The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 437: Nuwa's Wrath

Time passes quietly.

In the Hongmeng Great Thousand World, there is endless wilderness in this world, and there are many magical scenes, such as white lakes and green skies.

There are countless such scenes, too many...

In Hongmeng Tian, ​​there are new changes compared to the past.

Because there are creatures gestating in this world.

Some of the creatures were created by Nuwa herself, and more were taken from the ancient times. After all, creating creatures takes a lot of effort.

It is much more convenient to ingest it from the wilderness.

This makes the originally slightly monotonous world become more vivid and complex.

Creatures are the protagonists of heaven and earth.

Otherwise it's just a dead world.

There is such a place in Hongmengtian, where there is an invisible force field covering it, and the creatures passing by will not know that there is an invisible position here.

In their eyes...

Force fields do not exist. Only Nuwa has such ability in Hongmengtian.

Within the force field.

There is a continuous palace complex, which is very gorgeous and exquisite. In the center, this most magnificent palace exudes noble energy.

This is the Wa Palace.

Nuwa practiced in it, and even a saint did not dare to stop practicing. For a saint, strength is extremely important, if the strength is stronger.

At the Hunyuan level, you will have greater say.

You will not stop practicing just because you have the essence of immortality.

Nuwa, who was cultivating, opened her eyes, and a vast scene appeared in her eyes.

Too appalling.

The supreme energy filled the palace and did not spread out.

Nuwa's Dharma Eyes illuminated the heaven and earth, and she first took a look at things related to her in the world.

Check this out.

Nuwa's face, which was originally calm, suddenly changed.

She saw something that had a lot to do with her, and she even treated her lightly. If you knew what kind of existence Nuwa was, even other Hunyuan saints would not do this.

But now there are creatures who have done it.

This made Nuwa angry and angry, extremely angry...

There is power spreading around Nuwa. This power is so powerful that it can annihilate the boundless world. The terrifying pressure permeates the Hongmeng Great Thousand World, not only within the Hongmeng Great Thousand World.

It also covers the starry sky.

The world of creation created by Chen Yuan is not too far away from the Hongmeng universe. They are both in the starry sky in the east. At this moment, the world of creation is affected and is shaking.

Fortunately, this is just Nuwa's anger.

It is not a display of her true power, otherwise the world of creation will be in danger. A saint can create a thousand worlds, so he will destroy them.

It's also very easy.

Nuwa was about to use the divine channel method to hit Di Xin. Nuwa wanted to destroy a certain creature. It was easy and no difficulty at all.

at this time.

Nuwa noticed the secret.

Tianji told Nuwa that this was not the time for the Shang Dynasty to perish. Emperor Xin was the leader of the Shang Dynasty and Nuwa could not take action.

If someone else said this to Nuwa.

Most likely it won't be useful.

But this is not a living being, but the way of heaven.

Nuwa is a saint and will be restricted by heaven. Nuwa has the idea of ​​​​killing Emperor Xin in her heart, but a sense of crisis emerges.

Nuwa understood that if she resisted the destiny of heaven.

There will definitely be no good fruit to eat...

Nuwa understood that the saints of heaven were also ants. The anger in Nuwa's heart was temporarily suppressed by her. As the anger was suppressed, the power that overwhelmed the starry sky also dissipated. The other saints who saw this scene felt a pity.

Didn't see what they wanted to see.

Other saints wanted to see Nuwa disobeying the destiny of heaven, and wanted to know the consequences of violating the destiny of heaven. Other saints wanted someone to try, but of course not themselves.

Nuwa thought to herself: "I won't be so stupid. I will insist on following the way of heaven. Even if I have to punish Di Xin, there is no way."

Nuwa sat cross-legged on the cloud bed.

His eyes were slightly closed, but he did not enter into cultivation, but wanted to find a way to deal with Di Xin. The saint's mind was like light and lightning, and he had no idea how many thoughts he had in an instant.

Nuwa secretly thought: "The reason why I can't touch Di Xin is because Di Xin is the leader of the Shang Dynasty. At this time, the Shang Dynasty still has some strength, but not much, as long as Di Xin is not wise enough."

"If it arouses the anger of heaven and the people, it will accelerate the destruction of the Shang Dynasty. Then it is natural to change the dynasty."

Nuwa's Dharma Eyes illuminate the universe.

Di Xin's past is all vivid in his mind. The human race was created by Nuwa, and she understands the characteristics and preferences of the human race very well.

A door to space appeared in front of Nuwa.

But Nuwa did not step into it, but a glimmer of light appeared on her body and entered the door of space.

Outside of Chaoge.

The space here fluctuated slightly, and an extremely beautiful figure appeared. This was Nuwa.

Nuwa looked ahead.

There is a Xuanyuan tomb there, which is certainly not the burial place of the Yellow Emperor. At this moment, Xuanyuan is still alive and well in Huoyun Palace. He is half a step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Will not die easily.

This Xuanyuan Tomb is the place where humans commemorate Xuanyuan Huangdi.

Nuwa's lotus steps moved lightly.

Walking into the Xuanyuan Tomb, I saw many monsters in it, but they were not very powerful, and many of them had not even achieved the realm of earthly immortals.

When Nuwa arrived at the depths of Xuanyuan Tomb.

She saw three women, all of whom were beautiful and fragrant, but the most beautiful one was the nine-tailed vixen in the middle. Her eyes and smile made people excited.

And she can't compare with Nuwa.

Nuwa is more beautiful than the nine-tailed vixen.

The three fairies were stunned when they saw a woman of peerless beauty walking into the tomb. You should know that few people come to Xuanyuan Tomb.

Otherwise, they would not have been occupied by a group of fairies.

So they were stunned when they saw Nuwa.

What's more, she was such a beautiful woman.

The nine-tailed fox spirit swore that this was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

The nine-tailed fox always felt that she had seen the person somewhere.

But she couldn't remember where. At this time, she heard the exclamation of the sisters next to her, and saw her sister, the nine-headed chicken spirit, kneeling on the ground.

"Nuwa is immortal and eternal."

Such words made the nine-tailed fox spirit's legs soften. There was no creature in the prehistoric world who was not afraid of seeing the saints and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even if the saints and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had no ill intentions.

They would still be afraid.

There was no other reason...

The gap in power was too huge.

Nuwa looked at the three people kneeling, her expression was leisurely, and she was not in a hurry to speak. Although it was only a wisp of Nuwa's divine thought at this moment, the three monsters still couldn't tell the truth from the false.

They thought it was Nuwa's real body who came here.

Nuwa was not too surprised that the three monsters recognized her.

The monsters have inherited memories.

Of course, not all monsters know Nuwa. Only the ancestors of that monster had a powerful existence and had the honor to see Nuwa.

The image of Nuwa was also engraved into the inherited memory, and the monsters who got the inherited memory would recognize Nuwa.

After all, Nuwa didn't have a demon flag in her hand...

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