The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 457: I can burn your body into nothingness

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

Ao Han looked grim. He was waiting in the Dragon Palace. He thought Li Jing would send his son to his door, but he did not wait for this moment to come.

Ao Han's eyes were dim.

He saw the Nine Provinces barrier through time and space. The majestic and deep barrier shone brightly. He knew that this barrier was very powerful. Even if he was a Golden Immortal.

He would be suppressed by a great deal of power.

If ordinary creatures in the East China Sea died in the hands of humans.

He would just pretend that he had not seen it and would not want to go to the Nine Provinces barrier to take revenge at all. However, it was his son who died this time, which overwhelmed the Dragon King Ao Han's reason.

He could not sit and watch his son die like this.

And the culprit was still alive and well.

Dragon King Ao Han felt the vast power in his body and finally made up his mind to avenge his son. He would not retreat even if he had to take risks.

"Let's go..."

The mighty voice resounded throughout the Dragon Palace. Outside the Dragon Palace, shrimp soldiers and crab generals gathered, waiting for an order from the Dragon King Ao Han.

The Dragon King walked out of the palace with a dignified look.

Seeing the mighty and majestic Dragon Army, he gained confidence, knowing that even if his power would be greatly suppressed, there was still the Dragon Army, and the final victory was guaranteed.

"Father, we are ready and can go to avenge my third brother."

A dragon wearing bright silver armor took a few steps and said loudly: "Let others know that my dragon clan is not easy to mess with. If it was the human race during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, my dragon clan would naturally be more careful, but now it is not the case. How can Chentangguan go against the dragon clan."


Dragon King Ao Han looked at his eldest son.

Thinking of the third prince with the highest qualifications, but he didn't expect that the third prince was dead.

The dragon army marched towards Chentangguan in a mighty manner.

Mighty and majestic, they believed that they could easily break through Chentang Pass without any difficulty. This was their confidence. They had contempt for the human race, and the human race was very weak.

This was the inherent impression of the dragon race.

Although the human race also had extremely powerful creatures, there were not many such creatures.


Before the dragon race arrived at Chentang Pass, there was a large human army on Chentang Pass.

Among the army of Chentang Pass.

There were also cultivators, but they were not too powerful, and they were facing the elite division of the dragon race, which was not something they could deal with at all.

At this moment, Li Jing looked ugly.

He looked at the dragon army held up by a cloud in the sky. He had never thought that the dragon race would mobilize so many troops and so many dragons came.

He didn't know how to deal with it.

"Dragon King, what do you mean? This is just a personal grudge. Why do we need to send out a large army?" Li Jing said to the Dragon King, "Why don't we discuss it?"

The Dragon King looked at Li Jing below and said, "As long as Nezha dies, all this can end. Otherwise, let the people of Chentang Pass and your lives be buried with my son."

Li Jing was angry and furious.

Looking at the countless human races next to him, his duty was to protect the people of Chentang Pass, but now the words of the Dragon King undoubtedly put these people's lives in danger.

But Li Jing had no way out. His strength plus the people around him.

It was obviously not enough to deal with the Dragon King.

"My son, hide. Now is not the time for you to come out." Madam Yin looked at the scene in front of her and Nezha beside her, and said reluctantly.

Nezha smiled and said, "Mother, they want my life now. If I don't come out, they won't leave. Maybe today is my memorial day."

"I won't let you say that..." Madam Yin said in a trance, "You are still young, only seven years old. This is not your fault, but the dragon race is strong and we are not opponents. It would be better if we were stronger."

Nezha said, "It would be better if my master was here. Maybe he would have a solution."

"Even if your master was here, it would be difficult to solve it. The Dragon King of the East China Sea is a Daluo Jinxian. Although he is in the land of the human race, the power he can exert will be greatly limited, but it is not something we can deal with, not to mention that there is such a powerful dragon army. Your master is very powerful, but it is impossible to defeat the Dragon King and the dragon army." Madam Yin shook her head. She did not hold out hope.

Nezha looked at his mother with a gloomy expression.

He understood the power of the Dragon Race of the East China Sea even more. Looking around, he saw that the expressions on the faces of other human races were very gloomy.

He looked gloomy.

He walked out of the crowd step by step, looked at Ao Han in the clouds, and said loudly: "If I die, can you let Chentangguan go and not pursue them?"

"Of course." Dragon King Ao Han said word by word: "I am not a murderous person. As long as you pay for my son's life, Chentangguan will naturally be spared."

It's not that the Dragon King is kind.

But Dragon King Ao Han is worried that if he destroys Chentangguan, there will be disasters in the future. The Emperor Dongji Qinghua in the Heavenly Court is the first ancestor of the human race. He has a lot of power in the Heavenly Court. Even if they don't deal with him openly.

But the power in secret is not weak at all.

That's why Dragon King Ao Han said so. If the human race is really weak and can be bullied, then the Dragon King will not have any scruples.

Honghuang is a world where the strong prey on the weak.

This has not changed from beginning to end. Only strength can make people afraid, not other things.

Nezha looked at the world sadly.

He is only seven years old now, but is about to die. Nezha is very unwilling. When he hears his mother say that she is going to fight, he just smiles and comforts his mother.

He said that if we continue to fight, all the people in Chentangguan will die.

When Mrs. Yin heard what Nezha said, she felt very depressed.

But she couldn't think of a solution, so she could only watch what happened. She saw Nezha walking up to a soldier and taking a long sword from the soldier's hand.

This sword flashed with cold light.

One look could easily kill someone.

Nezha looked at Dragon King Ao Han and said loudly: "Dragon King, you must remember what you said."

At this moment, I heard Dragon King Ao Han say: "Nezha, you can't commit suicide with a sword. You are not an ordinary creature. Although the handle is very sharp, it is just a mortal weapon. You have to use the method I gave you to commit suicide." "

"What can I do?" Nezha shouted.

A flame appeared in the hand of Dragon King Ao Han, and the flame was leaping. The Dragon King explained: "This is the spiritual fire born in the submarine volcano. It is very powerful and can easily burn your body into nothingness."

Li Jing and Mrs. Yin looked ugly.

Dragon King Aohan wanted to make Nezha's body disappear. They wanted to say something, but they felt the power of the dragon army, wind, rain, thunder and lightning lingering there. This kind of power was not something they could deal with.

I can only swallow back what I want to say.

Dragon King Ao Han threw the flame, and the flame floated in front of Nezha. He wavered slightly and said, "As long as you enter the flame, you will be reduced to ashes."

After Dragon King Ao Han finished speaking, the flames became huge.

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