The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 456: Our human race is not inferior to the dragon race

Nezha said quietly: "I only blame you for killing my attendant, so I have to let you pay with your life."

"They just have a cheap life, and I am a divine dragon that travels in the sky and sea, an extremely noble race." The third prince shouted when he saw that Nezha wanted to take the life of two humans.

Nezha was unmoved and said: "No matter how noble you are, you will die soon and I will pull out your dragon tendons."

"You are a devil, are you really only seven years old?" the third prince said in disbelief.

Nezha didn't answer.

Instead, he pulled out the dragon tendons of the third prince, and a huge dragon cry resounded throughout the world. A Yaksha in the sea looked at this scene with fear. This was the third prince.

He actually died in the hands of the human race.

Yasha felt that a huge storm was about to come, a big one.

In the end, the third prince died and Nezha also left.

There was only one dragon corpse left floating on the sea. Many creatures in the sea received huge benefits, and the dragon's blood was eaten by them. You must know that the ancestor dragon made many creatures have dragon blood in their bodies.

But now this creature with dragon blood has encountered the dragon blood of the golden dragon.

This will naturally benefit them.

In the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is sitting on the main throne, with a golden crown hanging down. He looks down majestically.

A Yaksha is kneeling on the ground.

"Dragon King, the third prince died at the hands of a human. This human not only killed the third prince, but also pulled out the dragon tendons. The third prince suffered tremendous pain. It was so tragic."

He listened to Yaksha's report.

There was a golden light overflowing from the dragon's eyes, which was extremely terrifying. He did not expect that his son would die so miserably. Not only was he killed.

The dragon's tendons were still pulled out.

The Dragon King could imagine the pain.

"My son, don't worry, my father will be avenged by you." The Dragon King murmured to himself.


An incomparable terrifying power surged out and spread to the boundless sea, churning up boundless waves in the sea. Those creatures who were lucky enough to be able to swallow the third prince's dragon blood.

At this moment, he was in bad luck.

When the Dragon King sensed the aura of the Third Prince on their bodies, they were crushed into powder by an extremely powerful force, returned to the sea, and dissipated.

As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and no one can see clearly until the last moment.

The Dragon King left the Dragon Palace.

Scenes from the past appeared in front of his eyes. He was Daluo Jinxian. He could look at the past and clearly see a young boy.

Killed the third prince.

This scene deeply hurt the Dragon King's heart.

For Daluo Jinxian, he naturally knew who this young man was.

The Dragon King walked out of the palace alone.

When he saw the land, he frowned deeply, not because of anything else, but because there was an extremely deep layer of light in front of his eyes, which ordinary people could not see.

It will just be treated as if it doesn't exist.

But for a Daluo Jinxian like the Dragon King, it is different. The light film does more harm than good to him. He has nothing to do with this light film, even if he can destroy the light film.

He didn't dare to do it either.

This was built by Emperor Yu, whose magical powers were a hundred times better than his.

If nothing happened, the Dragon King would not walk into the light film, and the barrier would greatly weaken his power, which he would never accept before.

But at this moment, the Dragon King could only bite the bullet and walk into it.

Unless he doesn't want to avenge his child, he doesn't have to get into it.

The Dragon King walked into it.

He felt that an inexplicable power was lingering. Although there was no manifestation, the Dragon King knew that the power of his attack would be greatly weakened.

This is the reason why the human race will become a forbidden area for the strong.

After finally cultivating a body of strength, he was in the land of the human race.

It is easy for the boat to capsize in the gutter, which they absolutely cannot accept.

So I had to stay away from where the humans were.

The Dragon King soon arrived at Chentangguan.

Enter the General Military Mansion.

Li Jing met the Dragon King. He was the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan. He had some dealings with the Dragon King and even visited the Dragon Palace several times.

Li Jing stepped forward and said, "I don't know what the Dragon King is doing here, but he has something to do."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea saw Li Jing and said, "Li Jing, you gave birth to a good son. You killed my third prince of the Dragon Palace and pulled out the dragon tendon."

When the Dragon King said this, his voice was fierce.

"How is this possible? How could my son have such a skill?" Li Jing couldn't believe it.

"How is it impossible?" The Dragon King sneered: "Your son has an extraordinary treasure. Even a Daluo Jinxian may not have such a powerful treasure. My son was trapped by Hong Ling without checking for a while and was eventually killed. "


Li Jing felt like his head was pounding. His son had killed the Dragon King's third son. It was a disaster no matter how you looked at it. What surprised Li Jing even more was that Nezha could be killed by the Dragon King's son.

He was speechless for a moment.

The Dragon King continued: "Li Jing, please hand over your son quickly and let me handle it. I will consider letting Chentangguan live, otherwise the people in Chentangguan will pay the price for your Nezha's actions."

The Dragon King is gone.

Although he was extremely angry, he had not been carried away. Although the human race was not strong on the surface, its secret strength frightened even the Dragon King. The East China Sea Dragon Clan provoked Shen Nong.

Shennong came to the door.

At this moment, Dragon King Ao Han is the son of the original Dragon King Ao Guang. He was suppressed by Shennong and the younger brother of Ao Zhen under the earth. Dragon King Ao Guang was because of that incident.

Depressed and unhappy, he resigned from the position of Dragon King.

The current East Sea Dragon King Ao Han is very cautious.

He wants Li Jing to hand over Nezha himself.


General's Mansion.

Li Jing saw Nezha and said angrily: "Why did you kill the Third Prince of the East Sea? Don't you know that this will cause a big disaster?"

"He killed A Da and A Er." Nezha said dimly.

A Da and A Er are Nezha's attendants.

It can also be said that he watched Nezha grow up and spent more time with Nezha than his parents, so he was so angry.

Li Jing saw Nezha with a dim expression and said: "The father of the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan, the East Sea Dragon King, has the strength of a Daluo Jinxian, and is not an existence we can deal with."

Nezha said: "Father, I've caused you trouble."

Li Jing's eyes were complicated.

He didn't know what to say, but when he thought of the extremely powerful East Sea Dragon King, he had a headache.

Should Nezha be handed over?

At this time, a woman came in and said, "My son did nothing wrong. His life as the third prince of the dragon clan is his life, and the lives of Ada and Aer are not theirs... We humans are not inferior to the dragon clan."


Nezha had tears in his eyes and felt warm in his heart.

"Child, don't be afraid. Even if you fight to the death with the dragon clan, you can't bow your head." Madam Yin said righteously.

She didn't want to hand Nezha over at all, even if she had to face Ao Han, the Golden Immortal.

It was the same.

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