were all kinds of differences.

Let Jiang Ziya know that he is not a good candidate for cultivation.

Jiang Ziya was feeling melancholy.

Suddenly, the White Crane Boy came to him and said, "Jiang Ziya, the Heavenly Lord is looking for you."

Jiang Ziya was startled and said, "I'll go now."

Jiang Ziya followed the White Crane Boy.

When he arrived in front of the largest palace in East Kunlun, he met Shen Gongbao, who was standing obediently at this moment.

Shen Gongbao saw Jiang Ziya and stepped forward and said, "You are here."

Jiang Ziya said lightly, "Yes."

He felt Shen Gongbao's aura, and his heart became even more uneasy. After such a long period of cultivation, he barely cultivated to the immortal way, which was still the lowest level of earthly immortals.

And if he wanted to cultivate to the level of perfection of earthly immortals.

It is still unknown how much time it would take.

Jiang Ziya felt uncomfortable.

And Shen Gongbao actually had the realm of heavenly immortals, and a pure yang meaning permeated Shen Gongbao's body.

The realm of heavenly immortals requires the soul to be pure yang.

At this time, a voice sounded, saying, "Come in."

Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya did not dare to neglect and entered the palace. Everything in it was very simple.

It fully demonstrated the simplicity of the great way.

Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya hurriedly saluted and said, "Meeting Master, Master is immortal and eternal."

Yuanshi Tianzun's expression remained unchanged and said, "Ziya, how much time have you been in the mountain, remember."

Jiang Ziya quickly replied: "Master, I have been practicing in the mountains for nearly three hundred years. I don't know why Tianzun asked."

Shen Gongbao next to him seemed redundant. Yuanshi Tianzun never looked at him, which made Shen Gongbao very unhappy.

I don't understand why.

Shen Gongbao thought he was better than Jiang Ziya.

He had better qualifications and a higher realm, while Jiang Ziya was just a barely accomplished immortal.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Ziya, you are not destined to be immortal, and your qualifications are even lower. Go down the mountain..."

Jiang Ziya's face was gloomy.

He didn't expect this to be the outcome. He thought that even if his qualifications were poor, he could practice slowly, but he didn't expect Tianzun to let him go down the mountain.

Jiang Ziya said anxiously: "Tianzun, I yearn for the immortal way and have no interest in the wealth of the world. I hope Tianzun will not drive me down the mountain."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I don't want to drive you down the mountain, but your future is not in the immortal way."

Yuanshi Tianzun said it.

There was no reason to change it, Jiang Ziya could only accept it, although he was very unwilling, but there was no way, he was just a terrestrial immortal.

How could he disobey the order of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun said to Shen Gongbao beside him: "You too."

Shen Gongbao was stunned...

He thought it was only Jiang Ziya who went down the mountain, and he had nothing to do. Shen Gongbao asked himself that he had good qualifications and wanted to see Jiang Ziya's joke.

But he also had to go down the mountain.

Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya could only pack up their things honestly, bid farewell to the creatures who were also seeking the Tao in Kunlun Mountain, and went down the mountain, although Jiang Ziya was reluctant.

He wanted to stay in this holy place for cultivation.

Jiang Ziya went to Chaoge, where he had relatives.

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