The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 452 Immortal Tribulation

Chen Sheng knew that the growth of the world required not only innate spiritual energy.

It also required the laws of the Great Dao.

The essence of the Great Dao was the power of order.

The power of order could constrain the heaven and earth. If there was no power of order, the world would not be orderly and would become chaos. The end world in Chen Sheng's body had just taken shape.

To make the world grow.

Chen Sheng also needed to comprehend more and more of the Great Dao of End.

This would make the world bigger and bigger, and in this process, Chen Sheng would have more and more power.

The small world would be the source of Chen Sheng's mana.

Chen Sheng looked at the world in his dantian and felt that it was too small. He was used to the vastness of the world, and even the small world was far larger than this world.

At most, it was larger than when the original body was in Buzhou Mountain.

The world created by collecting the two energies of heaven and earth was larger.

But this was not something to be proud of. When Chen Yuan opened up the world, he used only a small amount of the two energies of heaven and earth because of constant failures. Otherwise, he could have created a much larger world.

The world in Chen Sheng's body was three thousand miles in radius.

It is not very big. Compared to the area of ​​the prehistoric world, it is equivalent to a speck of dust, but he knows that this is the beginning. There is a small world in the body.

There will be a new beginning.

In the future, the small world will grow extremely huge.

There will be the reproduction of all the spirits of heaven and earth, becoming a different world, a world inside a living being, and the living being inside will not know it.

They are in the body of a living being.

Chen Sheng suddenly looked up at the world.

There is also the endless chaos. If there is an unspeakable powerful existence, the entire chaos is his inner world. Will there be such a powerful creature? The future body does not know.

Chen Sheng stood up.


Endless lightning appeared above the sky and earth, gathering into thunderclouds, a dark mass, and there were lightning snakes constantly wandering and leaping.

Chen Sheng looked up.

This scene is not unfamiliar. When he became a realm comparable to the earthly immortals.

There were endless heavenly tribulations coming down, which were going to turn Chen Sheng into ashes. This is normal heavenly tribulation thunder, even if Chen Sheng practiced martial arts.

There will also be tribulation thunder.

The thunderbolt can only sense the realm. As long as you become a terrestrial immortal or the realm equivalent to a terrestrial immortal, there will be thunderbolts, and this calamity is an immortal calamity.

Because the creatures in this realm have endless lifespans.

It will greatly invade the creation of heaven and earth, so when breaking through this realm, thunderbolts will fall, and the thunderbolts will be extremely blazing, and endless lightning will jump in the world.

The creatures nearby are terrified.

The demons will also experience the calamity of transformation, and they are even more afraid of thunderbolts.

On a mountain not far away, a creature with a strong breath looked at the thunderbolts, his eyes were like lightning, and he smiled.

He felt that a prey had appeared.

A being who had just broken through to become a golden immortal would certainly not be too powerful.

And if you can become a golden immortal, you may have powerful treasures on your body, the man in blue thought so.

It would be good if you can get it.


The thunderbolts fell one after another, thicker than a bucket. If ordinary creatures were definitely afraid of the heavenly calamity, Chen Sheng was not among them.

The world Taoist who controls the calamity.

Chen Sheng would not be in danger, even though to outsiders, Chen Sheng's calamity was an extremely powerful nine-nine heavenly calamity, and the thunder kept wandering on Chen Sheng's body.


At a level that outsiders could not see.

In this process.

Chen Sheng's body became stronger and stronger, and after destruction, there was a new life.

The body was constantly destroyed and regenerated.

He could clearly feel the increasingly powerful force, and this process kept repeating until the moment when the calamity thunder dissipated.

He clenched his right fist.

Feeling the blood in his body rushing like a river, constantly washing, making the power contained in the body stronger and stronger, and more powerful.

He punched slightly.

Then there were wind, thunder, water and fire, which was too terrifying.

Chen Sheng smiled and thought to himself: "I am getting stronger and stronger, and I also got an innate spiritual treasure, not bad."

Yuanshen space.

Taiyi, wearing a golden robe, saw a world in Dantian. Although in his eyes at this time, this world could be destroyed by a wave, and he could have such a world in the chaos of the sky.

I don't know how many have been opened up.

Each one is larger than this one.

But the world in Dantian is different.

It represents a new path of cultivation, which incorporates a world into the body. Every move is accompanied by the power of a world, plus the power of the physical body and the power of the soul.

All these powers add up.

It is even more extraordinary.

Taiyi smiled and said, "The martial arts you have opened up are extraordinary, but you killed Luo Xuan, a disciple of Tongtian this time, so I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

The world continued, "But don't worry too much. Tongtian will not do anything to you personally. You destroyed his physical body in an upright manner, and there is a premise that the difference between you and Luo Xuan is a great realm. It's just that Luo Xuan's friends may not be kind to you."

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "It's nothing. When the enemy comes, the general will fight, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it."

Taiyi walked in front of Chen Sheng's soul and said, "If you are willing to worship me as your master, then I can protect you uprightly."

The world came over happily and said, "You can worship me. As long as you have the power to protect yourself, I will expel you from the sect. How about that? You will still be free then."

"You two want to take advantage of me and want to be my master. We are brothers. It's too much." Chen Sheng was angry and felt that the intentions of these two people were too sinister. Even if they wanted to protect him There is no need to become a disciple.

Just find any reason.

The reason is clear when you think about it.

Taiyi smiled and said: "This is only temporary. Think about it, if you become a disciple of Donghuang Taiyi, you will not be allowed to run amok in the entire vast wilderness."

The world also said: "As long as you become my disciple, I will pass on the position of Heavenly Emperor to you and become Heavenly Emperor. What a prominent status this is."

Chen Sheng said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, the Great Emperor Gouchen of Xiji, who controls all the thunders, has great power and responsibilities, but you have left them vacant. You just built a palace complex in Daluotian. There are some creatures placed there, but it’s actually just an empty frame.”

Shi Shi smiled and said: "It's enough to have an empty shelf to deal with Hongjun."

Chen Sheng said: "Who do you want to pass this position to in the future?"

Shi Shi said: "I have thought about this matter in my heart. I am too strong. If I am in charge... In the entire heaven, Haotian does not dare to have the idea of ​​​​confronting me, but it will not do me any good to dominate the heaven like this."

"Other saints will also have objections to me, and they have to devote a lot of effort to managing the heaven. I will not do such a thankless task. I just haven't decided who to pass on the throne of the emperor to. , after all, there are no disciples.”

Chen Sheng suddenly said: "There is a little mouse in the outside world who no longer wants to live, so I will send him to the underworld."

After saying that... he turned his attention to the outside world.

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