The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 189: The Saint Zhunti Visits

At this time, there was a faint golden light filling the sky, which was extremely peaceful.

Qingyou and Kong Xuan were surprised.

The golden light appeared on Xuanhua Mountain, making them confused, but they could clearly feel the powerful power contained in the golden light.

It can overwhelm the world and destroy time and space.

Incomparably powerful, infinite power, it seems that no matter how powerful it is, it is not as powerful as the golden brilliance.


Qingyou and Kong Xuan were surprised when they saw their master, who rarely left the Xuanyuan Taoist Palace, actually walked out of the Taoist Palace at this time. Their master rarely came out.

Thinking of the faint golden light in the sky, they understood that perhaps a supreme saint was coming. Only a saint like this would let his master come out to greet him.

Kong Xuan said curiously: "I don't know which saint came here. Master only had interactions with Empress Nuwa and the leader of the Human Religion. He didn't have much interaction with other saints."

Qingyou said: "The brilliance of Nuwa is not golden, but a kind of purple-like brilliance, and the leader of the Human Sect is not golden either."

Kong Xuan thought for a while and said: "It must be a Western religion. There is a faint Sanskrit sound in the golden light."

At this time, a Taoist with a sallow face appeared on Xuanhua Mountain. When Kong Xuan saw this Taoist.

He felt an infinite power permeating the heaven and earth, as if the boundless heaven and earth were uniting with the Taoist in front of him. He was the incarnation and manifestation of some kind of Taoist path in heaven and earth. Only then did Kong Xuan truly feel the power of the saint.

As high as the sky and as high as the earth.

When Chen Yuan saw the arrival of Saint Zhunti, he didn't think it was a good thing. Saint Zhunti didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and he didn't have any friendship with Chen Yuan.

Coming here rashly today is definitely not a good thing.

The saint has a clear understanding of all things and the vast world. He can see the past, present and future with his eyes, and play time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palms. As soon as the thought moves, there will be changes in the way of heaven. It is infinite and immeasurable. It has no birth and no death. It returns to the silent void. It can be gathered and dispersed. It has no birth and no death. It is indestructible for all eons. It transcends time and space.

Chen Yuan was naturally not bad either. He understood why Saint Zhunti came. To put it nicely, he was a guest. To put it badly, he came to visit.

If a saint wants to dominate the world, he can't avoid the two lich clans. Saints are extremely powerful, except for beings of the same level.

Even if the most powerful quasi-sage is just an ant to a saint, the prehistoric world is not an ordinary world, it is a world opened by Pangu, which transcends the vast world and has extremely powerful rules that envelope the universe.

Saints must also abide by the rules and cannot overturn the table.

The two Lich tribes have great destiny. Saints can move some of the Lich tribes and Demon tribes. This is no problem, but destroying the two tribes is not feasible.

Since it is impossible to use the power of the saint series, this cannot be troubled by the saint. In addition to the terrifying power, the saint also has extremely powerful wisdom.

The realms of Saints and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian have combined part of the great road and can understand most things in the prehistoric world. Unless there is a power of the same level to cover it up, they will not be able to see clearly.

Chen Yuan observed the long river of time and destiny with his eyes, and saw many traces of saints' actions. It was easy to hide from the quasi-sage, but it was extremely difficult to hide from Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan's realm was the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

It is the existence with the highest realm. Among the saints, Laozi relied on the power of heaven to fight Chen Yuan, but the real realm is one level lower than Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan clearly saw that the original ten little Golden Crows lived on the Liguang Island overseas, and an inexplicable little demon appeared. This little demon was influenced by the Zhunti Saint. Of course, the Saint did not end up, but only affected the little demon. .

Only then did ten little Golden Crows leave Liguang Island.

For example, when Xi He knew about the wolf demon, it was because of the power of the saint that Xi He naturally clarified the secret of heaven and let her know.

This made the hesitant Di Jun make up his mind, if it weren't for Xi He's arrival.

Emperor Jun might give up. Empress Nuwa is very important to the Demon Clan. There are always ways to restrain the Witch Clan, and there is no need to use such extreme methods.

There are many such things, and there are saints who add fuel to the flames, making what was originally a small possibility become inevitable.

The wisdom of a saint is profound and unfathomable.

Although he guessed the purpose of coming early, Chen Yuan still asked: "I don't know why the saint came here, which troubled me so much."

The whole body of Saint Zhunti is blooming with layers of golden radiance, which seems to contain a vast universe and infinite time and space.

In his hand, he holds a small tree that looks green but not green, and looks like yellow but not yellow. There is also seven-color precious light flowing on it, and there is a flow of power that shakes the universe.

But it did not spread out, but gathered on this treasure called the 'Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree'.

Zhunti opened his eyes and lied, saying: "Tianzun is the Great Luo Jinxian of Hunyuan, and Pindao is the saint of heaven. They are both the pillars of the ancient world. I just have nothing to do today, and the weather is clear and clear, so I came to the treasure land. "Stay around for a few days."

Although he had already thought about why Zhunti came, he was still a little angry after hearing it. Chen Yuan's realm was extremely profound. After such a long time, he naturally cultivated his state of mind to an extremely lofty realm.

Even though he was a little angry, his expression did not change at all. Chen Yuan said: "Originally, the saint came to be a guest, and I would naturally welcome him. It's just that we have important matters to deal with and it is inconvenient to stay with the saint for a long time."

Zhunti pretended to be angry and said, "It won't be a big deal if you wait for a few days for some unimportant things."

Chen Yuan said: "Well, since the saint said so, I will wait for a few days."

Zhunti turned from anger to joy and said, "That's right."

The reason why Chen Yuan agreed so quickly was not because of anything else. There was another saint outside. Although Chen Yuan's realm was high, saints were not soft persimmons and were easy to deal with.

More importantly, there was another person who was more suitable to solve the current problem than Chen Yuan.

Primordial world.

On the coast of the East China Sea, in the center of the human race.

An ancient palace stood, and the ancient atmosphere was filled.

There were three figures in this palace. The atmosphere was extremely solemn. The air without movement no longer flowed and was completely stagnant.

Finally, Suiren broke the heavy atmosphere and said, "There are countless monsters coming to the human race now. It is difficult to deal with them with our current strength."

Youchao said solemnly, "What did Tianzun say?"

Suiren said, "There is a saint visiting Tianzun."

Saint, that is the supreme being in the prehistoric world. After becoming a Daluo Jinxian, he understood the importance of saints. It is indeed difficult to help them if a saint visits.

But why did the saint visit at this time?

Ziyi said: "It seems that we are the only ones left. The most important thing now is to protect the human race."

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