The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 438: The Beginning of the Conferred God

The demon flag is in Taiyi's hands. The real ruler of the demon clan is Taiyi, not Nuwa.

Otherwise, more demons will recognize Nuwa.

Nuwa said: "It's good that some of you recognize me, so I don't have to waste my breath."

The nine-tailed fox spirit said tremblingly: "I don't know why the queen came to Xuanyuan Tomb. Are you blaming us for occupying this Xuanyuan Tomb? But you are the emperor of the demon clan, you shouldn't favor the human race."

Nuwa looked leisurely, and didn't get angry because of the nine-tailed fox spirit's words. She said: "Of course not, this Xuanyuan Tomb has nothing to do with me. This time I came here to ask you to do something. I wonder if you are willing."

The nine-tailed demon fox is the boss among the three demons.

The nine-tailed demon fox wanted to refuse.

After all, it was something that Nuwa asked them to do. You have to know what kind of existence Nuwa is, the supreme saint, the supreme of the heavens, something she can't do.

How could it be easy...

Although the nine-tailed fox wanted to refuse, she couldn't say it. She was just a demon fairy, and there was no comparison with the great power of Nuwa. She could only agree: "Whatever you want, just tell me."

This is also the helplessness of the weak.

Nuwa was very satisfied to see that the nine-tailed fox did not shirk her responsibility, and said: "You three demons listen to my orders and go to the palace to confuse the king's heart in the future. At this time, the saint has been born in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the destiny has been determined, but you can't harm all living beings. After the matter is done, I will help you achieve the right result."

The nine-tailed fox was terrified, but he also wanted the right result very much.

Di Xin is the current emperor.

He has infinite luck, and there are countless immortals, demons, gods and monsters watching Chaoge.

Even if there are immortals with high realms, don't think that they can harm Di Xin, and confuse Di Xin in a place where there are dragons and tigers. That's not living.

If you want to die, you can't die like this.

But it was Nuwa who said this, not others.

Although reluctant, under the attraction of the positive result, the nine-tailed fox spirit agreed with her two sisters.

Willing to go and confuse Emperor Xin.

The reason why Nuwa looked for these three monsters is that the three monsters have lived in Xuanyuan Tomb for many years, and they have been contaminated with the aura of the emperor. Even if they are close to the real dragon emperor, they will not show their true form.

Other monsters do not have this ability.

And the three monsters live in Xuanyuan Tomb.

They stole Xuanyuan's incense and formed a cause and effect, and they must pay back.

Nuwa also has good intentions.

As long as the three monsters can keep their kindness, they can get out in the end.

But if the three monsters do not take Nuwa's advice to heart, they will not have a good end.


In Chaoge.

Emperor Xin has lost a lot of weight.

He has no appetite all day long. This is because when he came back from Nuwa Palace and saw such a beautiful Nuwa, although he wrote poems on the wall, he could not relieve Emperor Xin's heart.

He wanted more.

When Emperor Xin returned to the palace, he saw that there were many beautiful people in the three palaces and six courtyards. Emperor Xin also thought they were beautiful before, but now they looked very ordinary.

He felt a little boring...

On this day, Fei Zhong went to the palace to meet the emperor.

Fei Zhong was Emperor Xin's favorite minister. Fei Zhong was very good at catering to Emperor Xin's preferences.

Only then would he be liked by Emperor Xin.

After Fei Zhong entered the palace, he said: "Your Majesty, may you live forever."

Emperor Xin said: "I don't know since when, the life span of the emperor has been limited. Even if you can practice, you can't break the limit of life span, and practice is also difficult."

Fei Zhong said: "Your Majesty, you are still young and have a good time to enjoy."

Emperor Xin put aside the things he couldn't change in a blink of an eye, and said: "I have been very sad these days, and I hope you can share my worries."

Fei Zhong said righteously: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty, even if you are torn to pieces, , and will do it for Your Majesty. "

Emperor Xin sighed and said: "You are still loyal, unlike Shang Rong who always makes trouble for me and will not do things that please me."

Fei Zhong said: "I hope Your Majesty will tell you about your troubles."

Emperor Xin did not hide it and said: "When I saw the peerless beauty of Nuwa in Nuwa, I was moved, and there was no one in my harem who could look good, so I was very sad, and I hope you can share my worries. "

Nuwa in the Hongmeng world saw that Emperor Xin had no idea of ​​repentance.

She was completely determined to make Emperor Xin pay the price.

Fei Zhong heard this, and said with a righteous face: "Your Majesty is rich in the world, and you are the king of ten thousand chariots. You are as virtuous as Yao and Shun. There are so many beautiful women in the world. As long as Your Majesty issues an order."

"Let all the princes offer a hundred women, and Your Majesty will select from these women. There will definitely be one that Your Majesty likes."

Emperor Xin said: "My dear minister, you can still share my worries. I will issue an order in the morning court tomorrow, and let all the princes offer beauties."

Emperor Xin couldn't help laughing after saying this, thinking about how wonderful it would be to be surrounded by beauties in the future.

But Emperor Xin didn't expect that his beautiful dream would not last long.

It was broken in the blink of an eye.

After Emperor Xin issued the order, Shang Rong took the lead in opposing it. Faced with such a situation, Emperor Xin had to stop.

Time passed leisurely.

Thirty years.

This day was the day for the princes to meet Emperor Xin. In the Shang Dynasty, the princes had great power and usually stayed in their own one acre and three fen of land.

Being a local emperor behind closed doors.

At this time, Fei Zhong and You Hun were in control of the government. Although the princes were local emperors in their own homes, they could not help but send gifts to Fei Zhong and You Hun in Chaoge. After all, this was not their territory.

This day.

Fei Zhong and You Hun, the two treacherous ministers, checked the gift list and saw that all the princes in the world had given gifts, even the four great princes had given gifts,

but there was still one prince who had not given a gift.

This person was Su Hu.

Su Hu was too upright and was unwilling to give gifts to Fei Zhong and You Hun.

On this day.

Fei Zhong and You Hun found an opportunity to advise Emperor Xin that Su Hu's daughter Su Daji was beautiful and charming.

She was just right to accompany the king.

Emperor Xin was moved by Fei Zhong and You Hun's words, and without thinking too much, he called Su Hu and asked him to offer his daughter.

What kind of character was Su Hu.

How could he be willing to do that? He just didn't get angry in front of him. When he left Chaoge, he wrote on the wall of Chaoge.

"The king has defeated the ministers and has damaged the five constants. Su Hu of Jizhou will never go to Shang."

When Su Hu wrote these big words, he strode away from Chaoge.

Emperor Xin was originally looking forward to the beauty.

Just hearing what Su Hu did made Emperor Xin very angry, so he sent Beibohou Chongbeihu to Jizhou to capture Su Hu.

But Chongbeihu was just a violent levy.

He was no match for Su Hu at all and was easily defeated by Su Hu.

Chongbeihu had a way to escape...

On the way to escape, he met his younger brother Chongheihu.

He was saved.

Because he was chased by Su Hu's son Su Quanzhong.

If there was no strong help, Chongbeihu would be in danger.

This is also why Chongbeihu's fate should not end.

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