The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 453: Nezha is born

Xuanhua Mountain.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes from cultivation. At this moment, he was stronger and had made new breakthroughs on the road of Hunyuan, despite this.

His expression was very calm.

It does not cause violent fluctuations in the mind for the sake of more powerful power.

His eyes were deep.

Clearly seeing the scene in his future body at this moment, he easily killed a strong Golden Immortal who was trying to harm him, allowing the innate divine ban in the Terminator Sword to be derived again.

This innate spiritual treasure is too miraculous.

Generally, the grade of an innate spirit treasure when it is born will remain the same grade in the end, but the Terminator Sword can increase the grade, which is much more mysterious than ordinary innate spirit treasures.

If known by other creatures.

I don't know how many creatures would want it, after all, it was an innate spiritual treasure that could improve its level.

It's so heartwarming.

Chen Yuan looked away and no longer observed the situation of his future body.

But he said that many inhumane things happened in Chaoge.

As a nine-tailed demon fox, Su Daji was extremely cruel. She never took what Nuwa said to her to heart. Perhaps she had been infected by the aura of great calamity.

She wants to kill all the creatures that are malicious to her.

Moreover, simply killing people was not enough to soothe her soul. She invented many criminal laws, and the colors of the creatures changed after hearing these criminal laws.

It feels too cruel.

There are cannons, poisonous snakes, and all kinds of punishments, which make Daji, the nine-tailed demon fox, even more feared by others.

The main thing is that Di Xin obeyed Su Daji's words.

Otherwise, even if Su Daji had great ability, he would not be able to cause any trouble. It was a pity that Di Xin had been completely confused by Su Daji.

Many ministers in the court were killed by him.

Time passes.

After many winters and summers, there was a place called Chentangguan near the East China Sea, where many human races lived.

The most powerful among them is Li Jing of Chentangguan.

On this day, Li Jing looked at the back room nervously. It was not because his wife was about to give birth to a child, but his wife had been pregnant for a long time.

Much longer than normal.

At this moment, we are on Xuanhua Mountain.

Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Chen Yuan looked at Lingzhu half-kneeling on the ground and said, "Are you ready?"

Ling Zhuzi asked in a deep voice: "Why reincarnate? Isn't it bad like this?"

Chen Yuan looked at the ancient world outside with confused eyes and said: "I don't want you to be reincarnated, but you want your reincarnation. I don't know the inside story. You will understand the answer yourself in the future."

Lingzhuzi was very puzzled and said: "Tianzun, I am very sure that I do not have such thoughts in my mind at this moment. Although my magic power is not high and I am just a firefly compared to Tianzun, I can still be sure of my thoughts."

Chen Yuan said: "It's another you, the you that has disappeared. If you don't want to, don't force it."

Lingzhuzi was silent for a while, and said in a seductive voice: "Although I don't have such thoughts in my mind at the moment, I know that Tianzun will not lie to me. It's just that once reincarnated, I will lose my memory. I don't know when it will recover. I'm still very unsure. She Xuanhua Mountain, this is my home.”

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep.

Another Ling Zhuzi's words are not false.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but look at where Chentangguan was and said, "I'll send you to reincarnation."

Lingzhuzi said nothing.

All he saw was a brilliant light rising up and covering him, and then he disappeared without a trace.

Reincarnated with him and there are treasures.

They are all extremely powerful treasures.

Chen Yuan was an expert in refining weapons and had also refined some good treasures over the years. He selected a few treasures for Nezha to take with him, otherwise he would inevitably be bullied by other creatures based on his magic power alone.

Of course this is not possible.

No matter what, Nezha is a creature that has stepped out of Xuanhua Mountain, and it is not the turn of other creatures to bully him.


At this moment, a sky-wide red light appeared in the sky and the earth. The red light was so vast that it dyed a large area of ​​the sky red. Many creatures looked at this scene in surprise.

I don't know what happened.

At this time, a Taoist saw this scene. He was very surprised. He quickly made a hand and chanted a mantra, and immediately knew that a living being was born.

The past about this creature is very vague.

If he wanted to explore, he would feel nothingness, as if it was covered by the supreme power.

He gave up his intention to investigate.

But I felt a vague fate, which seemed to be the relationship between master and apprentice, but this relationship between master and apprentice was very illusory, so Taiyi Zhenren left for Chentangguan.

After arriving...

Seeing a strong man of the Golden Immortal level walking in, Master Taiyi quickly walked in as well.

In the eyes of Master Taiyi, this person is a being of the Golden Immortal level, and it is Chen Sheng. It is certainly no coincidence that he came here to accept a disciple.

At this time, Li Jing was slashing towards a round ball.

There was red light filling the ball, but it was struck by Li Jing, and a baby jumped out of it. This baby grew up when it saw the wind.

He grew very tall in the blink of an eye.

His eyes were very smart, but without the memory of his previous life, Nezha felt a different energy.

He hid behind this energy.

He looked at Li Jing who was holding a sword with fear. He was born with extremely keen spiritual sense and had achieved good results through practice in his previous life.

Of course something can be seen.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Sheng said leisurely: "General, tiger poison will not eat its children, so why do you want to kill your children?"

Li Jing looked at Chen Sheng and said, "He is a monster. Monsters and humans cannot coexist. I am not only a human, but also an official appointed by the court. Naturally, I cannot tolerate the birth of a monster in front of me. Only by destroying it as soon as possible can we better protect the people."

"But this is your son, who has been pregnant by your wife for three years."

Chen Sheng was wearing green clothes. The wind blowing in from outside blew the corners of his clothes. He said, "If you kill your own son, how can you continue to protect the people..."

"But he is clearly a monster, jumping out of a ball. I was clearly not wrong just now." Li Jing said, "If he is not a monster, what is he."

Chen Sheng smiled "He has an extraordinary background, you don't need to know for the time being, I came here to accept him as a disciple."

Taiyi Zhenren's face changed a little. He confirmed that Chen Sheng and he were both here to accept disciples, and said: "General Li, I am also here to accept disciples. Just now I saw the red clouds in the sky, and I knew that your son had extraordinary talent, so I came to accept disciples."

Li Jing said: "I don't know what your background is."

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "I don't have much background. I just served as the chief priest in Chaoge, and I have some shallow Taoism."

Li Jing carefully sensed it and felt that a mighty force was running in Chen Sheng's body. He immediately realized that he was being modest, and he hurriedly bowed.

In terms of rank, Chen Sheng was higher than him, and said: "Hello, chief priest. I have heard that the chief priest is unfathomable before. Today I see that it is indeed worthy of the reputation."

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