The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 464: The Soul Returns to the List of Gods

Li Jing said: "Fellow Taoist, it was my third son who shot this arrow with the Qiankun Bow. I thought it was an unintentional mistake because he was young. I hope you, Taoist, will let my son go."

"It's impossible. Now that we've found out who it is, Li Jing... hand over your son quickly, otherwise don't blame my men for being ruthless."

Shiji had no intention of letting Nezha go.

She just wanted to avenge her son at the moment.

Regardless of whether this person did it intentionally or not, as long as Nezha died, it would be fine.

Li Jing still wants to talk about it.

I felt my spiritual thoughts spread, and my heart sank, and I understood that the other party was looking for Nezha. With the mystery of my spiritual thoughts, I could find Nezha very quickly.

Li Jing had no doubts.

"found it."

Shi Ji secretly thought that she already knew where Nezha was, so she headed towards where Nezha was.

Li Jing wanted to stop him.

It's just that with his strength, it's unrealistic to stop the opponent, and Shi Ji has disappeared.

Li Jing was very worried about Nezha's safety.

Shi Qian was as fast as lightning. He saw Nezha in the blink of an eye and said, "You are Nezha."

"Exactly, I don't know what's going on."

Nezha saw a woman suddenly appear in front of him. With his keen perception, he could sense how powerful she was.

Shi Ji's eyes were deep and he said, "Just admit it."

"Why do you want to kill me? I don't remember having any grudges with you."

Nezha was very confused. This was the first time he saw her and he didn't understand why she wanted his life.

Shi Ji said: "Not long ago, you bent your bow and arrow and shot my boy to death. Is this the case? I saw your eyes flashing, and you must have wanted to defend yourself, but Li Jing has already told me."

A sword appeared in Shi Ji's hand.

The name is Tai'a, and there is a cold sword light flowing from the sword. The flowing cold light can cut through all things.

A sword in hand.

He raised his hand and struck out with a sword. The light of the sword was swift and headed towards Nezha. When Nezha saw this scene, without any hesitation, he swung out the Qiankun Circle that was already ready to strike.

Collision with Shi Ji's sword light.

Although Nezha's treasure is more powerful, he is not strong enough to withstand Shi Ji's sword light, but the sword light is slightly deflected.

Let Nezha avoid it.

Nezha's realm is his biggest shortcoming. Compared with Shi Ji, who is in the Golden Immortal realm, he is like a firefly, able to deflect Shi Qong's sword light.

This is the credit of the Qiankun Circle.

If there was no Qiankun Circle, Nezha would have been cut in half.

Shi Ji said: "I didn't expect your treasure to be so powerful. It can temporarily save your life, but you won't be so lucky next time, and you will soon die."

Nezha was frightened.

Suddenly, two flames rose up under his feet, lifting Nezha's figure up high. These were Hot Wheels. Nezha had them a long time ago, but he didn't use them.

Now he faces his biggest crisis.

Hope to use the speed of Hot Wheels to get rid of Shiji.

"It's useless. I admit that your treasures are very powerful. It just needs you to be equally powerful."

Shi Ji said loudly: "And you are just an Earth Immortal. Although your body is more powerful than the same level, there is no difference to me."

Nezha doesn't care about this.

He is now seriously ill and seeking medical treatment. This Hot Wheel is his last straw. He can only hold on tightly and dare not let go.

Tai'a Sword unleashed its sword energy.

The sword energy was extremely dense, like raindrops falling from the sky. Although the Hot Wheels were very fast, the sword energy was even faster.

He caught up with Nezha in an instant.

At this moment, Nezha was in despair and felt that he was about to die.

But this scene didn't happen.

A majestic fairy tower suddenly appeared above his head, with wisps of blue auspicious energy hanging down, protecting Nezha. Although the sword rain was very thin, there was nothing he could do to Nezha.

Just the auspicious energy that lowered the Xuanqing Immortal Tower... caused ripples.

Shi Ji looked solemn.

Wearing black clothes with patterns of the sun, moon and stars on it, she said, "Who are you and why are you trying to stop me."

"He is my disciple. Tell me why I want to stop you. You can go. After all, Nezha is at fault in this matter." Chen Sheng's figure appeared and said: "If you chase him, it will be even."

Shi Ji was unwilling and said, "He killed my boy. I won't let him go like this. I will only let him pay with his life."

"You can't pay with your life." Chen Sheng said with a deep look, "You'd better leave, don't insist on having your own way."

Shi Ji observed Chen Sheng carefully and said: "I think you are only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, lower than my level. Since you and he are master and disciple, and you have taught such a disciple, you also have a responsibility, so... I will I will send you, master and disciple, into the underworld together.”

Chen Sheng's face became solemn.

He felt that Nezha was at fault first and wanted to spare his life. He did not expect that this woman was so arrogant and wanted to kill him as well.

I really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

Nezha's expression changed. He felt that his master might not be able to defeat this woman, and he felt guilty for bringing the enemy here, even if he died.

Now he wants to implicate Master.

Nezha said: "Master, I shouldn't have come."

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "It's okay."

The more Chen Sheng behaves like this, the more embarrassed Nezha becomes.

Lowered his head.

Powerful sword auras attacked again. They were far different from the sword auras attacking Nezha. In Shi Ji's opinion, Nezha... was an existence that could be easily dealt with.

Naturally, not much force was used.

But Chen Sheng is different.

Shi Ji and Chen Sheng are both at the Golden Immortal level, so Shi Ji will naturally go all out, even though her level is higher.

But don’t dare to look down upon it.

The dense rain of swords hit the defense of the Xuanqing Immortal Tower. The Xuanqing Immortal Tower was refined by Chen Sheng when he had not yet achieved the Yukong Realm. Now he has achieved the Yukong Realm comparable to the Golden Immortal.

Naturally there are some shortcomings.

The Xuanqing Immortal Pagoda was a little shaky, and Chen Sheng secretly thought that he should refining the Xuanqing Immortal Pagoda to strengthen the defensive power of the treasure, otherwise he would encounter more powerful creatures.

Wouldn't it be easily broken?

Chen Sheng looked at Shi Ji, holding the innate spiritual treasure Terminator Sword in his hand, and thought to himself: "I originally wanted to let you live, but you are so ignorant of life and death, so I'll cut off your body and send you to the list of gods."

He held the innate divine sword high.

The blazing sword light soared into the sky, and this phenomenon could be seen from far away. When a sword was struck, the power of this sword was extremely powerful.

Heading straight towards Shiji.

She only felt that she was locked by a supreme force, and it would be useless even if she escaped to the ends of the earth. She was very wary and felt that this sword was too extraordinary.

She just changed her mind.

The sword light had already arrived, and it was almost at its peak, and Shi Ji was struck.


The real body was cut off, and there was a stone on the spot. This was the prototype of Shi Ji. Shi Ji's soul had disappeared. Chen Sheng knew what was going on.

This moment is the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

Shiji's soul has been taken away by the list of gods. When she is named a god in the future, she will be able to see the light of day again, but she will not be free at that time.

Chen Sheng's eyes were deep.

She sighed a little for Shi Ji. She just told her to leave but didn't listen. Once he takes action.

It was a thunderous blow.

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